Glue for foamlex

Adequate insulation is essential for maintaining a warm and comfortable living space. Foam board, sometimes referred to as foamlex, is one common type of insulation. During the winter, Foamlex insulation boards effectively retain heat inside your home because they are lightweight and simple to install. However, selecting the appropriate glue is essential to guaranteeing optimal performance from foamlex insulation.

The adhesive that attaches the insulation boards to the walls, ceilings, and floors of your house is called foamlex glue. This adhesive helps to create a continuous barrier against heat loss in addition to holding the foamlex panels in place. Using the right glue guarantees that your insulation will remain in place and won’t come loose or allow air to seep through, which could reduce its effectiveness.

Compatibility of the glue with the material is one of the main factors to take into account when selecting glue for foamlex. Extruded polystyrene (XPS) or expanded polystyrene (EPS) are the usual materials used to make foamlex boards, and not all adhesives work well to join these materials. Using a glue made especially for foamlex increases the likelihood of a solid, long-lasting bond without compromising the insulation.

It’s also important to take into account the glue’s application technique and drying time. Certain glues are applied with a trowel or notched spreader for more accurate coverage, while others are available in spray form, which is useful for covering large surfaces. Gaining a thorough understanding of the application procedure guarantees that the foamlex panels adhere uniformly.

The durability and overall efficacy of your insulation system can be greatly impacted by the glue you choose for foamlex, whether you’re upgrading the insulation in an existing house or starting a new construction project. Through careful application of a high-quality adhesive that works with foamlex, you can improve your home’s energy efficiency and create a more comfortable living space for many years to come.

Type of Glue Features
Polystyrene Adhesive Specially formulated for bonding foam insulation boards, provides strong adhesion and flexibility.
Construction Adhesive Multi-purpose adhesive suitable for bonding foam boards to various substrates, offers quick drying and high strength.
  1. Methods of fixing foam plex
  2. How to glue foam boards to concrete
  3. Mineral adhesives
  4. How to fix the foam to the grid
  5. How to choose a foam for work by the method of application
  6. Installation tips
  7. Price overview and popular brands
  8. Tips in the work
  9. General description
  10. How to properly use the adhesive for foamlex
  11. Important points
  12. How to glue foam on the concrete wall
  13. How to insulate the foundation on the basis of slabs
  14. Comparison of the cost of products
  15. Apply an inexpensive analog
  16. Information about the material
  17. How to correctly install foam plex
  18. What to glue foam plex between each other
  19. Methods of fixing foamlex
  20. Methods of fixing the material
  21. Purpose of foam plex
  22. Whether and how to putty foamlex
  23. Reasons for choosing polyurethane sealant
  24. How to choose an adhesive for foamlex
  25. Liquid nails
  26. Types of adhesive compositions
  27. Bitumen mastic
  28. Liquid nails
  29. Mineral
  30. Polyurethane
  31. How to choose for different surfaces
  32. Fixing tiles
  33. Insulation of the floor with the use of penoplex
  34. What glue for foamlex to choose
  35. Glue is a reliable alternative to mechanical fasteners
  36. Adhesive mastic TECHNICOL #27 for foundations
  37. How to glue foam to the walls/floor
  38. What is important to consider when working with adhesives for foamlex
  39. 3 tips
  40. Work procedure
  41. Preparing the surface for laying
  42. Insulating the facade of the building
  43. Video on the topic
  44. Foam glue. Tests. How to make glue and what it can do.
  45. Styrofoam. Facade. Tile Adhesive vs Styrofoam Adhesive. Comparison.
  46. Thermal insulation of the facade.Insulating the house.Adhesives for reinforcing polystyrene foam insulation.Facade.Thermal insulation.Ceresit

Methods of fixing foam plex

Foamplex is being utilized more and more for interior building insulation due to its exceptional qualities. It is applied to walls composed of plasterboard, concrete, brick, or wood to provide thermal insulation.

Prior to attaching the insulation to the wall, some prep work needs to be done. Dirt, dust, and previous coatings are removed from the surface using a trowel, scraper, sandpaper, or any other tool. In the event that the wall is uneven, putty should be used to level it out before deep penetration primer is applied. It won’t hurt to treat with antiseptics to stop fungus from growing.

What techniques are available for repairing foam plex from the apartment’s interior?

  • When insulating the apartment from the inside, adhesive bitumen mastic is often used. It is usually sold ready-made. Mastic is applied to the insulation board in separate dots, after which press the foam to the wall for some time.
  • When using cement-based adhesive dry mixes, the solution is applied to the entire surface of the board with a toothed trowel. Inside the room, where the wall will not experience heavy loads, it is allowed to apply the mixture point by point: on the edge of the plate and a few points in its center. Beforehand it is necessary to prepare the solution by diluting the mixture with the required amount of water and mixing thoroughly with a mixer.

  • To fix the foam on plasterboard or plastic surfaces, it is advisable to use a special glue foam. It, like ordinary assembly foam, is available in cylinders. After applying it to the insulation it is necessary to wait 10-15 minutes, and then press firmly against the wall.
  • When insulating a concrete or brick wall from the inside, mushroom dowels can be used to attach the foam board to the wall. Each slab will require at least five of them. Four of them are placed on the edges, and one fixes the board in the center.
  • Liquid nails are rarely used, primarily because of their high cost. It is advisable to use them with a very small area of the insulated surface.

Combining disc dowels with other fastening techniques is advised for the best outcome. However, since the foam boards from the inside of the apartment are essentially empty, you can only apply the adhesive mortar.

How to glue foam boards to concrete

The application of polystyrene foam sheets for residential insulation is linked to the material’s exceptional quality attributes, including heat capacity, stability, sound insulation, and ease of installation. In this situation, understanding how to adhere foam to concrete is essential, as a poor choice could compromise heat transfer and lead to the wall’s gradual disintegration.

  1. Mounting
  2. Fixing methods
  3. Tips

Characteristics of internal and external works

With the aid of glue, the foam plastic can be fixed. It is important to keep in mind that mixture components coming into contact with polystyrene foam can cause a variety of reactions, including corrosion. Since insulation has a low stickiness, not all compositions can be used to join the plates using concrete.

The density and stiffness of the polystyrene foam sheets available on the construction material market vary. These criteria are used to choose the mixture. Appropriate choices include silicone sealant, liquid nails, foam, special composition for foam, and facade glue. The absence of acetone and gasoline is the primary requirement.

Before beginning installation, the concrete wall has to be leveled and completely cleaned of dust. Otherwise, minor bulges may be enough to cause the insulation to degrade. Cracks and depressions should be filled with the mortar mixture, and unstable areas should be primed.

