How to remove the smell of dampness from clothes at home?

It can be difficult to get rid of the lingering smell of moisture on clothing, particularly in humid areas or during the rainy season. Your clothes smelling musty is not only unpleasant, but it can also be embarrassing. Thankfully, you can use a number of efficient techniques in the comfort of your own home to get rid of musty smells from your clothing.

First, it’s important to prevent. One of the best ways to avoid damp odors in the first place is to make sure your clothes are completely dry before storing them and to keep your home well-ventilated. When drying clothes outside, it lets the air out and keeps moisture from building up, which lessens the chance that smells will stick to the clothing.

There are a few easy fixes you can attempt if you already have damp-smelling clothing. Using baking soda, a common household item with odor-absorbing qualities, is one efficient way. To treat affected clothing, just sprinkle some baking soda directly on them, let them sit for a few hours or overnight, then shake or brush the powder off before doing your regular laundry.

Another effective weapon in the fight against musty smells is vinegar. During the rinse cycle of your washing machine, you can add a cup of white vinegar to help neutralize odors and leave your clothes smelling fresh. In addition, you can make a vinegar spray by filling a spray bottle with equal parts water and vinegar, then misting it onto the soiled areas of your clothing before washing.

You might want to use charcoal sachets or activated charcoal for odors that just won’t go away. These absorbers are perfect for fighting smells associated with dampness because they work by absorbing moisture and neutralizing odors. To maintain a fresh and clean scent for your clothes, just stash a few charcoal sachets in the dresser drawers or wardrobe where you keep your clothes.

Why does the smell of dampness appear?

The following are common causes of dampness odor in clothing:

  • Improper drying;
  • Storing dirty and clean things in the neighborhood;
  • Insufficient ventilation.

Clothes are kept in closed areas without air circulation, such as dressers and closets. A bad smell with hints of mold won’t go away on its own if you add more humidity to this point. Humidity can also rise from any item that hasn’t dried properly.

Mold is another element that influences how the smell appears. It frequently lurks behind the rubberized section of the washing machine, giving even clean items an unpleasant odor. It’s important to keep in mind that the smell of moisture easily spreads to other objects and can be challenging to remove.

The apartment’s climate may also be a factor in towels that smell musty after washing. In this instance, you must utilize specific moisture absorbers and arrange fragrant bags filled with dry herbs in the closet. It is not advisable to apply fragrance oils straight onto damp clothing since this will result in the formation of an unpleasant moldy smell.

General rules for getting rid of damp odor

The material used in the garment’s construction may have an impact on the best ways to remove the smell of moisture. On the other hand, some techniques are general enough to work on any article of apparel.


Summer closets are primarily affected by dampness because it manifests itself during the colder months. Since these things are rarely taken out of the closet, bad notes will be absorbed by them. It needs to be dried once every month as a precaution. The aroma that has already started to emerge will also be helped by this technique.

In clear weather, clothes should be aired outside in the sun. "Freezing" the closet in the winter will work just as well as summer airing. Once everything has dried for a few hours, the smell should go away. You can simulate suitable weather conditions in your own home. For instance, place the shirt in the freezer or hang it up in the space and use a fan or heater to dry it out. Regretfully, not all fabrics respond to this method equally well. Guidelines on how to eliminate the odor of moisture from towels offer a stronger effect, like boiling.

Newspaper method

When using newspapers to eliminate the odor of dampness, a housewife needs to exercise patience. Although this drying takes roughly five days, anyone can handle it. Taking dry newspaper sheets and covering the clothes with them is essential. Not using the newspaper as a stamp will prevent printing ink from smearing onto the fabric.

The paper can be wrapped around the item of clothing, but it should end up inside of it. If it is not feasible to air things frequently, this technique can be used to prevent moisture.


You can sprinkle baking soda on anything and let it sit for a few hours. To ensure that the soda absorbs all of the extra moisture and smell, sprinkle on both sides. Some housewives suggest leaving clothes in the same container with an open bottle of soda for a day instead of sprinkling them. Once the soda has completely absorbed the flavor, the clothes must be cleaned using a dry method or a machine wash.

There are additional uses for soda. For instance, if items smell musty after washing, there might be a mold spore issue with the washer or the cloth itself. In this instance, baking soda can be substituted for or added in equal measure to the washing powder. Since it is a disinfectant, it can get rid of odor in even the most challenging situations. However, since the product is highly abrasive, delicate materials shouldn’t be treated with it.

