Myths and truth about Kuznetsov’s furnaces

We frequently use age-old techniques that have been handed down through the generations to heat our homes. Using Kuznetsov’s furnaces, which have long been connected to effective heating and comfortable warmth, is one such technique. But as popular as they are, a lot of myths and false beliefs have also surfaced. We’ll examine the realities underlying these myths as well as the actual advantages and disadvantages of Kuznetsov’s furnaces in this post.

Let’s start by dispelling a widespread misconception about Kuznetsov’s furnaces: the notion that they are antiquated and ineffective in comparison to contemporary heating systems. Although these furnaces have been around for a while, their design has changed to keep up with advancements in technology. Actually, a lot of the models that are available today have cutting-edge features like enhanced insulation and increased combustion efficiency, which makes them extremely effective home heating options.

The idea that Kuznetsov furnaces are hard to install and maintain is another common misconception. Although it’s true that for any heating system to operate at its best, proper installation and ongoing maintenance are necessary, Kuznetsov’s furnaces are no more difficult to maintain than other heating systems. A well-trained professional can ensure a seamless installation, and ongoing maintenance can prolong the furnace’s useful life.

The idea that Kuznetsov’s furnaces had an adverse effect on the environment is among the most persistent myths about them. Some people think that the emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollution are greatly increased by these furnaces. Nonetheless, Kuznetsov’s furnaces can be fairly environmentally friendly if they are run and maintained correctly. The environmental impact of modern models is lessened by their design, which maximizes fuel efficiency and reduces emissions.

A lot of homeowners still find Kuznetsov’s furnaces to be a reliable and effective heating option, despite the myths and false information that surround them. Homeowners can make educated decisions about their heating needs and select the best option for their homes by knowing the truth behind the myths.

Myths and reality are frequently blurred in the discussion of Kuznetsov’s furnaces in relation to home insulation and heating. Over time, opinions about these traditional Russian stoves have fluctuated between awe and suspicion. Some people reject them as antiquated relics, while others vouch for their effectiveness and environmental friendliness. Our goal in writing this article is to dispel the myths and reveal the facts about Kuznetsov’s furnaces. In order to assist homeowners in making well-informed decisions regarding their heating solutions, we explore the benefits and drawbacks of each, sorting fact from fiction and considering both historical significance and contemporary usefulness.

The device of Russian furnaces and their evolution

In Fig. 3 shows an ordinary Russian stove, which was laid everywhere, both in simple huts for plaster, and in the Lord"s houses under the lining of tiles. The laying of the furnace was usually performed entirely from red stove brick. The furnace is quite simple according to the device, but very functional – allows you to cook food for a long time, bake bread (per 1 sq. m. You can bake about 20 kg of bread at a time), dry mushrooms and berries, slop and smoke foods, steam wood, etc. Nevertheless, as a heating device, it has a significant drawback – the furnace warms up only above. The lower part of the furnace is T. n. Opechee (in some furnaces it is wooden) serves to store household equipment. As a result, the bottom of the room, the floor is poorly warmed up, the walls are diverse below. To avoid this, often a metal stove is attached to Russian stoves – a potbelly stove, but it is quite inconvenient and fire hazardous.

3. Russian furnace scheme, rice.

The next step in the development of Russian furnaces was the addition of a separate firebox to the furnace. Appeared t. n. . Typically, this firebox is located under a pole, and the six itself is blocked by the hob. Hot gases from the floodplain are sent to chimneys located one or more walls of the furnace. In fact, such a stove is two furnaces united in one array. As a result, the situation with heating has improved. But now, if you needed to cook food in the crucible, I had to drown both the crucible and the subsidies. When the firebox was just a footing, the neckline did not heat up, just as well as the males, the bottom of the furnace remained cold. This was significant inconvenience.

Choose a brick

Now, let’s talk more specifically about the issue of building a furnace. As usual, let’s begin by discussing the brick selection. A chamot: what is it?

It’s a good idea to foot the firebox because that’s where the greatest heating occurs. Sha-8 is simpler to use because, in certain situations, its geometry is more similar to that of red stove bricks. There are three types of industrial refractors: alkaline, neutral, and acidic. However, these traits don’t really matter in day-to-day living, so it’s simpler to accept Sha-8. However, the stove from it is totally incapable. He has a low heat capacity and poor thermal conductivity.

Bricks for stoves make things easy. The most popular Vitebsk and Borovikovsky. Each has flaws. Borovikovsky’s structure contains a lot of lime and has poorer geometry. Because Vitebsky has a low resistance to frost, it is not suitable for use in pipes and is currently being stored in a furnace. Subjectively, I still think Borovikovsky is better. Vitebsky on the stove, incidentally, is only appropriate for the first workshop’s release. Borovikovsky is not limited in this way.

It is best to use a denser brick for furnaces. Thus, if you have to choose between the M200 and M150, go with the latter. Still, the M150 isn’t all that bad.

For pipes, it is generally preferable to use M400 clinker and above because of their low hygroscopicity, which practically makes them frost-proof.

Calculation of the furnace

Choosing a stove is the next step. Here, things are easy. We start by calculating the room’s approximate heat loss. In order to do this, the room’s volume (not just its external size) After all, the room’s exterior walls are precisely what the heat provides! In other words, we calculate the height while accounting for the thickness of the ceiling and walls. and other figures, accounting for the wall’s thickness) and determine the cubacy. One multiplies the resultant volume by twenty-one. We can feel the room’s heat loss. We choose the furnace’s design based on this number.

In order to calculate the average heat allocation per square meter of the furnace’s active surface, or "where it warms up," we divide the heat loss by 300 if you wish to build your own stove. Thus, we determine the furnace’s external measurements. The area of one stove wall is obtained by dividing the number by four (square in plan). After that, we develop a filling or use a completed structure.

You can somewhat lower the estimate that we will drown twice a day if the furnace is big. Here, however, it is important to keep in mind that the double furnace increases heat transfer by 1.4–1.5 times, not twice.


I had good fortune. I discovered them too late. A decade and a half ago. When he found out, he was shocked. I just realized what the source was right away. He was also quite happy with the way stove terminology had developed.

I broke several Kuznetsov furnaces later on. Five or six, roughly. They weren’t elderly. They were dumb and very expensive. The owners requested that a traditional item be placed.

I then took a closer look at his advertising strategy and individual supporters. For instance, the Russian furnace’s efficiency is 30% indicated. Kuznetsov’s stoves are credited to 87%–90% (I’ve met a few people who have a bold 95%). Really lovely figures. One exception is that in 1940, a person from whom Kuznetsov derived the majority of his theses measured the Russian furnace’s efficiency. This came out to be roughly 60–64 percent. This is the first unfavorable image. In some ways, the lie is already concerning.


