The flow rate of the coolant in the heating system

The effectiveness of our heating systems is essential to maintaining a warm and comfortable home. The coolant flow rate in the heating system is a significant contributor to this efficiency. Although this may sound technical, what’s really being discussed here is the speed at which heated water or steam travels through the pipes to provide warmth throughout your house.

Consider your home’s heating system as a network of veins that distributes warmth throughout the entire house. The efficiency with which this warmth is delivered depends on the flow rate. An uncomfortable temperature imbalance could result from certain areas feeling chilly and others feeling toasty due to an excessively slow flow rate. However, an excessively high flow rate can put stress on the system, resulting in inefficiency and possibly higher energy costs.

So, maintaining a cozy and economical heating system requires striking the correct flow rate balance. However, how can we ascertain what the ideal flow rate ought to be? A number of variables are involved, such as your home’s size, the kind of heating system you have, and even the local climate. It’s similar to figuring out the ideal pulse for your heating system to make sure it operates effectively without straining too much.

Comfort and energy savings can be significantly improved by modifying the coolant flow rate. You can guarantee that every room in your house gets the ideal amount of warmth by streamlining this flow, which will remove cold spots and increase comfort levels all around. A correctly balanced flow rate can also aid in lowering energy consumption, which will lower your heating costs and lessen your carbon footprint.

Maintaining your home and saving energy requires knowing and controlling the coolant flow rate in your heating system. We’ll go into more detail in the upcoming sections about how the flow rate is calculated, typical ways to change it, and the advantages of striking the ideal balance between economy and comfort in your house.

Features of the selection of the circulation pump

Two criteria are used to select the pump:

  1. The number of pumped liquid, expressed in cubic meters per hour (m³/h).
  2. Pressure expressed in meters (m).

This is the height to which the liquid should be raised when under pressure, roughly speaking. It should be measured from the lowest point to the highest point or, if there isn’t a pump in the project, to the next pump.

The volume of the expansion tank

It is common knowledge that a liquid can expand in volume when heated. Replaced water from the system is assembled in an expansion tank to prevent the heating system from looking like a bomb and from overflowing at all the seams.

What capacity tank should you build or buy?

When you understand the physical properties of water, everything becomes clear.

We will talk about the amount of pumped liquid in more detail

The following formula is used to determine the heating system’s water consumption:

G is equal to Q / (C * (T2-T1)), where

  • G – water consumption in the heating system, kg/s;
  • Q is the amount of heat that compensates the heat loss, W;
  • C – the specific heat capacity of the water, this value is known and equal to 4200 J/kg*ᵒs (keep in mind that any other coolants have the worst indicators compared to water);
  • T2 – the temperature of the coolant entering the system, ᵒC;
  • T1 – the temperature of the coolant at the output of the system, ᵒC;

This formula’s output will indicate the coolant flow rate in a second to replace heat loss; the indicator is then translated into hours.

Think about the estimated quantity of heat needed to offset thermal losses.

This is possibly the most demanding and significant criterion that calls for engineering expertise; it must be handled carefully.

Should this be a private residence, the indication may range from 10–15 W/m² (typical of “passive houses”) to 200 W/m² or higher (in the case of a thin wall with inadequate or absent insulation).

In actuality, trading and construction companies use the heating water indicator, which is 100 W/m2, as a starting point.

We replace the water consumption formula after multiplying the computed losses by the house’s size.

You should now address a question like how much water an apartment building’s heating system uses.

Features of calculations for an apartment building

There are two ways to set up an apartment building’s heating system:

  1. General boiler room for the whole house.
  2. Individual heating of each apartment.

One aspect of the first option is that the project is completed without considering the individual preferences of the residents of each apartment.

For instance, let’s say they install a "warm floor" system in a single apartment and the coolant input temperature is between 70 and 90 degrees, which is the maximum temperature that pipes can be installed at (60 ᵒs). On the other hand, if standard batteries are used to decide on a house with warm floors, one particular subject might end up in a cold apartment. The same formula used for a private home is used to calculate the amount of water used by the heating system.

One benefit of having individual heating in your apartment is that you can install the kind of heating system that you think is most important for you. This is something you should emphasize.

