Schieber for the chimney with your own hands

Welcome to our guide on building a DIY chimney damper for the insulation and heating needs of your house. In order to regulate the airflow and heat loss through your chimney, a chimney damper is essential. You can increase the efficiency of your heating system and possibly save money on energy bills by learning how to build and install one on your own.

First and foremost, it’s important to comprehend how a chimney damper works. When your fireplace is not in use, it serves as a barrier inside the chimney, controlling the amount of heat that escapes and the flow of air. An open chimney can let warm air escape during the winter, which raises heating costs. When the fireplace is not in use, you can use a damper to seal off the chimney, reducing heat loss and increasing overall energy efficiency.

Building a chimney damper can be a useful do-it-yourself project for homeowners who want to increase the insulation in their house. Creating a mechanism that can be opened or closed to regulate airflow is the fundamental design concept. Commonly utilized materials include hinges, metal sheets, and an operating handle. You can tailor the damper’s dimensions and style to match your particular chimney by building your own.

Safety is the top priority when constructing a chimney damper. Before beginning the project, make sure you have the required supplies and tools. A metal cutter, screws, drill, and tape measure are typical tools required. Working carefully and adhering to any applicable safety instructions is crucial, particularly when handling metal parts and potential heights close to the chimney.

You may have more control over the insulation and heating in your house by building a DIY chimney damper. This do-it-yourself method offers a workable solution for more effectively controlling interior temperature in addition to cost savings. We’ll take you step-by-step through the process of building and installing your own chimney damper in this guide, giving you the ability to improve your home’s comfort and energy efficiency.

Schieber for the chimney, the peculiarities of its design

A good draught ensures that the furnace operates efficiently. The stove’s fuel burns completely and uses less fuel when the draft is strong. The wood does not burn through to the end in a poor draught, and a reverse draught may even occur. This post will attempt to explain what a chimney sweep is, some of its design elements, and whether or not it is something you can assemble yourself.

A draught regulator called a Schieber keeps stove heating fire safe. Sliders partially obstruct the chimneys when the wood in the stove is burning, and they shut off the chimney pipe entirely once the wood has burned through. In the heating system, Schieber is specifically designed to control the force of draught. A draft stabilizer is the baffle’s contemporary equivalent.

Peculiarities of installation of the damper

The device is installed at the same time as the flue duct installation. Because this location offers the most convenient use of the device, the prepared damper is installed on the first meter of the chimney. Insulation is not allowed on the chimney section where the damper is mounted. If not, the damper may jam due to the discrepancy in the inner and outer pipes’ coefficients of expansion.

The following steps are taken in order to install the damper in the brick chimney:

  • Laying the first row of bricks for the pipe.
  • Cut a piece to the size of the gate valve. In this case, be sure to take into account the width of the sand-clay mortar layer on which the gate valve will be installed.
  • Make a hole in one of the masonry bricks for the groove of the rotary knob.
  • Laying the second row. Make sure that it adheres tightly to the first one. If gaps are formed, they should be carefully sealed with cement mortar.

"Pipe in pipe" installation is an additional method for installing the gate valve. It entails inserting the damper into the chimney without tightening it further. Because it fits the structure so tightly, the device is held firmly within the system.

It is not necessary to insulate the section of the chimney where the damper is installed. If not, the damper may deform due to the disparity in expansion coefficients, ultimately resulting in jamming.

Article topic: Safety considerations in sandwich chimney installation norms and features

A damper for the chimney is an essential tool for controlling drafts. You can make this design yourself or buy it in specialty stores. The damper is very easy to install. On the other hand, one shouldn’t attempt independent equipment installation if one lacks chimney installation experience. Too much hinges on how well the damper is installed. Little flaws can cause the room’s carbon monoxide and draught to be inadequate. It is preferable to give this task to experts and receive a chimney with a skillfully installed damper quickly.

How to make a damper for a chimney with your own hands

How to make gate valves in round pipes is a question that many owners are curious about. You can make a damper by hand for a square or round chimney. The ideal gate valve for circular structures is a rotary one, but horizontal gate valves can also be used.

The gate valve’s design is so straightforward that you can make it by hand. The ability to self-produce this shaped chimney construction element is important in case the closest stores do not have the necessary cross-section slide plate.

The methodical procedure for creating a chimney latch is as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare the frame in which the pull-out plate will be located. It is recommended to make the frame from heat-resistant stainless steel. The width of the shelves of steel corners should be from 3.5 to 4.5 cm. The corners are joined using welding equipment.
  • At the second stage, you need to make a hole for the axle. It is worth remembering that if you need to perform a gate with a "straight" turn, then it is recommended to drill a hole at a point that corresponds to the center of the parallel sides of the frame. And for devices that turn at an angle, the hole is made diagonally.
  • Next, you need to install special bushings, which can be made from ordinary pipes. The size of the bushing should be approximately half an inch, which corresponds to 1.25 cm. To install the tubes, it is necessary to use welding equipment. The bushings, should not interfere with the movement of the bar axis.

  • Then the billet is selected to fit the gate plate. To do this, you need a sheet of stainless steel, of appropriate thickness, from which you need to cut a part that fits the cross-section of your chimney. It is worth noting that the thickness of the shutter can be higher than 1 mm (for example, 2 or 3 mm).
  • At the fifth stage, the finished plate is inserted into the frame and welded to its axis. Specialists advise leaving a small gap between the frame and the plate (at least 1 mm).
  • The limiting element is fixed, which is necessary to hold the gate plate in the desired position.
  • And, finally, it remains only to attach to the axle handle, which is necessary to regulate the position of the gate valve.

Which material is stronger

The materials used to make the various types of gates can vary in addition to their constructions. Metal is the only viable choice since it is the only substance that can withstand high temperatures without burning or deforming, and it maintains its properties over time even in harsh environments.

