Penoplex insulation: Technical characteristics

There are a wide variety of thermal insulation materials available right now. One of them is a foamyplex heater, whose technical specifications meet the strictest guidelines for thermal insulation of nearly any building component.

Foamyplex insulation Technical attributes

It is possible to create light and installation insulation with modern technologies that use non-toxic components. Since "Penopolex" is made by extrusion with a variety of chemical additives, it is impossible to categorically state that the material is completely environmentally friendly.

Penoplaxes is one of the best heat-insulating materials available today, as evidenced by its technical and functional features. and further thought ought to be given to the specifications of this insulation.

What is "Penopolex" ?

Extruded polystyrene foam, or "Penopolex," is actually an enhanced version of a well-known foam that has been around for a while.

Extrust line for insulation manufacturing

The first installation for the manufacture of this material appeared more than half a century ago in the United States. The production pro -SS PR proves as follows: Polystyrene granules are sent to a special camera, where in the process of manufacturing the working composition they are melted and foamed with the use of fophores under the influence of high temperatures. As a result, a lush thick foam is obtained, similar to whipped cream, which is squeezed out by an even layer of the installed thickness of the extruder, and then enters the conveyor tape and is cut into separate panels. The entire proce of the SS Pri is closed, and you can only see the finished product.

Pools of foam with pons


When foforic compounds are added to polystyrene, they heat up and actively release gaseous products like nitrogen and carbon dioxide, which cause the polystyrene mass to foam. The following materials may be present in extruded polystyrene foam composition:

The name of the components Number in parts (by mass)
Polystyrene containing 3.5 ÷ 7% pentan or isopentan or their mixture 100
Pensit is ground 1
Bicarbonate of soda 1
Lemon acid 0.8
Stiarat zinc or barium 0.2
Tetrabromparaxilol 1.2

The composition is prepared and molded at a temperature between 130 and 140 °C and at a maximum speed of 60 kg/h. Penoplax, as well as other domestic and imported heaters like "Technoplex" and "extroll," are produced in this manner.

Light stabilizing agents, antipyrene, antioxidants, modifiers, antistatics, and other components are used as additives to such materials.

  1. Antioxidants are added in the process of extrusion – they prevent thermo -oxidation during processing and rapid destruction during storage and operation of insulation.
  2. Antipires reduce the combustibility of the material or make it completely non -combustible.
  3. Other additives protect the material from aggressive exposure to the external environment.

The porous nature of the "foam pool"

An even distribution of air gaps is preserved inside the hardened extruded polystyrene foam throughout its structure. As a result, the completed insulation has a uniformly porous structure with tiny, air-filled cells that range in size from 0.1 to 0.3 mm (gas). The best indications of the material’s strength and thermal resistance are provided by their isolation from one another.

Information about using mineral wool to warm interior walls may be of interest to you.

Technical and operational characteristics of "foam -pole"

The following table displays the material’s primary attributes:

Technical norms Unit Type 31 Type 31C Type35 Type 45s Type 45
Density GOST 17177-94 kg/m3 28 to 32 28 to 32 from 28 to 38 from 35 to 40 from 40.1 to 47
The compression strength of 10% of linear deformation, no less GOST 17177-94 MPa (kgf/cm2) 0.20 (2) 0.20 (2) 0.25 (2.5) 0.41 (4.1) 0.5 (5)
Elastic modulus Union
MPa 15 18 18
Statistical bend strength limit GOST 17177-94 MPa 0.25 0.25 0.4-0.7 0.4-0.7 0.4-0.7
Water absorption for 24 hours. no more GOST 17177-94 % in volume 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2
Fire resistance category SNiP 21-01-97 group G1 G4 G1 G4 G4
Thermal conductivity coefficient at (25 ± 5) ° C GOST 7076-99 W/m² × OS 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Vapor permeability coefficient GOST 25898-83 mg/m × h × pa 0.008 0.008 0.007 0.007 0.007
Standard dimensions
Width TU 5767 – 006
– 56925804
– 2007
mm 600
Length 1200 1200 1200 2400 2400
Thickness 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 30, 40, 50, 60, 80.100 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 40, 50, 60, 80.100 40, 50, 60, 80.100
Sound insulation of the partition (GKL-Penoplex (50mm) -pl) R w w GOST 27296-87 dB 41 41 41
The index of improvement of structural noise isolation in the thickness of the plates of 20-30mm in the floor structure GOST 16297-80 dB 23 23 23
The temperature range of operation THAT OS From – 50 to + 75
Durability NISF g. Moscow
No. 132-1 from 29.10.01
years The manufacturer guarantees 50 years

As you can see, different types of "foam pool" that are tailored for specific applications are produced. As a result, the material’s slabs have a specific range of standard sizes and retail density. The insulation is precisely cut to the necessary size and is simple to install with light pressure. All of this enables you to independently produce the building’s element thermal insulation process.

