Maintaining a healthy and cozy living space requires making sure your home has enough ventilation. The horizontal portion of the ventilation channel, also known as the norm, is an important component of this. This part is essential for controlling airflow and avoiding problems like moisture accumulation, poor air quality, and even structural damage.
The portion of your home’s ventilation system that travels horizontally—usually through walls, floors, or ceilings—is referred to as the horizontal section of the ventilation channel. This section is in charge of distributing air in an even manner throughout the various rooms and spaces, making sure that every nook and cranny has enough ventilation.
Maintaining ideal airflow and efficiency depends on the horizontal ventilation channel section’s proper design and installation. In order to guarantee that ventilation systems function well and adhere to safety regulations, experts must adhere to certain norms and guidelines.
The size and dimensions of the norm are an important feature. To meet your home’s airflow needs, the horizontal section of the ventilation channel has to be the right size. If it’s too tiny, airflow may be restricted, which could result in inadequate ventilation and other problems like condensation or stale air. However, if it is excessively large, the ventilation system may operate inefficiently and waste energy.
The materials used to build the ventilation channel’s horizontal section are just as important as its size. Using premium materials that are strong, resilient to rust, and unaffected by moisture is essential. Sufficient insulation is also required to keep the house’s temperature constant and to stop heat gain or loss.
Component | Specification |
Material | Galvanized Steel |
Dimensions | Standard: 200mm x 200mm |
Insulation | Rigid Foam Insulation (Polyethylene) |
Thickness | Minimum 25mm |
Installation | Flush with surrounding surfaces, securely fastened |
- 6 optimal location
- Using pipes
- Features of the installation of brick mines
- Installation of air ducts in the kitchen
- Important parameters of ventilations
- Ventilation schemes of residential buildings
- Calculation of exhaust ventilation
- General device
- How to decide when choosing an hood and fan
- How to do ventilation with your own hands
- 7 step -by -step installation instructions
- How to clean the cleaning
- Checking and cleaning ventilation
- 4 device device
- The calculation of the ventilation of the apartment
- Connection of the hood to electricity
- Video on the topic
- Ventilation horizontal area
- How to combine ventilations in the natural ventilation system
- 🔴 Why it is impossible to do ventilation from the sewer pipe!
6 optimal location
It is preferable to place a penetration close to the skate itself on the metal tile pitched roof. As a result, the pipe’s extended section will be enclosed from the elements under the roof. The remaining short element is resilient to various processes and wind gusts.
It’s crucial to consider the mine’s height above the roof during the installation process. When the indicator is too high, it will be exposed to wind gusts and quickly deform, and when it is too small, it will adversely affect traction.
Furthermore, additional fasteners and stretch marks will need to be applied to fix it.
As per the existing construction guidelines, the mine should be positioned no higher than 50 centimeters above the inclined roof. The height indicator is 30 centimeters if the roof is flat. The vendviller needs to rise at least two meters when using the roof to set up outdoor spaces for lounging.
Using pipes
It is impossible to perform wall ventilation without the use of pipes. Ensure that each room has its own air duct at the same time. There is one exit situated a few meters above the base of the foundation. The extraction of air masses from the room is the function of another output, which is situated on the roof. The setting of all channels happens to him.
It is imperative that the pipe system is positioned roughly one meter above the roof. The entrance is directly beneath the ceiling coating, and it can be closed with the aid of air flow-regulating shifts.
It is possible to integrate the sauna’s exhaust systems with those of the kitchen, bathroom, and toilet. The attic room may provide such associations. Ensure that robust seals are positioned at every point of the connection. Such compounds can still be installed inside the ceiling coating to allow lights to pass through the attic room to the roof. Passing pipe systems insulate the attic itself.
Concrete, galvanized steel, or polymer coatings are occasionally used to make pipes. The pipes are lowered between the walls during installation, and then cement is poured over them. Making the ventilation pipe’s yield as tight as possible is essential. A silicone and rubber component is used for this. Corrugated pipe can be used to link the output and exhaust duct.