  1. Podgorodnikov and. WITH. Household furnaces of the system. IN. E. Grum-grzhimaylo. M, 1929
  2. Heat-1. Russian stove systems prof. IN. E. GRUM-GRZHAMILO and ING. Podgorodnikova m, 1936
  3. Podgorodnikov and.WITH. "Russian stove" Teplushka-2 ", m., The Ministry of Communications of the RSFSR, 1946
  4. Podgorodnikov and.WITH. Russian stoves "Teplushka-2" and "Teplushka-4" 158 with., M., The Ministry of Communications of the RSFSR, 1956
  5. Podgorodnikov and.WITH. Russian stoves "Teplushka-2" and "Heating-4" 2nd edema., 154 p., M., The Ministry of Communications of the RSFSR, 1957
  6. Podgorodnikov and.WITH. Household furnaces (heat, such as “Dutch”, “Swedes”, kitchen hearth) 3rd editorial., 223 p., M., Ed. The Ministry of Communications of the RSFSR, 1960
  7. Podgorodnikov and.WITH. Domestic stoves two-colp 4th edema. Refined. and add. 160 p.M., Kolos, 1992
  8. Podgorodnikov and.WITH. How to add up a 5th ed. Refined. and add.190 p. M., New Wave, 1998
  9. Podgorodnikov and.WITH. Oven the head of the 6th ed. Refined. and add. 190 p. New Wave, 2001
  10. Podgorodnikova a. Cap of the hearth, "rural construction", No. 9, with.50-52 1989
  11. Podgorodnikova a. Oven "Double -haired cap", "rural construction", with.50-52 No. 10, 1989
  12. Podgorodnikova a. Advanced Russian stove "Teplushka", "Rural Construction", No. 12, with.46-47, 1989
  13. Podgorodnikova a. The device of the “Heat 15” furnace and the handling of it “rural construction”, No. 1, with. 50-52, 1990
  14. Podgorodnikova a. "Heat 15" size 154×141 cm, "agriculture", No. 2, with.50-52, 1990
  15. Podgorodnikova a. The device of the “Heat 2” furnace and handling it, “rural construction”, No. 4, with.50-53, 1990
  16. Podgorodnikova a. The device of the “Heat 4” furnace and the handling of it, “rural construction”, No. 5, with.46-49 1990
  17. Podgorodnikova a. Device of the “Heating 4” furnace 154×141 cm. system systems. Podgorodnikova, "rural construction", No. 7, with.30-34, 1990
  18. Podgorodnikova a. The device of the “Heat 9” furnace and the dealing with it, “Agriculture”, No. 8, with.33-35, 1990
  19. Podgorodnikov and. WITH. Stoves of long burning, "rural construction", No. 1, with.32-34, 1992
  20. Podgorodnikov and. WITH. Bath furnace (development in 1932.), "Rural construction", No. 1, with.34, 1992

The stove diagram is a heat

The main fuel of the Russian stove of the design of Podgorodnikov is in one of the corners of the furnace, from there the smoke gases (dg) are directed to the arch that is heated. Further, through the holes along the edges, the dgs go to the lower, heating chamber. The chimney of the furnace begins with the very bottom of the camera – as a result, the lower belt of the furnace heats up well, and the total furnace efficiency improves. The furnace can be drowned as an ordinary Russian stove, burning firewood on a pod in the neckline. This is useful in if there is no need to heating the room, but you need to cook food or bake bread.

Discussed in a different article.

Instruments for installation

Which tools will be needed? This is a furnace hammer; on the one hand, there is a boiler; on the other hand, professionals require Kirk and Kirochka’s bilateral; trowel, also known as the kelma; level; plumb line; Rule: A long meter’s rail is used for measurements and to verify that the masonry is correct. A box containing the solution and tools for interfering with it, like a shovel, are also necessities.

In order to maintain fire safety and make sure we meet the requirements for ourselves, you must first decide where we will place the furnace. We lay the foundation for it here, followed by several rows of chanstz manufacture, and finally we move on to the order, or masonry, in accordance with the plan. If you’re just starting out, you should run the furnace "dry," that is, without any solution. This way, in the event of a mistake, the furnace won’t need to be disassembled.

Pictures are from the "Handbook of the Stersniks," page AND.Stroyizdat, M. (1985). A smoke pipe that travels through the attic ought to be wrapped in glassy or another non-combustible thermal insulating material. After completing the furnace’s assembly, the small firewood, brushwood, and straw are heated over the course of seven to ten days. The process of drying out starts. They lay out a quarter of the firewood from the norm the first time, a third the next, two thirds the third, and so on until we reach the norm. The furnace is installed after it has dried.

Video master class "Greetings and a barbecue stove in step -by -step instructions"

Warm decoration

Such a small stove can be assembled by hand from a unique brick that doesn’t need to be finished. The stove can be plastered and whitewashed if desired; to do this, you’ll need clay and the following supplies: half at the attendance, Kelma.

Using a hand, apply and gently spread well-soaked clay onto the surface. You can’t use leafing tools to give it a distinctive look. Make sure your hands and fingers are left on the surface. You can watch the thorough stove plastering process in the video.

Additionally, we advise:

  • DIY tandoor;
  • Continuous slab foundation
  • Brick oven for sauna

Homemade chimney for a bathroom

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Apart, stove with your own hands

Diagram-row of the stove-heat arrangement

The layout of the smoke channels in this one-handed laying scheme differs slightly from the masonry of a typical Russian furnace in that the gas is removed above the neckline. The furnace itself is two meters by two meters and twenty centimeters in size. The left wall is where the pipe is fastened.

In the start Furnace foundation installation must be done correctly. It is completed with high-quality cement mortar, leveled with a rail, and bricks are arranged in the prescribed order after being brought to floor level. Using a trowel, remove all of the excess solution, then wipe with a cloth. Measure the parties precisely and check the diagonals gently. Next, the formed rectangular container is filled with sand. The pipe is intended to be based at the right angle. This is how you arrange the first row using your hands.

Row two. It is necessary to place the masonry itself along with the seam dressing in both directions.

The row in third place. As you lay this series, make sure to leave an ash trail. The ash is only about 350 mm deep and 65 mm tall. For the pipe, a solid wall is laid out.

The fourth row. This is where you have to form a ledge like you would in a Russian furnace. The pipe’s 120 mm-wide opening is laid out in order to clean the furnace.

Installing the pass is also essential since it will shield the fuel and the smoke exit for the gas outlet. We present the subsidies.

As you get ready to install the furnace door, install the grate.

The fifth row. Installed above the ashin and securely fastened above the aperture is the brick. In order to prepare for the installation of the gallop, the brick should rest against the walls.

The sixth row. Make sure to leave a 5 mm gap when mounting the grate so that it can expand the metal lattice.

Row seven. With your own hands, begin laying the walls, and get the area ready for the door installation. Additionally, the fuel installs the pass, limiting the amount of fire that can escape the pipe. Two or three bricks may be the maximum height for the pass. To help create the ideal conditions for hot air output into the pipe, smell the brick’s edge.

The laying of the gas meter marks the start of the sixth row of masonry. Bricks used to increase aerodynamics are embarrassed in every direction.