For production, stainless steel or cast iron are both utilized. Cast iron cannot be used to construct a damper because a blacksmith’s shop is necessary. On the other hand, cast iron flaps with exquisite and ugly designs are both available for purchase.

Butterfly valve made of cast iron with a handy handle. A brick chimney with a rectangular cross-section that can support the device’s weight in a sufficient amount is a good fit for this design.

Products made of steel have a more straightforward appearance, but they have similar qualities to those of cast iron. The lightweight nature of steel devices is an advantage. The steel gate valve is appropriate for any type of chimney flue, including brick and steel, round and rectangular, solid, and lightweight ones, provided that the cast-iron slide damper for stove chimney is installed solely on a solid, capital construction.

Titanium-coated steel gate valve samples, measuring 150 mm in diameter across the chimney. Unlike regular steel, galvanized resists corrosion and does not react to the effects of moisture (condensate).

The features inside the house and the characteristics of the chimney must be taken into consideration when selecting the material. For a country stove, a simple steel damper will do, but a cast iron damper made to order is more appropriate for a Russian stove in a cottage.

Instructions for making a butterfly valve

Take into consideration the possibility of creating a metal pipe slide gate valve. An existing, operational furnace or a newly constructed chimney can both have this modification installed. A welded metal rod, shaped like a round plane, serves as both a turning mechanism and a holder all in one.

2-2,5 mm thick stainless steel sheet; 6-7 mm metal rod (hollow tube); two 8 mm bolts; a metal reinforcement piece; or a nail are the manufacturing materials.

What you’ll need to cut and weld the parts is:

  • A Bulgarian drill with a set of disks (abrasive and cutting);
  • tool for marking – marker, construction tape measure, circular;
  • welding tool – welding machine, electrodes for steel, core;
  • vise, pliers, pliers, cutters, hammer.

Additionally, safety gear such as goggles, gloves, and thick, densely woven overalls are required when welding.

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Marking the steel plate is the first step.

Step 2: The steel circle is cut.

Fitting the flue plate is step three.

Step 4: Cut the metal tube to size

Drilling the tube for threading is step five.

Threading is step six.

Cutting holes for welding is step seven.

Installing the slide gate in the pipe is step eight.

The handle still needs to be fixed using a steel plate. Periodically, the completed gate needs to have its soot removed and the welding points’ strength examined.

How to make a slide gate with your own hands

Let’s look at how to create the retractable and rotary varieties of chimney slides. Every one of them has unique installation and manufacturing quirks. First, let’s discuss the retractable variety.

Preparing materials and tools

The simplest model of retractable gate valve can be made with galvanized steel. It is lightweight, easy to clean from soot, and the moving part is easily replaceable if needed. All of these qualities come from its smooth surface.

Because millimeter steel deforms easily and makes it difficult to push the plate into the chimney, it is not a suitable material. The sheet must be at least 1.5 mm thick, preferably 2-2.5 mm.

The primary instruments are the welding apparatus, electrodes, bolgarka, metal shears (which we select based on the sheet’s thickness), metal drills, files, and drills with grinding disks. Using a vise on a workbench is preferable. You will need a sheet of paper for the template, a tape measure, and a marker, among other things.

Layout (drawing)

It is important to remove the dimensions carefully because even a few millimeters can lead to the chimney not working properly. Using a tape measure, measure the cross-section of the chimney channel to determine the frame’s dimensions.These measurements will match the inner side of the frame’s dimensions. Add 20–30 mm to each of the three sides of this value to determine the frame’s outer side.

Diagram of the wire-framed damper. Fixing a wire frame to the brickwork is more challenging than a profile with wide, flat sides.

The slide should be slightly narrower than the width of the frame (if you include the outer sides) in order for it to slide out effortlessly. To make calculations easier, a design scheme must be drawn out and all potential dimensions marked so that they can be referred to later on when working with metal.

For metal pipes, a perpendicular chimney fragment is typically combined with a flat damper design.

Dimensions of a rectangular-cross-section pipe’s structure. The damper should completely enclose the chimney vent, but there should be a gap or tiny drill holes for air infiltration.

For brick chimneys, all that is needed is a wire or profile flat frame with a slider that moves along the guides, which are two parallel sides.

Marking and cutting out the parts

Once the precise measurements have been established, cut the gate valve’s frame. Use a thick wire and bend it into the shape of a U if the chimney is small, as in a sauna or summer kitchen.

A robust corner profile is a more comprehensive frame. We cut a strip of steel sheet and bend it lengthwise at a ninety-five degree angle to create it. One of the planes is cut where the corners are marked to give the profile the desired shape. We obtain the frame when bent. Join the curved sections.

Cut out the flap itself next. It ought to be between 5 and 10 mm narrower than the frame’s width. When the slide gate is closed, we modify its length so that only a small portion of it is visible outside. It may be shaped like a lug with a hole in it, or it may just have a tucked edge.

To make closing and opening the cut-out gate quieter and easier, use a disk to clean the edges. Painting the components is not permitted.

Stages of the gate valve installation

The factory-made gate valve’s installation steps are depicted in the photo. The same principle is used for mounting the homemade gadget.

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Step 1: Choose a location for the mounting

Step 2 is to surround the hole’s perimeter with bricks.

Planting the screen on the mortar is step three.

Brickwork over the damper is step four.

The damper’s height is primarily determined by the stove’s design; it is higher on home heating stoves and lower on sauna stoves. The height ranges from 0.9–1 m at the minimum to roughly 2 m at the maximum.

How to adjust the draught with a draft control valve

Firewood only burns completely and produces very little soot when the draught falls between 2.0 and 2.5 (a specific formula is used to calculate this range). This is known as the "alpha" value. Ensuring the combustion zone receives air is a crucial requirement for a healthy draught to exist.