Installing Penoplax plates is quite convenient.

Although the table is provided with "dry numbers," it is still worthwhile to give each of the parameters more thought.

"Penopolex" has a low thermal conductivity of approximately 0.03, which is among the lowest of any modern heater. When the material’s temperature or humidity drops, its thermal conductivity essentially stays the same (vibrations don’t go above 0.001 ÷ 0.003 W/m² × ° C). Penopolex does not require additional external protection in the form of moisture-resistant materials because it is already insulated with roofs, ceilings, basements, and foundations, making it suitable for both internal and external thermal insulation.

The majority of the insulation’s ability to retain heat is lost and its durability is reduced if the material is overly hygroscopic, or actively absorbs moisture. Consequently, this parameter is particularly crucial for materials intended for insulation. And when making a purchase, you should give this careful consideration. But, you don’t have to worry about this parameter if you purchase a high-quality "foam-pole."

Many tests, including submerging the plate entirely in water for a month, were conducted to ensure the "foamplex"’sdependabilityin this respect. It was discovered that the stove only absorbed 0.6% of the moisture in its entire volume. Furthermore, the VP’s SS procedure only occurred during the first ten days following immersion, and moisture only entered the damaged outer layer of insulation. Its interior stayed completely dry. This component discusses the durability of "foam pools" insulation for any structural component.

Foamedex is one kind of polystyrene foam that effectively combats evaporation. Vapor permeability in a 20 mm thick plate is similar to that of a roofing material layer. Because of this, employing this insulating material eliminates the need for extra vapor barrier, greatly lowering the expense of insulating the foundation with extruded polystyrene foam or an additional component. Low vapor permeability, however, can occasionally work against you because the "foamplex" prevents natural parliament, or the wall from "breathing."

Penopolex has a homogeneous structure because of the extrusion production technology, and the material’s strength and dependability are increased by the uniform distribution of the smallest cells. Because of his durability, he’s excellent for insulating not just walls and ceilings but also the sexes. When heavy loads are applied, only small surface alterations such as dents—whose depths can only reach 0.5 to 1 mm—remain.

Penoplax is considered an environmentally friendly material by technological standards. Some manufacturers, nevertheless, disregard these regulations and use parts that are harmful to human health. Consequently, over time, low-quality products start to identify ingredients that promote the onset of particular diseases. The way the material is installed on the walls will determine a lot; if technology is abandoned, "foam-polex" may become a health hazard.

It is not possible to categorize all extruded polystyrene foam as completely non-combustible.

Good materials should spread the flame even when they come into contact with an open flame. This is known as self-adjacent properties. Sadly, not all materials behave in this way; some burn as well as melt, forming a burning current mass that emits a significant amount of highly toxic and caustic burning smoke.

It is difficult to judge the quality of a product by its appearance, so it is worthwhile to buy one plate and carry out a variety of outdoor experiments above it before buying a large batch of material. You can purchase the necessary quantity of panels once you’ve confirmed that the insulation fits each of the attributes that have been assigned to it.

Furthermore, I have to admit that there are a lot of low-quality fakes on the market that are produced outside of accepted technological guidelines. Since it’s unknown how he would behave in dire situations, this material is extremely risky.

Since the insulation is also used externally, it is tested by repeatedly freezing and thawing it; these processes count the number of times the material is used in conditions with significant temperature fluctuations. Experiments are conducted until the material exhibits signs of external exposure damage. The service life of the insulation is based on the number of aged cycles.

According to NISF experiments, the "penoplax" can last for around 50 years without losing any of its original characteristics. Such guarantees are usually provided with a margin, meaning that the life specified is not the maximum.

In addition to temperature variations, the material is tested under a variety of atmospheric conditions, including high humidity, UV radiation, and strong wind loads.

Once more, it’s important to keep in mind the manufacturer’s good intentions: if all manufacturing guidelines are followed, the material should function flawlessly by the deadline.