Plastic ducts for ventilation can be incorporated into wall coatings if needed, even if the coating is not very thick. Another option is to drill a 120 millimeter asbestos cement opening and then lower a pipe into it before strengthening it with cement.
Two slate half-waves of the necessary size are fastened together with wire to enable the pipe to function. The cabinet that is arranged alongside the partition is where the pipe itself is fastened. But when the design is installed and two bricks are placed on the partition’s sides, there’s another possibility.
Ventilation installation
Features of the installation of brick mines
The most common method used to construct these kinds of ventilations is double masonry with a vertical square course. In this instance, brick mine construction is done as follows:
- make markings using the template;
- lay out 2-3 rows of mines;
- The riotes are installed on the plumb line – bricks laid across;
- lay out another 5-6 rows;
- Rushing buoys.
Ventilation masonry Brick ducts can be installed using either single-row or multi-row technology to dress seams. The process of laying the stone during mine construction also eliminates the chance that combustion products will seep into the interior of the building.
Plastic pipes are used to create divisions between the main brick mine and the surrounding area when setting up ventilation systems of this kind. Before they are raised and connected with ventilation, all of these sleeves are first united into a single highway. All transitions from the main mine to the pipe system should be sealed in accordance with the standards.
Installation of air ducts in the kitchen
It won’t function to install the hood without additional air ducts. Installation of these requires pipes. Usually, plastic channels or corrugated ducts are utilized. The quality of the air exchange is significantly decreased when connecting the hood to the main ventilation system.
Important parameters of ventilations
- The diameter of the duct should be equal to the diameter of the exhaust channel or be a little larger. The smaller diameter of the pipe will lead to an additional load on the motor and the formation of third -party noise.
- The number of bends of the pipe should be minimized. It is not allowed to mount the duct with areas where the angle of inclination is 90 degrees.
- The length of the ventilation duct should be less than 3 m.
Depending on the type of plate, it is important to take the distance between the two objects into account when installing the hood over the hob.
Ventilation schemes of residential buildings
The layout of ventilation may vary greatly depending on the building plans. This section will discuss the degree of effectiveness of a specific type of implementation of ventilation and attempt to determine how it is arranged in the panel house.
In this instance, contaminated air from nearby apartments does not enter the house because the ventilation shafts are not linked or improved. Another variant of Khrushchev’s ventilation system has separate channels that exit each apartment and travel to the roof, where they join a single pipe that exhausts air masses to the street.
Regretfully, the most basic yet inefficient ventilation technique is frequently employed, whereby air from every apartment goes into a single, sizable mine – akin to the ventilation system under Khrushchev. This lets you build the building with less space and money, but it comes with a lot of negative effects:
- The receipt of dust and unpleasant odors from other apartments – residents of the upper floors are especially susceptible to this, where the air rises naturally;
- rapid pollution of the total ventilation pipe;
- Lack of sound insulation.
Additional methods of exhaust air removal from ventilation shafts include the use of horizontal channels within the attic and pipe output into the attic without a chimney. Horizontal air ducts decrease air traction in the first scenario, and the lack of output to the street in the second scenario pollutes the attic. Although economical, the ventilation system in Khrushchev and other Soviet-style buildings is inconvenient for the occupants.
The fundamentals of a few residential buildings’ natural ventilation systems are as follows: (a) no prefabricated channels; (b) vertical prefabricated channels; (c) horizontal prefabricated channels in the attic; and (d) a heated attic.
Thankfully, a contemporary ventilation system that automatically draws in and supplies air exists. A fan that circulates air into the mine is part of its design. It is typically found in the building’s basement. The house’s roof is equipped with exhaust ventilation of the same capacity, which forcibly extracts tainted air masses from the duct. The most basic ventilation system in an apartment building is this one. Recuperators—a type of energy-saving device—can also be used to arrange it. Recuperator’s job is to remove heat (or cold) from released air and transfer it to supply.