One important thing to keep in mind is that even with the damper closed, carbon monoxide will still enter the sauna; you might not notice smoke or a burning smell. Carbon monoxide can burn you completely in a matter of hours, which makes it extremely dangerous. Only at the very end of the firebox, when every last bit of wood has burned completely and is only lightly covered in ash, can Schieber be closed.

"Draught Regulator" video:

"Handmade Chimney Damper" video:

Take care not to jeopardize your life or health! Be careful!

Why do you need a gate valve

There are two ways to burn wood in a stove: very intensely and gradually. The great majority of domestic stove designs are made to allow fuel to burn through them relatively quickly. The combustion process’s goal is to heat the stove completely by releasing as much heat as it can for a predetermined amount of time. Furthermore, because of its size, the already-heated brick oven will gradually cool down and continue to heat the surrounding rooms.

Thus, the primary cause of the stove’s excessive cooling down after burning wood is an open chimney that allows warm air from the room to escape. The room air heated by the stove tends to rise as high as possible because warm air naturally moves from the bottom to the top, and an open chimney will be a great transport channel for this air. If the chimney is left open after the wood has been burned in the furnace, in this instance, there will be a significant loss of heat and even a well-heated room will cool down rapidly.

Generally speaking, most brick stoves have a special damper to prevent warm air from leaving the room. However, some stoves lack this kind of damper, in which case a slide gate valve is designed. It can be mounted on any stove’s chimney at the starting point or up to one meter away from the burner.

It is noteworthy to discuss the slide gate valve for the metal stoves, such as the bubbler, separately. The traditional style of a bourzhuika does not have a gate valve on the chimney, and it should not have one since the under-blower or wood-throwing door can be opened to control the draught. Regarding long-burning stoves, gate valves are, in theory, forbidden in them per European regulations. This is because of the unique nature of the extended combustion process, which produces a lot of soot and tar. As was already mentioned, this greatly raises the possibility of the chimney becoming completely blocked and clogged.

Now that we know it’s necessary to keep the chimney open while burning wood, let’s examine how to operate the slide gate valve properly.

Manufacturing technology

  1. First, the four sides of the frame are welded, for the creation of which a steel angle with a face width of about 40 mm is used.
  2. To the holes drilled for the rotary axis, bushings are welded, which are cut from a half-inch tube. It is important to ensure free rotation, but do not allow the guide axle to dangle.
  3. The damper is cut from a piece of sheet steel, the thickness of which should not exceed 3 mm, with subsequent processing of the cuts. The prepared part is welded to the axis fixed in the bushings.

There can be no more than 1 mm of space between the frame’s sides and the damper. A limiter built into the frame prevents the gate valve from being forced shut. Typically, the guide axis handle is composed of either a steel element that is welded to the wire or a brass component that is positioned on the thread.

By using this alternative to build a rotary damper, you can keep the fireplace looking nice while still having a decent draft coming from the chimney.

How to make a gate valve with your own hands

Draught control sliders for chimneys are fairly straightforward to make, so you can do it yourself.

Crucial! The uninsulated portion of the chimney, which is no higher than one meter from the stove outlet, is where Schieber should be installed.

It’s very easy to make a gate by hand for a brick chimney, especially if you do it when the chimney channel is first being built. To manufacture it, you will need:

  1. Lay the first row of brickwork of the chimney.
  2. In the second row of masonry cut out grooves, taking into account the thickness of the gate valve.
  3. In the front or side brick of the masonry cut out a recess for the handle of the chimneypiece.

The cast iron gate valve is used pre-made and in factory settings. An angle grinder equipped with a stone wheel is used to create all of the grooves for the gate valve.

Take note! Working with a "bolgar" can be extremely traumatic and calls for skill in its use. It is best to get in touch with experts if you lack confidence in your skills.

When building a brick chimney and adding a damper, you should be especially mindful of the masonry’s quality. Any gaps need to be filled in using a mortar made of fireclay.

Rotary flap with your own hands

You can also build a rotary damper for a brick chimney, but this will already require some materials, tools, and expertise.

  • First of all, measure the sides inside the chimney at the necessary place.
  • According to the dimensions you need to weld a frame of steel angle, with a shelf width of 30-40 mm.

Crucial! Marking the sides and welding will result in a vertical shelf that fits snugly into the chimney and a horizontal shelf that rests on the brick.

  • Clearly in the middle of the two opposite sides, drill holes for the guide, diameter 5- 8 mm.
  • According to the internal size of the frame, cut out of metal, 1 mm thick, a plate that will serve as a rotary flap. Important!The dimensions of the butterfly valve should be smaller than the internal dimensions of the frame by 1-2 mm, otherwise when heated, it will jam in the device.
  • Depending on the diameter of the holes, use a piece of straight steel wire to make a pivot axle. At one end of the axle, cut a thread to fix it in place.
  • Thread the axle through the prepared holes. Important!The axis of the damper should rotate freely, but should not dangle in the guide holes. If necessary, insert bushings made from sections of metal tubing of a suitable diameter into the holes.
  • Secure the axle to the frame with a nut.
  • Insert the plate of the butterfly valve and weld it to the axle, clearly in the center.

Making the pivot axle handle is the final step. With any luck, this publication was helpful, and you will now be able to construct a chimney screen by hand. All it takes is a little perseverance, which will allow you to spend the same amount of money on materials but make some financial savings. Now that you know how it’s put together, you should ask yourself if it makes more sense to purchase a factory-made gadget or to build it yourself.

An example of a homemade fireplace damper is shown in the video.

