Heating hobs made of brick projects

The greatest choice for installation in vacation homes and private residences is a brick stove heating hob, which will be discussed in the sections that follow. This variety’s functionality enables the room to warm up and provide a delectable lunch for the entire family. Heating and welding stoves, which come with an oven, a drying chamber, and occasionally a water heating box, can make a home the most comfortable place to live in the absence of independently or centrally located utilities.

Brick-based heating hob projects

Furnaces of this kind can vary in size and feature set. Buildings can be large or small, and the necessary models are typically chosen based on the house’s area. As such, it is critical to consider the heating structure’s heat transfer in addition to its functional attributes. The rules of SNiP 41-01-2003, which were developed by experts, must be considered when deciding where to build a furnace and install thermal insulation in a construction. Failure to do so may result in issues with organizations’ ability to control the fire safety of residential buildings.

If you choose to build a stove yourself, be ready for a lot of hard work and a lengthy process because the masonry process requires precise measurements. If you lack experience with the liver’s skill, you should definitely follow the advice and guidelines provided below. You should also carefully examine and dissect the casualties that have been presented.

Criteria for choosing a design of the heating and welding furnace

As previously indicated, numerous projects involving heating and welding furnaces with diverse operational features have been developed. When building this heating device, the following details must be taken into consideration in order for it to function effectively and meet all requirements:

  • The dimensions of the brick structure. When choosing the size of the furnace, you need to take into account the fact that its side walls give a larger amount of heat than the back and front surface.
  • Given the size of the walls and their ability to give heat, it is necessary to provide for how the stove will be installed. To quickly and effectively heat the room, the stove is placed on it with the side, and the hob is unfolded towards the kitchen room.
  • In the shape of the furnace can be T-shaped, square, rectangular, as well as with a protrusion in the form of a kitchen plate or bed. Each of the furnaces, with proper installation, can heat from two to four rooms.
  • The heat transfer of the heating brick structure is selected depending on the area and the location of the room, which it must warm.

The following table illustrates how the area of the furnace’s walls and the heated room’s location relate to each other:

The area of the room (m²) Furnace surface (m²)
Not a corner room, inside the house Room with one outer angle Room with two outer corners Hallway
8 1.25 1.95 2.1 3.4
10 1.5 2.4 2.6 4.5
15 2.3 3.4 3.9 6
20 3.2 4.2 4.6
25 4.6 6.9 7.8
  • For small rooms, massive heating structures should not be chosen, as they will be able to warm them up with a compact stove. To warm up a massive furnace, a large amount of fuel will be required, and such a design will warm up for a long time.
  • The effectiveness of the furnace will directly depend on how insulated the building. In a well -insulated house, a small furnace will be enough, since the walls, floor and ceiling will reliably hold the heat of the premises it developed and reliably protect from the cold, trying to penetrate outside.

They choose a specific model of the heating and welding stove only after providing all these details.

Models of heating and welding furnaces

Models of multifunctional stoves can have very simple designs or very complex internal chimney channel configurations. You shouldn’t "wave" in response to intricate and difficult-to-understand structures if they are laid by a novice master. Prior to beginning work, you should attempt to determine how heated air and combustion products will travel in the direction of the chimney pipe. This is because, when removing the gas outlet channels during masonry, all row configurations must be carefully observed.

The most widely used models with masonry-accessible designs are "Swede," "Dutch," and hob models. Furthermore, there are heating structures, which go by the surnames of the people who developed them. Thus, you can locate the Proskurin, Bykov, Porfiryev, Kuznetsov, Podgorodnikov, and other artisans’ guns for heating and welding furnaces.

Here’s something Kuznetsova has to say about the official website that might be of interest to you.

The forms of stoves can be distinguished. They can therefore use the following configuration.

  • T-shaped heating-welding furnace usually has massive dimensions and can be installed in the middle of the large room, dividing it into different zones. Another option – it is built into the walls between three rooms, fully heating them.

T-shaped furnace for heating and welding

The T-shaped model will be the best choice for a medium-sized home if it only has one stove and no other heating sources, saving you the trouble of installing and maintaining multiple furnaces.

  • A narrow stove with a protruding hob is less functional, but it takes up much less space. This design is able to fully heat two rooms, and therefore is perfect for a country house, especially, due to its simple design, even a novice stove -making can fold it, even a novice stove. The compactness of the building allows you to integrate it into the wall between the living room and the kitchen.