A succinct summary of fastening techniques

When deciding how to adhere foam to concrete, one must take into account various established techniques:

  • with the help of special glue;
  • dowels;
  • liquid nails;
  • foam.

1. The powder’s dry ingredients are combined strictly according to the directions. Using a drill with a specific attachment can help prevent clumping. In order to prevent the formation of an air lock, the composition is applied to the surface in strips with tiny gaps. After that, it must be pressed to the surface, and any excess is removed right away. Since foam is a material that does not absorb moisture, the glue that is used needs to be water-free.

2. The simplest and least expensive way to glue polystyrene foam to concrete is to use the second method, which involves fixing the sheet with dowels in the corners and in the middle. The joints are sealed with sealant to improve thermal insulation. Starting with the bottom row, glue is applied, leaving a 3 mm space between the boards to prevent deformation from variations in humidity or temperature.

3. The third method, which uses liquid nails, can fix foam. Because the substance contains a toxic component, gloves should be worn when working with it. Good indicators of heat and moisture resistance characterize it, and it cures relatively quickly (within 30 minutes) even in humid environments.

4. Using a special adhesive foam, which is affordable, easy to install, capable of sealing intertile seams, and has a high quality of connection with concrete, is another popular variation of fixing foam.

It is separated into categories:

  • For foam blocks. Strengthened setting characteristics allow its use instead of masonry mortar.
  • For foam plastic. It is characterized by increased fire resistance, it is recommended for indoor work.
  • For polystyrene foam and other thermal insulation materials.

The application of foam to the wall or sheet is done in staggered order. For better absorption and fixing, it should be glued after the applied substance has had a brief exposure. To prevent the foam in the gun from solidifying, work should be done at a temperature of at least 20 degrees Celsius and without taking extended breaks. With a cleaner, any excess is promptly removed from the joints.

The cause of joint ballooning and divergence is the simple assembly foam used to fix Penoplex and foam to the concrete base; this foam increases multiple times after drying.

  • Styrofoam wins against other materials due not only to its high efficiency and affordability, but also due to the ease of installation, including on the concrete ceiling in the garage.
  • When fixing on the outside of the building, it is necessary to choose an adhesive with increased frost resistance, especially in regions with a long winter period.
  • After gluing the foam, it is important not to touch the sheets until they dry completely to prevent shifting of individual elements.

Mineral adhesives

Mineral-based adhesives are composed of cement, gypsum, and alabaster. They should be applied right away because they harden very quickly. Adhesives are diluted slightly. Adhesives containing cement are typically the only ones used outside; gypsum-based products are appropriate for interior work. Because the setting time is long—up to 1.5–4 hours—mistakes can be corrected.

The compositions’ drawback is that unless the base is thoroughly dried and primed beforehand, the connection will not be robust. The requirement for dilution—a construction mixer is required to produce a high-quality, homogenous mixture—is another drawback.

The mineral adhesives that are most widely used are:

  1. Ceresit CT 83 – used directly for gluing foam, suitable for any substrate, tear-off force – 500 KPA, high frost resistance class.
  2. "Atlas Stopter K-20" – has an increased tear-off force (600 KPA), viable for 4 hours, consumption – 4.4 kg / sq. ft. m, which contains special reinforcing fibers.

These kinds of means retail for between 300 and 500 rubles per 25 kg bag, weighing between 5 and 25 kg. The product is appropriate for interior works if the bag indicates frost resistance class F50. Class F100 permits the boards to be affixed externally to the room.

How to fix the foam to the grid

How can the foam plex’s grid be strengthened? If thermal insulation systems are our primary concern, then using metal fastening elements is not advised because the resulting cold bridges will negate all of our efforts. Where is the exit, then? If metal is not acceptable, how can the mesh be fixed to the foamlex?

The adhesive mass is used to attach the grid to the heat-insulating material if the thermal protection layer is installed on a surface where the structure is stationary. Either a second layer should be applied or it should be sunk into the adhesive.

It is advised to use polymer cement-coated thermal panels or dowels when fastening in areas that will be subject to movement.

The following is how the reinforced layer is made:

  • On the surface of the sheet of foamlex, the width of which is 1 m, by means of a toothed trowel apply an even layer of glue.
  • Reinforced material should be placed on a fresh layer of glue and recessed with a smooth trowel.
  • Before fixing the insulation on the opening it is necessary to glue the facade grid wrapped behind the wall for 15 cm.
  • On the glued mesh sheets of foamlex are fixed in such a way that they protrude from the wall to the thickness of the insulating material. An additional 3 mm (reinforcement thickness) is also added.
  • Planks of wood are placed under the sheets of foamlex. They create an expanding joint.
  • The plaster mesh is glued onto the foamlex (be sure to wrap around the corner and glue 15 cm behind the wall).
  • It is recommended to fix the outer corners of the building and slopes by means of aluminum.
  • Before applying plaster, it is necessary to sand the corners for evenness of plaster mass application.

How to choose a foam for work by the method of application

The mounting foams that are available in markets and stores today are not any different. When working with foamlex, they are simple to use. The two main differences are temperature conditions and application convenience.

Foam is first separated according to the kind of operation:

  • Pistol. This foam offers high efficiency and cheapness. However, to use in the work of such cylinders, you need a specialized gun – a tool in which the cylinder is installed. It is much more convenient to use the gun than an ordinary household cylinder, as the flow rate is controlled and regulated. With a gun it is easy to blow out points that are located inconveniently or hard to reach places;
  • Household foam will not require the user to purchase additional devices – after purchase immediately apply. Such foam has a lower cost than professional foam, but a smaller amount of work that is performed with its help.

To put it simply, professional foam requires significantly fewer cylinders (volume) than household foam, resulting in cost savings.

Variety of kinds

Additionally, using the professional version is preferable if fixing foam plex using assembly foam is the plan. Gluing requires a thinner layer than caulking. The household version does not serve the same purpose as the professional version, which suggests regulation of the substance supply.

There are variations in this material made by the manufacturer; it is important to take note of this since cylinders are made in varying quantities. The price and material differences are 10% and 20%, respectively.

Installation tips

Foamlex mounting is not a difficult task because different adhesive compositions are applied in different ways. It is preferable to use a toothed trowel with a comb height of 5 to 10 mm when applying mineral adhesive.

Polymers are applied in an arbitrary pattern, with a continuous strip running around the outside and a ten to twenty millimeter gap between each edge. For non-loaded surfaces, there is also the lobe method.

The adhesive application technique for foamlex boards is determined by the surface loading level and composition.

One starts by installing a starting support strip from below before adhering the foam to the walls. An anti-corrosion coated metal profile is used for foundation insulation and facade work. Any stop in an interior room—like a wooden bar or purlins—is fastened to the wall.

