Selecting an effective and reasonably priced heating solution is essential for keeping our homes warm and comfortable during the cold months. With its simplicity and ease of use, electric heating appeals to a lot of homeowners as a convenient option. In this piece, we’ll examine electric heating options for individual homes and discover cost-effective ways to stay warm.
In terms of efficiency and affordability, electric heating systems have advanced significantly. Electric heaters were formerly thought to be energy wasters, but technological developments have made them a more practical and affordable choice for homeowners. Specifically, the emphasis on energy efficiency has prompted the creation of cost-effective and ecologically friendly electric heating options.
The adaptability of electric heating is one of its main benefits. In contrast to conventional heating systems that depend on fuel sources like gas or oil, electric heating is simple to install and can be tailored to meet the unique requirements of a private residence. Electric heating offers flexibility in terms of installation and control, whether you’re looking to heat a single room or the entire house.
Regarding cost-effectiveness, electric heating remains one of the most affordable choices accessible to homeowners. The size of the home and the type of electric heating system selected can affect the initial installation costs, but over time, the savings may exceed these out-of-pocket costs. Warmth can be achieved with electric heating without breaking the bank, provided that appropriate insulation and energy-saving techniques are implemented.
Type of Electric Heating | Estimated Cost |
Electric Baseboard Heaters | Low initial cost, but higher long-term electricity bills |
Electric Radiant Floor Heating | Higher initial cost, but more efficient and cost-effective over time |
- Variety of electric systems
- Heat pumps – from €1000
- Auxiliary procedures
- How to make cheap home heating with electricity
- Why electricity?
- Varieties of heating systems
- Unsuitable options
- Organization of economical heating
- Electric heating of a private house – really the most economical?
- Why electric heating?
- Types of power supply systems and their features
- Design characteristics of electric boilers
Variety of electric systems
A private home’s most cost-effective electric heating system is chosen based on available operating options, material and consumable costs, and other factors.
One can install such an affordable heating system on their own. The cost of the outcome will be greatly decreased by using this method. In this case, heaters include things like infrared heat emitters, heating cables, and electric mats. Certain ones can be installed even without covering the heater with concrete screed. This method will drastically lower the cost of installing heaters if the installation is done while the house is still being built. The best output parameters can be adjusted through the use of settings, boosting system effectiveness and extending the lifespan of a private home’s cost-effective electric heating.
Thermal insulation needs to be carefully considered when installing electric underfloor heating (cable, mats, or infrared). This will help to prevent heat loss.
Heat-reflective foil insulation is used for heating mats and infrared heaters, while metallized cable backing is used for cables. The use of foil coverings in the cable system is prohibited since they can cause short circuits.
Don’t completely disregard them. Electric heating systems enable them to function. Because many of the models operate on a two-circuit principle, using hot water supply is made possible with their assistance. They can be used to heat a private home more affordably because of their high level of dependability, improved efficiency, and increased performance. Manufacturers also consider their economic efficiency. In certain high-end brands, this indicator is already at a respectable level. Power needs are computed ahead of time. This will establish how much money needs to be spent on the boiler. Additionally, the entire cost of the pipes, pump, etc.
Heat pumps – from €1000
When calculating the cost of non-boiler electric heating, it is important to consider the application of heat pumps. They use soil, water, or air for heat exchange (depending on the device model), and they use a small amount of electricity. You can save up to 50% when compared to gas appliances. One kW of electrical energy can be converted into three to four kW of thermal energy by the operation of such a pump.
Heat exchange with the chosen medium is what causes the process to happen. A unique refrigerant within the pump conducts heat extraction to a predetermined temperature of -15/-20 0 C. These pumps have the ability to automatically transition to the air conditioner operation mode when the room’s temperature reaches 25 0 C.