A kitchen slab that protrudes from the stove

Thus, the stove can cook lunch in addition to heating the two rooms at the same time. For a suburban small house, this type of stove is essential as it can be coated with fiberoness or dry branches, which are always available from the nearby forest plantation.

  • This furnace model has an average size and aesthetic appearance. Although it is not as massive as “Russian”, but equipped with all the functions characteristic of the last. A camera is built inside the design, in which you can not only cook stewed dishes, but also bake fragrant homemade bread. Before entering the inner camera, a hob is installed.

Swine sporting a warm lounger

You can cook multiple dishes at once with it and a frying chamber. Above the stove is a camera that is used to dry fruits and vegetables and can also be used to store completed meals that need to be kept warm.

The furnace’s glass door is rather large, allowing it to double as a fireplace if preferred. An ideal warm bed can be made from a lynchist that has been heated on both sides.

Installing a stove of this type between two rooms that require heating makes sense. If a country house is used for the majority of the year, this model is a good choice.

  • This model can be called a fireplace stove, and this version of the heating structure, as a rule, is installed in the middle of the house, only then dividing it into separate rooms. The fireplace firebox goes into the living room or bedroom, the hob is into the kitchen room, and the back wall is quite capable of warming another small room. Thus, the whole house will be filled with dry and pleasant heat emanating from the walls of a brick stove.

Original, highly functional heating-welding furnace

The "winter" and "summer" movements found in most heating and welding stove designs enable the use of just the plate and oven during the warm season without heating the entire massive structure. This feature is handy because it allows you to save fuel and avoid having to put up with the heat from the furnace during the summer.

The location of the furnace in the house

The location of the furnace’s intended arrangement affects both the usability and safety of its use, as well as the quality of the house’s heating. Not only that, but when deciding where to install it, there are additional factors to consider.

It is crucial that the stove be positioned in the home correctly.

  • Most often in a small house, the furnace is installed on the crossroads of walls dividing the structure into separate rooms, as shown in the above scheme.
  • If the furnace is not far from the entrance, he will create a kind of thermal curtain from cold air coming from the street.
  • The door of the furnace, which goes into the hallway or kitchen, will make it possible to easily deliver fuel to it, which means that less garbage will fall into living rooms.
  • All the walls of the heating structure should be free, that is, they are not forced by anything, and should not be adjacent close to the wall. This is explained by the fact that in order to security and proper control, masonry of the structure requires a periodic inspection, preventive work and the release of treatment chambers from accumulated Gary.
  • The foundation of the furnace should be reliable and not related to the main foundation of the house itself. The reason – a different speed of shrinkage of the base – it is impossible for one to “pull” the other these factors should be provided for security purposes, since if the stove base is deformed, then cracks may appear in the seams between the bricks through which the rooms can penetrate the premises Burnt gas, dangerous not only for health, but also for human life.
  • The design is installed so that the chimney passes between the beams of the ceiling, which, in turn, should be isolated from it with heat -resistant material.
  • To observe fire safety, before the tops it is necessary to place a platform closed by heat -resistant material – it can be sheet metal or ceramic tiles. For this site, the space should also be provided in advance.

Basic structural elements of the furnace

Prior to beginning the analysis of the sample, it is essential to have a basic understanding of the primary components of the furnace’s design and their intended use, as this will make the internal arrangement of the channels and cameras easier to comprehend.

The furnace’s primary structural components for welding and heating

  • The furnace or fuel chamber can be called the "heart" of the furnace. Fuel is laid in it, after the combustion of which heat fills all the internal channels of the structure, heating the entire structure.

A cast-iron grate, which allows for the execution of a blow that gives heated air and combustion products traction, divides the firebox from the lower blowing chamber. The channels that allow smoke to be sent to the chimney are connected to the furnace chamber through a hole in the ceiling.

  • Puncher or as a ashone is a regulator of air supply to the firebox and at the same time a collection for ash from the fuel burned in the firebox. This part of the furnace should be periodically cleaned in order to avoid the occurrence of reverse traction, which will provoke the intake of smoke into residential premises.
  • Cluggage chambers with cast -iron doors are connected to internal chimney channels and are designed for their regular cleaning. The soot settled on the walls from rising smoke is crumbling into chambers over time, which must be periodically cleaned, otherwise the thrust in the chimney will be reduced.
  • Chimney channels passing inside the structure in different models have different configurations. They can pass vertically and horizontally, covering the entire structure. Heated air, passing through them, gives heat to the walls of the furnace, which, in turn, radiate it into the room.