The starting strip used to create facade insulation needs to be coated with anti-corrosion material or made of stainless steel.

It’s crucial! Prior to mounting the foamlex board, the base needs to be primed and allowed to dry when using any type of adhesive.

Adhesive compositions vary widely in price, from 65 to 500 rubles per ed. capacity, depending on the packaging (ml, kg). Compared to pre-made polyurethane adhesive, dry mixes will be substantially less expensive.

Well-known brands include Knauf, Isofix, and Cerezit. Using UNIS brand adhesives for external insulation is a reliable and high-quality guarantee. For dry rooms, gypsum adhesive composition is an affordable option.

There are several reasons for this:

  • improved adhesion of foam formulations;
  • instant results due to fast setting;
  • no need to prepare the mixture.

The fact that polyurethane adhesive compositions are versatile enough to be used on metal, concrete, and wood contributes to their high price point.

Insta-Stic polymer glue is the most widely used and costs 500 rubles per ed. In terms of analog properties, Teplofom’s Tytan STYRO 753 is slightly superior to it. Moment composite glue is the least expensive (65 rubles per ed.). Popular products made from mineral mixtures are Sarmat and Ceresit (ST83).

It is preferable to use a universal material if you intend to work with various surfaces; Ceresit ST83, ALLFIX, is a notable example. It is applied to metal, wood, and concrete projects. T-Avangard-K and other specialty compounds are recommended for surface waterproofing.

Tips in the work

The surface that will be worked on needs to be as clean as possible before beginning to glue the foam boards. Furthermore, depending on where the insulation will be installed, it is advised to moisten the wall and floor in addition to simply brushing off the dust. The lack of dust and debris will improve the materials’ adherence. Waiting until the surface dries well is advised before mounting the boards.

Be mindful of the relatively short curing time if you glue the boards onto polymer compositions. It sticks to the insulation material firmly in three to five minutes.

There are three ways to apply the adhesive composition to foamlex:

  • continuous, in which case the adhesive covers a significant part of the surface of the board;
  • point – involves applying the composition in separate points, the recommended distance between which is 30 m;
  • interrupted strips method, in this case the glue is applied in small strips in separate areas.

There is no glue on the board edges, which are 1-2 cm on each side. If the wall is covered, work with foamlex is done, beginning at the lower portions of the wall. Insulation for the floor and ceiling is installed starting in the corner.

The material-laying technique is the same whether working on metal, concrete, or wood surfaces. The insulation needs to be firmly pressed up against the wall once the composition has been applied. After a while, Penolex can be released to take the next slab.

As an alternative to glue, assembly foam can be used. However, not all surfaces and jobs can use it.

A tight joint of the material cannot always be guaranteed during operation; this is typically due to an uneven surface. However, this is not a big deal because, depending on their size, all of the gaps are filled with either expanded polystyrene scraps or specially composed assembly foam. Given the "capricious nature" of this type of insulation, aggressive substances from the above list shouldn’t be present in the composition of foam used to seal leaks.

The adhesive mixture’s components and thermal insulation will continue to react, creating an aggressive environment that could destroy the insulation if the task of selecting an adhesive for foamplex installation is neglected. The quality cleaning of the floor, walls, or ceiling is a crucial step in the laying process since it influences the material’s adherence.

General description

Another name for this substance is extruded polystyrene foam. Foam foaming is the process used to create an insulating product, which is then forced through an extruder. The air is progressively replaced by the gas (95%). There are numerous tiny, uniformly spaced voids in the final mass. The material that is created at the conclusion of production is strong and light. There are eight pieces in the package, weighing a combined 15 kg.

This insulator comes in various forms. Each variety’s name describes the use of the product. For instance, "Penoplex Wall," a material, is used to perform thermal insulation on walls composed of brick or concrete. The thermal conductivity of this 100 millimeter-thick thermal insulator is equivalent to 1.5 bricks’ worth of heat capacity. The resistance of insulation material to acids and alkalis is high. This suggests that you are capable of plastering it. Paints made with water emulsion can be applied to it.

  • Small mass of boards.
  • High level of durability.
  • It is allowed to use and install the product where the level of humidity is high.
  • The thermal insulator is environmentally friendly, there are no chemical elements in it. It is possible to insulate a child"s room without any doubts.
  • Insulation together with penoplex is carried out from inside and outside. Also spheres of application are the floor, ceiling and much more. Also carried out insulation of the surface of the scarp with penoplex.
  • Wide range of material thickness depending on the needs (20-100 millimeters).

The expense is the drawback.

How to properly use the adhesive for foamlex

You should consider the general requirements for installing the insulator, regardless of the base and glue brand selected. Cleaning and surface preparation are necessary before installation.

Important points

  1. Dry mixes should be diluted with water only in the proportions specified by the manufacturer.
  2. Foam boards should be laid as tightly as possible, so that the gaps are as small as possible. In addition, gaps should be filled with assembly foam or sealant to minimize heat loss.
  3. Special attention should be paid to the temperature regime – most of the adhesives lose their properties (partially or completely) in the case of minus temperature conditions.
  4. When using glue for foam plex, it is necessary to use a level, so that the surface is as even as possible.
  5. In the case of soluble mixture, the composition is applied to the insulation boards evenly, after which they are pressed down and held a little so that it (insulation) to grip.
  6. Do not use "liquid nails". Of course, such a mixture will fix the insulation boards, but the consumption will be quite significant.
  7. If the adhesive is used from a tube, it should be applied around the perimeter, and additionally a zigzag pattern should be made over the entire area.
  8. Most of the polymer compositions cure within three to five minutes. This should be remembered during installation, and the insulation to lay extremely evenly from the first time.

Let’s get right to the foam plexilay process.

Penoplex, we accurately and dependable insulate the foundation.

We previously provided you with instructions on how to use foam plex to insulate the foundation; in addition to reading this article, we recommend that you become familiar with this knowledge.

Phase 1. Readiness actions

Once you have all the supplies and tools ready, there is one more thing you should know: a clean surface is the only place where foam can be installed with quality. As a result, the insulation material itself as well as the walls (or any other surface) need to be cleaned of any extraneous material and, if needed, primed. Another (just as crucial) point is that surfaces need to be treated with an antiseptic and free of mold and fungus. Lastly, drying out the surface is another step in the preparation process.

Step two: Direct installation

If the surface is horizontal, the installation of insulation should begin from the edge or from the bottom if it is a wall. After applying adhesive composition, the first penoplex sheet is taken and leaned up against the surface. Take the next sheet only after holding the current one for as long as necessary to keep it in place.