It is currently the most advanced and cost-effective method of converting natural energy into thermal energy for home heating. This is also the most costly installation method at the same time. Only after 5-7 years can an installation of this kind pay for itself, if you recalculate the cost of the equipment, the piping, and the installation. Taking into account that. This approach has a legitimate place in society given that people typically live in their homes for longer.
These appliances are positioned as an affordable way to heat a private residence. The idea behind their design is the warm air flows that naturally circulate. They have an internal special heater that makes sure the device runs at a low output temperature. An electronic thermostat that is dependable is used to control its operation.
In most cases, it serves as a temporary or supplemental heater that is unable to compensate for the absence of heat in large homes.
Systems that utilize infrared heating in their design continue to gain fans. Electricity is also used to operate them. The advantage of such systems is fast heating up and relatively low power consumption. The principle of operation is identical to solar rays, when not the air is heated, but all solid bodies located in the path of radiation. Thus, comfortable conditions are created in the room, and the air is not dried out. Such heaters work without a boiler and are able to stay in operation for a long time. The maximum temperature value is fixed at the nearest distance from the IR heater. The further you move away from it, the cooler it gets.
Certain models’ relatively high device power is a drawback.
Auxiliary procedures
Superior thermal insulation within the home
It is essential to take further steps to raise the room’s temperature before cutting back on heating. These include different approaches to the building’s insulation. It is never too late to start a project, so shielding the home from the effects of unfavorable outside influences is acceptable during construction as well as after it has been occupied for an extended amount of time. Statistics show that a house without insulation can lose as much as 70% of its thermal energy. Just consider this: you are paying for 70% of the heat that escapes outside, most often with large financial costs.
Work on thermal insulation is done in these areas:
- foundation;
- walls inside and out;
- roof and attic area;
- floors and ceilings;
- door and window openings.
Dependable thermal insulation will guarantee the longevity of the building and drastically cut down on the amount of electricity needed for heating. It will be feasible to improve the premises’ sound insulation simultaneously. Using tried-and-true products from reputable brands is preferred for work because they ensure the product’s functional qualities for a number of decades.
In addition to relieving the homeowner of the need to constantly be close to the heating systems, process automation will make it possible to use resources wisely during the day. The chosen algorithm, which determines whether to turn on/off the heating or keep it at a specific level, can be programmed into devices.
Devices of the highest caliber must be able to record the temperature parameter very precisely.
A function that guarantees the maintenance of a lower temperature value—for example, +17 0 C—is especially pertinent. This allows you to avoid overheating the space, drying out the air, and going over your electricity budget. When no one is home during the working day, this mode is set.
When considering heating options for a rural home where budget is not the primary consideration, use a special tool called a programmer. Economical consumption is taken care of by an automatic system that includes such a sensor. It alternates between operating modes in a timely manner while maintaining the specified temperature. It provides hardware control as well as manual dialing and parameter resetting.
How to make cheap home heating with electricity
One of the easiest and most effective ways to heat a house is with electricity. Compared to conventional heating technologies that rely on wood, coal, or gas as fuel, it offers numerous advantages. The cost disadvantage of electric heating was once very great, but with the advancement of technology, this disadvantage can now be balanced. We will discuss how to make inexpensive electricity-based home heating in this article. Content:
Why electricity?
Electric heating is more economical and practical than traditional gas and water furnace systems. The first will be discussed below, and this is where we will outline the operational benefits:
- Electric heating is not only silent, but also environmentally friendly. It is transported safer than gas and does not emit harmful substances at all, both into the atmosphere and inside the room. In the absence of waste, there is no need for chimneys and draught structures. Heating with coal or wood does not compare to electric systems at all.
- Heating with electricity does not require large one-time costs. The comparison can be made on the example of gas: to connect the house you have to buy equipment for each room, install the communications, boiler, cut into the common main line. And it is necessary to do it all together, because it is impossible to postpone the connection of some part of the house to the system. And the electric method allows you to organize a sequential installation: first connect the most important parts of the house, and then, as funds accumulate, ¬- peripheral ones.