Every stove has a unique internal channel system for circulating hot air and smoke.

  • Metal and cast -iron elements, such as a hot water tank, a hob and an oven, are built into the masonry of the furnace according to the scheme and are intended for cooking and warming water.
  • If the design of the furnace includes a fireplace furnace, then a cast -iron grate is necessarily installed in front of it to prevent the loss of burning firewood from the hearth.

Materials for the construction of a furnace

Purchasing high-quality building materials is crucial for the construction of a furnace, as it will determine the structure’s longevity and dependability. Thus, it is necessary to build a heating and welding furnace:

When selecting red bricks, the quality must be examined.

  • Fervice, full -bodied red brick. Its number depends on the specific model. When buying the material, it is necessary to carefully examine it – there should not be chips on the brick ribs, and on the surfaces – serious depressions. The transportation of this material should be carried out very carefully, since it is quite fragile.

Shamotnaya brick: used to arrange stove sections that can withstand heat

  • Shamotic brick is used for facing the furnace chamber, as it withstands the temperature of 1400 ÷ 1500 ° C. Having warmed up, this material retains high temperature for a long time due to its density, which means that the oven thanks to it will remain hot longer.

Pay close attention to the pantry solution’s quality.

Prices of Shamotnaya bricks

Shamotic brick

  • For masonry bricks, it is necessary to choose the correct composition of the solution. Rather, they are usually used even a few – for different parts of the structure. Nevertheless, the main material for fastening brick is a clay-sand mixture. Shamot walls of the firebox are placed in the same solution, only a shamot. A cement mortar is used for a plot of chimney on the street. For laying the first two rows of furnaces, some masters prefer to use a lime mixture.

Selecting a masonry solution necessitates an unique methodology. Select and assemble a solution precisely—a full science. Some professional advice is outlined in a special article on our portal that offers detailed information on stove masonry solutions.

Parts made of cast iron used in furnace construction

  • Cast iron elements, such as doors, valves, stove, fireplace grate, etc.P., It is necessary to choose not only by their quality, but sometimes – and by decorative design, as they must correspond to the overall furnace exterior.
  • Metal elements – an oven and a hot water tank, will be necessary if they are planned in the structure.
  • It will take annealed steel wire with a diameter of 4 ÷ 5 mm – to fix the cast iron elements.
  • An asbestos is required with a 5 mm sheet thickness or asbestos cord. They are used to create a thermal clearance between brick and cast -iron (steel) elements.

You can move on to the study of schemes and samples now that the essential materials and preliminary planning are clear. The construction of two cleverly designed, small models will then be taken into consideration, which will undoubtedly draw in novice stoves.

The fireplace stove "Swede" A. Ryazankina

One of the many variations of the "Swede," which is highly popular among Russian stovers and housewives, is this heating and brewal stove. A similar design has become more and more popular due to its straightforward conjunum scheme as well as the quick heating of surfaces, which transfers heat into the building. Furthermore, the stove’s design incorporates a fireplace function in addition to the hob and oven. It can be installed to effectively heat two rooms due to the placement of all the components.

"Swedish" stove-fireplace constructions with heath-welding Ryazankin

This model also has the benefit of being small enough to fit in both large and small spaces thanks to its compact design.

A stove in multiple forecasts

This "Swede" model measures 1020 x 890 mm at the base and 2170 mm at the top, not including the chimney pipe. In this instance, it should be noted that the 130 mm protrusion of the fireplace portal will cause one side of the structure to be wider.

The furnace installation foundation needs to be positioned higher than its base, and the filled square plate’s sides should measure 1120 by 1120 mm.

An overview of the Ryazankin furnace diagram

The fuel used in this furnace is firewood, and its output is 3,000 kcal per hour. Its 32–35 m² of effective heating capacity is pretty good for such a small structure.

What materials are required?

