Selecting the best heating system for an industrial space is essential to preserving a comfortable working atmosphere and maximizing energy savings. It can be difficult to decide which of the many options—from contemporary radiant heating systems to conventional furnaces—is the best fit for your unique requirements.
The industrial space’s dimensions and configuration are an important consideration. While smaller spaces may need more localized heating solutions to reduce energy waste, larger facilities may benefit from centralized heating systems that distribute warmth evenly throughout the area.
The type of work being done on the property is another crucial factor to take into account. Certain industrial processes produce a considerable amount of heat on their own, which could affect the kind of heating system that is required. In addition, the choice of heating system can be influenced by variables like humidity levels and air quality requirements.
Given that heating expenses can account for a sizeable portion of total costs, energy efficiency is a top priority for industrial operations. Businesses trying to cut expenses should give energy-efficient heating solutions some thought as they can result in significant savings over time.
The optimal heating system for industrial spaces will ultimately depend on a number of variables, such as the space’s size and layout, the type of work being done, and the business’s financial constraints. Industrial facility managers can ensure maximum comfort and efficiency by carefully considering the options available and evaluating these factors.
- Heating of industrial premises – possible options
- The selection of a system for heating industrial premises
- Central water heating
- Air heating
- Infrared heating
- Heating methods of industrial and warehouse premises
- Options for heating spacious non -residential buildings
- Air heating of industrial premises
- Central and zonal systems
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Radiant heating – economical systems for large industrial buildings
- Features of the work of different types of infrared heaters
- Pros and cons of radiant heating
- Features of heating of industrial premises
- Steam heating of industrial buildings
- Water heating of industrial facilities
- Video on the topic
- The most economical heating system of production premises is 500 m2
- Peller heating system for industrial premises / how to save on heating?
- Economical heating of the production workshop | Our real object | Reventon
- Heating panel – a heating system of industrial premises with savings up to 52%
Heating of industrial premises – possible options
Any building needs adequate heating in a climate that is not very pleasant. Furthermore, heating an apartment or private home won’t be easy; instead, heating an industrial space will require a lot of work.
Production facilities and businesses must be heated, which is a laborious process made easier by several factors. First and foremost, value, reliability, and functionality criteria must be followed when designing a heating circuit. Second, industrial buildings are typically quite large and intended for a specific purpose, for which they are equipped with specialized machinery. These factors make the installation of the heating system much more difficult and expensive.
Industrial buildings still require heating despite all the challenges, and in these situations, it serves multiple purposes:
- ensuring comfortable working conditions, which directly affects personnel performance;
- protection of equipment from temperature changes to prevent their hypothermia and subsequent breakdown;
- the creation of a suitable microclimate in warehouse territories so that the manufactured products do not lose their properties due to incorrect storage conditions.
What transpires at the conclusion? The cost of repairs and sick leave payments, for example, will be reduced when industrial workshops are heated. Additionally, if the heating system is chosen wisely, it will require fewer interventions to function and maintenance and repairs will be far less expensive.
The selection of a system for heating industrial premises
Different types of systems are used to heat industrial spaces, and each one needs to be carefully considered. The most widely used systems are centralized liquid or air, although local heaters are frequently available.
The selection of the type of heating system is influenced by the following factors:
- dimensions of the heated room;
- the amount of thermal energy required to observe the temperature regime;
- Simplicity of maintenance and the availability of repair.
Every system has advantages and disadvantages, and the decision will mostly rely on how well the chosen system complies with the given functional requirements. To determine exactly how much heat needs to be built, it is important to compute the industrial building’s heating system before selecting a system type.
Central water heating
When it comes to the central heating system, either a single system that is installed in the building or a local boiler room will provide the heat production. This system is designed with a boiler, heating elements, and a pipeline.
Such a system works on the following principle: the liquid heats up in the boiler and then circulates through the pipes to all of the heating components. One or two pipes can be used for liquid heating. In the first scenario, there is no temperature control; in the scenario of a two-pipe heating temperature mode, thermostats can be used to regulate the temperature in parallel with the installed radiators.
The main component of the water heating system is the boiler. It can run on electricity, gas, liquid fuel, solid fuel, or a combination of these energy sources. It’s important to consider the availability of a specific fuel type before selecting a boiler. For instance, the ability to use main gas enables instantaneous system connection. The cost of the energy resource must also be considered; since gas reserves are finite, its price will increase annually. Furthermore, there is a high risk of accidents occurring on gas highways, which could have an adverse effect on production.
Using a liquid fuel boiler has its own set of "underwater stones" as well. First, you need to have a separate tank and refill it frequently, which adds to the time, effort, and financial costs associated with using a liquid fuel boiler. Unless the building is small, solid fuel boilers are not advised for heating industrial buildings.
