What is the advantage of using mineral wool insulation technologists

Insulation is essential for keeping our houses cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Mineral wool stands out among the other insulation materials because of its many benefits and cutting-edge qualities.

Rock or slag are examples of artificial or natural minerals that can be used to make mineral wool insulation, which has great thermal performance. It efficiently retains heat in a home’s floors, walls, and ceilings, assisting in the year-round maintenance of a comfortable interior temperature. This lowers energy use and utility costs while also improving living conditions.

In addition to being thermally efficient, mineral wool insulation has superior soundproofing capabilities. It contributes to a calmer, quieter interior atmosphere by absorbing and reducing sound waves. Homes next to busy streets or in noisy urban areas will especially benefit from this.

The ability of mineral wool insulation to withstand fire is one of its best qualities. In the event of a fire, mineral wool does not contribute to the spread of flames, in contrast to certain other insulating materials. This can greatly increase a home’s safety and give homeowners and their families priceless peace of mind.

Mineral wool insulation is renowned for its longevity and durability as well. It guarantees constant performance for the duration of the building’s life because it does not deteriorate or compress with time. Long-term cost savings are achieved because of this durability because there is no need for regular maintenance or replacements.

For homeowners wishing to increase the comfort, safety, and energy efficiency of their homes, mineral wool insulation offers a variety of benefits, including thermal efficiency, soundproofing, durability, and resistance to fire. With its cutting-edge technological characteristics, mineral wool is a dependable and efficient option for insulation and heating.

Advantage Explanation
Energy Efficiency Mineral wool insulation helps in reducing energy consumption by maintaining consistent indoor temperatures, leading to lower heating and cooling costs.
No Moisture Absorption Unlike other insulation materials, mineral wool does not absorb moisture, preventing mold growth and preserving the integrity of the insulation over time.

Application and features of the installation of mineral water isolation

Medium density basalt wool insulation is used in frame structures because it is not intended for use with heavy loads. The material may be arranged in an inclined, vertical, or horizontal plane. It needs to be firmly packed into the crate, with trimming material covering all gaps and joints. It is necessary to install a waterproofing canvas when using mineral wool.

A three-layer masonry diagram with thermal insulation is utilized for low-rise construction. The main wall holds the technological block in place, and brick cladding shields it from the outside world. To ensure ventilation, leave an air space between the mineral mats and the external trim. As a result, condensation does not build up in the insulation and the thermal protection qualities do not diminish.

For the duration of the building, hydrophobized mineral plates maintain their protective and insulating qualities and are not subject to freezing cycle restrictions.

You can prolong the life of a heater by installing glass chick, vapor permeable membranes, or wind protection. To connect facing masonry with the main wall, a support for slabs laid without gaps is mounted.

In other instances, plastic dowels with umbrella hats are used to secure basalt products to structures. In one square meter of insulation, eight to ten fasteners are needed. Punch holes are made in the wall before they are installed. The dowel should be inserted 90 mm into the slag blocking and 50 mm into the brick structure.

Mineral wool is laid horizontally and needs to be fastened when warming the ceilings of homes, attics, basements, and garages. Even with its high resistance to moisture, it still requires waterproofing. For private, civil, and industrial construction, the technological block’s thermal insulation is safe, eco-friendly, and effective.

Characteristics and varieties of mineral wool technologists

Expert builders are well aware that certain technical properties of the material are especially crucial when selecting a heater. They will have a significant impact on the future caliber of thermal insulation.

The thermal conductivity of the mineral wool technological block is 0.035-0.37 W/m. And it is thought that this indicator is good. Since this construction material is perfect at delaying heat, one layer of plates that are 6 to 9 cm thick should be sufficient to warm even the exterior walls.

Density of Technoblocks: 46–60 kg/m³. The material’s requirement to be used as facade insulation accounts for this high density indicator. High strength is the most significant indicator in this instance because the facade itself may be subject to different loads. High density also greatly minimizes the absorption of water.

However, the technological unit’s 8% compression coefficient has an impact on the material’s potential deformation. High compression stoves can be slightly bent, and as soon as the pressure is released, the material returns to its original shape. More products can be packed at once if the compression coefficient is high. The technologist instantly takes on its original appearance upon opening the packaging.

Using this material to warm the exterior walls and facade is safe because technology products have a 1.5% water absorption coefficient.

The models that follow feature particular types of technologists:

As previously mentioned, Master Master Technoblock is unique in that it has high density indicators. For instance, the density of the professor’s technology block is between 50 and 60 kg/m³, whereas the Minvata Optima indicates 70.

Technologists’ thermal insulation is packed in a unique, high-strength polyethylene. You can fit five to ten of these plates in the package. The material comes in a variety of configurations; the plates are typically 1000 x 1200 x 600 mm, but they can also have other measurements, like 1200 x 600 x 50 mm.

By selecting technicians, you can install dependable thermal insulation in your home and forgo worrying about the expense of maintaining and replacing the heat-insulating layer for an extended period of time.