Typically, ventilation mines originate from a multi-story building’s basement, further guaranteeing the structure’s defense against moisture and vapors. Natural traction is used to provide ventilation for the basement, and supply units are typically installed here in contemporary homes. General ventilation shafts that exit holes in each floor and apartment are used to remove unfiltered air from the basement.
One of the primary requirements for the proper functioning of the natural ventilation system is the ventilation of the basement, which is where it starts. In order to accomplish this, fresh air is allowed to enter the base through holes-sustains created in the basement walls. It provides traction in a common house mine and lowers humidity at the base of the building.
The holes can have a straightforward square or round shape. They need to be positioned far enough above the ground to prevent infiltration of dirt and water from the street. At least 20 centimeters is the ideal distance from Earth. If the basement has multiple rooms, the holes should be spaced evenly around its perimeter; this will allow for proper organization of a few fraud in each room. Fiction cannot be closed, or the apartment building’s ventilation system as a whole will be compromised. A metal net covers the holes to prevent animals from penetrating into the basement.
The horizontal portion of the ventilation channel is essential for maintaining a home’s ideal insulation and heating. In order to maintain energy efficiency and effectively distribute air throughout the house, this part of the ventilation system needs to follow certain guidelines. Homeowners can guarantee adequate ventilation, stop heat loss, and improve the general comfort and energy efficiency of their buildings by adhering to these standards. Maintaining a healthy indoor environment and reducing energy costs related to heating and cooling requires proper insulation and upkeep of this ventilation channel section.
Calculation of exhaust ventilation
The first step in calculating exhaust ventilation for large production workshops and enterprises is figuring out where hazardous material discharges are distributed. In order to maintain hygienic standards, specialists calculate the volume of air masses for the withdrawal and supply at the following step.
If there aren’t any active sources of undesirable substances in the area, it’s best to apply this straightforward formula:
- O – the volume of pure oxygen provided for by sanitary standards, prescriptions;
- M – the average value of oxygen consumption for 1 hour of active work;
- N – a constant number of workers working in the room daily.
Regarding the value of m, the SNiPs have provided the following precise definitions:
- m = 30 m3 – for ventilated premises;
- m = 60 m3 – for objects without access to clean air.
An explanation of the production premises’ ventilation system certification
The ability of hazardous materials to disperse throughout the working area, pavilion, or production workshop is one of their unique characteristics. In this instance, the primary goal is to reduce their level of focus to a level that will allow them to remain in the room.
There are specific threshold values for every hazardous substance. In light of this, the following formula determines the volume of the influx of fresh air:
- MB is the average weight of the undesirable or potentially dangerous substance entering the working space per unit of time (1 hour);
- KO is the value of the remote concentration of a potentially dangerous substance in the surrounding space;
- KP – concentration of unwanted substances at the input of the supply installation.
General device
Prior to installing ventilation in the apartment, it’s critical to comprehend the fundamentals of the system’s operation, how it functions, and potential issues. If we take the example of a multi-story building, during the construction phase, there are numerous channels that are used to remove contaminated air from the building.
The way the ventilation system is set up, fresh air flows in naturally through windows, doorways, or other openings.
It is clear that a natural ventilation system has benefits:
- Minimum installation costs, which allows you to reduce the cost of the structure.
- Ability to work in autonomous mode.
- Independence from electricity.
- Ensuring optimal conditions that most favorably affect human health.
The drawbacks of natural ventilation are numerous:
- With a strong wind, a reverse traction may appear, which leads to garbage entering the room.
- For ventilation to work normally, a special rule must be made – the temperature inside is higher than outside.
However, the use of "non-hearing" materials during construction can render even the finest ventilation system installation in the apartment ineffective. The installation of hermetic doors, plastic windows, and other contemporary structures causes ventilation problems, which worsen the room’s microclimate. Checking and fixing the apartment’s ventilation system is necessary to make things right.
Setting up a mandatory type system is one way to go when fans are connected to the workplace. Their job is to clear the area so that the clean stream can enter and to remove the old air from the property. Items are fitted into designated openings (kitchen and bathroom shafts).