- Thanks to the possibility of using a multi-tariff meter in a private house or apartment, as well as the constant development of technology in this area, heating with electricity is already the most economical among analogues. It is not necessary to focus on the high price of the equipment – it quickly pays for itself due to low energy consumption.
- Almost every method of organizing electric heating allows you to carry out installation with your own hands, without a lot of additional tools.
Of course, using electric heating systems is not the best option. Proper heating of any home necessitates careful consideration of numerous factors. In certain areas, the price of electricity can be so high that giving up gas is not an option. It is challenging to convert older apartment buildings to electric heating for two reasons: first, the power grid needs to be rewired to accommodate the heavy machinery; second, it is difficult to disconnect from the central mains.
The big picture, however, tips the scales in favor of electricity. It is a true lifesaver for locations without gas or without the means to bring it in.
Varieties of heating systems
You can set up electric heating in your house in a number of ways. Each of them has benefits and drawbacks of its own. Some offer significant operational savings, while others are more affordable during the purchase phase. Let’s examine the characteristics of each approach:
- Installation of an electric boiler, designed to heat water traveling through the pipes of the heating system. Perhaps the most well-known method, but at the same time far from the most effective to date. Manufacturers assure that the current models have become much more productive and now use 80% less energy, but this is a controversial issue. Manual switching on and off the boiler is certainly impractical, and automatic with a set interval does not take into account the temperature regime of the day and night. More or less economical option – to install thermostats and appropriate automation, to turn on depending on the temperature in the rooms, but it is difficult in terms of installation and very costly. Reduced capacity models with equal capacity are also nothing more than advertising. Such a boiler, most likely, does not have enough "strength" to heat a large private house.
- Infrared panels. This is not just a way of heating rooms, but a fundamentally different technology. The essence is not in warming the air (which has a very low efficiency), but in the effect on the objects located in the room. Under the light of IR-lamps, floors and furniture are heated and begin to emit heat themselves. The fundamental difference is that the traditional "radiator" method of space heating actually heats the ceiling (warm air from the battery rises up), and the floors remain cold. With infrared heating, the opposite is true. The light is directed downwards, which means that the warmest place is the floor. Supplement the system with thermoregulators – and economical heating of a country house, private house or garage is ready. And the opinion that IR radiation is harmful to humans is nothing more than a myth. The main thing is not to stay under the lamp for a long time, and nothing dangerous will happen.
- Using convectors. According to manufacturers" assurances – this is the most efficient way of heating rooms, which combines high performance and economical energy consumption. Both of these statements are the subject of a long dispute, because the technology is based on the same "radiator" principle, and in heating the house should take into account many individual features. The main difference is the significant simplicity of installation and operation and a lower price. An important advantage of convectors is fire safety, which is very important when heating a dacha or private house made of wood. Convectors allow you to install them in series from room to room, are compact and pleasant to look at, and are protected from power supply fluctuations.
Unsuitable options
Although it is not advised to use any of the following electrical equipment types as the primary source of heat, they are designed for heating rooms:
- Heat fans. These devices have the simplest device and represent a large hair dryer, consisting of an incandescent spiral and a fan that runs a stream of air through it. Their use is definitely not cheap – the air cools down extremely quickly, and it will not be possible to keep a comfortable temperature for a long time. Do not forget also about the loads on the electrical network and harm – too dry air is harmful to house plants and people.
- Oil radiators – probably the most common device that is used by residents of apartment buildings, when the power of central heating is not enough. Surprisingly, it is still the least efficient way of heating. And even if it is possible to heat the room to a comfortable temperature, it will not be cheap at all.
If this equipment is ineffective, then why is it so widely used? The truth is that each of these is an auxiliary gadget meant to provide support during emergencies or when the primary heating system is unable to meet demands. For example, you don’t always need continuous heating in a garage. It can be heated with a heat gun (heat fan), powered by gas or electricity, while repairs are being done. However, infrared panels are far more effective in a home where a specific temperature must be maintained.