Tips for warming the frame house with technologists from Technonikol specialists See further.

Mineral wool insulation technology offers significant advantages for heating and insulating homes. Firstly, it provides excellent thermal insulation, helping to keep homes warm in winter and cool in summer, which can lead to substantial energy savings and lower utility bills. Additionally, mineral wool is fire-resistant, offering enhanced safety compared to other insulation materials. It"s also moisture-resistant, preventing the growth of mold and mildew and ensuring the durability of the insulation over time. Moreover, mineral wool is environmentally friendly, being made from recycled materials and requiring less energy to produce compared to alternatives. Its versatility allows for easy installation in various areas of the house, ensuring comprehensive insulation coverage. Overall, the use of mineral wool insulation technology offers a cost-effective, safe, and sustainable solution for improving the energy efficiency and comfort of homes.

Consumer properties

As per GOST 25898, the material has a vapor permeability of at least 0.3 mg/(m*h*PA). GOST R EN 1609 regulates the water absorption by volume; the indicator’s value is 1.5%. There are no more than 2.5% organic substances in the material, and the technological block in question complies with GOST 13820-2003. The material’s density is between 40 and 50 kg/m3, as specified by GOST R EN 1602 standards.

GOST R EN 822 governs the insulation’s geometric parameters. Practicality and resistance to wear are the main characteristics of the decoration. She has made a name for herself by organizing homes, apartments, workplaces, and business establishments from the best possible angle.

The purpose of the products

Mineral wool manufactured with a rock from the basalt group is known as Technoblock Standard.

Mineral-colored wool

To make installation work easier, cotton wool is formed into separate plates.

What is used for

In accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, mineral wool slabs are utilized for:

  • Thermal insulation of brick treaces, foam – slag- and expanded clay concrete blocks. Sheets are located between the outer wall and facing masonry.
  • Sound insulation of walls from the same materials.
  • Heat and sound insulation of frame walls from various materials, with further decoration.
  • The first layer of insulation in the walls equipped using the technology of the hinged facade.

Inside the crate insulation

  • Sound insulation of partitions.

Walls with layers of insulation

Take note! Technoblock Standard is not intended for use with wet plaster insulation of facades. The manufacturer makes different kinds of plates for these kinds of tasks.

General requirements for insulating materials

The technical and consumer properties of insulation influence the choice. The following conditions must be met by "good" thermal insulation:

  • Have a low thermal conductivity coefficient that helps maintain heat in winter and prevents excessive warming of walls in the summer.
  • Environmental safety for people living in the house. The material should not distinguish toxic substances when heated and other adverse effects, and also not be a source of dust.
  • Fire safety, be non -combustible and not smelting when exposed to open fire.
  • Ease of installation.
  • Preservation of the main physical mechanical characteristics with prolonged use. These include the preservation of physical dimensions in different operating conditions, the slabs should not be “laid down” over time.
  • Resistance to decay, infection with fungi and bacteria, low adaptability to the life of rodents.

The Technonikol Corporation produces and uses basalt slabs known as Technonikol, which are the result of all these attributes.

The scope of application

The purpose of Technoblock is to produce non-removable formwork. Nevertheless, any layered clutch can use this universal insulation. Walls, both internal and external, are under discussion. The substance is occasionally employed as a method of sound absorption.

Laying method

The lowest layer of the facade’s formwork is where the technological block is most frequently used. The method basically consists of covering the building’s exterior walls with material, reinforcing them, and then pouring concrete over the coating. The formwork is disassembled once the job is finished. The house will be more comfortable and warm thanks to this reinforcement system, which also strengthens the walls.

The needs of the home owners determine the thickness of the technologists’ sheets used for wall insulation. It is free to behave in any way that is deemed appropriate; no set standard is established. Adapting the building to the local climate is not difficult because the insulation is perfectly weather-tight.

As a sound insulation

Technologists are often mounted on the walls and ceilings to provide sound insulation for the space. Even though the material has all the required qualities—such as not falling off and rapidly regaining its form—it is rarely used to arrange floors.

Boiler rooms and other auxiliary and technical spaces are excellent places to decorate with basalt wool because sound insulation incorporated into the walls and ceilings will muffle the noise of the heating equipment, keeping residents peaceful.

Delivery and storage

The packages containing Technoblock Standard are made of heat-shaped polyethylene film.

Suitable keeping in a closed warehouse

Sellers are required by the manufacturer to arrange products on pallets according to category. It is forbidden to find packages exposed to precipitation while they are being stored.

The geometric size of the sheet determines how many plates are included in the package. For instance, the packaging will have eight sheets with a thickness of 50 mm, and the insulation area will be 5.76 m2, or 0.288 m3.

In the event that you buy 100 mm thick plates, the package will contain 6 pieces. There will be a volume of 0.432 m3 and a total area of 4.32 m2.