  • Resistance of insulation to chemical effects

When using Penopolex in construction, it’s important to understand which materials work best with the insulation and which can damage it. In general, this material is not harmed by the chemical compositions of minerals used in construction; however, certain organic substances cause it to soften or melt.

It is best to plan ahead and keep materials containing such components out of the insulation process to avoid running into problems during work.

The following substances are incompatible with "foam-pole":

  1. Complex and simple ethers: ethyl acetate and methylacetate solvents and diethyl ether.
  2. Toluol, benzene, xylol and similar hydrocarbons for them.
  3. Formaldehyde and formalin.
  4. Diesel fuel, kerosene, gasoline.
  5. Ketons – acetone, methyl eup .
  6. Coal tar .
  7. Oil paints.
  8. Complex polyester that are used as hardsteps of epoxy resin.

The following compounds are worth mentioning as they won’t damage the "foam-pole":

  1. Various alcohols and substances based on them, including paint.
  2. All types of acids (inorganic and organic).
  3. Bleaching powder.
  4. Salt solutions.
  5. Water and paints based on it.
  6. Alkalis.
  7. Ammonia, propane, butane.
  8. Freons.
  9. Carbon dioxide and oxygen.
  10. Cement -based solutions .
  11. Vegetable and animal oils, as well as paraffins.

Furthermore, it should be mentioned that "foam-polex" has a high level of bio resistance and is not susceptible to deterioration.

Marking "Foamplex"

The thermal insulation of various building components in both residential and commercial settings is accomplished by this type of insulation. As was already mentioned, Penopolex has different technical properties based on how it will be used, such as thickness, strength, and combustibility. Certain material brands are utilized not only for thermal insulation of pipes but also for insulating runways at airfields.

The letter was ranked first earlier in the marking process, followed by the numbers, such as M35 and M45. The above table shows the current designation, which is 31.31 s, 35, 45, and 45s.

  1. Penopolex 31 has a fairly low compression strength, so it is not used in areas where a high load is supposed to be expected. More often aircraft it is used to warm tanks and various pipelines .
  2. Material of 31 s markings also does not differ in high strength and is designed to warm the internal walls. Its difference from 31 lies in a higher degree of combustibility of the material.
  3. “Penoplax” 35 has a fairly high strength and good heat -insulating qualities, therefore it is considered universal. They are insulated with walls, foundations, floors and pipes.
  4. “Penoplax” 45 is used to warm the runways, arrangement of the road surface, thermal insulation of deep foundations, floors in production workshops and other rooms with a large dynamic load. The density of this material allows you to withstand increased loads, and its water resistance does not allow coatings to be deformed at temperature differences.
  5. 45 C has close to “foamedex” – 45 characteristics for strength and thermal insulation, but the insulation with this marking is usually chosen for fixing on the walls of industrial premises with large volumes .

In addition to digital labeling, there is another line where the "foam pool’s" characteristics are as near to its intended use as feasible.

Dimensions in mm Type (density)
"Penopolex" 45 (35-47 kg/m³) "Penopolex" f (29-33 kg/m³) "Penopolex" K (28-33 kg/m³) "Penopolex" C (25-32 kg/m³)
Width 600 600 600 600
Length 2400 1200 1200 1200
Thickness 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 20; thirty; 40; 50; 60; 80; 100 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 20; thirty; 40; 50; 60; 80; 100

There are instances when marking is done slightly differently, and it is much simpler to identify these instances.

  • “Foam -Penx – Wall” has a density within 25 ÷ 32 kg/m³ and is intended for fixing on the ferry and internal walls, as well as for insulation of partitions and basements, which increases energy conservation and the quality of soundproofing the structure.

Foamplex is used to insulate walls.

If the insulation is installed externally, it is advised to apply plaster or replace it with a facade material, like siding, lining, or decorative tile, on the "foam pool" after the insulation has been fixed and the seams between the plates have been sealed.

  • “Penopolex -foundation” has a density of 29 ÷ 33 kg/m³ and is used to warm the foundations and surfaces in the basements. The material is quite tight and drainage, as it is designed to warm these elements of buildings. It is also used to thermal insulation of septic tanks, which have not too much deepening, and there is a risk of freezing them.

  • “Penopolex – roof” is produced for insulation of rafter or flat roofs. In addition, it is suitable for insulating the attic overlap. The density of this brand of the material is 28 ÷ 33 kg/m³, so it will not give a large load on the rafter system.