A table listing the supplies needed to build a fireplace stove:

Name of the material Size (mm) Quantity (pcs.)
Red brick (excluding the height of the pipe) 250 × 120 × 60 714
Puncher door 140 × 140 1
Top chamber door 210 × 250 1
Clothings door door 140 × 140 8
Oven 450 × 360 × 300 1
Two -2 -compound cast iron plate 410 × 710 1
Grate 200 × 300 1
Potion valve 130 × 250 3
Steel corner 50 × 50 × 5 × 1020 2
Steel strip 50 × 5 × 920 3
Steel strip 50 × 5 × 530 2
Steel strip 50 × 5 × 480 2
A bars for a fireplace, it can be made independently from reinforcing bars. 110 × 700 1
Metal sheet for flooring in front 500 × 700 1
Asbestos sheet or rope for laying between metal elements and brick masonry. 5 mm thick 1

Table with ordinal masonry of the heating-welding "Swede" with a fireplace fireplace Ryazankin

Crossing scheme Brief description of the operation performed
To have a better idea of the laying scheme of this furnace model, the project will be considered in the form of a drawing and in 3D projections, with a detailed description of each of the ranks.
The first row consists of 34 bricks and is the basis of the entire structure, so the brick closes it completely, that is, it forms a continuous surface.
Installation of this series is carried out on waterproofing material – roofing material, wallpaper in 2-3 layers.
since the first row sets the reliability of the entire construction, it needs to be removed perfectly evenly, having hung out and marking the corners on the roofing room with a square, ruler and chalk.
Further, holding the scheme at hand and observing the location of the bricks, masonry is carried out first dry, and then on the solution.
The second row consists of 30 ½ bricks and just like the first has a continuous plane.
, from the future fireplace on the brick, metal brackets are fixed from segments of the reinforcement, on which the fireplace grille will be welded.
If the lattice already has brackets, then it is completely fixed on brickwork.
The third row consists of 19 bricks.
At this stage, the walls of the furnaces and chimney channels are laid.
between the place where the oven will be located and the forming vertical channel, it is necessary to leave at least 170 mm.
When laying the walls, openings are left to install blunt and food doors.
Then the doors are installed in place and fixed with wire twisters, which are embedded in the seams between the rows. Since only the next row can finally fix the wire, the doors are temporarily supported by pickers.
The fourth row is laid out of 18 bricks.
The doors of the blow and treatment cameras are finally fixed on it.
Due to the fact that the wire is being stimulated between the third and fourth near the seams, the seams can be two to three millimeters wider.
The fifth row consists of 24 bricks.
above the blower of the Camer, masonry of bricks with grooves carved in them, into which the grate will be laid in them.
In addition, a place is prepared for the installation of an oven.
front bricks, in the place where the metal box will be installed, are cut off, since their height should be 25 mm.
To lay out the walls of the firebox, it is recommended to use heat -resistant chamotis brick.
Before installing the oven box in place, it is covered or wrapped with asbestos, to create a gap for thermal expansion when heated when heated.
On the fifth row, a grate is installed 200 × 300 mm and an oven box 450 × 360 × 300 mm.
The sixth row is laid out of 19½ bricks.
A furnace chamber is formed on it, on the right and back wall of which the brick is installed on the side and cut to a height of 75 mm.
On the same row, the passage between the chamber of the oven and the vertical channel is blocked.
When laying the rear wall of the fireplace, bricks move forward by 35 mm and are stuck, forming a smooth transition from the extended row to a flat wall.
On the sixth row, the combustion door (210 × 250 mm) is installed, which is in advance or covered with asbestos creating a gap for thermal expansion of the metal when it is heated.
The furnace door is also fixed using wire twisting, which will be smiled in the next seam between rows.
Crossing scheme from 7 to 12 row, which will help to better consider the configuration of the masonry.
The seventh row, consisting of 20 bricks, is laid out according to the scheme.
Bricks forming the right and rear wall of the furnace chamber are installed on the side.
Bricks on the back of the fireplace of the fireplace on this row are also extended forward by 35 mm and cut off a obliquely for the formation of a single inclined plane.
The front of the fireplace firebox is overlapped with a metal strip of 50 × 530 × 5 mm – it will become the basis for laying the subsequent rows. This element can be laid evenly or a semi -air – for this the strip is given the desired shape in advance.
The eighth row consists of 18 bricks.
Bricks on the back of the fireplace are pulled forward by 35 mm and compared by healing them obliquely, with the lower rows.
The rear walls of the fireplace should have a tilt forward for a smooth course of smoke into a chimney when burning firewood in the firebox.
The ninth row consists of 20 bricks.
When laying it, the fuel chamber door is overlapping.
Brick forming the back wall of the furnace is cut obliquely.
The brick of the rear wall of the fireplace is extended forward by 20 mm and is shut down from the bottom so that an even tilt is formed without protrusions.
The oven box is overlapped in the front by two steel stripes, size 50 × 5 × 480 mm.
10th row-the front part of the oven is overlapping with a brick.
brick is laid on metal stripes.
The top chamber and oven space are combined into one common.
In the upper part of the bricks framing both cameras, a cutout is made for laying a hob.
A place for installing a door on a treatment chamber in the upper part of the fireplace is issued.
for laying this series uses 17 ½ bricks.
On the 10th row, a two-computed hob of 410 × 710 mm is installed on the prepared place, then the cleaning door of 140 × 140 mm and a metal corner 50 × 50 × 1020 mm are mounted, which will strengthen the front part of the hobs.