Be mindful! The greatest care should be taken during installation; ideally, someone should be observing from the sidelines to ensure accuracy of the joint. After the glue has set, it is very difficult to move the penoplex; in the worst situation, it may need to be removed, processed, and reinstalled.

Step 3: Cladding

The surface is typically clad after the insulation is installed, so the work must be done during the warm season.

Video: Foamlex installation

How to glue foam on the concrete wall

Let’s go over the fundamentals of fixing to a concrete surface in brief. The truth is that glue is not the only tool that can be used for this procedure.

Afterwards, attach foamlex to concrete:

  1. Liquid nails
  2. Specialized foam
  3. Adhesive bases

What is the best option? There is no clear-cut answer. Make a decision based on the type of work. We talk about glue a lot because many experts say it’s the best solution. It was designed to be used with this particular kind of insulation.

Prepare insulation boards, primer, brushes or rollers, degreasing solution, and a spray gun for this type of work.

First, score and degrease the concrete wall. Then, reapply the primer and allow it to dry. Then we wait and apply the glue, some of which has been prepared for four hours. Apply to the wall’s exterior and/or the insulation. Apply the foam boards and press them down from bottom to top. Hold on a bit.

You can apply glue fasteners continuously or dotwise. You can also apply them in strips.

Observe these suggestions:

  • It is better to do the work in company with a helper(s);
  • Be sure to read the instructions on all materials before applying to the wall;
  • For novice workers, it is better to take adhesive bases in the form of an aerosol – so it is easier to work with it;
  • Do not forget to treat the wall with antifungal compounds or this type of primer;
  • Immediately level the insulation boards before they have time to grip tightly;
  • Do not forget about gloves and other safety measures when working with harmful components
  • Apply everything evenly.

You can effectively glue foam plex on concrete walls by following all the advice.

In conclusion, we present to you the following captivating video regarding the features and attributes of extruded polystyrene foam:

How to insulate the foundation on the basis of slabs

The following order is followed when performing the work:

  • The site for the foundation is marked out and the top layer of soil is removed to the depth that is provided by the project. The bottom is made flat. The last 30 cm are removed by hand. The prepared area is filled with sand and tamped down. Temporary formwork is made and a base of concrete is prepared. Reinforcement of the base is not required.
  • After the concrete hardens, the foam plex is laid on it. The mounting slot is aligned. Sheets are fixed without gaps. A thick cellophane film is applied over the foam plex. The joints of the strips are glued by means of scotch tape. The film serves as waterproofing. It prevents the penetration of the concrete mass through the joints of foamlex.
  • Formwork is made, reinforced and the slab foundation is poured. After the foundation hardens, the formwork is removed. The foundation is subjected to additional thermal insulation. Penoplex is laid on the side walls.

The same technique is used to insulate the strip foundation’s bottom.

In the realm of home heating and insulation, selecting the right adhesive for foam insulation boards (commonly known as foamlex) is crucial. The adhesive you choose plays a pivotal role in the effectiveness and longevity of your insulation project. Whether you"re sealing gaps, adhering panels to walls, or installing insulation in hard-to-reach areas, the right glue ensures a secure bond that prevents heat loss and boosts energy efficiency. Factors like compatibility with foam materials, ease of application, and resistance to temperature changes are key considerations when choosing a foamlex adhesive. By selecting a high-quality adhesive tailored to your specific insulation needs, you can enhance the performance of your home"s insulation, leading to increased comfort and potential energy savings.

Comparison of the cost of products

In addition to the working conditions, important environmental factors are considered when selecting an adhesive. Purchasing a pricey mix does not always equate to excellent quality.

Kindly take note! Moreover, purchasing the product while it’s still in stock is crucial.

If the right skills aren’t used, the consumption will significantly exceed the amount that the manufacturer’s instructions specify.

Table: Popular brands’ comparative attributes

"K-20 Atlas Stopper" mineral foundationConsumption estimate: 4.4 kg/m.qv.Price: 320 rubles for each mixed bag

Everyfix Any foundationConsumption estimates: 0.5–0.8 kg/m^.240 rubles for each kilogram

The polyurethane "Titan"concrete base reinforced with steelConsumption estimate: 0.75 l/m̳2.Each tube costs 410 rubles (0.75 l).

"Avangard-T-K"The base that requires sealing5 kg/m.qv is the approximate consumption.Price per package: 275 rubles (25 kg)

"Cerezit-ST83"Any foundationThe approximate consumption is 5 kg/m^.Price per bag: 380 rubles (25 kg)

"Moment": Any foundationContainer: 0.25 litresCost per piece: 66 rubles

Be mindful! Quick-setting adhesives should be applied as infrequently as feasible. In addition to managing the hardening rate, the penoplex plates must be leveled concurrently with the work.

Apply an inexpensive analog

You can perform the foam fastening on the mounting foam if funds are tight. Use a gun to install the insulation in order to minimize its consumption.

Consider the foam’s components when selecting it for your foam plex. Toluene, alcohols, solvents, and other compounds that cause the structure to collapse shouldn’t be present.

There is no variation in the sequence in which the mixture is applied to the board or in the surface preparation. You should wet the wall with water before applying foam. Wood: sparingly, brick and concrete: in large quantities.

Fixing foamlex and foam with mounting foam has a few minor quirks. They result from the necessary density set’s slow speed. It will need a lengthy holding period (40 minutes to an hour) if applied similarly to the foam adhesive. However, it is preventable.

Apply the composition to the surface and wiggle the slab side to side for three to five seconds afterward. Cut off. Reapply the mixture to it using half the volume that was originally needed. Use water from the atomizer to moisten the foam.

Permit the density gain and curing process to commence. It will take two to four minutes to complete the operation; in the interim, get ready for the next one’s installation. After that, position the board and give it a firm 10-second press. The following is fixable.

Using this option will greatly speed up the work process and do away with the need for spacers and supports.

Information about the material

It’s important to take some things into account before gluing Penoplex. When interacting with substances like: the insulator has advantages and disadvantages.

  • Diesel fuel, gasoline, kerosene;
  • acetone and all kinds of solvents based on ethyl and methyl acetate;
  • formaldehyde and formalin;
  • ether and polyester resins;
  • oil paint.

Its surface could become softer, crumble, or even dissolve. For this reason, we will take extra care when selecting the foamlex adhesive. However, this is a bit later.

Let’s now discuss the first and most crucial step in the insulation process: wall preparation.