In order to account for thermal energy, which will be used to heat stairwells and other engineering structures, add 10% to the water consumption calculation.

It is crucial to prepare the water in advance for the future heating system. How well the heat exchanges will happen is up to her. Of course, distillant would be the best choice, but this is not a perfect world.

However, distilled water is still widely used today for heating. This is covered in the article.

Actually, a water hardness indicator of 7–10 m-EKV/1l should be used. The heating system’s water needs to be softened if this indicator is larger. If not, the process of calcium and magnesium salts settling as scale will cause the system nodes to wear out quickly.

Boiling water is an inexpensive way to soften it, but it’s not a magic bullet and doesn’t address every issue.

Use magnetic softeners if you like. This is a democratic and reasonably priced method, but it only functions at temperatures up to 70 degrees.

A theory of water mitigation known as "inhibitor filters" is based on a number of reagents. Their job is to remove caustic sodium, calcified soda, and lime from water.

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In understanding the flow rate of coolant in a heating system, it"s crucial to grasp how it impacts the efficiency and effectiveness of your home"s heating. Essentially, the flow rate refers to how quickly the heated water circulates through the system. Optimal flow rate ensures even distribution of warmth to all areas of your house, preventing cold spots and ensuring consistent comfort levels. Too high a flow rate can lead to energy wastage and potential damage to the system, while too low a rate may result in inadequate heating. Finding the right balance is key to maximizing energy efficiency and maintaining a cozy living environment. By understanding and adjusting the flow rate according to your home"s specific needs, you can optimize your heating system"s performance and reduce energy costs in the long run.

Selection of a circulation pump for a heating system. Part 2

Two primary criteria are used to choose the circulation pump:

G*: a consumption in milliliters per hour;

H is the pressure in millimeters.

The letter Q is used by manufacturers of pumping equipment to record the coolant flow rate. The letter G is used by manufacturers of shut-off valves, such as DANFoss, to determine consumption. This letter is also used in domestic usage. Consequently, the letter G will also be used in the explanations of this article; however, the letter Q will still be used for expenses in other articles that directly address the analysis of the pump work schedule.

Determination of the flow (G, m 3 /h) of the coolant when choosing a pump

The amount of heat that escapes the house serves as the basis for choosing the pump. How would one go about finding out? You must compute heat loss in order to do this.

This engineering computation is intricate and requires a wide range of component knowledge. Therefore, we will lower this explanation within the context of this article and use one of the common (though far from accurate) techniques used by many installation companies based on the amount of heat loss.

Its main component is an average loss rate of one square meter. The amount of heat lost to the room will be significantly larger if the house or room has unsilled brick walls, even if the thickness is insufficient. This value is conditional and amounts to 100 W/m 2. Conversely, heat loss can be minimized to 90 or 80 W/m 2 if the house’s enclosing structures are constructed with contemporary materials and possess adequate thermal insulation.

Let’s say you own a home that is 120 or 200 square meters in size. Then, as per our agreement, the total heat loss in the house will be:

12000 W or 12 kW is equal to 120 * 100.

What connection does this have to the pump? the most straightforward.

Since there is constant heat loss in the house, there should always be a heating process in place to compensate for this loss of heat.

Suppose you have no pipelines and no pump. How would you address this issue?

It would be necessary to burn fuel in a heated room, such as firewood, to make up for heat loss—something that humans have theoretically done for millennia.

However, you made the decision to heat the house with water instead of firewood. What would be required of you? It would require you to take a bucket (-a), fill it with water, and bring it to a boil over a gas stove or stake. Afterwards, take the buckets and move them into the room so that the water can warm it. After that, take additional buckets filled with water and reheat them over a bonfire or gas stove before bringing them into the room rather than the first one. Until infinity, that is.

These days, the pump does this job. In order to compensate for the heat loss in the space, it pushes the water toward the boiler—a device that heats it up—and then transfers the heat that the water contains to other heating sources.

So, the question is: in order to offset the heat loss from the house, how much water needs to be heated to a specific temperature in a unit of time?

How should it be counted?