Roof slope warming

  • “Penopolex -Comfort” has a density of 25 ÷ 35 kg/m³ and is used to warm the walls of apartments, balconies and loggias, as well as surfaces in private houses and such rooms with high humidity as a bath and sauna. The density of the material is small, but it is quite enough for residential buildings, since it will not be subjected to high loads.

Insulation on the balcony walls

  • “Foam -Penetx – 45” has a density of 35 ÷ 47 kg/m3 and its purpose has already been considered above. But besides this, it is used to warm the floors of garages and flat roofs, on which sports grounds and even parking are organized.

Fundamentals of insulation technology "foam pool"

To ensure that the insulation performs to its full potential, it is important to pay attention to the installation technology used on specific structural components.

Wall insulation outside

Not only the maintenance of heat in the premises of the house, but also the health of its residents will depend on the proper installation of “foamedex” on the walls. Unfortunately, in violation of the technology for saving medium and mn, oh builders fix the insulation only on special fasteners – dowels with wide hats, which are called "fungi". Such installation not only does not insulate the walls, but will also contribute to the occurrence of mold or colonies of fungus inside housing, which can grow and penetrate the wall material. This is due to the fact that due to the loose fit of the insulation material, the dew point is shifted to the wall. Therefore, if a decision is made to make insulation, then it is worth doing this according to all the rules.

The facade walls’ insulation needs to be installed strictly in line with technology!

  • The first thing you need to start work is from the preparation of surfaces for the installation of "foamplex". The wall needs to be cleaned of old plaster, dirt and dust. Then it is primed with antifungal solutions.

Plaster must be used to level any noticeable deformations or irregularities that are discovered after the surfaces have been cleaned; otherwise, the slabs will be asymmetrically close to the wall. The wall needs to be primed once more after it has dried and been leveled.

  • “Penopolex” begins to be installed from the lower part of the wall, and in order for the first row to stand perfectly evenly, a G-shaped starting profile is fixed along the broken line, on which the slabs of insulation material will carefully stand .

To make it easier to install the first row of plates, start the profile.

  • Next, there is an installation of the first row of material on the wall. The plates are fixed to the surface using special adhesive solutions, which are applied directly to the plate. After that, she is well pressed against the wall.

An approximate schematic showing where the plates are located on the wall

The "Penoplax" installation is done in accordance with the brickwork plan, and there shouldn’t be any spaces between the plates. Once the primary glue has dried, if they are still present, mounting foam needs to be inserted.

  • Next, after the plates are glued, they must be fixed with plastic dowels – “fungi”. To do this, in the wall, holes are drilled directly through the insulation, into which part of the dowel with a hat is installed, then a plastic nail is driven into it. Such mounts will require 5 ÷ 6 pieces per m², if necessary, their number can be increased. The mounts of the mounts should be at the same level with the surface of the insulation, that is, they are pressed into it to the thickness of the hat.

The insulation slab is mechanically fastened to the wall.

  • After that, it is recommended to strengthen the corners with perforated metal corners. This must be done because the material on the corner parts of the house is damaged in the first place.
  • Next, there is a stage of surface reinforcement. In order for the plaster solution to have a good clutch with the insulation slabs, you need to go through the sandpaper with large grain.

Subsequently, a red plaster mixture based on cement is applied to the wall’s upper surface, where the glass-air grid for reinforcement is fixed. It blends seamlessly into the slabs’ initial layer and is perfectly leveled.

Wall reinforcement above the "foam pool"

  • The first layer with a reinforcing mesh should dry well and only after that is the second leveling plaster layer applied. It is well aligned, and if it is planned to be covered with paint, it is brought to a smooth state with putty .

Ideal surface smoothness—quite high-quality alignment—is not required if decorative tiles are laid or relief plaster is applied to the surface.

Insulation of the walls of the balcony or loggia

Internal wall insulation is installed in the same manner as external wall insulation, with the exception that balcony surfaces have different properties during the insulation process.

Foil tape or mounting foam must be used to seal the joints between glued and fixed insulation.

The balcony’s insulation procedure

Additionally, once there are no longer any cold bridges, you can install a second layer of foil insulation on top and cover the walls with drywall or a lining. Alternatively, finishing plaster could be applied directly on top.

Video – an example of insulation of the balcony "Foamoplax"

Thermal insulation of the roof

Warming the roof is done either during the building phase or the reconstruction phase.

Roof insulation strategy for roofing

One is scheduled sheathing.

Vapor barrier membrane number three.

5-the leg of the rafter.

6-film that is windproof.