Organization of economical heating
It is not necessary to have protracted discussions about which piece of equipment best balances economy, efficiency, and safety among the options listed. Using one or the other under the best circumstances makes much more sense. The following fundamental guidelines should be followed in order to design an affordable electrically heated home:
- The first rule is common to both gas-fired and electric systems – make heat loss minimal by insulating the walls, ceiling and floors. Thanks to this, you can reduce the required heat output to maintain the temperature. Of course, additional costs are necessary, but they pay off in energy savings. The temperature inside an insulated garage in winter rises above zero in half an hour, if the car is running inside. In an insulated house, you will only need to maintain the heat, and not to constantly pump it up, forcing the equipment to work at a higher capacity.
- Design an optimal electric heating system. For example, an electric boiler can be quite effective for heating a small one-room apartment (if heat losses are very low). But for a house with a large number of rooms it is not the best option. Here it is more convenient to install a convector system with thermoregulators that control the climate in each room. Infrared panels are good for a garage, closet or utility room, where it is not necessary to keep a constant temperature.
- In rooms and houses that are not used throughout the day, it is optimal to combine electric heating equipment. As an example, let"s take a kitchen with a main convector and an auxiliary IR panel. The convector allows you to maintain a minimum temperature throughout the day, and the panel turned on before the evening meal will quickly warm up the room for a comfortable dinner. In the same way you can heat a bathroom, outbuildings or a heated garage.
- Thermoregulating automatics allows you to accurately adjust the temperature regime. Depending on specific models and devices, you can set "hot" and "cold" periods, use photosensors to make the room warmer in the presence of people, and apply other settings. All these seemingly insignificant little things can help a lot in reducing costs.
- A large share of the heating system consumption falls on the night time, when all the residents are at home. You can significantly reduce your bills for this period by switching to dual-rate metering. Night tariff, as a rule, is 3-4 times lower than the main tariff. To replace the meter and switch to the new metering rules, contact your local energy supply company.
As we can see, heating a private home cost-effectively without gas is quite possible. Choosing which devices to use for the main premises and which for the periphery (garage, bathhouse, other buildings) is crucial when making the switch to electricity. Of course, it might be extremely expensive to buy all the equipment you need, but the money you will save over time will more than make up for these expenses.
Electric heating of a private house – really the most economical?
It is important to note before we begin that a gas heating system is currently thought to be the most efficient. However, it is worth considering the option of economical heating a private house with electricity, using these or other schemes for organizing heating, if for some reason it is not possible to install a gas boiler (for example, there is no gas main in the dacha).
A safer option is to use electricity, and installing this equipment doesn’t require any extra permits. Furthermore, heating a private home with electricity is a simple task that can be done by one person. One of the drawbacks might be expensive electricity costs.
Let’s now examine the many most affordable choices for heating apartments and private homes with electricity.
When it comes to keeping your private house warm without breaking the bank, electric heating stands out as one of the cheapest options available. Unlike traditional fuel-based systems, electric heaters are often more affordable to install and maintain, with lower upfront costs and simpler upkeep. Additionally, electric heaters can be highly efficient, allowing you to heat only the rooms you need, when you need them, potentially reducing energy waste. With a range of options available, from baseboard heaters to electric furnaces, finding the right solution for your home"s size and layout can help maximize efficiency and minimize costs. So, if you"re looking to stay cozy without draining your wallet, exploring the world of electric heating could be a smart move for your private house.
Why electric heating?
It should be mentioned that the most dependable, eco-friendly, and comfortable way to heat a home is through electric heating, whether it is produced on-site or in a factory. Electric heating is safer and easier to do with this equipment because it doesn’t need to be maintained and can be easily controlled. There are no components in the design that break easily. It is not required to keep an eye on the sensors and fuel level all the time.