How to correctly install foam plex

There are five steps involved in installing polystyrene foam insulation in a room:

  1. Preparation of the surface to be treated. Drying of the room and the base to be glued.
  2. Development of the scheme-plan of the forthcoming installation works.
  3. Preparation of adhesive for foam plex. Dry mixes are diluted in accordance with the attached instructions.
  4. Applying glue to the part in one of three main ways:
  • strip or boundary – distribution of the adhesive mixture in the form of strips in the middle along the part and on the edges;
  • point or beacon – applying the composition with dots at an interval of 30 centimeters in two rows, indenting 5-10 centimeters from the edge of the product;
  • continuous – distribution of the mixture over the entire surface using a toothed trowel. This method provides the best adhesion and is most suitable for gluing to a base that has minimal irregularities.
  1. When the most suitable adhesive and tools have been selected, the installation work should begin. After applying the adhesive composition, the part is tightly pressed to the treated surface.

Advice Generally, the point method of application is preferred. The width of the glue is 10–20 cm when applied with a trowel.

Carefully sealing the joints is necessary to prevent cold penetration. Typically, assembly foam is used to fill them. Strict adherence to the guidelines is required when handling foam during installation. Alternatively, the joints may be filled using the same adhesive; however, this approach is significantly less cost-effective than the first one.

What to glue foam plex between each other

Customers can choose from a variety of foamlex thickness, density, and stiffness options in the current construction market. These qualities are the first to be considered when selecting an adhesive composition and adhering the material to the surface.

Not only must polystyrene foam be adhered to the walls, but it might also be required to glue segments of the material to one another. Foamlex sheets are readily adhered to one another with practically any type of adhesive. The glue composition’s lack of acetone or gasoline is a crucial step in this process.

  • Surface preparation. The process of preparing the surface for the application of foamlex on them provides, first of all, cleaning them from dust and other various contaminants. The remaining finishing materials should also be removed from the prepared surface. If the coatings have a paint and varnish character, it is removed without the use of any construction tools, i.e. with your own hands.If there is fungus or other mold infestations on the surface being prepared, they should also be removed. It is recommended to use special compounds for this purpose. After the surface is cleaned, the coating should be impregnated with a special sanitizing agent with bactericidal properties.
    If the surface to be prepared has irregularities, they should be smoothed out. You can do this by applying primer.
  • Gluing to the wall. Gluing foam to the wall begins with the application of glue on the board on the perimeter and center. While applying the adhesive to the boards, it is also possible to level them at the same time. You can do this by rotating the board vertically and horizontally. It is necessary to press a little on the base. The correctness of installation of the boards is checked with a construction level.
    And if there is an excess of glue, it should be removed from the butt joints. If during the installation of such slabs gaps are formed between them, then fill them with pieces of material, but the use of mounting foam is undesirable.

The principle of staggered installation orders the plates from top to bottom.

Take into account a few choices for installing the foamlex:

1)Insulation of walls with foam plex inside the room. The glue dries completely after three days, then the lining work can be continued. The foamlex is fixed with dowels with large flats. By means of such a dowel the connection of two neighboring slabs, which are arranged vertically, is made. Dowels are used on four sides, and also in the middle of the material.2)Cladding of the building from the outside. This technology is considered to be the most common. The works on thermal insulation are carried out at the moment of house construction, and such cladding does not affect the usable area in any way. External thermal insulation can be carried out or plaster facades.
In the first case, the facades allow to show design solutions. And plaster facades have a lower efficiency of vapor penetration. When working externally with Styrofoam, it is recommended to lay it quite tightly, avoiding the formation of large gaps between the boards.

Methods of fixing foamlex

This is a significant issue because the glue and all materials used in the construction determine how long the structure will last.

It’s crucial to decide how the work will be done and what adhesive will be required in a given situation before moving forward with installation.

Methods of fixing the material

The room’s continued use as well as the execution of additional building and finishing tasks depend on the foam complex’s proper attachment to the wall’s working surface.

There are two kinds of this fixation:

  • mechanical;
  • physical.

When it comes to mechanical surface installation It is assumed that additional devices and a perforator are present. During the procedure, dowels are driven into the wall’s holes and secured with steel pins. Contrary to what might appear at first glance, the work is extremely labor-intensive and unreliable. Furthermore, a large amount of fastening material will be needed, raising the cost of installing foamlex. From a material cost perspective, adhering the material is far more advantageous.

In the physical method, surfaces are bonded together. These days, you can quickly and reliably fix foamlex on the surface of any material wall with the aid of a variety of adhesives, mastics, and mixtures.

Purpose of foam plex

Penoplex can be used to insulate any part of the building. The manufacturer has taken care that for each purpose there is a different subspecies of penoplex. For example, for the basement floor there is an insulator with the brand name "Fundament". It has sufficient compressive strength to withstand the pressure of compacted earth. Also, when properly fastened, such foamplex provides hermetic insulation, which will not allow moisture to seep into the basement. If an additional layer of waterproofing is laid under the foamlex insulation, then it will be an ideal option. There is wall foam. It is one of the most popular. Sheets of insulation with a thickness of up to 10 cm are produced. Its compressive strength is slightly lower than that of foundation insulation, but it is enough to hold the weight of the finish trim.

There is a subspecies of roofing foamlex that is used as roof insulation. Because к, it necessitates the proper installation methodology. Moisture buildup in the attic may result from the material’s poor vapor permeability. If the garage floor needs to be insulated, foamplex 45 will work well for that purpose. Because of its highest density, it can sustain heavy loads. By examining the aforementioned, the advantages of penoplex can be emphasized:

  • resistance to moisture;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • low weight;
  • easy delivery;
  • minimal heat permeability;
  • high density.

Penoplex practically does not absorb moisture. It is a good indicator that prevents the insulation from losing its properties. It also says that it will withstand a large number of freezing and thawing cycles, which hints at a long service life. It is easy to cope with the installation of foam plex sheets on your own, t. к. their weight is minimal. Only 2% of the total weight is dry matter. The remaining 98% is filled with various gases. Such an air cushion and explains the thermal permeability of the material, which is only 0.03 W/(m×K). One standard sheet of Foamlex without trimming will easily cover 0.72 m2 of floor area. Penoplex is not subject to rotting processes, so even when in the ground, it will perfectly cope with its tasks.

There are drawbacks to having a penoplex. Inadequate vapor permeability suggests that there is very little breathing occurring in the insulation. If we are discussing insulating refrigerators or other heating appliances, then that is good. However, this may have unfavorable effects on buildings. For this reason, using Penoplex for interior insulation projects is not advised.

In the event that there is no other escape route, supply and exhaust ventilation must be attended to in order to promptly remove any damp air. The combustibility of foamlex is yet another drawback.

Carbon monoxide is released when insulation melts perfectly, even with fire retardant additives.

Whether and how to putty foamlex

Glass mesh needs to be used. The insulation material needs to be adhered to with glue. For this, standard cement adhesive compositions are employed. Sand and level the last layer of putty after the surface has dried.

