Installation of a gas column – norms, requirements, SNiP

Installing a gas column in your house is a big decision that needs to be carefully thought out and done in accordance with many rules. Gas columns are necessary for comfortable living because they supply hot water for domestic needs. Inadequate installation, however, may not adhere to building codes and present major safety hazards. In order to guarantee a safe and compliant installation, it is essential to comprehend the standards, requirements, and SNiP (construction norms and regulations).

To guarantee occupant safety and adherence to building codes, there are particular standards and guidelines that must be followed when installing a gas column. The correct installation methods, including those for ventilation, gas supply, and structural support, are described in these standards. Residents could be seriously endangered by gas leaks, carbon monoxide poisoning, or even explosions if these regulations are broken.

The installation of a gas column is greatly aided by SNiP (construction norms and regulations). These rules offer comprehensive instructions on a number of topics, including where the gas column should be placed, what materials should be used, and the installer’s qualifications. Following SNiP contributes to the installation’s structural soundness, risk reduction, and compliance with regulations.

Ventilation is one of the most important components of installing a gas column. In order to avoid the buildup of carbon monoxide, a gas that is fatal when it burns natural gas, proper ventilation is essential. To guarantee sufficient airflow and the secure removal of combustion byproducts, SNiP specifies precise dimensions and placement guidelines for ventilation apertures.

For the gas column to operate safely, the gas supply system also needs to adhere to a set of requirements. This covers the use of approved materials, pipe sizing, and the installation of pressure regulators and shut-off valves. Adherence to these regulations aids in the mitigation of gas leaks and guarantees a consistent fuel supply to the gas column.

Norms and Requirements SNiP
Gas Column Installation Guidelines

For safety and effectiveness when setting up a gas column, following standards and guidelines is essential. The standards required for a suitable installation are outlined in SNiP guidelines, which address things like location, ventilation, and material selection. By ensuring that the gas column operates at its best, these regulations reduce the possibility of leaks or other dangers. Adherence to these standards ensures not only the security of the inhabitants but also extends the life of the apparatus, minimizes maintenance expenses, and conserves energy. Therefore, in order to install a safe and effective heating system in your home, it is imperative that you strictly adhere to the SNiP requirements.

Is it possible to install a column on your own

  • Refusal of warranty service – in the technical passport of the water heater, a company performing installation work, a note is made on their implementation and commissioning of equipment. Printed only after official installation. From this moment only, the boiler is put on a guarantee.
  • If the rules for installing a gas column are violated, including the fact that the installation must perform qualified specialists with appropriate admission, the company will refuse warranty service.
  • A fine for an independent installation-the amount of which will have to be paid, may vary from 2-3 to 8 thousand. rub. Official connection costs significantly lower. The cost of installation in the Moscow Region. will amount to 1,500-1700 rubles.
  • The need for subsequent legalization – gas speakers should be installed by a representative of Gorgaz, or specialists of a company selling water heaters, provided that they have an appropriate license.
    If the installation was made unauthorizedly, even when transferring a column to another wall or a neighboring room, it will take to obtain permission or legitimize the boiler. The registration of the column in this case will require significant material costs.

The Russian Federation’s Administrative Code outlines the following penalties for an unapproved and linked gas column:

Article 7.19: Unauthorized use and connection of gas unauthorized use of gas and unauthorized connection to gas pipelines are punishable by administrative fines ranging from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles for citizens convicted of these offenses;

3.1. Perform unauthorized gasification of the home (apartments, garden house), including cylinder replacement, shut-off valve replacement, and device rearrangement. The housing owner is liable for installation done without authorization.

If there are no signs of theft and the other owner causes damage to the owner or another owner’s property through deception or abuse of trust, the offender faces up to eighty thousand rubles in fines, two months’ worth of wages or other income, one hundred and twenty to one hundred eighty hours of mandatory work, up to a year of correctional work, up to four months of arrest, or up to two years of deprivation of liberty.

The fine for an incorrect connection that resulted in property damage ranges from 15 to 80 thousand rubles. There is provision for both criminal and administrative liability. It is not permitted to independently disassemble and reassemble gas-consuming equipment.

Norms and requirements of the installation of a gas column

Make sure you have gathered all the paperwork required for installation before you connect the water heater. The following is the registration process:

  • obtaining the results of the examination of the state of the chimney;
  • the provision of a column to the gas service;
  • manufacturing a project for connection, with those. conditions;
  • Application for the installation of a water heater.