The eighth, ninth, and tenth rows are set up for the hob installation.

The ninth row The valve installation is ready to go.

Row ten. The chimney is blocked here. Now that the plate is fully installed, install the steel strip on top of the plate to reinforce the door. This strip is ready for the next row of bricks to be laid.

Another benefit of this furnace’s convenience is that, even with the two closed valves closed, you can use the stove in the summer. The plate that is still open is the only one. Visit the link to learn more about information about information.


Although the furnace’s design is not the most straightforward, you can still construct it by hand. Building a furnace can be done in a few different ways, but they are not all that different. The order is executed as follows:

  1. Put the base of the furnace, which will be the first row. On the outside, it is covered with facing material, for the internal one can use halves of red brick.
  2. When laying external walls in the second row, mandatory dressing is used. Also make a special opening in which the door will be installed.
  3. In the process of laying the third and fourth rows, a ash is distinguished – this is a channel fenced off with a wall with a thickness of one brick. The channel is covered with a jumper on top, and an angle is rounded inside it.
  4. From the fifth row, preparations for the overlap of the channel are beginning, which after the seventh row will be completed. At this stage, the side walls are shut so that the heel is obtained.
  5. The arch ends, the rise of which is brought to the eighth row. When they begin to form a vault, for the convenience of the process, the formwork is sometimes installed. If you fail to remove it, it will simply burn with the furnace.
  6. The next stage is the laying of walls and a hotel box. An previously created channel is overlapped, over which it is necessary to leave three holes. One is located near the hotel box, the other two in the heating panel.
  7. .The edges of the bricks over the blows are shy, the grate is laid. Then install doors, make a large furnace and walls of the hob.

You can see an illustration of the structure’s construction in the image below.

The Podgorodnikov bake will keep for a very long time if the operating guidelines are followed. The building must be allowed to warm up before cooking. The ash must also be cleaned frequently, and the masonry’s condition must be inspected for cracks.

The doors of the fireboxes that aren’t working should be closed, and using both at once isn’t necessary. Long-term comfort and heat from the stove are guaranteed when these requirements are satisfied. Printed You can ask experts and project readers here if you have any questions about this subject.

P.S. Keep in mind that by simply altering our consumption, we are collectively altering the world! Econet

Work scheme and device

The following components form the foundation of two-colp furnaces:

  • ash chamber;
  • Topka;
  • vertical caps;
  • Feeding doors;
  • valves;
  • hob, drying chambers and/or oven cabinet.

An ash chamber and the firebox are located at the very bottom. Overlooking the fuel chamber is a hob. A drying in the second cap.

The two-colp furnaces’ operating principle is as follows:

  1. Hot gases from the fuel come through the entrance to the lower cap.
  2. Heated gases are lighter than air, so they rise to the very top of the cap, giving it to the walls part of the heat.
  3. Cooling, they begin to sink along the side walls of the cap to its base.
  4. Since new portions of hot gas constantly come inside, chilled is replaced by a vertical channel leading to the second cap.
  5. Once in it, they rise to the upper overlap and give part of their heat. Cooling, gases drop along the walls to the base of the cap and go outside through the pipe.

Take note: Two-colp stoves operate without forced traction using the principle of free gases.

One benefit of two-colp furnaces is that the cold air from the furnace will not cool the stove even if the pipe valve is left open after it has been pampered. The air inside the cap is warmed, preventing the cold from rising. It is shown right away from the bottom cap to the second through the side vertical channel. Additionally, cold air does not rise in it; instead, it passes through the pipe at its base and exits.

You can modify the furnace’s heating by installing the valve in the overlap of the first cap beneath a chimney. When the furnace is in the open position, hot air rises to the top of the lower cap and exits through the pipe. Just the hob will heat up, not the stove. The firebox mode is particularly useful during the summer months.

A portion of the gases will be removed right away if the valve is not fully closed, and the remaining gases will pass through the vertical channel to the upper cap and heat the walls of the lower cap. The gas will escape through the chimney in an outward direction after transferring a portion of the heating to the walls of the second cap. This regulation option is useful during the spring and fall seasons.

Furnaces for two-colp heating and welding warm up from below; the temperature in each horizontal row is the same from all angles and rises in the rows that lie above it.

With a oven

The oven and hob can be embedded thanks to the design of two-colp furnaces. In addition to aiding in food preparation, a metal oven provides additional heat. It’s usually found next to the firebox. Consequently, the oven’s sides and upper portion are heated by the hot gas originating from the fuel chamber. The vertical channel is used to expel the cooled gas.

The benefits of using an APP with an oven are twofold: once the stove has melted, you can open the cabinet door and enter the room more quickly. since the oven begins to heat up initially.

The device of a traditional furnace

We won’t go into detail about the Russian stove’s history or its function in a village home because this information is abundantly available in technical and artistic publications. We’ll get right to the point and quickly examine the conventional design depicted in the figure below:

  1. The lower part of the structure – Opera – was built of stone or wood – cedar, larch. The walls of the base form a niche – signs where firewood was dried and house utensils were stored.
  2. The first arched vault and a large stove fuel was built on top of the Opera – the crucible. Under and the second arched vault was made with a bias towards the person – the front part of the structure.
  3. A blossom was arranged above the crucible, where the bed was located. The cavity between the second vault of the fuel and the overlap was covered with sand to increase heat capacity.
  4. Before the mouth of the crucible, a special niche was provided – a bent that ends with Hale (smokers) on top and a chimney itself. The horizontal shelf at the bottom of the opening – six – has a semicircular window that goes outside.
  5. In the side walls of the brick heater, stoves were arranged – small niches for drying clothes and other things. The chimney was equipped with a valve and a bit located above Hale.

Citation. A well-known book bearing the same name, written in 2003 by Gennady Fedotov, provides a detailed account of the development of the Russian classic stove.

The following indications show how the authentic Russian furnace differs from other brick heating structures:

  • deep vaulted fuel, made with a slope forward;
  • The chimney is located in front – in the center or in the corner of the structure;
  • An indispensable attribute – a couch arranged over the fuel chamber.

Now consider the stove’s operating principle as depicted in the diagram:

  1. Firewoods are laid closer to the back of the crucible and are kindled. The air for burning flows through the outer window of the six and the mouth of the fuel, and moves above the charm.
  2. The heat generated during burning heats the body of the furnace – the side walls, sandy filling and bed.
  3. Light combustion products rise to the furnace set. The slope does not allow the gases to immediately leave the camera – at first they give heat to the overlap, then they become heavier and are replaced by a new hot stream.
  4. Having passed under the arch of the crucible, combustion products go through the upper zone of the mouth, rise into the smokers and leave the stove through the chimney.

Note: Baking bread and cooking do not occur during the combustion process. After the stove is fully heated, the food is placed in a cast iron metal dish after the coals have been removed from the furnace. A damper closes the output.