To do this, you must be aware of the following values:

  • The amount of heat, which is necessary to compensate for thermal losses (in this article we took a house with an area of 120 m 2 with heat loss 12,000 watts)
  • The specific heat capacity of the water is 4200 J/kg * o C;
  • The difference between the initial temperature T 1 (the temperature of the return) and the final temperature T 2 (feed temperature) to which the coolant is heated (this difference is designated as ΔT and in heat engineering to calculate radiator heating systems in 15 – 20 O).

The formula needs to have these values set:

G is equal to q / (c * (t 2-t1)), where

G is the necessary water usage in kilograms per second for the heating system. The pump must be provided by this parameter. Purchasing a pump with a lower consumption will prevent it from providing the necessary amount of water to offset thermal losses; Purchasing a pump with an excessive consumption will result in a reduction in efficiency, increased electricity use, and a high initial cost);

Q is the heat WT, or the necessary heat loss to make up for it;

T 2 is the desired temperature, typically 75, 80, or 90 degrees Celsius, at which water must be heated;

T 1 is the coolant’s initial temperature, which has dropped by 15 to 20 degrees Celsius;

C is the water’s specific heat capacity, which is 4200 J/kg * O C.

When we enter the known values into the formula, we obtain:

G is equal to 12000/4200 * (80-60) = 0.143 kg/s.

This kind of heat carrier consumption for a split second is required to offset the 120 m 2 of thermal losses in your home.

In actuality, they employ the moving water consumption in an hour. In this instance, the formula adopts the following perspective after undergoing certain transformations:

Q / T 2 – T 1 * 0.86 = G;

G is equal to 0.86 * q / δt.

Δt, or the temperature differential between the supply and the reversal, is the known value that was initially entered into the calculation, as we have already seen.

Therefore, despite how complex the pump selection explanations may have initially appeared, the computation itself and, consequently, the choice for this parameter are fairly straightforward, especially considering such a significant value as consumption.

It all comes down to replacing known values in a straightforward formula. This formula can be used as a quick calculator by "driving" in the Excel application and using this file.

We will train!

Task: A house with an area of 490 m 2 requires the coolant flow rate to be calculated.


The quantity of heat loss, Q, is equal to 490 * 100 = 49000 W, or 49 kW.

The feed temperature is 80 °C and the return temperature is 60 °C. This is the design temperature between the submission and the return (or, alternatively, the recording is made as 80/60 °C).

Δt = 80 – 60 = 20 o C as a result.

We now enter all of the values into the formula:

G is equal to 0.86 * Q / δT, or 0.86 * 49 /20, or 2.11 m3/h.

In the last installment of this article series, you will discover how to apply all of this directly when selecting a pump. Let’s now discuss pressure, the second crucial feature. Continue reading

Is the heat carrier consumption too great in the heating system? Calculation formula

Liquids and gases are two possible heat carriers for the heating system.

Usually, water, ethylene, or propylene glycol are used as coolants for heating systems in private homes or apartments.

He needs to fulfill a few conditions.

Requirements for the coolant in the heating system

Eat the five points that need to be followed:

  • High indicator heat transfer;
  • Low viscosity, At the same time, standard (like water) fluidity;
  • Small expansion at cooling;
  • absence toxicity;
  • Small cost.

Picture 1. Eco -30 coolant (20 kg, manufacturer: Cozy Technology), based on propylene glycol.

It is advised to make a decision by contacting a professional plumber, who can assist with calculations and coolant selection.

How to calculate the consumption

The coolant consumption per second, expressed in kilograms, is the value. Radiators are used to adjust the temperature in the space. You must know how much energy the boiler uses to heat one liter of water in order to perform calculations.

G is equal to n / Q, where:

Once the size is converted to kg/hour, multiply the result by 3600.

Formula for calculating the required volume of liquid

Re -filling pipes is required after repair or restructuring of the strapping. To do this, find the amount of water, the right system.

Typically, gathering and adding passport data suffices. However, you can also look for it by hand. In order to do this, measure the pipes’ length and cross section.

The batteries are being charged and multiplied by the numbers. Section radiator volume is:

  • Aluminum, steel or alloy – 0.45 l.
  • Cast iron – 1.45 l.

Additionally, there is a formula that you can use to estimate how much water is in the strapping overall:

V is equal to n * vkW, where

You can only compute an approximation with this, so it’s better to use documents to cheat.