Cast iron hob is mounted on a cut in the upper bricks asbestos.
The 11th row is derived from 18½ bricks.
At this stage, the walls of the hobs begin to form.
Bricks laid on the right must be blocked, a shaped gap of 210 mm between the hob and the right wall.
Brick, laid over the firebox of the fireplace, are extended inside the chamber by 40 mm and cut off from the bottom at an angle, continuing to form an inclined shape of the rear wall of the fireplace.
The 12th row is laid out of 18 bricks.
In it overlaps the door of the treatment chamber.
bricks of the front wall of the fireplace of the fireplace are shifted inward by 40 mm and are blessed obliquely.
On this drawing, you can well consider the configuration of brickwork from 13 to 24 row.
Moreover, the scheme even shows the direction of movement of air masses through chimney channels.
The 13th row consists of 19 bricks.
Elements of the front wall of the fireplace are advanced forward, inside the firebox, 40 mm and are stuck obliquely, compared with the lower rows of lower rows.
In addition, walls of the hob and chimney channels continue to rise.
14th row.
Regiment begins to form over the fireplace fire.
For this, the bricks laid in this series are advanced and to the side of 30 mm.
will turn out to be a row of brick hanging over the firebox.
19 bricks will be required for a number.
The 15th row is laid out of 20½ bricks.
The fireplace shelf continues to give it out on it using a row of a row of brick forward by 30 mm.
The excretion of the walls of the hob is completed.
The 16th row consists of 15 ½ bricks.
After laying them, the front of the “ceiling” of the hob is strengthened by the installed steel corner, the size of 50 × 50 × 5 × 1020 mm, and the middle and back of the “ceiling” of the chamber are blocked by steel stripes with a size of 50 × 5 × 920 mm.
All metal elements will become the basis for overlapping the camera with bricks.
The rest of the bricks are placed according to the scheme.
17th row.
Completely overlapping the hob using 26 bricks.
only two holes of chimney channels are left.
18th row.
Masonry of the second continuous row, which consists of 30 bricks.
The 19th row is laid out of 19 ½ bricks.
At this stage, the formation of the upper gas outlet channels and cleaning chambers on which doors are installed.
The jumper between the fireplace chimneine and vertical canal shifts 30 mm to the left. In this case, the lower and upper left brick of the brick is cut off.
20th row.
The jumper, as in the 19th row, is shifted to the left by another 30 mm, and the brick of the jumper is also cut obliquely.
for this row will require 22½ river.
21st row.
The doors of the treatment chambers installed on top of the hob on top, and the door is installed on another cleaning channel, above the fireplaces.
The hole of the chimney of the fireplace is narrowed by another 30 mm.
The main channel of the chimney is overlapped to the size of ¾ brick, and the “regiment” forms inside the channel.
for a series will require 22½ bricks.
22nd row. In the place where the “regiment” is formed, at the base of the vertical channel, a place for a food door is prepared.
The jumper between the two channels located above the fireplace is still shifted to the left by 30 mm.
After the row is folded, the door is installed on the channel.
For a series you need to prepare 22 bricks.
The 23rd row is laid out of 23 bricks.
The jumper between the channels is still shifted to the left.
overlaps the brick door door over the fireplace.
24th row.
Preparations for installing a chimney valve. To do this, in bricks framing the chimney hole, special grooves are cut out.
Then, a slide design of 130 × 250 mm is installed on the clay solution.
22 bricks will be required to lay this series.
25th row.
A regiment is arranged at the base of the chimney canal, a place is prepared for installing another valve – for the hob.
Then, also on a clay solution, a 130 × 250 mm valve itself is mounted.
24 bricks will be required for a number.
The final scheme showing the configuration of brickwork from 25 to 33 row.
26th row.
At this stage, the holes of the chimney vertical channels are in pairs.
The hole of the fireplace canal, due to cutting the upper edge of the brick under 45 degrees, shifts to the center.
Prepared a place for installing the door of the treatment chamber for the main vertical channel.
The main chimney channel is connected to the system of all gas outlets of the furnace.
After the row is laid out, the doorway is installed for cleaning the chimney.
You need to prepare 21 bricks for a series.
27th row.
Continuation of the border channel displacement to the center of the structure.
In this series the middle brick, located on the opposite side of the main chimney canal, is cut obliquely, and two bricks shifted to the channel are cut off at an angle of 45 degrees from below.
for a series will need 21 bricks.
28th row.
combines the chimneys of the fireplace and the furnace, and the fireplace channel continues to shift to the center.
20 bricks are used for a number.
29th row.
The design of the furnace is completely blocked, with the exception of the chimney, which continues to shift to the center.
Brick masonry shifts over the perimeter of the furnace by 25 mm.
to masonry will require 34 ½ brick.
30th row.
This series, like the previous one, is shifted by 25 mm, but already in relation to the lower bricks.
The size of the chimney is reduced to 130 × 260 mm.
36 bricks will be required for a number.
31st row.
The perimeter of the structure is returned to the main size of the furnace – this is achieved by a shift of brick in the depths of 50 mm.
laying out a row, in it, to install the valve on the chimney, special cuts are arranged in the framing bricks.
Then, a valve itself, which has a size of 130 × 250 mm, is mounted in this groove.
27 bricks will be needed for a number.
32nd row.
forms the first row, that is, the base of the supership chimney pipe.
for this will require 5 bricks.
33rd row of a stove or a second row of pipe masonry.
It will also require 5 bricks.
Well, the construction of the pipe itself is already laid out above.