How to make a rotary damper

A steel angle with a side measurement of 30 mm and a piece of the same material sheet with a maximum thickness of 2 mm are required to create a construction of this kind.

  1. After measuring the internal diameter of the chimney it is necessary to weld a frame from the angle bar.
  2. In the center of the two opposite sides of the product, identical holes are drilled, the size of which reaches 7 mm. The openings made in this way are necessary for the installation of the rotary axis.
  3. After taking the internal measurements of the frame, a plate is cut from a metal sheet to cover the pipe cavity.
  4. The pivoting axle is made of 7 mm steel wire. The length of the piece should be equal to the corresponding size of the frame edge, increased by about 6 cm.
  5. Using a die, one end of the wire segment should be formed with a thread, on which, after threading the rotary axis into the holes of the frame, a fixing nut is screwed on.
  6. It is required to grind the cuts of the plate, insert the finished part inside the structure and weld it to the pivot axis.
  7. The guide axle is equipped with a handle made of any material that is at hand.
  8. To prevent chattering, the pivoting element can be fixed in the holes with bushings of suitable size, which are cut from thin metal tubing.

This is a method for creating a gate valve that is quite basic. The person who will be doing this work should determine whether or not it is reasonable for you to devote your time and energy to it. Others can just purchase a factory product in the right size from any specialty retailer.

There is another option of making a rotary gate valve with your own hands. It will certainly appeal to those who like to make it from handy tools. A person who is at least somewhat familiar with welding will have no problem with this task. He can make a rotary damper and install it in the chimney of the fireplace of angular or wall placement. A distinctive feature of the gate valve for a particular type of heating device will be the method of drilling holes. The guide axis of a damper designed for a corner heating unit will run diagonally through the frame. The chimney of a wall-mounted fireplace is equipped with the usual design of a rotary damper.

Functions, purpose and characteristics

Inside the chimney is a partition called a baffle. When closed, it nearly entirely encloses the cross-section, following its shape and area. By adjusting the damper’s position, the chimney pipe’s opening can be increased or decreased, which changes the amount of airflow. Once the stove is fired up, the air movement can be stopped with the aid of the damper.

Schieber flaps are thin metal plates that can be manually adjusted using a unique handle. The latter allows the user to manually change the plate’s position; it is situated outside the chimney pipe.

Depending on the type and design of damper, it can be fixed with an axial rod inside the pipe or installed with a special metal frame.

Crucial! When the damper is in the "closed" position, it does not mean that the chimney is totally sealed. Fire safety regulations stipulate that the damper must have a tiny aperture through which a weak gas exchange can occur.

The purposes of a chimney damper are as follows:

  • increases the draught force in difficult weather conditions;
  • increases the intensity of combustion in the firebox by increasing the oxygen supply;
  • reduces the draught in case of a strong rumble in the stove pipe during strong winds;
  • saves fuel by reducing the intensity of combustion;
  • prevents heat from escaping after the sauna heater has warmed up.

Incredibly significant! Only after the firewood has burned all the way through and the flame has been extinguished can you close the chimney with a damper. A hazardous scenario may arise if the damper is closed too soon because a lot of carbon monoxide will be released into the space. The furnace’s efficiency will decrease if the baffle closes too late because the majority of the heat will escape through the chimney and outside.

What is a gate valve

The Russian translation of the German word Schieber retains both its pronunciation and its meaning. When discussing stove heating specifically, the gate valve, also known as the gate valve (gate valve), is a shut-off type device that seals the chimney channel.

The chimney channel is typically installed in the upper part of the room. This allows for manual regulation of the gas movement and, simultaneously, the draught quality, should that become necessary.

When the Schieber is removed, it appears like this. The damper is hardly noticeable when it is pushed in (when the stove is already heated); only its "ear" protrudes outside.

Installing a traditional brick stove requires the installation of a damper on the chimney flue. You can stop the flow of heated gases or lessen the draught by sliding it all the way in or out. When the stove reaches a temperature where dangerous gases are no longer entering the channel, the damper is fully closed. People have been known to pass away from burns sustained from early "closed" stoves.

The room will quickly get colder if the damper is not closed in a timely manner because the heated bricks will release heat into the chimney. The house will remain warm for at least twenty-four hours if the damper is pushed in on schedule. As you are aware, flooding the furnace every morning during the cold season is a necessity in village houses.

200 mm in diameter steel gate valve manufactured in a factory. It is supplied in a built-in form along with a section of steel pipe to make installation easier.

There is a belief that while dampers are required for brick stoves, they are completely superfluous for steel stoves (even though manufacturers do supply them) and models that have a deflector.

The fact that a closed damper causes the chimney to quickly fill with soot is the argument against their use. The cold air entering the chimney cools its upper part, and when it comes into contact with the hot steel pipe, a significant amount of condensate is formed. Cleaning a clogged chimney is a continuous task.

How to make a homemade gate valve

The damper can be independently designed in addition to being installed. Most of the time, this is required when retrofitting an outdated stove heating system. The house already has a chimney, but you are unable to select a standard gate valve because of the way it is designed.

Stainless steel is the best material to use when manufacturing a gate valve because it is subjected to the harsh effects of high temperatures, condensate, and other harmful emissions from flue gases during operation. The frame where the damper will be installed must first be welded. Angles that have a shelf width between 35 and 45 mm work well with the frame.

Additionally, the frame has an axle hole drilled in it. Drilling is done diagonally for angular turns and in the center of parallel sections for designs with straight turns. Small pipe sections are welded onto sleeves. They ought to be positioned so that the axis can rotate freely.

The damper is made of 2-3 mm thick steel sheet that is cut to the proper dimensions. After being welded to the axle, the blank plate is placed into the frame. There should be no more than 1 mm of space between the damper and the frame. A handle is fastened to the axle and a stop is welded on to maintain the damper in its fully closed position.

