That”s why manure is so valuable: biogas production technology

Investigating alternative energy sources is becoming more and more crucial when it comes to heating and insulating your home. Manure is one such source that may surprise you. Yes, exactly—the same materials you might think of as being found in barnyards and farms. However, hold off on wrinkles just yet! The importance of manure in creating biogas, a sustainable energy source that can power homes and lessen dependency on fossil fuels, is becoming more widely acknowledged.

The concept of utilizing manure to produce energy may seem odd at first. But in actuality, it’s a really good illustration of repurposing waste material. Manure contains a lot of organic matter, especially that from animals like pigs, chickens, and cows. Strong greenhouse gas methane is present in this organic matter. We can stop methane from entering the atmosphere and causing climate change by using biogas production technology to harness it. In the process, we also create a sustainable energy source.

Anaerobic digestion is a process used in biogas production technology that converts organic waste, such as manure, into biogas. Methane gas is released as a byproduct of anaerobic digestion, which takes place in an oxygen-free environment where microorganisms break down the organic matter in the manure. After that, this methane can be trapped, stored, and burned cleanly to power cars, heat homes, or even produce electricity.

Why then is manure so important to this process? Manure, aside from being easily obtained from farms and livestock operations, offers a reliable supply of feedstock for the production of biogas. In contrast to weather-dependent renewable energy sources like solar or wind power, manure production occurs continuously throughout the year. Because of its dependability, it is a dependable source of renewable energy that contributes to energy production stabilization and a decrease in the need for non-renewable resources.

Beyond just producing energy, manure-based biogas production has other advantages. Digestate, the byproduct of anaerobic digestion, is nutrient-rich waste that can be applied as organic fertilizer. In addition to lowering waste, this closed-loop system enhances soil fertility and health, supporting sustainable farming methods.

Benefits Biogas production technology
1. Renewable energy source Biogas is produced from organic waste like manure, making it a sustainable energy option.
2. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions By capturing methane released from decomposing manure, biogas systems help mitigate climate change.
3. Nutrient-rich fertilizer The byproduct of biogas production, digestate, is a valuable fertilizer for crops.

How biogas is formed from organic matter

Biogas is a volatile material that is 70% methane and has no color or smell. The quality indicators of biogas are very similar to those of natural gas.

The main benefit is a high calorific value. One cubic meter of biogas releases the same amount of heat as burning 1.5 kilograms of coal.

Anaerobic bacteria aid in the breakdown of organic raw materials to produce biogas. These raw materials may consist of leftovers from pigs, chickens, cattle, or plants.

The combination of chicken manure, grass, and leaves has the highest methane content. Paper pulp and chicken dung are in second place, and pig manure with organic additives is third.

Conditions that are conducive to bacterial activity are established in order to initiate the process. These conditions ought to be nearly identical to those found in an animal’s stomach, which is devoid of both heat and oxygen.

It is feasible to transform the manure mass into a useful fertilizer and environmentally friendly fuel by establishing such circumstances.

With a hermetically sealed editor, no air will enter the plant and biogas can be produced. Methane, carbon dioxide, and other gaseous compounds will be produced by the manure’s fermentation and breakdown in these circumstances.

The resultant gas is pumped out of the plant as it rises to the top. At the bottom is a premium organic fertilizer that has all the important ingredients and is free of pathogens.

A critical component of producing biogas is adhering to a specific temperature range. Bacteria involved in the process need a minimum temperature of +30° C to become activated.

The manure contains both thermophilic and mesophilic bacteria. For mesophilic bacteria to flourish, the temperature must be between +30° and +40° C. The ideal temperature range for thermophilic bacterial reproduction is +50° to +60° C.

The primary factors that determine how long it takes to process raw materials are the kind of plant and the mixture’s composition. The process takes 12 to 30 days when the first kind of plant is used.

In this instance, for every liter of usable reactor area, two liters of biofuel are produced. The second installation type is more costly, but when it is employed, the final product is produced in less than 72 hours and is produced in twice as much quantity.

Thermophilic plants are far more efficient, but maintaining high temperatures in the reactor will be very expensive. The majority of farmers favor the mesophilic unit as a result.

In our article on "Why Manure is So Valuable: Biogas Production Technology," we"ll delve into the remarkable benefits of using manure as a valuable resource for producing biogas. Biogas, a renewable energy source, is generated through the anaerobic digestion of organic materials like manure. This process not only helps in waste management by utilizing agricultural byproducts but also contributes to sustainable energy production. By harnessing biogas from manure, households and communities can reduce their reliance on fossil fuels, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and even create a source of income through the sale of excess biogas or byproducts. Additionally, biogas production technology offers a way to address environmental concerns while promoting rural development and energy independence.

Pros and scope of biogas application

Manure-derived biogas is a potential renewable energy source. Benefits to the environment, economy, and energy are evident.

Although biogas plants are not yet widely used in the Russian Federation, this industry is growing annually in European nations.

Outlining the primary benefits:

  • efficient and environmentally friendly raw material processing;
  • prevention of soil erosion;
  • obtaining useful substances at the output, which will be useful in agriculture;
  • availability of raw materials in rural areas;
  • continuous replenishment of the raw material base;
  • additional energy source.