Granted, boilers with independent fuel pickup options have automated options for temperature adjustment, which also happens automatically. However, one cannot consider such systems to be simple to maintain. Different raw material types, such as firewood, sawdust, or pellets, are used with different models of solid fuel boilers. One advantage of these structures is how inexpensive they are to install and maintain.
Despite their high efficiency, electric heating systems consume excessive amounts of energy, making them unsuitable for heating production buildings. This has a significant impact on the financial aspect of the matter. Naturally, for heating structures up to 70 kV.m in area. Electric systems work well, but you should be aware that electricity also tends to go out on a regular basis.
Combined heating systems, however, are something to which real attention can be paid. These designs may be highly reliable and have positive attributes. One major benefit in this scenario over alternative heating methods is the ability to heat an industrial building continuously. Naturally, these devices are expensive, but in exchange, you get a dependable system that guarantees the production of heat in any circumstance.
Systems that combine heating and cooling typically have multiple burner types that enable the utilization of diverse kinds of raw materials.
The types and purposes of burners are used to categorize the following designs:
- gas-drum boilers: equipped with two burners, allow you not to fear the rise in price of fuel and malfunctions on the gas supply line;
- Gas-diesel boilers: demonstrate high efficiency and work very well with large areas;
- Gas-diesel-wood boilers: extremely reliable and allow them to be used in any situation, but power and efficiency leave much to be desired;
- GAZ-Diesel-Electricity: a very reliable option with good power;
- GAZ-Diesel-Drova-Electricity: combines all types of energy resources, allows you to control the fuel consumption in the system, have a wide range of settings and adjustments, is suitable in any situation, requires a large area.
The boiler is the primary component of the heating system, but it also works alone to keep the building warm. Is the building’s required heating something that the water heating system can handle? Comparing the heat capacity of the water to that of the air reveals a significant difference.
In comparison to air heating, this implies that a significantly smaller pipeline is possible, indicating higher efficiency. Furthermore, the water system allows you to regulate the system’s temperature. For instance, you can save a lot of energy by turning down the heating at night to a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius. Calculating the heating of production facilities yields more precise figures.
Air heating
Even though liquid heating systems have many advantages, air heating is still quite popular. Why is this taking place?
Positive characteristics of this kind of heating system enable you to assess these industrial building heating systems:
- lack of pipeline and radiators, instead of which air ducts are installed, which reduces the cost of installation;
- increased efficiency due to a more competent and uniform distribution of air through the room;
- The air heating system can be connected to the ventilation and air conditioning system, which makes it possible to ensure constant movement of air. As a result, the spent air will be excreted from the system, and clean and fresh – heated and fall into the heating of the production workshop, which will greatly affect the labor conditions of working personnel.
Additional features for such a system can be added, but doing so requires installing combined air heating, which combines mechanical and natural air impulses.
What’s underneath these ideas? A fence of warm air straight from the street provides natural motivation (there is such an opportunity even when it’s freezing outside). Cold air is heated to the proper temperature by mechanical motivation before being sent inside the building.
Large-scale buildings benefit greatly from air heating, and industrial buildings that use air systems for heating find excellent results. Furthermore, some production processes—like chemical production, for instance—just make it feasible to employ any other kind of heating system.
Infrared heating
Infrared heaters are useful when installing liquid or air heating systems is not possible or when the owners of industrial buildings do not want to use these kinds of systems. The working principle can be summed up as follows: the infrared emitter generates thermal energy directed towards a specific area, which is then transmitted to the objects situated there.
These kinds of mindsets generally enable you to make a mini-salt in the workspace. The benefit of infrared heaters is that they only heat the area they are pointed at, preventing heat from spreading throughout the entire space.
The installation method is the main factor taken into account when classifying infrared heaters:
The waves that an infrared heater emits are different.
- short -wave;
- mid -volume;
- Light (such models have a high operating temperature, so when they work they glow;
- long -wave;
- Dark.
Depending on the energy resources used, you can categorize IR heaters into different types:
- electric;
- gas;
- diesel.
Gas or diesel-powered IR systems are significantly more cost-effective because of their higher efficiency. However, these devices burn oxygen and have a negative impact on the room’s humidity level.
There is a division based on the kind of functional component:
- halogen: heating is carried out due to a fragile vacuum tube, which is very easy to disable;
- Carbox: a heating element is a carbon fiber hidden in a glass tube, which is also not distinguished by high strength. Carbon heaters consume approximately 2-3 times less energy;
- Ten;
- Ceramic: heating is carried out due to ceramic tiles, which are combined into one system.
Any kind of building, from large industrial structures to private homes, can benefit from the use of infrared heaters. These designs are extremely convenient because they can heat individual zones or sites, which is why using such heating is convenient.