Installing a wooden accent piece on the handle is preferable. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, it will guarantee safety because the slide gate gets extremely hot when the furnace is heating up.

Making a gate valve with your own hands

If the damper is not part of the chimney system set, you can make one yourself or purchase it separately. Since the design of these devices is fairly straightforward, almost anyone with basic welding and bolt-cutting skills can construct a sliding gate:

  1. Initially, measurements of the future product are taken. Here it is especially important to correctly size the chimney pipe opening, taking into account every millimeter. The size of the inner side of the frame should correspond to the cross-section of the pipe. The external value of the sides can be determined by adding twenty-five centimeters to the internal values.
  2. The frame is made of strong stainless steel. The flanges of its corners should be four centimeters each. All joints of the frame are joined by welding.
  3. After that, a hole is made in which the axle will be inserted. To rotate the plate at an angle, holes in the frame are drilled diagonally. For a straight turn it is necessary to make holes in the center of the parallel sides of the frame.
  4. Then bushings are welded on. They are made of a pipe not more than twelve and a half centimeters long. The bar installed through the bushings must rotate freely.
  5. A plate is cut out of a sheet of stainless steel using a bolt cutter. Its size should correspond to the cross-section of the chimney pipe. All edges of the flap are ground with a bolgar with a disk.
  6. The finished plate should be inserted into the frame and attached with a welding machine to the axle, leaving a gap between the frame of more than one centimeter.
  7. A stopper is installed on one side of the frame to fix the plate in the required position.
  8. A handle is attached to the axle, which can be used to open and close the damper.

Steel with a thickness of two or three millimeters is used for the plate. The slide must be constructed entirely of the same heat-resistant material. A wooden handle can be used to adorn the handle’s end.

The effectiveness and safety of the heating units’ operation are dependent upon the quality of the slide gate and its proper installation. As such, it’s essential to precisely ascertain the chimney’s dimensions and the heating system’s technical specifications before making the purchase or manufacturing the product yourself.

How to install the flap for the chimney

The damper and the are installed at the same time. There are a few different locations for it, but the damper on the chimney flue’s first meter is the most popular. This placement makes perfect sense because the damper is easy to use in this situation. Let’s examine this installation technique in more detail.

You can install the damper after constructing the first row of the brick chimney. First, cut out a section of the damper. Create a through hole for the handle in one of the bricks, then install the second row, accounting for the thickness of the sand-cement mixture layer that will house the sliding gate. Ensure that it fits as closely as possible next to the first one. Prevent the creation of gaps.

Place the following rows on the cement-sand mortar, being careful to prevent any gaps from forming.

Advice: Trust experts with this task if you lack confidence in your skills and are unsure if you can install the gate valve yourself.

Installing the damper

Any kind of screen installation is done during the initial phases of the heating system installation. Installing the structure on the chimney pipe is not difficult. To do this, there are three options:

  • Near the fireplace firebox. The device is connected on the chimney pipe at a distance of one meter from the heating devices. Such a convenient installation of the damper allows unobstructed control of the damper operation.
  • "Pipe to pipe. This method involves fixing the slide gate on the chimney pipe without the use of additional clamps. The damper is held securely due to its tight connection to the chimney pipe.
  • In the ventilation duct. This variant of installation is used mainly for cooling the fan motor.

The damper is typically fitted in the first position when constructing stoves and fireplaces. Gate valves are utilized for chimney pipes that are square or round. Rotating plate products are typically installed in chimneys that have a circular cross-section.

Installing a damper in a brick stove

For brick stoves, the slide damper is frequently utilized. It is installed during the chimney’s construction phase. The pipe’s first meter is where the gate valve is installed. The gate valve’s placement makes it simple to modify the draught. Such a gate valve must be installed.

  • two rows of chimney bricks are laid;
  • an aperture of the required size is cut in the second row;
  • the damper is installed;
  • in any brick of the same row, a notch is punched for the rotary handle;

The following rows are then laid.

The tightness of the fit to the location where the damper is installed must also be considered at the same time. Mortar should be used to seal any gaps.

It is important to use all safety precautions when using such a damper. When the furnace is running, the slide gate must never be closed. This will allow carbon monoxide fumes to enter the space. A unique fixing feature on certain models keeps the chimney opening from shutting all the way.

We look at how to make and install chimney dampers to maximize your home’s insulation and heating efficiency in the article "DIY Chimney Dampers: Enhancing Heating Efficiency at Home." When your fireplace is not in use, chimney dampers are crucial for managing airflow and preventing heat loss. This tutorial will walk you through the process of building and installing a DIY chimney damper, which is an affordable way to lower your heating costs and increase energy efficiency. These do-it-yourself techniques will help you control the amount of heat that escapes your chimney, which will improve the warmth and comfort of your house in the winter.

Purpose and principle of operation

A ventilation shifter is a type of valve that can stop airflows in the ductwork entirely or partially. The German word "schieber" is translated literally as "gate valve," or schieber. The device’s functional purpose is fully disclosed by its name. By controlling the intensity of air masses that pass through ventilation networks, the device helps those networks operate more productively. Schieber is sometimes referred to as a "throttle valve," although this term only refers to devices that have a rotating locking mechanism.

The way the damper works is exactly the same as how the stove damper, which controls the draught in the chimney pipe, works. As a result, the damper opens when the fuel ignites, creating a forceful flow of air streams from the under-blower to the chimney. After the last coals have burned down, the damper is nearly closed, leaving only a tiny gap, and is closed during the active phase of combustion, which is slightly closed to prevent the fuel from burning instantly.