Additionally, a private home’s electric heating has the following benefits:
- Lightness and simplicity of installation. To carry out the installation does not need special qualifications and expensive tools. The equipment itself is quite small in size and its installation will not require a lot of time and effort. All devices are quite easy to transport. This equipment does not require a separate boiler room or chimney.
- Safety. Electric heating system does not emit combustion products and carbon monoxide gases. Even during disassembly or breakage no harmful substances are emitted.
- Low initial investment. There is no need to make any special permitting documents, prepare a project and invite special services that will give permission for installation.
- Reliability and quietness. Electric heating does not need regular inspections in specialized services. During operation, the equipment does not produce any noise due to the absence of such elements as a fan and circulation pump in the system.
- High level of efficiency. Heats the house quickly enough even during severe frosts. Electric heating is necessarily equipped with a special system that allows you to regulate the temperature in each room separately. Which makes it possible to save a lot of money during the heating season.
The high power consumption of this equipment is a major drawback. Because of the high cost of electricity in some places, heating the house with this method might not be financially feasible.
Energy dependence is another major drawback. In the event of a power outage, the room cannot be heated.
Unstable power grid voltage is another drawback, particularly in rural areas. It is advised to buy your own generator in order to address this issue, but doing so will cost extra money.
If you still choose to use electric heating instead of gas for cost-effective home heating, you will need to consider the overall strength and condition of the electrical wiring. For these kinds of uses, a three-phase network is necessary for a large private home. The amount of power allotted to the house and the portion that can be used for heating must be specified.
Types of power supply systems and their features
Any private home’s electric heating system can be constructed using these two ideas:
- Direct. Heating of each room is carried out by devices that are powered directly from the network.
- Indirect. This principle uses a coolant that heats the radiators installed in the premises.
There are a lot of differing views on whether electric heating is the best choice for a private residence. The primary argument put forth by the majority of supporters of the indirect method of heating the house is that the system’s lengthy cooling process provides enough benefit during the boiler shutdown. Direct heating proponents point to lower equipment installation and purchase costs as their argument.
Think about the different electric heating systems and their escalating investment costs:
- heat fans and convectors;
- Heating with infrared radiation;
- electric baseboard heaters;
- cable and film type floor heaters;
- standard water system equipped with an electric boiler and radiators.
Electric convectors mounted on walls are placed where water heating radiators are typically placed, which is under windows and close to cold walls. Fan heaters typically have a mobile design and use forced air. They may be found in the most practical locations. The least expensive kind of electric heating is this one, but it is also less efficient.
An infrared heating system is a more efficient one. All surfaces are heated by these ceiling-mounted devices, which then heats the air. The room’s perimeter is equipped with baseboard convective heaters, which have shown to be very efficient. However, since this design must be installed in place of baseboards, it will come at an additional cost.
Underfloor heating is a well-liked and tested electric heating technique. This technique uses heating cable, electric cable mats, or heating film, all of which can heat a sizable space. Although the construction itself is fairly cheap, installing flooring or screed beneath it can seriously damage your budget. This heating technique is the most cost-effective as well as providing a cozy, pleasant warmth.
A major drawback of all the above methods is that they can only function in the presence of electricity. If the price of electricity increases, natural gas can be installed in the home, or if a different energy provider is required for some reason, the old equipment might become inoperable.
It is advised to install an electric boiler for heating and a conventional water system with radiators to avoid this kind of misunderstanding. Money will only need to be spent on a new heat source if it becomes necessary to switch energy carriers.
Cable underfloor heating is the best option for a small apartment; their level of comfort is exceptional. Less expensive techniques are also entitled to exist. They might not be able to handle extremely cold weather, in which case the rooms will remain colder.
Installing warm water floors or radiator independent electric heating will be the best choice in a large apartment.