8. Roofs.

In the version that is being presented, a vapor barrier membrane is placed on top of a plank casing that is fixed from the attic, where the entire "pie" is placed.

  1. "Foamplex" is mounted between the rafter legs. If gaps remain between these elements, then they must be filled with mounting foam.
  2. Then the insulation layer is closed by a windproof film .
  3. The counterpart is fixed on top of the rafters, on which the roofing material is laid.

The "foam-polex," which is taken from the house’s premises and placed between the beams on the plank casing, is used to warm the attic ceiling. Pie is assembled using the same principles as roofing, namely the waterproofing film, vapor barrier, "foam-polex," and plank flooring for the attic floor.

Thermal insulation of the concrete floor

Because of its high density, this insulation can be glued under parquet or laminate flooring, for example, to the apartment’s concrete floor surface.

The cleaned and primed floor is covered with an adhesive mass, onto which the thorny and fastened "foam pools" slabs are adhered. This technique will help to align the floor’s surface and provide soundproofing and insulation for the space.

Penoplax plates being placed on the ground

Installing the "foam-pole" in between the lags that are fastened to the floor could be another way to insulate the area. Therefore, when it is intended to install a plank floor on top of it, thermal insulation is done. A comparable technique is typically employed in a private residence, as the apartment’s ceiling height is restricted to 2700 mm.The addition of a floor insulation layer will further decrease this measurement by an additional 80 to 100 mm.

Here are some tips on selecting wall insulation in the country that might be of interest to you.

Domestic analogues of the material

If Penopolex is a patented brand of insulation, then Russian technologists have created other materials that are similar to it using pre-existing compositions.


This home insulation is perfect for the "warm floor" system and can be installed on any surface in a private home. Graphite is used in the production of Technoplex, a material made possible by nanotechnology that can strengthen plates and decrease insulation’s thermal conductivity.

Unlike the "foam player," this material is gray-silver in color and satisfies all prerequisites for the first.

Technoplex is made in the form of 20 mm thick and thick plates. The butt grooves and spikes on the slabs enable them to gather them into a single, gap-free coating, preventing the development of cold bridges.

Since UV rays can be highly damaging, the "technoplex" should be closed with decorative material after it has been installed on an insulated surface.


The heater is yet another Penoplasex analog. There are three versions of this material that have different compression strength, combustibility, and heat conductivity coefficients.

The insulation’s density, 45 kg/m³ and 35 kg/m³, is indicated by the numbers on the label.

"Polypen" is thought to be a strong rival to Penoplaxes.

Antipypees are among the complex of ingredients that contribute to the material’s substantial reduction in the insulation’s combustibility.

– Internal partitions and the building’s bearing walls are insulated and sound-insulated using "Polypen 35."

"Polypen 45" is appropriate for road surfaces that bear heavy loads and for thermal insulation of floors in homes or garages because of its density, which enables them to withstand the problems.

"Polypen Standard" works well for attic, garage, and "warm floor" floors, among other places where low combustibility is a particularly important quality to insulate.

You can select the plate thickness that works best for an insulation area from a selection of 100, 80, 60, 50, 40, 30 and 20 mm plates.

Russian counterparts have made a great name for themselves and are a perfect replacement for Penopolex.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is better to purchase heat -insulating material in specialized stores that can present a quality certificate for the products sold. Buying it in "wild" markets, you can easily run into a fake. Therefore, do not take risks, since, saving a penny, you can subsequently pay your own health. And yet – wherever the material is purchased, it is recommended to first conduct a test for the quality by buying one stove. In contact with open fire, high -quality insulation should not ignite and give a large amount of smoke – it can melt and attach it on its own. Bypass what is it on our site.

Video – testing of "foamyx" for strength and fire safety

Afanasyev Evgeny, Chief Editor

The publication’s author on September 6, 2015

Selecting the correct insulation is essential for maintaining a warm and energy-efficient home environment. Penoplex insulation’s superior technical qualities provide a dependable solution. Penoplex, which is composed of extruded polystyrene foam, has a high thermal resistance that lowers heat loss and energy costs. Its closed-cell structure adds structural strength to your walls and makes it moisture-resistant, preventing the growth of mold and mildew. Penoplex insulation is an affordable option for improving the comfort and efficiency of your home because of its lightweight and simple-to-install design.

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Michael Kuznetsov

I love to create beauty and comfort with my own hands. In my articles I share tips on warming the house and repairing with my own hands.

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