As a result, the stove damper functions as a draught regulator, enabling you to regulate the rate and force at which air masses pass through the chimney. The ventilation gate valve operates based on the same idea. It either widens or narrows the air jet flow. Furthermore, the damper balances the airflow resistance within the duct and controls the airflow from the central section of the duct to its branches. It is possible to install the dampers on ducts composed of any material, including plastic.

Technical characteristics

Because the damper is composed of stainless steel, it can tolerate the high temperatures produced by the concentrated flue gasses in the chimney. The steel used to make the element is typically one millimeter thick. The surface is smoothed and even to make cleaning the damper easier from the soot that has accumulated on it.

One crucial component that is essential to the functioning of the entire heating system is the stainless steel damper’s ability to tolerate temperatures as high as 980 degrees Celsius.

  1. Stainless steel damper extremely resistant to corrosion processes, excellent strength characteristics. Also this element has a very low coefficient of thermal expansion (this effect was mentioned above), which does not allow the part to change its dimensions with fluctuating increases and decreases in temperature inside the chimney.
  2. The dampers are made with heat conductivity in mind, therefore the flaps are quietly involved in the heat exchange processes.
  3. Standard slide gate is able to cover the cross-section of the chimney by 85 percent, which is the optimum percentage for carbon monoxide extraction. This significantly increases the safety and reduces the fire hazard of the heating equipment.

Safety technology

Prioritizing safety technology is essential when discussing slide gate valves. The definition alone makes it evident that this device can totally stop the air’s natural flow out of the room through the chimney and furnace. The stove can only be in this locked state if nothing is inside of it that is even slightly smoldering, much less burning.

It is common knowledge that burning wood in a stove releases carbon monoxide, which is toxic to people. The risk of this gas poisoning is that the victim might not realize how deadly the gas is until they start to lose consciousness, by which point it might be too late. It is important to recognize the risk involved, as evidenced by the death of renowned French author Emile Zola from carbon monoxide poisoning in his Paris bedroom.

A video overview of the characteristics of gate valves with different designs is advised.

A keen reader might note that valve manufacturers make their products with unique holes that inhibit the chimney from being completely locked. But as time goes on and these holes are frequently used, tar and soot build up and eventually reduce their capacity, possibly blocking them completely. It goes without saying that the damper and the chimney both need to be cleaned periodically, but in reality, this process is carried out far less frequently than is mandated by safety regulations.

Purpose and types of these devices

Chimney damper or, as it is also called, the gate valve is designed to regulate the draught in the chimney channel. The operation is carried out as follows. During combustion, the damper closes off a certain section of the chimney channel. By reducing or, on the contrary, increasing the area of the gate valve you can control the air flow in the chimney and, accordingly, the strength of the flame in the heater and the draught. After the combustion process has stopped, the damper is closed to prevent air currents from carrying heat away from the room. However, even in this condition, the damper must not completely block the chimney: this is contrary to safety regulations. The systems should be installed on almost all types of radiators except for the latest models, where the draught is regulated automatically by means of a deflector.

Article on the subject: Where does the reverse draught appear and how can it be addressed to improve the draught in the chimney?

Chimney sliders should be precisely shaped to match the chimney’s cross-section. There are two varieties of butterfly valves with distinct designs:

  • Extendable. The simplest and most reliable design. Moves only in horizontal direction. Installed most often in steel or brick chimneys. It is a smooth plate with holes that can be easily moved in guide slots.

Throttle or rotary.

  • The device rotates around its axis, as a result of which it can open or close the smoke channel. Installed in cases where a retractable damper cannot be used for various reasons.

Version that slides. The slide flap opens during the combustion process. You can control the draught by varying the area of the flue duct closure. The damper shuts off once the fire has been extinguished.

By turning on and off along its axis, the butterfly valve closes or opens the flue duct. installed in situations where a pull-out damper cannot be used

The chimney’s design determines which version of the system is required. Apart from the device type, the material is also a crucial factor. Most frequently employed:

  • Cast iron. It makes very strong, reliable and durable products. Traditionally used for the manufacture of devices. The main disadvantage is the heavy weight, so such gate valves can only be installed on brick pipes.
  • Stainless steel. Lightweight, durable and corrosion resistant material. Does not affect the heat output of the heater, therefore maximizing the efficiency of the stove. Steel screens are usually polished so that the smooth surface prevents the deposition of soot. Mounted on all pipes.

Design features of the device

The pipeline’s bulk, liquid, or gaseous medium flow can be entirely or partially stopped using a gate valve.

Conventional valves are still capable of operating in relatively clean gases and liquids because the shut-off element remains tightly aligned with the seat even in the presence of small particles from the working medium.

Kindly take note! Dense smoke, industrial and domestic sewage, and even more so sand can only be reliably blocked by the gate valve because of its design, which prevents even large pieces of the transported material from getting in between the seat and the gate valve. Similar in design to other kinds of control and shut-off valves is the gate valve:

The gate valve is set up similarly to other kinds of control and shut-off valves:

  • body – tee with expansion in the center, with a hollow branch, which can be collapsible and have a cover that provides access to the gate;
  • seats – guiding and sealing elements located in the passage part of the body;
  • gate or flap – a shut-off and regulating element located perpendicular to the flow, by changing its location relative to the seat and body and adjusts the flow capacity of the pipeline;
  • a stem located in the upper part of the body, which moves the gate valve;
  • control mechanism: an external screw, lever or actuator that drives the stem;
  • gland – an element that ensures tightness of the connection between the stem and the body.

The design and mode of operation of the regulating and shut-off element are what make a gate valve unique:

  • in the open position the gate valve is located in the upper or lateral cavity, the passage opening of the body freely lets the transported substances through,
  • when the stem moves, the damper is lowered between the seats, reducing the capacity of the unit;
  • In the closed position, the locking element completely covers the body, forming a hermetic connection with the seats.