These designs display the seams.

Scheme 1: Cuts

The first illustrates how smoke travels through chimney channels and into the pipe from the furnace chamber.

The installation of the valves on the vertical channels is clearly visible in the first scheme.

Cut – plan 2.

With the valves open, the second figure illustrates how smoke is removed from the fireplace and sent up the main chimney.

Heavenly-welding "Swedish" oven

Because it lacks a fireplace feature, this Swedish model is even more compact than the previous one. Because there isn’t a chimney channel from the fireplace furnace, the plan is therefore simpler.

Small-sized heating-welding "Swede"

This design has dimensions of 1020 x 885 x 2030 mm and a power output of 2750 kcal/hour, sufficient to heat an area of 30 m². As can be observed, the characteristic is marginally less than that of the model that was previously examined. Still, a stove like that can easily heat two adjacent rooms.

Because of the main elements’ convenient placement, this furnace can be placed in the wall between two rooms. For instance, the stove and oven portion of the furnace is extended into the kitchen, and the living area has access to the furnace’s large heated surface on the back wall. By positioning the structure within the wall’s thickness, you can also gain space, giving the furnace a more condensed appearance.

It should be mentioned that this project is designed in accordance with certain requirements, which many people will choose to support after learning about them.

  • The furnace was originally designed for heating a country house built of silicate blocks and having a size of 4000 × 7000 mm.
  • This heating device is designed to use firewood, but it is quite possible to use another type of fuel.
  • In this design, only the internal lining of the furnace and the adjacent objects is provided. Since the stove will be built from quality material, the external wall decoration is not planned. The fireproof brick is hidden inside the structure so that it does not violate the harmonious facade appearance.
  • The walls of this model should be thick, and laying brick on the side (on the spoon) is not allowed.
  • There should be a dry chamber in this model.

The furnace, whose order will be discussed below, was the outcome of this development that took these criteria into consideration.

Silicatical block costs

Silicate blocks

Materials for construction

You should first determine which materials—and in what quantities—will be needed to construct it.

The following table lists the materials needed to build the heating and welding "Swede":

Name of the material Size (mm) Quantity (pcs.)
Red brick (excluding the height of the pipe) 250 × 120 × 60 551
Fireproof chamotomed brick Sh-8 250 × 124 × 65 31
Puncher door 140 × 250 1
Top chamber door 210 × 250 1
Clothings door door 140 × 140 3
Oven 450 × 250 × 290 1
Two -2 -compound cast iron plate 410 × 710 1
Grate 200 × 300 1
Potion valve 130 × 250 1
The valve is steamed 130 × 130 1
Steel corner 45 × 45 × 5 × 1020 1
Steel strip 45 × 45 × 5 × 700 1
Steel strip 45 × 45 × 5 × 905 5
Steel strip 50 × 5 × 650 2
A drying shelf 190 × 340 1
Metal sheet of overlap of drying chambers 800 × 905 1
The metal sheet is a preferential 500 × 700 1
Asbestos sheet or rope for laying between metal elements and brick masonry. 5 mm thick 1