On farms, waste management is a constant problem. Those with large farms are the ones who should be most concerned about this issue.

Biogas utilization is superior to waste utilization plants. Such a plant generates energy and biofuel from waste, as well as using it to make a clean, highly effective fertilizer.

Rural residents are the ones who use biogas plants the most. They are useful in urban areas as well.

Operation of the biogas generator

Fermentation is the primary process that drives a biogas plant’s operations. The biogas generated is therefore utilized similarly to natural gas. It can be used, for instance, to create electricity or heat a space.

Naturally, such gas must first be compressed in order to be used as fuel for an automobile.

In a biogas plant, the production of biogas happens in multiple steps. The feedstock is loaded during the initial stage. A specific moisture content of the raw material is maintained to guarantee maximum efficiency. Using the water addition function is the best course of action.

Once the raw material has been loaded into the tank, add water at a ratio of 1 to 8 to the raw material base and run the pump to ensure that everything is well mixed and homogeneous.

After that, the raw material is added to the bioreactor while stirring continuously. Following the full emptying of the raw material from the tank, stirring will automatically stop.

Through the opening process hatch, the uniform biomass combined with water is introduced into the bioreactor. The bioreactor’s upper section also has access to the same sealed hatch. In addition to measuring the biogas pressure and extracting the biogas, the biomass level is observed.

When the pressure increases, a special compress can be automatically turned on or off to prevent the container from rupturing. In order to pump the gas from the bioreactor to the gas holder, a compressor is also needed.

Additionally, a heating element in the bioreactor keeps the temperature ideal for fermentation.

After that, the biomass moves into the bioreactor’s second section, which is where the chemical reaction happens. Because the biomass is constantly mixed throughout the process, there is no chance for a floating crust to form, which would have prevented the biogas from escaping. The biomass moves into the discharge section, where residual gas and liquid fertilizer are separated, once it has fully fermented.

How to maximize the efficiency of a biogenerator

The fermentation of the organic mixture needs to be consistent in order to optimize the biogenerator’s efficiency. For the substrate to produce the most gas, it must be moving all the time.

Constant mixing of the biomass is ensured by immersed or inclined agitators that are powered by electricity. Typically reactors have these agitators on the side or top.

A mechanical mixing tool, similar to a household mixer, is used in artisanal installations. It has two drive options: electrical or manual.

The temperature regime must be followed in order for biogas production to be efficient. It is possible to heat:

  • with the help of automated heating systems. They are used in stationary plants. If the temperature in the reactor falls below the set temperature, the system automatically switches on. When the desired temperature is reached, the system switches off by itself;
  • with the help of gas boilers – direct heating is carried out using electric heaters or built-in heating elements.

A glass wool layer can serve as a great reactor frame. Thermal insulation can also be achieved with Styrofoam. These components will lessen heat loss.

Biogas plant

One should do calculations prior to initiating the construction of a biogas plant. It is preferable to prioritize the simplest installation when there are few cattle. Making it with your own hands is not that hard.

A large agricultural facility would be a good fit for an industrial automated biogas plant. It requires experts to design and install the plant, so you need to hire them.

These days, a lot of businesses offer either the development of a custom project or a ready-made biogas plant. To save money, some people pool their resources to purchase a single unit for multiple farms.

Prior to constructing even a modest biogas plant, the following paperwork must be gathered:

  • process flow diagram;
  • to pass fire and gas inspections;
  • authorization from the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • Plan of equipment placement and ventilation.

You have the ability and desire to construct your own biogas production equipment. A product made available by the industry works well as a foundation.

Manure-based biogas production technology provides an effective and sustainable way to manage waste and produce energy. Biogas systems take advantage of the natural breakdown process of organic matter, like animal dung, to create methane-rich gas that can be used for power generation and heating.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is one of the main advantages of producing biogas from manure. Biogas systems capture and use this methane for energy, reducing the environmental impact of manure decomposition, which releases methane—a strong greenhouse gas—into the atmosphere when left to decay in open-air pits.

Additionally, biogas technology offers homeowners and farmers a renewable energy source that can partially offset the consumption of conventional fossil fuels. Manure, which is frequently regarded as a waste product in agricultural operations, can be used by people and communities to lessen their carbon footprint and reliance on non-renewable resources.

Biogas systems not only produce energy but also have additional advantages like reducing odors and recycling nutrients. Organic matter is broken down during the digestion process in biogas reactors, releasing important nutrients that can be applied to crops as fertilizer. Furthermore, biogas systems reduce the release of unpleasant odors related to manure management by confining the breakdown process inside sealed tanks, enhancing the general environmental quality of the surrounding areas.

All things considered, using manure to produce biogas is a promising step toward sustainable energy and waste management techniques. Biogas technology provides economic, social, and environmental advantages that help create a more resilient and environmentally conscious future by turning organic waste into a valuable resource.

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Sergey Ivanov

I like to help people create comfort and comfort in their homes. I share my experience and knowledge in articles so that you can make the right choice of a heating and insulation system for your home.

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