Following the project’s approval in Gorgaz, ownership will need to be demonstrated by presenting a passport and other legal documentation attesting to one’s ownership of a home or apartment. Subsequently, a gas water column installation permit will be granted.

Contractor representatives will install the counter, hang and connect the water heater, and make an insert into the highway. Any company with the proper authorization and a license to execute work of a higher risk can carry out the installation at the customer’s request.

Requirements for rooms for installing a column

Gas water heaters are possibly hazardous appliances. The location where the boiler is to be installed has to abide by manufacturer recommendations, SNiP and SP regulations, and fire safety requirements.

The following are the primary standards and specifications for the location of the boiler room:

  • ceiling height of at least 2.2 m;
  • there is natural, supply and exhaust ventilation that provides triple air substitution;
  • must be the presence of a window or an opening window;
  • total area of at least 12 m².

It can use any non-residential space that satisfies the specifications as a boiler room. Boiler connections are not permitted in living areas, including kitchens and studios. Installation is strictly forbidden in rooms (bathroom, toilet) with high humidity.

Depending on the area, different properties may have different technical requirements for the installation of flowing gas and storage water heaters. Prior to beginning any paperwork, find out what the standards are in a particular area.

How to hang a column on the wall, at what height

The installation height and kind of walls and partitions that permit the installation of gas water heaters are specified in regulatory documents. There are indications for the breaks and safe separations between the boiler and other gas-consuming equipment.

The guidelines state:

The speakers are mounted at least 25 to 30 centimeters away from the ceiling. There is space between the floor and the body of 80–120 cm. As a result, the boiler is situated along the upper edge at a height of roughly 180 to 200 cm. Adherence to the requirement is essential in order to guarantee regular ventilation. Depending on the kind of column (turbocharged or atmospheric), there may be different regulations regarding how high a gas column must be installed from the ground.

  • The type of septum surface – PPB allowed to install on a wall of dense building material with a high level of fire resistance. Below are the main types of walls and the existing nuances of installation are described:
  • Installation in a wooden house – possible subject to additional protection. The requirement is related to the fire hazard of wood. At the place of placement of the column, the wooden surface of the wall is protected using a steel sheet and asbestos with a thickness of 3 mm. According to the PPB, fire gaps in the places of passage of the chimney through partitions and ceilings provide.
    Woods of wood can be closed with a layer of special plaster, 3 cm thick. Another option: prepare a place for installation by making a partition of non -combustible materials (brickwork). To hang water heaters on a wooden wall use an anchor attached. Hanging water heaters using wood screws is not recommended.
  • Plastic panels – installation of gas water heaters is prohibited. Violation leads to the refusal to put the equipment into operation. You can’t hang boilers on a plastic panel for several reasons: there will be no gap between the heater body and the wall (according to the requirements of at least 2 cm), the material is fuel and fire hazard. You can try to get around this ban.
    based on existing norms, you cannot fix the column on plastic panels, but do not bring the material to the place of the already installed gas -consuming equipment. At the same time, it is important to take care of the necessary gaps.
  • Concrete surface – material fully complies with safety standards. The exception is the reinforced concrete wall used as a supporting structure. Installation is performed on ordinary building anchors.
  • Brick wall – installation is allowed. The exclusion of partitions made of hollow bricks that are unable to provide reliable fixation.
  • Drywall wall – norms allow such placement, subject to some conditions. Drywall is not combustible, but easily amenable to mechanical effects, so in itself cannot provide reliable fixation of the column.
    A boiler is hung on a plasterboard wall in a place where the surface was additionally reinforced when erecting a metal frame. Usually, to enhance the bearing capacity, a wooden beam is installed inside the profiles. The wall is thrust under painting, or faced with ceramic tiles.

Installation of a combustion product withdrawal system

Natural circulation should be provided by a separate chimney channel for gas speakers. Forced hoods are not allowed. Fire breaks are incorporated when they pass through the roof and the floor slabs. General specifications:

  • The chimney is made from a material that can withstand severe heating without deformation and burning resistant to condensate;
  • Sakes are not allowed, there should be a good fixation to the walls of the house;
  • The diameter of the pipe is determined by the manufacturer of the column, the chimney is prohibited to narrow;
  • External parts are insulated.