Varieties of slide gate valves

As of right now, chimney flue slide dampers come in two primary varieties. They are distinguished by distinct design elements:

  • horizontal chimney damper;
  • butterfly valve.

With the aid of a horizontal gate valve, the draught in the chimney communication can be easily adjusted. By extending the plate, a specific section of the channel can be closed off. Horizontal damper models are typically installed in chimney structures composed of brick. As implied by the name, these products are mounted in a horizontal plane.

Gate valves are shaped and designed differently; the revolving component is also known as a damper.

Products with horizontal slide gates can be mounted on metal chimneys as well. During the production stage, holes are made or portions of the plate that extends and covers a portion of the flue duct are missing. It is vitally important to remember to drill holes in the plate when creating a self-made gate element for a chimney; otherwise, fire safety regulations won’t be followed.

The traditional model of rotary damper, also known as a butterfly valve, consists of a plate fixed inside a square or round chimney pipe. It is possible to rotate the damper around its own axis by adjusting the choke model inside the chimney. It’s important to remember that these kinds of models can be installed in spigots as well as chimneys.

How to choose a damper for your chimney

With the exception of a few recent models, it is installed on all varieties of fireplaces and stoves. In these models, combustion is already controlled by adjusting the supply air, which is why the deflector is there.

A rotary damper should be installed in a gas stove because it completely removes the possibility of the chimney closing completely and ensures that the flame won’t unintentionally escape through the ash pan. If you do use a damper, make sure that it always leaves at least 30 to 40 percent of the chimney’s cross-sectional area open.

Additionally, installing rotary dampers on sauna stoves with periodic action—that is, on any kind of fireplace or stove—is not advised.к. When the damper gives way, steam can always flow through it when it is closed. However, be advised that some stove manufacturers feel that cleaning the pipe beneath the rotary slide gate can be challenging when it is in the open position.

Since the damper is a necessary component of the chimney, it is typically sold with it. If, however, you completed the task entirely by hand, you can purchase a gate valve with the required specifications from internet retailers or from any specialty supermarket. The most important thing is to measure your required dimensions precisely.

Selection criteria for slide gate valves

A damper regulates the amount of draught in the chimney pipes, allowing you to use the heating system safely.

It is crucial to select the appropriate device for this reason.

When choosing a gate valve, some things to take into account are:

  1. For gas heaters, a rotating model of the gate valve is used. This design does not allow to completely block the access of air masses to the chimney channels. For gas stoves, it is necessary to ensure that the combustion products escape during operation. Therefore, the chimney passage should be open by at least 40 percent.
  2. The diameter of the damper must correspond to the cross-section of the smoke exhaust pipe. Before selecting the device, all necessary measurements should be made correctly.
  3. The plate of the sliding products should open and close without difficulty, and the rotary slide gate should rotate freely around the axis.
  4. Quality slide gate valves are made of stainless steel. This material is suitable for almost all types of chimneys.

It is advised to buy slide gate devices for the chimney in a set with the chimney construction in order to control drafts. All the gaskets and fasteners required for system installation are included in this kit. Purchasing them separately will also come with a slightly higher price.

It is best to choose products from specialty stores to guarantee their quality. Examine the mechanism’s integrity and how the parts are fastened carefully before making a purchase. Slide gate valve installation is restricted to stove and fireplace models without a deflector.

Main functions and characteristics of the slide gate valve

The heating system cannot operate normally without a strong draught. The primary component of the chimney design that controls how flue gases pass through the chimney is the gate valve.

Fuel burns completely when there is a sufficient amount of draught. A fire or smoke in the room may result from the chimney’s natural ventilation being compromised. Thus, the safe operation of the entire heating system is guaranteed by a slide damper that is mounted atop the chimney. Installing this kind of device is necessary when using gas or solid fuel for heating.

This is how the draught is adjusted:

  • increase – open slide gate valve;
  • reduction – closed damper.

The damper is sealed shut when the stove or fireplace is turned off. Place this kind of device at the chimney’s starting point. The slide gate valve is installed on an uninsulated pipe segment to guarantee unrestricted operation.

Various varieties of flue sliders for chimneys

In a chimney system, sliding dampers serve the following three purposes:

  • draught level control;
  • adjustment of combustion intensity;
  • Overlapping of the chimney outlet.

Chimney dampers must only be installed if the combustion process is conducted without the supply of air masses.

Several factors influence how slide gate valves are designed, including:

  • The value of the pipe cross-section;
  • The value of the temperature of the streams passing through the chimney channel;
  • Type of heater and structure of the drainage system.

The primary material for Schiebers is stainless steel. This type of steel has great durability and is impervious to corrosion. Stainless steel dampers for chimneys can tolerate temperatures as high as 980 degrees and are impervious to chemically active formations inside the pipe. Their thickness ranges from 0.5 to 1 millimeter.

Stainless steel chimney damper

There are occasions when cast iron alloy chimney pipe flaps are utilized. Such dampers are primarily strong and long-lasting. However, the material is still not as good as stainless steel; because of their heavy weight, cast iron valves can only be installed on brick chimneys.

The plate obstructing the chimney channel is meticulously polished before being assembled into the damper. You can easily clean the product from accumulated soot thanks to its smooth surface.

Selecting the damper

Schieber is typically utilized in heating systems that rely on gas, firewood, and solid and liquid fuels. Changing the fuel source regulates the combustion’s intensity. It is recommended to use a rotary butterfly valve in a gas boiler. The structure itself won’t be harmed because the exhaust gases aren’t very hot. The stainless steel device will not completely seal the chimney, keeping the flame from escaping into the room through the ash pan.