Since infrared heaters only affect objects, they have no effect on air or air mass movement, ruling out the possibility of drafts and other unfavorable elements that could endanger the health of employees.
Infrared emitters are leaders in terms of heating speed; they can be launched while at work and require very little waiting time for heat. These devices are highly efficient and cost-effective, making them suitable for use as the primary source of heating in production workshops. Infrared heaters are easy to install, lightweight, dependable, and have a long operational lifespan. They also essentially take up no useful space. You can see different kinds of infrared emitters in the picture.
The primary forms of heating for industrial buildings were covered in this article. The heating of industrial spaces must be calculated prior to installing any chosen system. The building owner is always responsible for putting the decision into practice. By being aware of the suggested methods and advice for estimating the building’s heating, you can select a heating system that is truly appropriate for your needs.
Heating methods of industrial and warehouse premises
Industrial buildings have unique heating requirements due to their large floor plans, tall ceilings, and frequently constrained areas of necessary thermal comfort. Large retail spaces, production spaces, warehouses, hangars, and other similar spaces are not always well suited for water heating, which is typically found in residential buildings. P. Heat must be provided in the lowermost portion of the rooms, up to a height of two to three meters. Owners unintentionally heat 70–80% of the "extra" volume as warm air flows ascend. How can industrial spaces be heated affordably?
Since industrial buildings are hundreds of square meters in size, standard heating systems are both inefficient and prohibitively expensive.
Options for heating spacious non -residential buildings
Large-scale heating is typically accomplished using three primary types of systems:
Water heating refers to radiator-based systems. Their large assortment of heating devices makes them advantageous. However, many property owners are also dissatisfied with the excessive energy consumption, high costs, and irrational use of the space, as well as the significant thermal inertia. Systems are not appropriate for large outlets or warehouses; instead, radiators are mounted on the walls, where racks are conveniently located. Since air and radiant heating are more common, we will go into great detail about how they should be arranged.
The shopping center’s air conditioning system
Air heating of industrial premises
In the 1970s, this technique of heating production space gained popularity. The basic method of operation relies on using heat generators, steam or water high-califiers, or air heating. Collectors bring air into the zones where temperature maintenance is required. Special distribution heads or blinds are installed to distribute air flows. Although this method of heating is far from ideal and has a number of drawbacks, it is nevertheless quite popular.
Central and zonal systems
You can equip individual zones or the entire room with uniform heating, depending on the needs of the building owners. The equipment that brings outside air inside to warm it for use in buildings is known as central air conditioning. The inability to regulate the temperature in different building rooms is the primary disadvantage of this kind of system.
You can establish the ideal temperature regime in every room with zonal heating. This is accomplished by installing a separate heating unit—typically a gas convector—in each room to maintain the desired temperature. Because the zonal system minimizes irrational expenses and only uses as much energy as is required for heating, it is economically advantageous. There’s no need to lay air ducts during installation.
An expert specialist should determine the proper system type and compute the air heating of the production premises. The following elements are considered:
- thermal losses;
- necessary temperature regime;
- the amount of heated air;
- Power and type of air heater.
Advantages and disadvantages
Fast air heating and the ability to combine heating and ventilation are two significant benefits. The drawback stems from the widely recognized principle of physics: heated air rises to higher temperatures. Under the ceiling, a warmer zone is produced than at the height of human growth. There may be a few degree difference. For instance, the temperature in workshops with ceilings that are 10 meters high at the bottom can reach 16 degrees, and up to 26 degrees in the upper portion of the space. In order to preserve the intended thermal regime, the system needs to run continuously. When buildings are heated in such an inappropriate way, owners search for alternative solutions.
Industrial buildings’ air conditioning systems
Radiant heating – economical systems for large industrial buildings
Installations of "light" and "dark" infrared heaters are made to heat production facilities. As a heat source, liquefied or natural gas is utilized. The suspended radiating panels are mounted in buildings where it is not possible to install gas equipment for whatever reason.
Features of the work of different types of infrared heaters
A specialized burner with a surface temperature as high as 900 degrees is used to burn the gas in "light" heaters. The radiation required is produced by the hot burner. "Dark" heaters, also known as "pipe" heaters depending on the kind of building, are emitters with reflectors that are intended to direct radiant energy into the areas of the building that are of interest. Pipe infrared devices have a much wider range of applications because they emit less intense radiation and heat up to 500 degrees.
Because they are so versatile, suspended radiating panels are utilized in a wide range of commercial, industrial, and storage settings. The intermediate coolant "steam/water" is used by systems. The devices have the ability to heat water to 60-120 degrees and steam to 100-200 degrees. These days, it’s the most practical and affordable method of heating businesses and industrial spaces.