Gluttory-welding stove-"Swedes"

Overall stove design

Scheme- guess Brief description of the operation performed
The first row, consisting of 28 red bricks, is traditionally laid out by a continuous plane.
It is very important to observe the perfect horizontal masonry and straight angles of the base.
The second row is also continuous, but the configuration of the masonry of the bricks differs from the lower, since the seams between the bricks of the first row should overlap with a whole surface of the second brick (assignment).
for this series will require 28½ red bricks.
The third row.
begin to form a blowing chamber and a lower warming camera, as well as vertical channels.
Three doors on the cleaning chambers are installed on the same row, as well as to blow.
in the internal structure of the row on the rib, two whole bricks and two three -occasional. In addition, at the entrance to the first chimney channel, a quarter of chamotis brick is installed.
used 19 red and ¼ chamotis brick for a row.
In the fourth row, all the cameras mentioned above continue to form.
both in the second and third rows and in the fourth, the vertical channels are combined.
For a row, 14½ red and ½ charbal brick should be prepared for a row.
The fifth row.
At this stage, all the doors installed at the entrances to the channels and cameras are overlapped.
The bottom of the combustion chamber is laid out with chamotis brick.
In the middle of the bottom part of the furnace in refractory bricks, a step is cut out on which the grate will be laid.
used 16 red and 8 refractory bricks for a number.
The sixth row.
installed a furnace door, which is temporarily propped up with free bricks, as well as a box of ovens -wrapped in asbestos.
The internal walls of the fuel chamber and the base under the oven are laid out of chamotis brick. It should be borne in mind that the wall of fire brick, built between the fuel chamber and the oven, should be a quarter of the brick.
on the same series of the second and third vertical channels are separated by each other.
for a series used 13 red and 6½ chamotis bricks.
This figure shows the same sixth row – installation of an oven.
Monting it, we must not forget about the thermal gap to expand the metal when heated – it will be able to provide a layer of asbestos.
The box can be wrapped with asbestos rope or covered with sheets cut in size.
Seventh row.
Continuing chambers from two walls – the internal fire resistant and the outer red brick laid down, laid down.
for a number will be needed 13 red and 4 chamotis bricks.
Eighth row.
At this stage the first chimney channel is overlapping.
The rest of the masonry is carried out according to the scheme using 13 red and 5 chamotis bricks.
Ninth row.
The furnace door is blocked, and the rest of the masonry is carried out according to the plan.
for a series used 13½ red and 5 chamotis bricks.
Tenth row.
The oven is blocked by brickwork.
The upper row of the wall between the furnace and the oven is not laid out.
in the internal walls laid out of chamotis bricks framing the upper space, cuts of 10 mm are made for installation of a hob.
For a series, 15 red and 4½ chamotis bricks will be required for a series.
Next, on the same row, the hob is laid.
should also make a gasket from asbestos rope under it.
The plate should be in the same plane with the walls of the structure.
on the front wall, in front of the hob, a metal corner is laid, which will protect the brick brick from chips and fasten the upper row.
11th row.
begin to form the walls of the hob.
The gap between the stove and the wall wall on the right side is laid by brick.
To lay this series will require 16½ red bricks.
12th row – masonry is carried out according to the scheme, and 15 red bricks are used for it.
13th and14th rows are laid out of red brick according to the scheme indicated in the order, taking into account the masonry ahead.
It will be required to work: for the 13th row -15½, and for the 14th row 14½ bricks.
15th and 16th rows are also placed according to the same drawing.
For the 15th row, you need 15½, and for the 16th row-14½ red bricks.
16th row.
After the row is displayed, the hob is overlapped with three metal corners (45 × 45 × 905 mm), which are mounted in the middle and end of the chamber, and its edge is strengthened by a corner having dimensional parameters of 45 × 700 mm.
In the middle of the opening two corners are laid, vertically located in each other.
Thus, a reliable basis for overlapping the camera is obtained by bricks.
17th row is laid out of 25½ bricks.
He blocked the chamber space.
In this case, a hole of the hood from the hob is formed in the surface, the size of which is half -brick.
In addition to it, the walls of the channels located in the back of the furnace are laid out.
The 18th row is laid in continuous.
only chimney and exhaust channel remain open.
The next step, a corner with dimensions 45 × 45 × 905 mm is mounted on the front edge of the ceiling.
Overlap, strengthened on both sides, will reliably hold two rows of brickwork.
for this row will require 25 red bricks.
19th row.
at this stage two drying chambers are formed – large and small, as well as the ventilation channel that will divert steam from the hobs.
For laying this series you need to prepare 16 red bricks.
The 20th row is laid out according to the scheme of 16 red bricks.
21st and 22nd rows also have a similar configuration, ahead.
For the 21st row, 16½ is used, and for the 22nd row-16 red bricks.
On the 22nd row, a small drying chamber is blocked in the front of a metal plate of 190 × 340 mm.
23rd row.
Continue walls of drying chambers and chimneys.
A cutout is made over the ventilation canal in the brick – a landing place for a valve, which will adjust the temperature of the hob.
Then, a slice of 140 × 140 mm is installed in the prepared neckline.
For work, 17 red bricks will be required.
24th row.
Work is on the scheme – the ventilation valve is blocked, the first and second chimney channels are combined.
For laying this series, it is necessary to prepare 15½ bricks.
25th row.
at this stage, ventilation and three vertical chimneys are combined into one channel.
For a series, 15½ red bricks will be required for a series.
The 26th row is placed according to the scheme of 16½ red bricks.
Further, on the 26th row, the basis is made for the subsequent floor of the drying chamber.
A metal corner is used for this, 45 × 45 × 905 and two steel stripes 50 × 5 × 650 mm.
The corner is mounted on the edge of the drying chambers and creates a strict basis for their overlap with a metal sheet and brick rose.
Then, a metal sheet with a size of 800 × 905 mm is laid on top of the installed jumpers, which overlaps the entire surface of the cross section of the furnace, leaving only the third vertical chimney channel free.
27th row.
On this row the metal sheet is overlapped with continuous brickwork, which protrudes beyond the perimeter of the furnace by 25 mm.
in the left corner remains a free hole in the chimney channel.
32 red bricks will be required to overlap.
28th is the second row of complete overlap of drying chambers with a hole for the chimney.
It is laid with a protest after the perimeter of the previous row by 25 mm.
It will require 37 red bricks to lay it.
The 29th row consists of 26½ red bricks, which are laid with an indent from the previous row to the center by 50 mm.
That is, it turns out a rectangle of size around the perimeter, like the entire main structure of the furnace.
The 30th row of the structure is the first row of a pipe pipe.
It consists of 5 red bricks.
cutouts of 10 mm deep in the upper part of this row – this will be a seat for the main chimney valve having a size of 250 × 130 mm.
When the place is ready, the slide structure is mounted in it on a clay solution.
31st row-the second row of the pipe covers the installed valve.
also consists of a number of 5 bricks.
Next – POMEN.