Brick fireplace and a second wooden house

A Russian stove with a lounger is rarely constructed in traditional performance, despite its many benefits. While the traditional heater takes up a lot of room and only slightly warms the lower zone of the room, the modern interior is worth its weight in gold. When building, it is preferable to take into account modernized structure projects where the given issue is resolved.

Improved Russian stove heat and. WITH. Podgorodnikova

The efficiency of this upgraded design is significantly higher than that of a typical Russian furnace (rice, 91, 92). It is best for beginners not to get involved in the construction of this Russian stove due to its complexity.

The furnace measures 1290 x 1290 x 2380 mm. Such a furnace’s permitted fire heat transfer rate is 3200 kcal/hour. Calculating shows that this kind of stove can heat a space up to 35 m^2.

The following supplies are required to construct the furnace according to this design:

1000 pieces of regular brick, 50 pieces of fireproof brick, and 0.4 m3 of regular clay;

ravine sand – 0.3 m3; Steel strip (50 x 12 x 1000 mm) – 1 pcs.; Steel strip (25 x 2 x 1430 mm) – 7 pcs.; gate valves (260 x 260 mm) – 2 pcs.; Pot (180 x 140 mm) (summer) – 1 pcs.; gate valves (140 x 140 mm) – 2 pcs.; Grinking grille (380 x 250 mm) – 1 pcs.; Vyshka with a hole of at least 230 mm – 1 pc.; Top doors (250 x 205 mm) – 2 pcs.; Puncher doors (250 x 140 mm) – 2 pcs.; Feeding doors (130 × 140 mm) – 2 pcs.; The door under the blacktail inserted into the pipe (250 x 140 mm) – 1 pcs.;

One cast iron plate (700 x 400 mm) with two burners; one rodger box (500 x 120 x 280 mm); one zalka (450 x 350 mm) with an eye.

You must closely adhere to the sequence and masonry rules, as stated in the order, in order for the furnace to operate as efficiently as possible and for the maximum amount of heat transfer to occur. Read the stove’s design by following the drawing carefully before beginning to erect it. Creating a furnace layout is the best course of action. Only then will it be feasible to begin building it.

The furnace’s design includes a heating shield. The majority of the hot gases in the "Heating" oven are directed toward the heating shield’s convective system, which gives it its unique characteristics. Furthermore, only a small portion of these gases exit the hob through the mouth and into the pipe and gap in order to maintain the required traction.

Examining the drawings closely will reveal that this design’s furnace is constructed as a single cover-cap that extends from the floor to the vault. It is split into two sections. The lower heating chamber and the upper hob are the two of them. Four holes that are situated from the sides of these two parts connect them. On a stove like this, food is cooked on a hob with a closed damper. There is a peephole that can be closed with a valve to allow for visual observation of the cooking process.

The furnace’s operating principle stems from the fact that the smoke gases released from the fuel heat it. They fall through the holes into the hob and then into the heating. As a result, the furnace’s bottom heats up and the room receives heat that is 2-3 °C throughout, from the floor to the ceiling. Smoke gases exit the heating chamber through a chimney that is at least five meters above the ground.

By opening or closing the valve, a stove with this design can be drowned in both winter and summer modes.

When building a furnace, it is crucial to keep in mind that a brick gravel backfill with a clay-sand mixture that is 20 to 30 mm thick must be made over the furnace’s overlap in the 21st row. If not, simply follow the derive

The device of the heating of the Podgorodnikov

There are two tiers in this design. Nizhny generates 80% of the heat, while the upper absorbs roughly 20%. There are two ways in which the firebox of an upgraded Russian stove can be made:

  • The first, traditional version, consists in melting fire in the crucible, that is, a large firebox. In this way, the furnace is drowned for many centuries. Before cooking, you need to threw the stove, collect coals, and then put on the dishes with food.
  • The second method can be implemented in closed tops with a grate. The hob is put on the firebox on top. This model differs in that the plate acts as a shelf located in front of the neckline.

Recall the page you should view later.

The stove’s GAZ movement scheme

A: fuel for stoves.B: Heilo from the crucible’s fuel (the stove).C: channels that run from the heating chamber to the hob.D: the supporting columns beneath the stoves.E: Beneath the range.F: The furnace’s opening.G: The vent for smoke.H: The lower chamber’s gas tract.I: Ash and the puncher.J: the stove pipe.Red arrows indicate the fuel’s gas stream during the furnace.In Russian, orange arrows refer to a gas stream with a furnace.Blue Strelka: Air included.

The device’s gas output is engineered so that warm air consistently enters the furnace’s lower section, warming the case. The plate will heat up if the structure receives heat from a big firebox. You can save fuel and enhance heat transfer with this model. Vyshka after the furnace shouldn’t be shut too firmly; you need to leave the thrust open to prevent cooled gases from starting to enter the space.

About bricks and rural club

Regarding heating with stoves that require 700 bricks in mansions that are 100 square feet in size, that is untrue. It just doesn’t occur. Firstly, using a single furnace to heat more than 40 square meters with ceilings that are between 2.5 and 3 meters high is pointless. Convection is just not going to work. It will be, but there will be such a huge temperature differential within a single room that discomfort will be the only thing you need to discuss rather than hygiene.

By the way, the convection picture can be found in the 1943 book (click the above link). An extremely clear image. Despite the Latvian language.

Thus, 450 cubic meters cannot be heated by a single stove. Not if it’s atomic.

Imagine a large hall. Permit the village to have a club. The hallway and the corners are chilly. Raise a brick that has been warmed at the stake. Does the hallway get warmer? What if the pallet of these bricks is imported by the loader? I fear that many of these pallets will need to be imported and arranged in the corners for warming up. This is especially true with stoves.

Brick is a warm -intensive thing, and the oven heats precisely due to the heat stocked for it. No other way. But the value of this heat capacity is the final value. Brick is not able to take heat more than it should be. And with an increase in the temperature of the brick itself, this ability will fall. Attempts to warm up the brick above the due will lead either to an empty waste of fuel, or to the destruction of the brick itself. That is why all guidelines strongly do not recommend stinging the stoves – they simply crumble. For the same reason, one cannot compensate for the lack of power power with an enforced fireplace.

This feature is connected to one characteristic of all capsical furnaces. His ignorance results in a 20% reduction in heat loss in addition to savings.

It’s basic in nature. The gradient is the difference in temperature between the brick and the stove gases. The brick is more receptive to heat the higher the gradient. The gradient decreases and the brick absorbs heat less intensely as it warms up. Gases will therefore invert into the pipe if the flow rate does not decrease.

Because of this, it’s critical to have the ability to modify the pipe’s cross-section and blow to alter the flow rate in caps. By the way, Kuznetsov abruptly forgets that the gas stream always takes the path of least resistance when lighting this moment.

To put it simply, if the gas’s path in smoke-turning structures remains constant and it is forced to provide heat to the furnace walls, then the gas caps have the freedom to choose this direction at will. There are no fancy phrases or calculations that will persuade them to take the easiest route.

You can suggest an excellent oven and as a stove cap. AND. Podgorodnikova, a.k.a. the "cap with two hairs." Below is its order.