Process of reinforcement

Supplies required for puttying:

  • Glue for this thermal insulator. You do not need to save your money, so it is better to buy a means of a well-known brand.
  • The next product is a primer designed to provide a high level of adhesion (bonding to the surface).
  • Reinforcing mesh.


  • Final putty. Used for interior finishing.
  • Perforated corners.

Pierced corner

Keep in mind that you must take their reserve into account when you buy all of these supplies needed to make putty.

Reasons for choosing polyurethane sealant

When purchasing foam, it is once more examined for the presence of toluene, a chemical that can permanently harm penoplex.

Choose a different option where the composition is detailed and you can be certain that toluene is not present, even if it is not stated on the cylinder.

The greatest option is polyurethane sealant. This kind of foam works well with foamlex and doesn’t interfere with it at all.

One benefit is that the foamlex plates can be cut, which inevitably results in gaps and cracks that need to be sealed well.

The same substance won’t even cause slight damage to the Penoplex plates, and using it to glue is straightforward and easy. If you use specialized glue, the cost will be higher than in the case.

It is not worthwhile to save money on foam, which is used to seal gaps, as doing so will not produce the desired effects. The foam is replaced if the initial caulked seam did not produce the intended results. Select reputable and well-known brands; these are cylinders from well-known producers, whose quality you can be sure of. This is computed in such a case:

  • On good adhesion between different materials, including foamlex boards;
  • On high indicators of thermal insulation and soundproofing;
  • Using a gun, it is convenient and precise to apply the foam, which will result in less consumption of the substance.

Utilizing a gun to apply foam

High-quality foam keeps out moisture, humidity, mold, and fungus. Providing that the joints are shielded from ultraviolet radiation, which can degrade assembly foam.

How to choose an adhesive for foamlex

Every kind of adhesive for foamlex has benefits and drawbacks of its own. For example, bituminous variants are completely waterproof but smell bad and frequently include solvents. The latter erode foamlex due to their chemical aggression. As such, there is a limited selection of bituminous adhesives for it. Take Bitumast XPS without additives most of the time. It is devoid of

  • solar oil
  • gasoline
  • kerosene
  • benzene
  • toluene
  • polyester
  • coal tar
  • formaldehyde
  • formalin

This foamlex is "afraid of" everything. Getting on the UV radiation insulation is also not ideal. As a result, the foamlex cannot be used as a final finish and must be closed.

Formulations made of acrylic are costly but safe and odorless. If the foam is to be fixed to wood, waste cannot be avoided. Concrete and brick respond well to mineral mixtures, while metal and other smooth, dense substrates respond well to polyurethane mixtures. The insulation on wood will not be fixed by them.

Assembly foam is the polymer adhesive that most people are most familiar with. But it gets bigger. The foam should theoretically fix the penoplex. It is true that you will need to wait for the expansion to stop every five minutes while pressing the insulating boards against the base.

For polymer adhesives for Styrofoam, Titan Styro-753 and Insta-Stic are thought to be the best options. Both are produced in cylinders, just like foam, but they don’t expand while the insulation is being fixed. Liquid nails function equally well. Even with a spot application pattern, they are still pricey. At this point, the glue is applied to the base in bunches separated by roughly 25 centimeters.

The most widely used is Fastfix. With the exception of Teflon, polyethylene, foil, silicone, and bitumen, it adheres foamlex to any surface. You must pay more for an adhesive with a broad range of action and a narrow area of specialization.

Withstanding 90 degrees of continuous heat and brief bursts of up to 130 degrees Celsius, Fastfix are nevertheless simple to use. Furthermore, the adhesive "boasts" that it has little thermal conductivity and no shrinkage.

Liquid nails

A specialized adhesive solution that comes in tubes can be used to work with any complexity of surface. While selecting liquid nails It is important to consider where the construction will be done. When adhering EPPS indoors, standard compositions work well; when adhering EPPS outdoors, a specific glue with tolerances for weather and moisture resistance is selected.

Using a gun that the tube is inserted into, the composition is applied in a "serpentine" pattern across the entire surface of the sheet. The prepared block is pressed up against the surface that needs insulation in 10–20 seconds. The liquid nails have ample time to set during this period.

Everything is good about this approach, except the price. When the price of a single glue tube is factored in along with its consumption, the total cost becomes rather high.

In addition to the aforementioned, keep in mind that using umbrella dowels on the walls will result in the most dependable foamlex sheet fastening. They will develop into a trustworthy safety net for any adhesive material that is presented to you.

Types of adhesive compositions

High levels of adhesion are a feature shared by all foamlex adhesives available on the market. As a result, the composition adheres to the surface with reliability, strengthening and enhancing the finish’s quality.

Adhesives typically include usage guidelines and a synopsis of their technical features, if applicable:

  • temperature parameters for installation and further operation;
  • indicators of air humidity;
  • what kind of surface the material is intended for;
  • Type of surface to be insulated.

There are various kinds of adhesive compositions available for foamlex.

Bitumen mastic

This substance is a viscous blend derived from bitumen, which stays true to its original form even in extremely cold temperatures. In construction, bituminous adhesives are frequently used, especially to waterproof the foundation. Apart from its intended use, it serves as a superb hydrophobic filler for joints during the foamlex installation process.

It should be considered when working with this material that the mastic has a high level of adhesion with metal and mineral surfaces and does not require shrinkage.

Using a mackerel or trowel is recommended.

Liquid nails

You can work with this material on any surface. Nonetheless, consideration should be given to the unique characteristics of the location where the repairs will be done. Use standard compositions for installation within the building, but use specialized products resistant to temperature fluctuations and frost for exterior insulation.

Tubes containing the composition are available. Applying to the base should ideally be done by "snaking" over the whole sheet. The foam can be adhered to the surface in as little as 10–20 seconds, giving "liquid nails" enough time to take hold.

The material’s relatively high cost is its only drawback.


Mineral adhesive compositions are supplied as dry mixes that must be diluted with water to the necessary consistency before use. They mix well with gas-silicate surfaces, concrete, and brick due to their high adhesion. One of their advantages is that you can apply the material in a thin layer thanks to their high plasticity.

Using a toothed grater, they are applied. They retain volume and do not "shrink" after drying.

There are specific compositions that are resistant to frost and moisture for use in outdoor work.


These adhesive compositions are made in unique metal cylinders and are limited to use with a mounting foam gun and other special tools. When applied properly, the material lies in even zigzags on the base, enabling setting to be achieved across the whole surface area.

These compositions have a quick setting time; the material will adhere firmly in just 30 seconds of holding. On the other hand, the material retains its elasticity for roughly fifteen minutes.

How to choose for different surfaces

The type of surface determines which adhesive composition is best.