Connection to a vertical or horizontal coaxial pipe is required by the technical specifications for the installation of a turbocharged blessing gas column. SP 60 is considered in the event that the smoke removal system has a horizontal output. 13330 (SNiP 41-01-2003) along with an explanation of the required pauses:

Place of exit of the chimney Minimum breaks, distances (m)
Under supply ventilation 2.5
Near the weekend ventilation opening 0.6
Under the window forbidden
Next to the window 0.5
Above the window, ventilation hole 0.25
From the ground level 2.2
From below the parts of the building protruding over 0.4 m 3
Under the parts of the building protruding less than 0.4m 0.3
Next to another smoke channel 1.5
Under another coaxial pipe 2.5

The standards for the pipes used in the chimney installation are continuously tightened. Stainless steel is used to make the chimney. Sandwich pipes with insulation are ideal.

What hose to connect gas to the column

The standards are outlined in SP 62.13330. It is strictly forbidden to connect gas using water hoses. Submission is accepted:

  • rubber hose with reinforcing textile thread;
  • hose with a protective metal braid, with a polymer core;
  • Metal sylphon sleeve.

Gorgaz representatives have recently made it illegal to connect gas speakers to flexible rubber hoses. Installing only Syliphone sleeves is permitted in some areas.

The control authorities at the residence should have the option to use a flexible gas hose for a gas column. The phone sleeve fully complies with all SNiP requirements and stands out for having a long service life.

How to connect a column to a water supply system

There aren’t any unique connection requirements. The following factors should be taken into consideration when selecting the material:

  • water temperature;
  • Dressing in the pipeline.

The most common method for connecting water to gas columns is using flexible hoses. Installation work is facilitated by the absence of a hard link.

Water heater intake/exhaust pipes can be directly connected to reinforced polypropylene pipes. A layer of metal braid or fiberglass is positioned inside to stop the sagging and gap from happening when it gets hot. Cold and hot water connections are made using polypropylene pipes intended for CVS and DHW.

They frequently misunderstand the protocol for the intake and graduation pipe locations when there is an independent connection. The feed, hot, should be connected to a cold pipeline. The technical documentation contains the gas column’s water supply connection scheme. The pipes are labeled with a plug in blue (HVS) and red (DOS) in the factory packaging, making installation easier.

How to hide pipes from a column

The water supply can be concealed in a box, strobe, etc.P. There are hardly any limitations. To stop the walls of the wall and the formation of condensate, the pipes will need to be wrapped into the merilon.

Gas connections work on a slightly different principle. It is explicitly stated in the construction standards that the pipeline must stay open. As long as the box is able to open, the rules permit its use. It is strictly forbidden to sew in false panels or conceal a gas pipe within the wall.

To ensure efficiency and safety, installing a gas column in your home is a task that needs to be done carefully and in accordance with regulations. A successful installation depends on knowing the standards and guidelines provided by SNiP (Construction Norms and Regulations).

It is imperative to adhere to the regulations stipulated by SNiP concerning the positioning and airflow of gas apparatus. These laws are designed to reduce the possibility of gas leaks and guarantee adequate ventilation, both of which are essential for combustion and the avoidance of carbon monoxide buildup.

Moreover, SNiP offers instructions on the technical requirements and installation practices for gas columns. These instructions must be followed in order to guarantee the safe and proper operation of the gas column. This entails installing ventilation systems, connecting the gas supply properly, and following building codes.

It’s also very important to think about the installer’s credentials and experience when installing a gas column. Collaborating with a certified specialist guarantees that the installation is executed accurately and conforms to all applicable laws. Inadequate installation can result in expensive repairs or even accidents, as well as safety hazards.

In addition, to guarantee ongoing efficiency and safety, the gas column needs to undergo routine maintenance and inspection. Guidelines for the frequency and extent of maintenance tasks, such as leak detection, component cleaning, and ventilation system inspection, may be found in SNiP.

In conclusion, you should pay close attention to SNiP regulations, technical specifications, and the installer’s credentials when installing a gas column in your home. You can prioritize your family’s safety and enjoy the benefits of a dependable and efficient gas heating system by adhering to these guidelines and making sure proper maintenance is performed.

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Sergey Ivanov

I like to help people create comfort and comfort in their homes. I share my experience and knowledge in articles so that you can make the right choice of a heating and insulation system for your home.

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