Additionally, Podgorodnikov has a burning camera inside this stove. All of a sudden, yes?

Improved options for the heater

The modernization of the traditional furnace was the work of numerous Russian masters, including Kuznetsov, Podgorodnikov, Emshanov, and Batsulin. The main changes are as follows: the old structure’s details, such as the vaulted crucible and the bent and haillo above the mouth, were used as the foundation. To them, new functional components were added:

  1. Instead of a six, a hob is placed, a small shade is arranged from below. The parallel mine of the summer passes is laid out, united with the main smokebreaker at the top.
  2. Solcted gases from an additional fuel are directed along the chimneys made in the lower part – Opechee. Then burning products are thrown into a common pipe. An example of modernization – in the winter mode of gases from the furnace and the crucible heating the lower part of the structure
  3. At the end or on the sides of the crucible, vertical channels are arranged, again leading to the lower zone under the fuel, then to the chimney.
  4. Channels from the fuel go to the attached heating shield and out of the combined pipe.
  5. The shade is made from the bottom of the crucible and communicates with it through the grate, installed in the low (bottom) of the main firebox. Gas drives from the crucible penetrate the opera, converge into a vertical mine that goes into the chimney.

Note: The modifications enable you to heat the oven in two modes: heating-welding mode (gases move around the channels) and Russian (smoke comes out through the mouth and hailo).

Another illustration is the arrangement of vertical strokes that create a heating shield in the side wall.

While there are many more options available, we only attempted to describe the common concepts. The modifications are meant to enhance the fundamental structure’s functionality and heat transfer. The oven can be installed inside the gas traders, if that is what is preferred (the cabinet is placed next to the subcankment).

We will now examine the revised options in-depth using real-world examples, including drawings and visitors.

Materials used

The amount of materials needed for construction does not change when the Russian stove’s design is simplified. Refractory brick is used for both the body and the exterior cladding. The only area that basalt cardboard forgets is the surface of contact with open fire. It is preferable to use chamotis brick if processing bricks with longitudinal cuts is feasible. Even though the temperature in the lower chamber is fairly high, special heat-resistant materials are not necessary.

Thriving brick construction

Regardless of the device’s model, stove masonry is designed for a clay and sand solution. The amount of fat in the clay determines the dosage. Without any specialized equipment, you’ll have to rely on common sense to find out. We won’t be bringing them because there are plenty of ready-made mixtures available nowadays that are intended for use in furnaces. There, all ratios have already been considered, and composite materials are added to increase the final solution’s strength and adhesion.

Only a concrete solution will result in a long-lasting foundation. Filler in the form of brick, concrete blocks, or stone is permitted. Only as a pillow to the bottom of the pit does crushed stone go to sleep.

Remember that pre-purchasing metal products is necessary to avoid halting the construction process. These doors are for the hob, grates, valves and hooks, and firebox. When choosing between steel and cast iron structures, cast iron is the better option because it will enhance heat selection efficiency and transfer heat to the furnace walls.

Russian heat with a stove 127 x 166 cm

This stove’s mechanism and working principle are comparable to those of the earlier heat source. Size, power, and a few design elements are the differences. There are three more modes available here: firebox in Russian, summer, and winter. The heated area is 45–50 m², and the heat transfer is 4.5 kW.

Firewood can be burned in a subclass or on the crucible’s grates in winter mode; the gases will still pass through the lower strokes and heat the furnace as a whole.

The furnace’s dimensions in the plan are 1270 x 1660 mm plus an additional 10 cm for the foundation. When lying down, the front portion measures 147 cm in height. A group of building supplies:

  • Fire-guidly bricks Sha-8-26 pcs.;
  • Red, full -bodied brick – 995 pcs. (chimney into the indicated amount is not included);
  • Shamot Block type SB-94-1 pc.;
  • The main door installed at the mouth is 41 x 25 cm;
  • The ash of ash 14 x 25 cm, furnace – 21 x 25 cm;
  • 2 grates of golst sizes 240 x 415 and 220 x 325 mm;
  • plate 71 x 41 cm (2 burners);
  • chimney flap type ZV-5, size 260 x 240 x 455 mm;
  • 2 valves 130 x 250 mm;
  • steel sheet 2 mm thick;
  • Galing reinforcing grid – 1.5 m. P. (cell 30 x 30, wire with a diameter of 1 mm);
  • Template for the formation of an arch, radius – 322.5, length – 645 mm;
  • circled under the set of the main furnace with a radius of 60, 77 cm long;
  • Cardboard packaging corrugated, kaolin.

This is how a large "warm" (4.5 kW) appears.

Work in preparation is a dependable foundational tool. Remember that the formwork can be removed 3–4 days after the foundation is poured (during the warm period), and the stove can only be built after 2 weeks. Half of the roofing material is waterproofed over the foundation site.

The proper layout of the full-size "warmth" is as follows:

  1. Row No. 1 – continuous, consists of 65 ceramic bricks. On the second tier, we begin to form the walls of the furnace and support columns, put the ash chamber door. We install 8 stones on a poke without solution and cut down the height of the 3rd row. We do not associate the rest of the masonry – these will be food hatches.
  2. We put the third tier according to the scheme, on the 4th we block the ash. On the 5th row, we begin to build the walls of the fuel from the fireupo, insert a grate of 415 x 240 mm.
  3. We continue to put the ranks 6 and 7 according to the scheme, chamotis stones are placed on the rib. After the formation of the 7th tier, we mount the furnace door and a summer valve installed vertically. 8-9 rows are built according to the order.
  4. On the 10th tier, we block the floods, the upper ends of the refractory bricks are covered with kaolin wool. The front of the chamber must be blocked by the shamot block SB-94 or similar. We begin to reinforce the walls of the furnace with a galvanized wire mesh, then arrange a second overlap from red bricks (row 11).
  5. On the finished 11th tier, we insert the plate and grates of the main camera-the crucibles. We do level No. 12 according to the order and mount a large door. Then we lay out the 13th tier and the arch, using the circle.
  6. Rights 14-17 are built according to the drawings, lifting the outer walls of the furnace, the smoke canal and the facial partition of the crucible. Next, put the arched vault r = 60 cm from wedge bricks. Tiers 18, 19 we continue to build according to the schemes.
  7. The twentieth row overlap the front arch and raise the outer walls above. Fill the void above the arch solution of clay and sand. After drying, we build a tier 21 – the plane of the bed.
  8. Tails 22-32 make up the front section of the stove, where Heilo unites with the side gas. We build the rows according to the schemes, at the 24th level we put 2 valves, on the 29th sheet of metal that overlaps the stove.

An expert in his video will provide step-by-step instructions for building a Russian multifunctional stove.