Installing specific valves that aid in air exchange is a necessary part of this ventilation project for the apartment. The flow enters the interior through these holes, and it naturally exits through the already-existing ventilation ducts.
The apartment’s ventilation project
How to decide when choosing an hood and fan
It is vital to consider other aspects that are required for a normal life in addition to appearance when installing a specific system in the apartment’s kitchen. First, ventilation system diameter and size are established.
You must measure the ventilation shaft in order to do this correctly because the fan size will be larger by 10 to 15 cm.
Next, it is important to calculate the performance of the device. To do this, you need to carry out several mathematical actions: multiply the length with a width and height, and then take away the volume occupied by furniture
The resultant number is multiplied by 6 and by 12 in isolation. You can make the right choice for the kitchen fan by computing these boundaries.
Both rooms are considered if the kitchen is connected to another room. Remember to adjust the powerful device’s volume. When a fan is installed, a 6 meter kitchen will typically be completely furnished with a capacity of 180 cubic meters per hour. A kitchen that is 10 meters in size and has a capacity of 220 to 300 cubic meters can have ventilation installed.
Should the Ven-Shakhta be smaller than a fan, you ought to focus on the more powerful turbo device.
How to do ventilation with your own hands
The best type of housing for supply and exhaust ventilation is private. Once the power and brand of the equipment have been determined, anyone with basic tool handling skills can manually adjust the room’s ventilation.
Calculating the duct section is the first step. A room’s area is calculated using the formula 1 m2 per 15 mm hole. In certain situations, two mines can be used in place of the duct’s single large diameter.
Step 2: Using a hole perforator, punch. Pipes are installed into the wall holes to shield the system from fine waste.
Step 3: Installing the supply duct and opening the mine. Situated slightly above the ground, either vertically or horizontally. The shaft in the outer walls is about 40 cm above the floor and is covered by a canopy and grate.
Step 4: The exhaust duct device. It is situated beneath the ceiling, opposite the wall’s ingress, and is secured with brackets and clamps. exhibited at a height of 50 cm from the roof and shielded by a canopy-covered grate. Use tees and adapters if needed.
Step 5: Install fans and ventilation systems. Separate walls house the exhaust and supply components.
Homemade video for ventilation:
All that is needed to set up natural ventilation is the installation of a vertical roof hood, an influx window, or an outer wall valve.
Placements between the battery and the floor, as well as from above or below the window opening, are ideal. When ordering double-glazed windows, it is preferable to set up a valve for the window opening.
Additionally, supply monoblocks, a ready-made solution, can be purchased. Fan, heater, and filter are all gathered into one unit.
7 step -by -step installation instructions
The process of installing ventilation on the roof structure is not very difficult. Everyone will complete it, but in order to do so, you must follow these guidelines:
- 1. First of all, you should understand the place of installation of the passage node on the roof.
- 2. On the upper wave of metal tiles, it is necessary to draw the contours of the future hole, applying the template that comes with the element itself.
- 3. After that, you should cut a hole on the top with a chisel and scissors on the metal, as well as make several holes in the lower layers of the roof pie.
- 4. Following the template, it is necessary to drill several holes for self -tapping screws.
- 5. Then it remains to clean the surface of the roof of the remains of moisture and dust.
- 6. On the lower part of the sealing laying, you need to apply a sealant layer.
- 7. Then it is necessary to put the gasket in the right place and fix the passage element in it. Having made sure of the reliability and correctness of the structure of the structure, you can start fixing. Scuropes are used for this.
- 8. At the end, it is necessary to ensure the tightness of ventilation output to the roof from the attic side.
Considering the aforementioned, installing a ventilation room on the roof should not pose any significant challenges. The future ventilation system will function at its best if we plan the project properly in advance, perform the necessary calculations, and carefully review the installation guidelines. Simultaneously, there will be no reduction in the operational period of the roof, which has withstood numerous changes as a result of the emergence of a new node. However, to do this, you must approach the impending task responsibly and adhere to the fundamental installation guidelines.