If the cost of the energy carrier were not a factor, selecting the best option would be considerably more challenging. But a limited consumption limit (roughly 3-5 kW) is another issue that apartment owners must deal with.
As soon as the apartment’s electric heating is scheduled, it is advised to give it some thought beforehand. It is imperative to thoroughly review the electricity supply contract, as it may include provisions prohibiting the use of electricity for home heating.
Compared to an apartment, setting up electric heating is a little simpler in a private residence. The maximum amount of power that can be consumed is significantly greater, providing an opportunity to inspect the wiring and, if required, reorganize it beginning with the power line. The most practical choice for a cottage owner from the above list is an electric boiler-equipped water heating system.
This is very simple to explain: it’s important to make sure that various energy sources, not just electricity, are used. Based on this, a boiler must be chosen, mounted, and a one- or two-pipe system assembled.
Design characteristics of electric boilers
Three concepts underpin how modern boilers heat the coolant:
- heating elements;
- electrodes;
- on the basis of magnetic induction.
The most popular choice is the first one. The system’s coolant enters the boiler, where it is heated by tubular heating elements before returning to the heating system. This kind of equipment has built-in automation that regulates the coolant and room air temperatures in addition to being safe and functional.
The operation of electrode boilers is entirely different. The heating element in this device is made up of two electrodes that receive a high voltage. Electric current flows through the coolant as it travels from one electrode to the next, heating it before the coolant enters the heating system.
Crucial! Because alternating voltage with a frequency of at least 50 Hz is used in these boilers, there is no electrolysis process, which prevents the formation of scale.
The intensity of use has an impact on the electrodes’ capacity to heat because, with time, they thin out and lose some of their capacity to adequately heat the house. Electrode replacement is a standard procedure in electrode boilers.
Induction boilers have a more complex device, despite their more appealing structural design. Unlike other boiler types, this one lacks the heating elements we are accustomed to. A strong magnetic field helps the heat exchanger, which is a component of the magnetic circuit, heat the coolant that passes through it and into the heating system.
Indirect heat transfer, or electric heating, offers significant benefits over gas and air heating for country homes. For example, hot water electric boilers are highly efficient, dependable, and do not require a chimney. These devices’ drawbacks most likely stem from the network’s need for steady voltage and well-designed wiring.
Installing an electric boiler water heating system necessitates a substantial upfront outlay, particularly when enlisting the services of an outside company to handle the installation, system balancing, and adjustments. It is also worthwhile to set aside additional funds from the budget for the upkeep of this heating system, which entails routinely cleaning the radiators and testing the functionality of the valves.
Electric heating is a great option if you want to heat your house at a reasonable cost. We’ve looked at a number of ways in this post to help your private home have effective and affordable electric heating. There are options to fit various needs and budgets, ranging from electric radiators and underfloor heating systems to portable space heaters.
Space heaters that are portable are among the most affordable options. By only heating the rooms you use, these affordable units let you reduce your energy expenses. They can be used to heat particular areas of your house as needed. They might not be able to heat the entire house, but they are an affordable and practical option for extra heat.
Another reasonably priced heating option for private homes is an electric radiator. These radiators distribute heat throughout your house effectively and are simple to install and use. Electric radiators can assist you in controlling your energy consumption and lowering your heating costs thanks to their programmable features and accurate temperature control.
Remarkably reasonably priced underfloor heating systems are an option for those looking for a more opulent heating solution. Underfloor heating provides unmatched comfort and energy efficiency, despite potentially having higher initial installation costs when compared to other electric heating techniques. Underfloor heating reduces the need for additional heating sources and gets rid of cold spots by distributing heat evenly across the entire floor surface.
There are steps you can take to maximize efficiency and minimize costs when using any electric heating method. Lower energy costs and a cozier home can be achieved through appropriate insulation, routine maintenance, and astute heating techniques. You can have a comfortable home without going over budget by making investments in reasonably priced electric heating solutions and energy-saving techniques.