The myth of the efficiency

Now, let’s talk about Kuznetsov’s furnaces’ high efficiency. The temperature of the furnace gas at the pipe’s output should be between 120 and 200 degrees Celsius to prevent the growth of soot and stove condensate in the pipe. This is a presumption. Furthermore, this is acknowledged by Kuznetsov, who alters the laws of physics so freely. At least, thus far. Let’s now recall the firewood’s temperature. Timber ignites at 300 degrees. The common consensus is that it burns at 600. Even so, under some circumstances, specific flame segments can reach 1000. However, most firewood starts to burn at 600.

Now, using a calculator, determine how much these numbers differ from one another. as a percentage. To make things simple, let’s say the room temperature is 10 or 20 degrees.

Not important. Regardless, it appears that the furnace can’t actually absorb 90% of the heat (unless we’re talking about perpetual motion).

If this occurs, the forced smoke removal will prevent the pipe from functioning. Not the fabled "vacuum in the stove" of Kuznetsov, but rather the traction in the pipe produces a pressure differential in height. As any heating textbook will explain, smoke exhausters are frequently used in highly efficient industrial installations. However, they are typically not found in home furnaces.

If this computation bothers you, just calculate how much heat the house loses (more on that a little below) and figure out how much firewood is needed to make up for it. Tables showing the value of the fuel’s heat-intensive ability make this process simple, even if it isn’t 100% efficient in the ideal scenario. Examine the "Objective reviews" regarding Kuznetsov’s furnaces after that. You can find the order here: http:// pach-kuznecova/. Everything is written very beautifully and at least "heartbreaking," but I will still remove the main thesis if the numbers did not continue to alarm you.

Here is a dissertation by a truly deserving stovenik, from whom Kuznetsov discreetly "borrowed" his primary calculations, at times retelling them in his own words.

If you want to avoid getting specific, just pay attention to the year the work was published:.

Useful tips

The project needs to be modified. The furnace’s lining will be provided by assembling it out of chamotte. It is best to carry out masonry on a refractory solution. The remaining facing masonry can be completed with a solution consisting of seven parts sand, two parts clay, and one part cement.

It is important to keep in mind that standard masonry and stoves differ from one another. To ensure that the seams are sealed, high-quality, crack-free material should be used, and they should be dense, measuring approximately 5 mm for red brick and 3 mm for refractory. Typically, the wall’s thickness is 60 mm, or half the thickness of a brick. Keep in mind that the dressing is not finished when using a chamot. The interior surface must be cleaned by hand or with a trowel.

Citation. Lining: the covering that shields an object’s surface from exposure to elevated temperatures.

Burning Materials

The tarnet refractor solution serves as the foundation for the masonry of the furnace’s chamotary nucleus. The brick furnace’s exterior masonry is packed on a cement-clan solution: 1: 2: 7 for cement, chamotte clay, and sand. How much material was used to lay the furnace without a pipe?

  • Red brick …………..1070 pcs.
  • Camping boiler …………… 400 pcs.
  • Brick of the wedge Ш-47 ……..40 pcs.
  • Flub OS, 20 kg …………… 5 mshk.

The furnace’s initial rows of exterior laying. openings for cleaning and blowing out doors. The furnace is sized 1.4 x 1.4 meters, or 5.5 x 5.5 bricks, according to the plan. Chances are installed to stop heat loss in the foundation beneath the furnace.

Coarse Pereplane Channel and the start of the furnace fuel lay. Fuel is the internal contour, and basalt cardboard gaskets are used to keep it apart from the external masonry.

Basalt cardboard is used to keep the interior chamota core—the lining of the lower heating chamber—separated from the furnace’s exterior masonry.

Columns that will be heated and based on the furnace. They are connected on this row for the furnace’s subsequent flooring.

Overlap of the furnace door’s arrow opening.

Fidine in the second row of the furnace. Two rows of covers are placed over the furnace. the sides of the aperture where flue gases are directed to the lower heating chamber. For aesthetic purposes, red bricks are wrapped around the pole.

The cardboard made of basalt separates the fuel’s inner lining.

The fuel and the sixth are finished under the stove. The levels of internal and external masonry are combined by laying the external masonry bricks on the rib. To expand its area, the fuel liner is narrowed at the level.

The varied channel is still monlayic, but it lacks critical thinking. Its temperature won’t get any higher than 300–350 s. If preferred, a rectangular or oval stainless insert can be used to sanitize it.

Masonry on the Russian stove Deplushka’s crucible. Internal masonry is the only foundation for spoon chamomatic masonry. It is not a clamped fuel liner.

Gases through to the chamber below. Change from spoon masonry to masonry "to the rib."

The tightening bandage, the heels of the arch, and the furnace’s mouth arch. The heels of the vaults were freed from the masonry’s exterior walls in earlier iterations of the warmths.

Shield-47 wedge brick is used to construct the furnace’s arch. Basalt cardboard is laid from the ends of the arch for compaction and compensation of the longitudinal expansion.

Teplushka, a Russian stove made of chamotum core assembly.

Adjacent space.

For heat capacity, concrete is poured over the stove. The inner masonry perimeter is lined with basalt cardboard, which will keep the filling independent and stop the walls from locking.

When pouring concrete, the mixture must be extremely thick to prevent the concrete from spreading under the weight of the concrete and from wetting the gaskets made of basalt cardboard. i.e., to continue being the space between masonry and concrete.

With the furnace facing you. PAZs are created beneath the screed’s channel. The arch, heel, and vault’s initial bricks were marked out with templates in the background.

A window with six wagon windows and stove cladding.

Overlap between the furnaces. When the corners were installed, a gap for linear expansion was left in order to increase stiffness. The L100 corner serves as the foundation for the chimoner’s far wall.

Upper chamber for heating. Depending on where the pipe is located, its device may vary. On this row, details will be installed.

The stove has been folded. For a more comforting read, see How to drown a Russian stove.

There is an extra valve installed in the stove pipe located in the attic floor.

Work with the arch and chimney

The stove rose in its place as the masonry work on the arch started in the ensuing days. The vault would be placed on two sides, it was decided. Despite the camera’s tiny size, it is circled on three sides. Everything would work out perfectly if there was a brick depth more.

Next – backfill of the arch and ceiling, while the ceiling was carried out in two layers. Then it was necessary to move the chimney stepwise stepped, now only to the ceiling is brought and the showdown has passed. You can try to make belts. There were work on the movement of the beam of the ceiling so that the masonry of the chimney continues. Ahead – work on the roof, and the chimney went through the overlap without incident. Another 22 rows fit – in total in the furnace of 32 rows. On the cement-sand mixture, it was started to lay out from the 16th row, it turned out-1: 3. Working with alignment was very difficult. The brick is placed – and then it clings firmly, and if you correct it with a hammer, the brick will break. Wetting too slightly helped the matter. The plasticizer in the form of a dishwashing agent also did not fit at all, I had to put the masonry further at the level.

It’s time for the furnace to be stacked for the first time after raising the pipe, fortifying the apron, and working on the roof (it’s best not to work there alone). It’s fortunate that the smoke in the first firebox went to the ventilation duct rather than the first cap. Smoke started to go in the second firebox in the summer. The following day, the stove was warmed up at Vyushka and the base of the pipe; eventually, the smoke went as needed.