To obtain a comprehensive view, you must additionally compute the water volume contained by additional strapping components, such as an expansion tank, pump, etc. D.

Take note! Tank is very important because he compensates for the increased pressure caused by the heated fluid’s expansion.

You must first choose the substance to be used:

Calculation formula:

V = (vS * E)/D, Where:

  • E – The fluid expansion coefficient specified above.
  • VS – calculated consumption of the entire strapping, m 3 .
  • D – the effectiveness of the tank specified in the passport of the device.

Once these values are found, they must be diminished. Four volume indicators typically appear: pipes, radiators, heaters, and tanks.

You can build a heating system and fill it with water using the data that was collected. The scheme determines the bay process:

  • "Sighter" It is made from the highest point of the pipeline: insert a funnel and let the liquid let. They do it slowly, evenly. The tap is opened in the bottom, and the capacity is substituted. This helps to avoid the formation of air traffic jams. It is used if there is no forced current.
  • Forced – Demits the pump. Anyone is suitable, although it is better to use circulation, which is then used in heating. During the process, you need to take the manometer testimony to avoid increasing pressure. And also necessarily open air valves, which helps with gas release.

How to calculate the minimum heat carrier consumption

They are also computed as the hourly fluid costs for heating the facility.

It is discovered as a number based on hot water supply during the off-season between heating seasons. Two formulas that are used in computations exist.

If there is no forced gas circulation in the system or if it is disabled because of how frequently it is worked on, the average consumption is taken into consideration when performing the calculation.

QGSR is the system’s average heat output over the course of an hour of operation. When the feeding season is over, J.

$$ represents the coefficient of variation in summer and winter water flow. As a result, it is acknowledged to be 0.8 or 1.0.

TP: The presentation’s temperature.

TOK3 – in the return with the heater connected in parallel.

C is the water’s heat capacity, which is equal to 10 -3 J/°C.

The two temperatures are assumed to be 70 and 30 degrees Celsius, respectively.

If water heating occurs during the night or if forced DOS circulation is present:

Fluid heating QCG – heat consumption, J.

This indicator’s value is calculated as (KTP * QGSR) / (1 + kTP), where KTP is the pipe’s coefficient of heat loss and QGSR is the water’s average power flow rate at one o’clock.

TP: The temperature of the feed.

Return (TOK6) is measured following a boiler’s fluid circulation through the system. It is five plus the lowest amount that is allowed at the water’s edge.

Experts use the following table to determine the coefficient KTP’s numerical value:

Types of DHW systems Loss of water by the coolant
Taking into account heating networks Without them
With isolated risers 0.15 0.1
With insulation and with drier for towels 0.25 0.2
Without insulation, but with dryers 0.35 0.3

Crucial! Further details regarding the computation of the minimum flow are available in the Construction Standards and Rules 2.04.01-85.

Useful video

Watch the video to learn how to complete the system after making calculations.

Heating System Component Flow Rate (Liters per Hour)
Radiator Varies based on size and type
Pipe Depends on diameter and length
Boiler Determined by boiler capacity

Maintaining the ideal coolant flow rate in your home’s heating system is essential to its longevity and effectiveness. This crucial element controls how heat is dispersed throughout your home, which affects comfort levels and energy usage.

Balance is essential for preserving the proper flow rate. A flow rate that is too low may cause uneven heating and possible component damage, while a flow rate that is too high may result in needless energy consumption and wear on the system.

Your heating system’s performance can be greatly improved with routine flow rate monitoring and adjustment. This entails evaluating elements like pump capacity, pipe diameter, and system architecture as a whole to guarantee effective and uniform heat distribution.

Additionally, spending money on contemporary technologies like zone control systems and smart thermostats can provide more control over the flow rate and enable more specialized heating solutions. These developments contribute to minimizing energy waste and optimizing comfort levels in various parts of the house by adjusting to specific needs and usage patterns.

In conclusion, even though the coolant flow rate might appear like a minor technical aspect, it is actually very important to the overall efficiency of the heating system in your house. You can benefit from increased comfort, cheaper energy costs, and a more sustainable home environment by realizing its significance and taking proactive steps to maintain the proper balance.

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What type of heating you would like to have in your home?
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Anna Vasilieva
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