How to clean the cleaning
Start by inspecting each outlet in order to get the supply and exhaust system operating normally again. If the paper sheets are drawn to one another differently, it could be due to contaminated boxes within the apartment. To begin doing your own DIY apartment ventilation, first prepare a small-thickness steel cable or residential aluminum wire. Clean the trash channel with the "Tool."
It is worthwhile to attach a long tube to a vacuum cleaner in order to remove the remnants (using a vinyl irrigation hose is permitted). You will have to clean the main channel if all else fails and the apartment’s ventilation still isn’t working. A burrosh with a bigger diameter and bar (used as a shoulder) are helpful for this.
Next, tidy the passage, but proceed with caution, as there might be a bird nest or other living things inside. If pollution was the exact cause, the apartment’s ventilation system will be fixed.
A private house would take the approach mentioned above. The homeowner is responsible for cleaning the central channels in a multi-story building with many apartments if the ventilation and air conditioning are disrupted; tenants are not allowed to undertake this work. It is required to fill out an application and summon the apartment’s master in this manner when making claims regarding ventilation.
Checking and cleaning ventilation
You must periodically inspect the ventilation ducts for obstructions. This is done in situations like these:
- Annual planned check
- Primary check of ventilation ducts before using. During its implementation, the presence of clogs, the density of the channel and its remoteness from the smoke channel, the craving.
- After repairing channels
Ticks and their byproducts, bacteria, are present in household dust. An allergy is brought on by breathing air that contains a lot of dust. Furthermore, dust poses a risk to individuals who have asthma. The accumulation of dust in the lungs can result in long-term immune and light system disorders. The accumulation of dust in ventilation systems leads to the growth of these harmful organisms to human health. Thus, there are birds and tiny rodents.
The traction of the channels decreases, the filters become contaminated, the cross section shrinks, fat and dust accumulate on the walls, and the supply and exhaust system installations malfunction when the channels are clogged. Administrative and public buildings, as well as production buildings, should have their ventilation ducts cleaned at least twice a year. Every year or so, the ventilation systems in fire brigade buildings must be cleaned. Following cleaning, the channels are sanitized, and information about the actions is recorded in a unique journal.
4 device device
The outlet canal is connected to the lower portion of the pipe using a flange, and a deflector or traditional protective umbrella is positioned on top. You may also think about the insulation option, where mineral wool is utilized.
Modern roofing ventilation systems are available in more sophisticated varieties that match a higher standard of quality. While offering many benefits, they are essentially identical to traditional solutions in terms of their structural characteristics and mode of operation.
There is a particular demand for the producer "Vlipe Vent" covers. The following are some of the benefits listed for these products:
- 1. High quality manufacturing. Pipe models available on the market are made from high -class materials. If the inner pipe is made of better galvanized steel, then the outer is from reliable light polypropylene.
- 2. Reliable mount. To fix the element, a special passing element of the corresponding form is used.
- 3. The pipe height is from 400 to 700 millimeters.
- 4. At the bottom of the pipe there is a seal that allows it to insert it into the duct to a depth of 300 millimeters.
- 5. The inner diameter of the pipes is 110-250 mm.
- 6. The ventilation output pipe is equipped with a special heat insulator, which prevents the possible formation of ice traffic jam in the cold season. In addition, good thermal insulation prevents condensate.
- 7. At ventilation outputs, you can install an electric fan that will create forced ventilation.
- 8. The cap with the deflector is the best protection against precipitation. In addition, it enhances the traction.
When purchasing the passage element as an add-on node instead of as part of the kit, you may need to carefully consider the kind and profile of the roofing in order to select the best option. For any kind of roof, the best way to guarantee the structure’s universality is to use a high-quality passing element. Maximum stability and tightness of ventilation output are guaranteed by such products.
The calculation of the ventilation of the apartment
Experts determine whether a residential building needs artificial or natural ventilation when it is being built, and apartments come equipped with a "by default" ventilation system for the occupants. Attempting to alter the Khrushchev’s ventilation system won’t work; instead, a significant structural alteration will be required. However, you can increase air circulation in your apartment by using a variety of devices. Doing calculations is required in order to accomplish this.