Consequently, it was determined by looking at the materials: 500 pieces of local clay without a foundation or pipe; 25 kg of clay mixture in 19 bags; and 530 pieces of shamota brick Sh-8-40 pieces (Kirovo-Chepetskiy). Cement: 40 kg; Shamot mixture: 20 kg; 9 bags.

The pushy made the following observations during the first month of the furnace: the small furnace’s door and the bit’s door lid cracked for the first time, only diagonally. While this is not very convenient, you can probably live without it. Most likely, two rows of ceilings is a lot. The walls in the discount area are about 80 degrees, but the top of the furnace is still warm. The furnace’s hob’s measurements are about right, but it would be ideal if it were brick deeper.

Construction Materials

Selecting materials for construction projects. Bricks in red and chamotis will be needed. Wedge, suitable for constructing a stove vault if preferred. You can add water to the above components in addition to what is needed for them, based on the solution. Fireplane brick is laid over a refractory solution, which can be chamotte that has been crushed into dust mixed with refractory clay. The following stove components are required: wire, grates, a strip and angular box, a water-heat box, blown, food, and back doors, a bit, a damper, a plate with two burners or without capoks, and grates.

Reference. The furnace doors have dimensions of 280×270 mm and 250×210 mm, this is the height of 4 and 3 rows of masonry, respectively. Half boards in which the size of 270×140 mm is used as back and blowing, in height it occupies 2 laying lines. Follow and blower doors the size is 140×140 mm. Before installing, the doors should be developed for the normal operation of the rotation of the constipation, it is also necessary that the doors are tightly closed. Back valves consist of a frame and engine. On one side of the side of the side of the side in the rear corners, it forms a groove. This was done for the free loss of soot from the groove. Side with a chopped side – lower. Before laying on the place of the backward valve, you need to make sure that the engine goes to capacity to the frame.

Description of the stove masonry

The Teplushka Podgorodnikov stove operates on the same fundamental principles as a regular stove. The stove has smoke-turning shutters. In summer, you can run the hob independently of the furnace.

The Ukrodrodnikov oven’s excavation:

  1. The 1st order is made of whole bricks, the front sides are being built. The middle part of the furnace is performed by shared bricks and quarters.
  2. 2nd order. It is necessary to carry out the dressing and put the door blown, which is fixed with masonry. On the contrary, a ash is inserted.
  3. The next two rows. The ash (blown) with a wall of one brick is fenced off. A jumper is arranged on top. The angle is scorched inside the channel.
  4. On the 5th row, a heel and formwork for the construction of the arch are arranged. There will be a backfill on this arch, on which it fits under.
  5. The walls are built on 6 and 7 rows, the channel is blocked. The overlap should be with several holes. They are intended for vertical channels. The space that remains must be filled with clay solution.
  6. Stages of masonry of the Ukrodrodnikov furnace The next row. The edges of the bricks that were laid over blows are. So, the surface with a slope will turn out. We mount the ginkle, put it with side gaps. The grate should lie free.
  7. In the 9th row, doors are fixed. Channels are being built according to the scheme. In order for the fuel to roll onto the grate, bricks are shy behind the fuel.
  8. In the 10th row, we complete the overlap of the water heating box, backfill is made near the rear wall, which becomes a bottom of the.
  9. Next, the usual laying of the walls of the Ukrodnikov furnace is carried out. The back of the hob is laid out. The corners are attached so that the masonry does not deform. Cleaning is done.
  10. Starting from the 13th row, there is a collection of a hob. Masonry is on the 16th row. Brick needs to be laid on the rib on the side walls of the Podgorodnikov furnace. Brick is laid with an inclination inward. This can be achieved using thin brick wedges.
  11. 17 row completes the construction of the camera for preparation. In the middle, brick is embarrassed on the side walls of the camera. Formwork is made to install the arch, masonry is carried out on both sides at the same time. If the formwork sits tightly in the middle of the hob, it can be disassembled or burned.

Furthermore, the plan is strictly followed in the construction of everything. You can ask an expert stove for assistance if you’re having trouble solving the problem on your own.

There are now numerous drawings available, all of which provide Podgorodnikov’s stoves. But the teplushka stove has many designs, so it is very difficult to choose. A professional receives no assistance.

Two -colp furnace and. M. Podgorodnikova

This furnace’s design is understated yet sophisticated. It uses a two-tier cap as its heating system. 80% of the heat produced by the furnace is absorbed by the lower tier, where the fuel is burning. Consequently, the lower level of the room heats up effectively because its walls are the furnace’s outer walls.

There is a 2-4 °C temperature differential between the ceiling and the floor. The remaining 20% is supplied by the upper tier, where the fuel remnants are burned to improve the furnace’s efficiency. The potential for using both coal and firewood in the furnace during design was taken into consideration.

It is suggested, though not required, that the furnace’s lower section be enclosed in a metal casing. By doing this, the heat load can be increased without worrying about masonry cracks.

A few suggestions regarding the furnace:

1. To warm up the pipe, open the left cleaning (at the base of the pipe) before lighting the first fireplace or after a prolonged break. Burn small pieces of paper or chips. Оогда дым перестанет легкую, закрыть дверцу и начинать протопку, сначала — легкую.

2. When the coal in the furnace is about to burn out, you must blow out the firebox and close it tightly. At the next firebox, he will burn. It’s important to avoid tightly closing the bit to exit the traction after the firebox to prevent cooled gases from seeping into the room. For this furnace, the author created two options: a large and a small one.

First choice (big stove)

The furnace is 102 x 102 cm in size, with a height of 210 cm (30 rows), and a power of 4.6 kW.

Below is a list of the metal fittings that are required: One 25 by 20 cm top door. One puncher door, measuring 25 by 14 cm. One Golly lattice measuring 35 by 20 cm. One 32 x 14 cm BUCK door per piece. It is preferable if every door is closed. Vyushka, 1 piece, 0 x 22 cm. Six pieces of 13 x 14 cm cleaning. Materials needed: Red brick: 430 pieces for firewood, 675 pieces for coal. BRIED FIRE: 40 pieces of coal and 270 pieces of firewood.

1. Rice. 1. A two-colpar heating furnace and large (102 x 102 cm) cuts. FURTHERMORE, UNDER/O/YUDNIKOVA (FIREWOOD). Measurements in centimeters: Firebox (1), lower cap (remaining numbers), puts (3) and (7), chimney (4), upper cap (5), connecting channel (6), and firebox threshold (8) are the names of the components. 9- cleaningthe pipe’s base; 10- cleaning

N. 1 (expansion). The large (102 × 102 cm) cuts are from an upshop stove with two columns. ALONG WITH Podgorskova (for fuel). Measurements in centimeters

2. Excellent guidelines stoves (102 x 102 cm) for rice

Rice. 2. (so on). Excellent guidelines for furnaces (102 x 102 cm) and. Podgorodnikova is seen holding firewood. Measurements in centimeters

Rice. 2 (final section). Excellent guidelines for furnaces (102 x 102 cm) and. Podgorodnikova wearing a coal-filled boot.