Take note! Check the quantity of products delivered in the seller’s packaging before making a purchase as there might be variations in the configuration. Based on the aforementioned features, the technological block’s thermal insulation is chosen when the types of insulation are planned in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

The supplier promises 50 years of thermal insulation operation without sacrificing fundamental consumer attributes, which drives up demand for the products on the market.

When the types of insulation are planned in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, the technological block’s thermal insulation is chosen based on the aforementioned characteristics. The supplier promises 50 years of thermal insulation operation without sacrificing fundamental consumer attributes, which drives up demand for the products on the market.


Technoblock is resistant to weather fluctuations and other natural elements, and it has a high wear resistance. The material can be installed in the facade system keeping this in mind. The most common application for Technoblock is as one of the exterior decoration layers.

Additionally, rats don’t frighten basalt cotton wool. She is immune to other biological factors such as fungus and mold. Technoblock does not produce environments that are conducive to their growth. This will prevent the decoration from losing its original look and functionality and lessen the chance of other materials used in ceilings or facades deteriorating and wearing out too soon.

Processing basalt wool is simple. Special tools are not required for this task; a knife is sufficient for cutting the material. Any shape can be applied to a block; the only requirement is that the components be connected.


The technological unit’s two biggest drawbacks restrict the range of its application. First, the material is made to perform construction tasks at a moderate pace.

This makes it challenging to use in circumstances where cladding creation receives the majority of attention. It is preferable to use alternative materials whose installation doesn’t require the precise refining of each element if you must solve such a problem.

The blocks’ shape leads to the second disadvantage. The project must be optimized for the size of the sheets of basalt wool. The structure’s strength will drastically decline if this isn’t done. Over time, the cladding will become less resistant to wear, increasing the possibility of damage. It is advised to adhere to the guidelines established by the technological unit’s manufacturer in order to prevent this. Sadly, it’s not always feasible to do this.

Alternative materials

Polystyrene foam is a common substitute for basalt cotton wool. It has several drawbacks but speeds up the process of building structures. First of all, a lot of moisture is absorbed by polystyrene foam. As a result, the building’s microclimate deteriorates.

Additionally, material has the potential to burn. Even though the manufacturer guarantees that polystyrene foam is only composed of non-combustible foam, it is best to take no chances and only use the decoration in areas where there is little chance of a fire.

Materials released under the brands Paroc, ISOROC, Eco-Bazalt, and Rockwool constitute true competition. Though produced by different manufacturers, it is still mineral wool. These imported brands outperform domestic ones in certain metrics, and have a number of advantages over the technology unit.

Technoblock and its types

A mineral wool known as "Technoblock" is used to warm buildings while layered masonry is being installed or to decorate facades. When compared to traditional mineral wool, Technoblock offers the best qualities because of unique additives. The following are its benefits:

  1. Does not absorb moisture.
  2. Does not burn.
  3. He has a high density.
  4. It is characterized by increased strength.
  5. Passes the air.
  6. Has a long service life.
  7. Just mounted.
  8. Is a good heat and sound insulator.
  9. Not afraid of rodents and insects.

Only a comparatively high cost stands out among the drawbacks. Depending on density, three different types of materials can be identified:

  • "Technoblock Standard". The technical characteristics of this type depend on its density, which is 40-50 kg/m3. This indicator allows the material to compress up to 10% of the volume under the influence of the load.
  • "Optima". Has a density of 60 kg/m3. Compressed under load by only 8%. Has the ability to fully restore its shape.
  • "Technoblock prof. Compressed by only 5% volume. Its density is 65-70 kg/m3.

One of the best options for homeowners looking for economical and practical insulation is mineral wool insulation. There are many important benefits associated with it. Its outstanding thermal performance is one of the main advantages. Mineral wool helps to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature all year round by efficiently retaining heat inside the house during cold weather and keeping it out during hot weather.

Furthermore, mineral wool is well known for its ability to withstand fire. Because mineral wool is non-combustible, it does not contribute to the spread of fire, in contrast to certain other insulating materials. Because of this feature, homeowners can feel even more at ease knowing that their insulation is improving home security and lowering the possibility of fire damage.

In addition, mineral wool insulation has a very long lifespan. It will continue to provide efficient insulation for many years after installation because it does not deteriorate with time. Because of its longevity, mineral wool also requires less upkeep, which ultimately saves homeowners money and time.

Apart from its exceptional thermal efficiency, resistance to fire, and longevity, mineral wool insulation also provides superior soundproofing qualities. It reduces noise transmission from outside sources and between rooms by efficiently absorbing sound waves. This can greatly increase a home’s general peace and comfort, giving its residents a more comfortable and joyful place to live.

All things considered, there are many benefits to using mineral wool insulation. For homeowners seeking to enhance the comfort, safety, and energy efficiency of their homes, mineral wool stands out as a highly effective and efficient insulation technician due to its superior thermal performance, fire resistance, durability, and soundproofing qualities.

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Michael Kuznetsov

I love to create beauty and comfort with my own hands. In my articles I share tips on warming the house and repairing with my own hands.

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