Steam cleaning

Both soda and steam cleaners work well as disinfectants. That explains why there isn’t a dampness odor after it. It is important to remember that this is limited to independent steam cleaning equipment. Only when additional materials are used can irons with this function produce this outcome.

Departments of household chemistry sell aromatic liquids for irons. Once they are filled with water, the clothes should be ironed with the steam feature. You iron delicate fabrics through gauze or paper. Things should rest after ironing because they still have some moisture in them.

Our article "How to Remove Damp Smell from Clothes at Home" will discuss easy yet efficient ways to get rid of the musty smell that frequently clings to clothing because of moisture. We’ll offer workable solutions for revitalizing your clothes and getting them back to their clean, fresh state, from using all-natural remedies like vinegar and baking soda to adding adequate ventilation and drying techniques. Whether it’s utilizing humidity control techniques, odor-neutralizing products, or air-drying clothing in the sun, we’ve got you covered with simple instructions that will make your clothes smell brand new. Bid adieu to that musty odor and welcome to crisp, renewed apparel!

How to deal with damp odor on machine washable clothes?

The first thought that many housewives have when they smell dampness on their clothes is to reload the machine. But frequently, the standard cycle is insufficient, and the laundry comes out of the washer smelling musty. In these situations, a little prep work is needed before washing in order to get rid of the smell.


To address the issue, a special solution must be prepared and the items must be left in it for approximately two hours. Merely soaking will not solve the problem. The smell of dampness on towels and other unassuming items can be eliminated in a few different ways:

  1. Mix 2 tsp.л. salt and 1 tsp.л. ammonia spirit. The porridge is dissolved in water, the specified amount is enough for 1 liter. Before soaking the liquid should be boiled for half an hour and cooled to 50 degrees Celsius.
  2. Mix warm water and ammonia in equal proportions. Do not flood the clothes, but only sponge them with a sponge.
  3. Mix 1 tbsp.л. Vinegar with 1 liter of water. The composition is used mainly on white clothes.
  4. Fill clothes with lemon juice and sprinkle with salt.

Generally, you can also soak clothes in bleach, but you should extend the soak time to four hours. Washing, which puts an end to the process of preventing the appearance of moisture, is programmed with two rinse cycles.

Delicate garments

Avoid using many aggressive methods on delicate items. Since soaking wool and silk would cause them to lose their shape, turpentine-soaked cotton disks are used to treat them instead. After that, the clothing is ironed through paper after being dusted with dry clay. It is advised to use the same techniques as for dry cleaning for delicate items if this method seems too difficult.

Method Description
Vinegar Mix equal parts of vinegar and water, then spray onto affected areas of clothing. Let it sit for a few hours before washing as usual.
Baking Soda Sprinkle baking soda onto the damp-smelling clothes and let it sit for several hours or overnight before washing.

If you’ve ever had to deal with the unpleasant smell of moisture sticking to your clothing, you understand how annoying it can be. That musty smell is disagreeable and lingering, whether it’s from being caught in a downpour or forgetting a load in the washing machine overnight.

Thankfully, you can eliminate the odor of dampness from your clothing at home with a number of easy-to-do and efficient methods. Making sure your clothes are completely dry before storing them is one of the simplest solutions. An effective way to get rid of smells is to hang them outside in the sunlight and fresh air.

Adding a cup of white vinegar to your washing machine while it’s in the rinse cycle is another efficient method. As a potent deodorizer, vinegar can assist in eliminating any residual smells from your clothing. It’s also a cost-effective and natural substitute for abrasive chemical odor removers.

If you don’t want to use vinegar, you can also try using baking soda. Just add a small amount to the detergent section of your washing machine or sprinkle it on your clothes before washing them. By absorbing smells, baking soda leaves your clothes smelling clean and fresh.

Apart from these techniques, it’s crucial to make sure your dryer and washing machine are clean and in good working order. These appliances have the potential to accumulate mold and mildew over time, which can cause foul smells to seep into your clothing. This problem can be avoided by giving your machines regular cleanings and letting the door open after every use so they can dry.

You can bid the stench of mildew a fond farewell and welcome to clean, fresh-smelling clothing by implementing these easy laundry tips. You can have clothing that not only looks great but also smells great with a little effort and know-how.

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Sergey Ivanov

I like to help people create comfort and comfort in their homes. I share my experience and knowledge in articles so that you can make the right choice of a heating and insulation system for your home.

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