Pros and cons of radiant heating
There are certain unquestionable benefits that set infrared heaters apart:
- quick heating of the premises (15-20 minutes);
- the possibility of creating warm zones in unheated rooms;
- lack of energy losses for heating the "extra" area ";
- minimum heat loss in systems working without coolant;
- Savings on maintenance, since you do not need to change filters, check, repair pumps, etc.P.;
- Comfortable microclimate: the air is not overdried, the floor heats up and serves as a secondary heat source.
Infrared heater installation is not possible:
- if the height of the ceilings is below 4 m;
- in industries where radiation affects product quality or technological processes;
- In the premises of fire categories A, b.
The operation of the infrared heater
Industrial buildings can operate their infrared heating systems more affordably and conveniently than their air systems. Heat zones are created at the height of human growth by radiant heating devices, which also do not dry out the air or contribute to the spread of dust. People feel more comfortable in the rooms because the floor is heated by radiation. However, radiant heating is not appropriate for all buildings, and in those cases, air conditioning will be the best option.
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Features of heating of industrial premises
The task of heating industrial spaces is crucial. Every workshop was constructed with a specific technological procedure in mind. The length and height of the premises can reach several meters. However, the area that actually requires heating might not be very large.
How can the production room’s ideal temperature be kept? When it comes to heating systems that use water or air, the degree of service is great but the efficiency is relatively low. Selecting the right equipment is vital to ensure that heating is done as effectively as possible. Boilers for heating should function both indoors and outdoors. And a lot of power is needed for this.
Steam heating of industrial buildings
You can keep the medium at a high temperature (up to 100 degrees) by heating the production area with steam. It is not necessary to consider the number of floors when planning the heating system. It won’t take long to raise the temperature to the necessary level. This holds true for both cooling and heating. Not much room is needed for any equipment, including communications equipment.
If there is a need to periodically reduce or heat the production room, the steam heating method works best. Compared to water, the method is more effective.
The following flaws are separated out:
- there is a loud noise during operation;
- It is difficult to regulate steam consumption;
- The steam method is not recommended to be used in rooms with aerosols, combustible gases, severe dust.
When it comes to heating industrial premises, the best approach depends on various factors such as the size of the space, its layout, and the specific needs of the operations conducted within. However, a few key considerations can help guide decision-making. Firstly, assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of different heating systems is crucial. Options like radiant heating, forced air systems, or even newer technologies like geothermal heating should be evaluated based on their ability to provide consistent warmth while minimizing energy consumption. Additionally, considering the durability and maintenance requirements of each system is essential for long-term cost-effectiveness. Moreover, integrating insulation measures alongside the heating system can significantly enhance its performance, ensuring that heat is retained within the premises efficiently. Ultimately, the best heating solution for industrial spaces will be one that strikes a balance between efficiency, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness while meeting the specific requirements of the operations conducted within the premises.
Water heating of industrial facilities
If there is a central water supply or a separate boiler room close by, water heating is appropriate. A solid fuel, gas, or electricity-powered industrial heating boiler will be the primary component in this instance.
Water will be delivered at a high temperature and pressure. Large workshops can rarely be qualitatively warmed up with its assistance, which is why the method is known as "duty." However, they point out several advantages:
- The air calmly circulates the room;
- heat spreads evenly;
- A person can actively work in water heating conditions, it is absolutely safe.
When heated air enters the space, it mixes with the surroundings to maintain a comfortable temperature. Occasionally, you must lower your energy expenses. In order to do this, the air is cleaned using filters and used to heat industrial buildings once more.
Gas heating | Electric heating |
Pros: Efficient and cost-effective for large spaces. Cons: Requires access to gas supply. | Pros: Clean and easy to install. Cons: Higher operating costs. |
The selection of different techniques for industrial heating can have a significant impact on environmental impact, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency.
Radiant heating is a common choice because it heats people and things in the room directly as opposed to heating the air. This can work especially well in areas with high ceilings or difficult air circulation. Radiant heating systems offer a variety of fuel options, including electricity, natural gas, and other fuels.
Conversely, forced-air heating systems provide uniform heating throughout the room by dispersing heated air through ducts or vents. These systems are frequently utilized in buildings that already have ductwork. They can run on electricity, gas, or oil. However, if not properly designed and maintained, they may require more energy to operate and may cause uneven heating.
Using renewable energy sources, like solar or geothermal heating, is another thing to think about. Long-term carbon emissions and operating costs can be greatly decreased by these options, though installation may cost more up front.
In conclusion, a variety of factors, such as the space’s size and layout, the climate, energy costs, and environmental objectives, determine the optimal heating system for industrial buildings. When selecting a heating system, it is crucial to carefully weigh these considerations and the long-term effects. Regular upgrades and maintenance can also help maximize productivity and guarantee a comfortable working environment for staff members.