  • Dry compounds are suitable for exterior insulation. Good adhesion with stone and brick base, as well as plaster. Choosing dry mixes, it is worth paying attention to the date of issue and the integrity of the package – it must be hermetically sealed. Otherwise, the quality of the composition may suffer.
  • Polymeric and bituminous mixtures are used in waterproofing works.
  • There are special polyurethane adhesives for reinforced concrete surfaces. And also such compositions can be used for wood bases.
  • For work on metal, liquid nails, silicone sealants, assembly foam are suitable.
  • Liquid nails are used when laying foam on plywood, corrugated board, plastic.

It is preferable to use polymer mixtures if installing insulation on the walls and ceiling is the plan. Although mineral adhesives are intended for external applications, polyurethane adhesives are a better option for interior applications. The latter are particularly useful for setting up thermal insulation on floors.

Superior glue produces compositions with a cement and gypsum base if the work is to be done on a dry surface. The only drawback is that you have to work quickly because they start to harden almost immediately after mixing. This causes a few workplace annoyances. It is therefore preferable to mix the composition in tiny amounts.

Certain conditions are also created during interior renovations by the adhesive’s rate of drying. Furthermore, practically all foamlex adhesives have an unpleasant smell to them that is hard to get rid of.

Glue foam is a composition that works well on nearly any surface. Ideal for insulation on the floor and ceiling, as well as interior and facade works. It will only take fifteen minutes for the material to strongly "set" with the base, and you can work in below-freezing temperatures.

Fixing tiles

Tiles and foamplex work well together. The density of the tiles as well as the safety of the foam complex from destruction are guaranteed by the tiles. Tiles are adhered to the foam plex using adhesive. Ceresit CM117 adhesive is the best option available.

The label has the glue preparation recipe printed on it. The adhesive layer’s thickness shouldn’t be greater than what the annotation specifies. Apply glue starting from the surface’s lower corner.

It is necessary to prepare the surface before attaching tiles to foamlex. In order to achieve this, a mesh for reinforcement and a unique mixture for plastering the foamlex are taken.

A good stir is given to the plaster. Using a spatula, the mixture is applied to the penoplex sheets.

Next comes reinforcement. The glue has embedded itself in the mesh. A trowel is used to trim the layer that was pressed in with the mesh. Leveling does not require a layer. That which is on hand will do just fine. The alignment of this layer beneath the tiles is crucial.

It is important to choose tile adhesive that complements the exterior finish’s texture. Ceresit SM-17 adhesive, for instance, is appropriate.

Insulation of the floor with the use of penoplex

Penoplex is the best option for insulating the apartment’s floor. When the floor is built on a concrete slab, the most typical method is to place insulation beneath the screed. The following steps should be followed when utilizing this type of floor insulation:

  • The surface of the concrete floor slab is cleaned of dirt and dust and leveled if necessary. For this purpose, you can make a sand-cement screed, which will provide an even horizontal surface.
  • Before laying Penoplex on the floor, it is better to lay an additional layer of waterproofing, especially if the apartment is located on the first floor. This will ensure a longer service life of the insulation.
  • Styrofoam boards are fixed similarly to tile tiles with the help of adhesive mortar, which is applied with a toothed trowel.
  • A layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the insulation, after which a leveling screed is made for the floor covering. When forming the screed it is better to use galvanized or fiberglass reinforcing mesh.

Insulation is completed similarly if warm floor installation is planned for the apartment. In order to allow the heating elements to move freely, the leveling screed needs to be thick enough.

It is important to remember to place damping tape between the leveling screed and the walls when creating it. In the event that the material expands due to temperature variations, this will shield the surface from cracking.

Foam plastic’s superior insulating qualities enable it to be used to improve the apartment’s thermal insulation from the inside as well as the outside. Because it’s simple to process and fasten, you can insulate your apartment’s walls, floors, and ceilings on your own without paying a professional to do it for you.

What glue for foamlex to choose

Using Insta-stik polyurethane adhesive, adhere foam plex to walls and floors.

Foamlex boards, which are a great insulator. Its dependable use in building and maintenance is ensured by its high thermal insulation indicators, robustness, and low water absorption. A properly chosen method of foam plex fixing will determine how much the material’s qualities will manifest in operation, as well as the costs and scope of work required throughout the project. The market provides chemical (different adhesives, mastic) and mechanical (dowels) methods. It should be noted that the holes in the boards greatly reduce the material’s thermal insulation qualities, and that using dowels takes a lot of time and effort.

A wide range of ready-made adhesives, mastic, and dry mixes make it possible to attach insulation to systems more easily. You can choose the best option possible thanks to a variety of their features.

Glue is a reliable alternative to mechanical fasteners

Foam can be firmly fixed to any surface with the help of modern dry mixes and premade adhesive.

Different compositions on a base of minerals (cement):

  • Heat glue (from Unis)
  • CeresitCT85
  • Kreps PPS
  • Beers 51
  • Sarmat and a number of other quality adhesives

Excellent adhesive qualities of dry mixes are found on brick, concrete, and other surfaces. The powder, which comes in paper bags weighing 25 kg, needs to be thoroughly mixed with a professional mixer after being diluted with water. Within three hours, prepared adhesive keeps its properties for use. Using a trowel, it is applied to the cleaned base and insulation. The consumption is 10 kg/m^2. It is preferable to shield the solution from direct sunlight while it dries. It goes without saying that using dry adhesive compounds requires a lot of labor.

Instant-stik. Installing insulation is made faster and more convenient by the Insta-stik fixation system and other adhesives on polyurethane and acrylic bases, as opposed to loose materials. It is a lightweight material that is first offered in 750 ml cylinders.

The composition can be applied with ease thanks to the aerosol device. The adhesive is used for both interior and exterior projects, and it sets instantly. Among several comparable adhesives, Insta-stik stands out as a dependable fixing agent that secures facades.

Insta-stik adhesive is slightly superior to Tytan STYRO 753 and the new Teplofom adhesive; the former has a longer polymerization period and the latter loses fastening strength.

Adhesive mastic TECHNICOL #27 for foundations

Mastic holds foamlex firmly in place on vertical foundation surfaces made of concrete, wood, or metal. It’s a dense mass that can be put to use. A trowel is used to apply the material. No more than 1 kg is consumed per square meter. supplied in 12- and 22-kilogram metal pails.

How to glue foam to the walls/floor

The factors that determine which product to choose are price, labor intensity, and reliability.

Excellent Tytan Professional STYRO 753 option for any floor. Like the dry mixes mentioned above, it has:

  • high adhesion,
  • durability,
  • resistance to the formation of mold, fungus,
  • Environmentally friendly; does not destroy the insulation material.