You can construct a damper on your own. If you intend to build the stove yourself while building a house, you should install a damper in the chimney right away. The damper still needs to be installed even if the room is heated by a boiler. You are able to accomplish both the assembly and the installation of the gate valve on your own. This kind of requirement typically appears when converting a stove to heat, that is, if the house already has a chimney and a suitable damper needs to be installed.

Since stainless steel is the only material that can resist the damaging effects of high temperatures and condensation, it makes sense to use it in the construction of the damper. To install the damper, first create a frame. Using angles with a 35–45 mm shelf width is worthwhile.

Drill an axle recess in the frame after that. For those structures with a straight turn, place such measures in the middle between the parallel parts. The holes need to be positioned diagonally in the event of an angular rotation. After that, weld the bushings. Their placement shouldn’t obstruct the axis’s free rotation.

Steel measuring two to three millimeters is used to make the damper itself. After being welded to the axle, the plate is inserted into the frame. There should be a space of up to 1 mm between the damper and the frame. The flap has a stopper to guarantee that it closes all the way. Install the handle, which will be used to control the damper, on the axle.

The slide gate has many benefits, even though its design is straightforward. It makes it possible to achieve energy efficiency even with traditional stove heating.

Advantages and technical characteristics

Typically, chimney regulating dampers are composed of one millimeter-thick stainless steel. The polished and nearly flawlessly smooth surface of the gate valve makes cleaning from soot much easier.

Gate valve made of stainless steel

Such steel, used to make Schieber, can tolerate temperatures as high as 900 degrees Celsius. Because the gate valve’s smooth surface creates excellent draught and removes obstructions from the flow of flue gases, you can maximize the efficiency of the equipment.

  1. Also a stainless steel gate valve with these characteristics has high resistance to corrosive processes, excellent mechanical and strength characteristics and low coefficient of thermal expansion. The last of the listed characteristics allows to ensure the smallest change in the dimensions of the product during temperature fluctuations.
  2. Stainless steel dampers have high thermal conductivity, which makes it possible to maximize their use in heat exchange systems. The butt joints on chimney flaps are realized by rolling method. Schieber diagram
  3. A standard stainless steel chimney damper covers the cross-section of the flue channel by 85 percent. Such percentage optimal for efficient carbon monoxide extraction. This is extremely important in rooms such as baths, as it allows to significantly increase the safety of being in them.

Varieties of the damper

The gate valve comes in two models, which are distinguished from one another by certain design elements.

  1. Horizontal sliding gate valve allows you to regulate the process by extending the plate, thus changing the cross-sectional area of the flue channel. This model is most often installed horizontally in brick chimneys. There are also special models for chimneys that are made of stainless steel. The overlapping plate of the slide gate has holes (or a sawed-out segment). Their presence is explained by the fact that even in the closed position, the gate valve should not completely close the channel. This complies with the requirements of building regulations and fire safety rules. Swivel gate valve
  2. Rotary slide gate (throttle valve) – this is a classic type of damper. It is a plate, fixed on a rotating axis, located inside the spigot or chimney.

They can make the chimney’s rotary and retractable gate valves by hand. Both a welding machine and a bolgarka are needed to complete the task. The key is to take accurate measurements, and assembling these structures by hand is not difficult. Assuming that the measurements were precise, installing a pre-made gate valve by hand shouldn’t be too difficult.

Variants of the gate valve location

The following are the most popular ways to install the gate valve:

  1. Schieber built directly into the construction (located in the firebox as a separate element or in the outlet pipe). In this case, the flue damper is installed on the first meter, i.e. on the section nearest to the heater. In this arrangement it is as easy as possible to operate the damper, as the handle rod does not touch the cladding and the portal.
  2. Located in the chimney screen is connected to other elements without additional fastening, the method "pipe in pipe".
  3. Before installing a damper with your own hands, you should take into account that this design may have some disadvantages. For example, with a straight chimney it will be difficult to clean the firebox from soot. Also, in some models, the gate valve may occasionally jam.
Materials Needed Instructions
Metal Sheet Measure the chimney dimensions.
Snips or Shears Cut the metal sheet to required size.
Hinges and Screws Attach hinges to the metal sheet.
Handle Fix a handle for easy operation.
Mounting Brackets Secure the damper to the chimney.

For homeowners hoping to increase the efficiency of their heating and energy use, building or installing a damper for their chimney can be a useful and satisfying project. In order to control airflow and stop heat loss when your fireplace is not in use, dampers are essential. They assist in keeping heat inside the home and lower heating-related energy expenses by managing the draft. Dampers can also improve safety by keeping animals and debris out of the chimney and preventing downdrafts.

If you have the necessary tools and basic DIY skills, you can build a damper yourself. It allows customization based on the specifications of your chimney and can be a more affordable option than buying a pre-made damper. Typically, a device that fits snugly within the chimney flue is crafted using heat-resistant materials like metal or cast iron. Through careful execution of comprehensive instructions and safety protocols, homeowners can fabricate a long-lasting and efficient damper that suits their requirements.

It’s important to determine whether installing a damper in your chimney is appropriate before starting this project. The efficiency of a damper can be affected by variables like the size and condition of your chimney as well as the kind of stove or fireplace you have. Seeking advice from a specialist or chimney expert can yield insightful information and guarantee that the installation is suitable and secure for your particular configuration.

To sum up, adding a damper to your chimney can be a useful and satisfying do-it-yourself project that enhances heating effectiveness and reduces energy consumption. By carefully planning, selecting the appropriate materials, and following safety protocols, homeowners can effectively build and install a damper that improves comfort and lowers heating expenses in the winter. Building a chimney damper yourself is a worthwhile project that can benefit your home for years to come, regardless of whether you’re driven by cost savings, environmental concerns, or simply wanting to improve the functionality of your fireplace.

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Anna Vasilieva
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