Estimates and cuts are provided in rice. 1 (for rice and firewood). 2. (with coal). Crosswise, fireplane brick is dispersed.

Choice 2: compact stove

The furnace’s dimensions are 77×77 cm, and its height is 210 cm. 2.1 kW of furnace power. Samples and stove discharges are displayed in rice. 51–52.

Rice. 3. Slices a two-colp heating furnace’s ma. Choi (77×77 cm).

Below is a list of metal fittings: five 13 by 14-cm doors. door, 22.5 x 20.5 cm; one item. one 25 by 14 cm door. One Golly grill, measuring 30 by 20. Vyushka, 1 piece, 0 x 18 cm.

3. Rice (ending). sections of a two-colp heating furnace (77×77 cm) and. Along with Podgorodnikova (for fuel). Measurements in centimeters

4. Rice. Initials of adorable stoves (77×77 cm)

Rice. 4 (final section). tiny stoves (77 x 77 cm) and. ALONG WITH: Podgorodnikova utilizing firewood

Brick is needed in the following amounts: 500 pieces for coal, 370 pieces for firewood, and 150 pieces for fireproof brick (for firewood and 30 pieces for coal).

Crosswise, fireplane brick is dispersed.

Construction technology tips

A major problem is the construction of a Russian heating stove. It will be very challenging for the homeowner without furnace experience, so we advise him to be patient and to stock up ahead of time. We encourage you to read our article about building a fireplace, which has comprehensive instructions for both the masonry and solution preparation.

Here are our general suggestions for the Russian domestic stove:

  1. Even a mini-version of the heater weighs over 2 tons. The foundation plate must be covered on a stable horizon of soil, the depth can be determined by the occurrence of the existing base of the dwelling.
  2. In the finished building, the sole must be arranged separately from the foundation of the house, retreating at least 10 cm. At the stage of building a cottage, the foundations, on the contrary, are united – a common formwork is set and concrete is filled.
  3. You need high -quality brick and solution, and not a mixture of ravine clay. The correct geometry of stones will greatly facilitate your work – uneven bricks will have to be filled out.
  4. Soak red brick in a bucket for 2-3 minutes, as shown in the photo. Do not immerse a refractory of fire, only rinse from dust.
  5. The masonry of the crucible and the fuel of the ceramic brick is allowed, as our ancestors did. But remember: such cameras are afraid of a random re -tape, the material begins to crumble and crumble.
  6. The heaps of temperature are also afraid of the lynchist, arranged on a bulk base. That is why it is recommended to fill the void above the arch with clay solution. If you fill the cavity with sand, small cracks may appear on the blotter. Did not have time to build a stove, how to do repairs.
  7. Fire -controlled masonry is not bandaged with ceramic, cardboard is inserted to ensure the gap between the two walls. Horizontal seams are laid with kaolin non -combustible cotton.
  8. It is not necessary to drive the pipe to the top of the brick. Facilitate the structure – after cutting, install a sandwich – a chimney that goes to the roof, as shown in the photo.

Citation. Stokers frequently use an iron frame that is welded from the corners to reinforce the walls and arch.

Lastly, a few tips on properly drowning a new stove. First, dilute a small bonfire on the upper damper after the stove has dried for two to three days (in the summer). Start freezing the crucible once the pipe warms up, and then move on to the lower camera. Take your time; the firewood is coming in slowly. The objective is to heat the furnace’s body uniformly in preparation for final drying.

How the heat works

The image illustrates the basic idea behind how the Teplushka stove works.

Its primary distinction from the Russian furnace is that the fuel is built into the corner to withstand the heat. In a standard Russian stove, a valve opens when the damper is removed. This is the stove’s first mode; to switch to the second, open all of the stove’s valves and the furnace door. This door operates in the blocked mode. Both open valves allow all smoke to enter the pipe.

The furnace’s method of operation involves burning firewood on the grates to heat the hob. Only the furnace chamber’s surface and wall heat up in this mode. Closing the furnace’s mouth by the damper is essential.

When only one valve is opened, the crucible and bed are heated. The crucible will warm as hot gases from the furnace pass through it. They enter the chimney only after that.

And yet another way the apparatus can function Using your hands, make a Russian stove with a subclass and a closed valve. The furnace’s bottom warms up as hot gases enter chimneys. The whole array of a construction like a Russian stove heats up precisely, rising into the pipe and passing through the shield. The furnace bottom warms up as much as it can in this mode.

Myths Truth
Kuznetsov"s furnaces are outdated. Kuznetsov"s furnaces are still used today and are considered efficient.
Kuznetsov"s furnaces are not environmentally friendly. Kuznetsov"s furnaces can be eco-friendly if used properly with clean fuel and regular maintenance.

The selection of heating systems is essential when it comes to heating our homes. Kuznetsov’s furnaces have drawn interest recently due to their alleged effectiveness and affordability. But amid all the excitement, rumors concerning these furnaces have spread. Making educated decisions about insulation and heating requires the ability to distinguish fact from fiction.

The idea that Kuznetsov’s furnaces can heat a house for a long time while using little fuel is a common misconception about them. Although these furnaces have remarkable efficiency, they are not a miracle cure for endless warmth. Their efficacy is dependent on a number of variables, such as house size, climate, and insulation quality, just like any other heating system.

The idea that Kuznetsov’s furnaces require little upkeep is another myth. Though they might not need as much maintenance as some other heating systems, skipping out on routine maintenance can result in decreased performance and possible safety risks. To guarantee optimal performance, homeowners must follow the manufacturer’s instructions and arrange for regular inspections.

The fact is that Kuznetsov’s furnaces can still be a good choice for insulation and heating in spite of these misconceptions. Significant advantages, such as decreased fuel consumption and emissions, are provided by their creative design and effective combustion processes. They do have certain restrictions and things to take into account, just like any other heating system.

In conclusion, it’s critical to approach the decision with a critical mindset when thinking about Kuznetsov’s furnaces for insulation and heating. Even though they may have benefits, it’s important to distinguish fact from fiction and make decisions based on unique needs and situations. Through comprehension of these furnaces’ realities and dispelling any myths, homeowners can optimize their comfort and heating efficiency while lowering expenses and their impact on the environment.

Video on the topic

Kuznetsov bake. Cold test

The first experience of operating the Kuznetsov oven

Increase in efficiency and functionality in Kuznetsov"s furnaces

The principle of operation of the furnace and.IN. Kuznetsova

Secondary air in household furnaces

Opening the Kuznetsov furnace-Kotla

Correct assessments of Kuznetsov oven

Colling stoves Igor Kuznetsov

What type of heating you would like to have in your home?
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Michael Kuznetsov

I love to create beauty and comfort with my own hands. In my articles I share tips on warming the house and repairing with my own hands.

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