Bituminous mastic and Uniflex glue will also offer good waterproofing.

Adhesives made of polyurethane that cure through moisture, like Kleiberit PUR 501, can be used to attach to a level concrete floor.

When selecting an adhesive for wall insulation, it’s crucial to take into account factors like balconies, plinths, and interior or exterior walls. All polyurethane and acrylic compositions, including Titan, Zenith 36, Emfikol 225, and those previously mentioned, ensure excellent fastening.

What is important to consider when working with adhesives for foamlex

Substances that degrade foam complex cannot be present in the fixing agent:

  • benzene
  • xylene
  • toluene
  • formalin
  • acetone

3 tips

  • The base must be prepared: cleaned of dirt, primed, if recommended by the manufacturer.
  • To increase adhesion, it is recommended to sandpaper the surface to be glued.
  • It is necessary to avoid getting glue between the joints, their connection should be carried out with EE tape.

Any room will remain cozy and comfortable for many years when combined with the superior insulation of the latest generation and an eco-friendly, user-friendly glue.

Work procedure

The work is best done in warm, windless weather.

The surface to be insulated must be thoroughly cleaned before applying polystyrene foam insulation. The starter strip must be installed strictly horizontally.

Its width is the same as the applied sheet’s thickness. Either sweep or rinse away the dust to remove it. Utilizing a roller or brush, prime the wall. Using a needle roller, smooth the foam board’s surface to enhance the adhesive’s adherence.

The following order is used when adhering foam insulation:

  • prepare the cylinder for use according to the instructions for use;
  • screw the cylinder onto the gun, avoiding misalignment;
  • Apply foam to the treated surface of the board along the perimeter in a continuous strip about 3 cm high, then in the middle along the long side (distance from the edge to the layer is at least 20 mm);
  • Place the board in the designated location;
  • If necessary, correct its position by checking it with a long construction level or a rule;
  • lay the subsequent sheets from bottom to top;
  • Fill the joints formed with foam;
  • after 30 minutes, cut off the excess with a construction knife.

The sheet’s position is adjusted using the same polystyrene foam. Poke a hole in the foam with a gun, then fill it with adhesive foam. For ten to twenty minutes, the sheet maintains its relative mobility.

Installing glue foam makes the process as simple as possible. One person can perform tasks both at heights and on the ground.

Preparing the surface for laying

Only level, treated surfaces can be used to attach foam panels.

The following tasks are included in the preparatory phase:

  1. The surface is carefully inspected, then remove all contaminants, remnants of old destroyed coating, delaminations that will not withstand the load of the insulator. Scrub the walls with a metal brush
  1. Particular attention is paid to surface damage by mold and fungus. The damaged area is cleaned with a stiff brush, and then treated with a special composition, which is made at home on the basis of copper sulfate or purchased in a retail network. Ready-made compositions against fungus and mold
  1. To eliminate irregularities, a map of problem areas is drawn up. After that, leveling is performed by any of these methods:
  • Plastering is a simple and reliable method. The mortar is selected individually for the material of the surface. The insulation can be attached when the plaster is dry;
  • Laying slabs of different thickness – this is a labor-intensive method, requiring accurate identification of irregularities. Foamlex brand depends on its thickness. When purchasing, choose boards of different thicknesses but the same grade;
  • use of pads – this is a method used only by experienced installers. Pieces of styrofoam or plastic are used as underlays.
  1. The metal parts to be covered with boards are treated with anti-corrosion compounds. WEICON Zinc Spray anti-corrosion compound
  1. Mounts brackets for equipment that will be attached later, such as air conditioner.

Insulating the facade of the building

Wall insulation using Foamlex

The outside walls lose the majority of their heat. Prior to beginning the insulation of the facade, the following tasks must be completed:

  • cleaning of the wall surface from dust and other contaminants;
  • leveling with plaster;
  • for better adhesion on the smooth surface, it is necessary to make notches on the smooth surface with an axe;
  • In addition, it is necessary to apply a layer of primer, for this purpose a good choice would be the primer ConcreteContact.

Check out this article to learn how to prime walls.

You might also find the topic of insulating apartment walls interesting.

The technology of work is essentially the same whether the wall is constructed of brick, reinforced concrete slab, or gas-concrete blocks. The most effective insulation is that which is done externally. Internal insulation "steals" space and is less effective.

Stratified approach to wall insulation. Installing thermal insulation is feasible both with and without a metal frame.

There are multiple steps involved in installing foamlex on a concrete wall:

  1. Arrangement of a metal frame, which provides rigidity of the facade.
  2. Adhesive is applied to the foamlex board.
  3. The boards are glued to the wall, starting from the bottom horizontal row.
  4. For better adhesion strength, the corners of the boards and in the center are fastened with special dowels.
  5. After fixing, after three days, overlap the fiberglass mesh and apply a finishing layer.

We draw your attention away from the article about using ecowool to insulate walls. Go here to read more.

Additionally, you can read about how to insulate a wooden door with your own hands in the article that follows.

Selecting the appropriate glue for foam board insulation, also referred to as foamex, is essential to guaranteeing the efficiency and durability of your insulation endeavor. With so many adhesives on the market, it’s critical to choose one that fits the unique needs of your project while taking into account elements like ease of application, longevity, and compatibility with foam materials.

The glue’s bonding strength is one of the most important factors to take into account when choosing foamex. A strong and durable bond between the foam boards and other surfaces, like walls or ceilings, is ensured by using a high-strength adhesive. This ensures that the insulation stays intact and continues to be effective at regulating indoor temperatures over time, helping to prevent problems like delamination or detachment.

Additionally, it’s critical to select a glue that has been specially made for use with foam materials. As a polystyrene foam type, foamex needs an adhesive that won’t break down or harm its structure over time. To prevent possible chemical reactions that could jeopardize the integrity of the insulation, look for adhesives labeled as safe for use with polystyrene or foam insulation.

Furthermore, taking application simplicity into account can streamline the installation procedure and improve the project’s overall effectiveness. To expedite installation and reduce downtime, look for glues that offer fast drying times and simple application techniques, like spray adhesives or adhesive tapes.

In conclusion, careful consideration of elements like bonding strength, compatibility with foam materials, and ease of application is necessary when choosing the best glue for foamex insulation. You can guarantee a successful insulation project that offers your house long-lasting thermal protection by selecting an adhesive that satisfies these requirements.

Video on the topic

Foam glue. Tests. How to make glue and what it can do.

Styrofoam. Facade. Tile Adhesive vs Styrofoam Adhesive. Comparison.

Thermal insulation of the facade.Insulating the house.Adhesives for reinforcing polystyrene foam insulation.Facade.Thermal insulation.Ceresit


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Anna Vasilieva
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