You can install extra kitchen hoods and fans on the bathroom grids if you’re not happy with the apartment’s ventilation. The fundamental guideline in this situation is to keep in mind that the quantity of air pulled should not be greater than the quantity entering the apartment. Ventilation systems will function as effectively as possible in this scenario. If the room isn’t getting enough ventilation from the windows and doors, you should install one of the hood and fan models that can control air flow.
Exhaust device power should be given special consideration; in small apartments, 50 to 100 m³ of air per hour will be sufficient productivity. You can measure how many air masses there are in the space to precisely determine which load will be best for the device.
The apartment’s area is summed up and multiplied three times for this. The air volumes that result must go through the fans all the way in an hour.
Fans, hoods, and air conditioners can all be used to create more airflow. These devices will handle the primary duties of the complex’s ventilation system:
- The hood in the kitchen will clean the room of unpleasant odors, fat and smoke, filling it with clean air;
- Fan in the bathroom – remove wet air;
- air conditioning – cool and drain the air in the room.
These appliances are simply essential in the kitchen and bathroom as they ensure proper air circulation and cleanliness throughout the various rooms.
Connection of the hood to electricity
The easiest step is this one. When you first design your kitchen, everything is well laid out, including the locations of all the outlets and electrical shoes.
You can read about how to observe all distances and avoid making a lot of simple mistakes in a different article.
You will need to mount the hood if there was not a free outlet available for it. You’ll need the following supplies to complete this:
A cable with three wires VVGNGLS 3*2.5mm22
Use this specific brand of cable (with LS index) for home wiring.
Outlet 16a for conventional current that has grounding contacts
In contrast to other kitchen appliances, the hood itself uses little power. In response, remove the independent wiring for it straight from the shield; it is not required at all.
What can be said about the dishwasher and hob is impossible.
It turns out that the closest distribution can be used to connect this unit to a common outlet group.
After removing the channel from the casket or cable and mounting the socket, mark the location of the future outlet.
This outlet is situated at the top of the hood, almost beneath the ceiling, slightly higher, or from the side. The length of the cord and the minimum height required for installing the exhaust unit above the stove will determine which location is best.
Frequently, you must drill a hole in the closest kitchen cabinet for this case.
After that, cut off the insulation from the cable, identify the veins, and join them in the distribution.
Connecting the outlet correctly is the only thing left to do.
The kitchen unit’s wiring is prepared. We visit the duct.
Maintaining a healthy and cozy interior atmosphere requires adequate ventilation in a home. In order to effectively distribute fresh air throughout the house, the horizontal section of the ventilation channel is essential to this process. Homeowners may maximize the efficiency of their ventilation system by following the guidelines for the design and installation of this channel.
The horizontal section’s dimensions and size are crucial for adhering to ventilation regulations. Adhering to the suggested guidelines is essential in order to guarantee sufficient airflow without creating needless resistance or pressure drops. By doing this, homeowners can avoid problems with indoor air quality and inadequate air circulation, which will ultimately help to create a healthier living environment for residents.
The materials chosen to build the ventilation channel are important in addition to appropriate sizing. The longevity and dependability of the system are ensured by selecting premium materials that are robust and resistant to corrosion. When the channel is properly insulated, heat gain or loss is reduced, which eventually results in energy savings and a reduction in utility costs.
To guarantee the ventilation system’s continuous operation, routine maintenance and inspection are equally crucial. Regular inspections for damage, leaks, and obstructions can help find problems early and stop bigger ones later on. Homeowners can preserve ideal indoor air quality and increase the lifespan of their ventilation system by being proactive and taking quick action when necessary.
In summary, the ventilation system’s overall effectiveness in a home is greatly influenced by the horizontal section of the ventilation channel. Homeowners can guarantee appropriate ventilation, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality by following recommended standards for size, materials, insulation, and upkeep. Purchasing a well-thought-out and professionally installed ventilation system not only helps to create a healthier living environment but also lowers operating costs over time and improves occupant comfort in general.