The course of heated air through the chimneine’s vertical channels—which heat the entire brick structure, including the oven—is depicted in the schedule below.

Cuts and the flow of the gas

Additionally, this plan will support the masonry of this model.

Once you’ve determined which model of furnace is appropriate for your home and have acquired all the materials needed for construction, you can begin work with safety. The masonry needs to be done slowly, paying close attention to how the rows are laid out and where the bricks are placed. Even better, every row is pre-layered dry without a solution as you build, and the furnace as a whole. This will make it easier to handle the structure’s configuration and fit each masonry brick precisely.

Lastly, here’s another illustration of how to build a small, country house-appropriate compact heating and welding stove. Two contour boilers, how useful is the link you study?

Video: Work of the stove for laying heating and welding furnace for giving

Afanasyev Evgeny, Chief Editor

27.01.2016 is the publication’s author.

In the realm of home heating and insulation, brick heating hobs offer a timeless and effective solution worth considering. These projects involve constructing stoves or heaters using bricks, which retain heat well and radiate warmth evenly. Brick heating hobs can be designed in various sizes and styles to suit different spaces and aesthetic preferences. One of the key advantages is their efficiency in heating spaces while consuming less fuel compared to conventional metal stoves. Additionally, these brick structures can be integrated with existing heating systems or used as standalone units, providing flexibility in installation. They also contribute to the overall thermal mass of a home, helping to regulate indoor temperatures more consistently. Beyond functionality, brick heating hobs can enhance the ambiance of a space, adding a rustic and cozy element to the home environment. Whether as a DIY project or with professional assistance, exploring brick heating hobs can lead to sustainable and charming heating solutions for any household.

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Michael Kuznetsov

I love to create beauty and comfort with my own hands. In my articles I share tips on warming the house and repairing with my own hands.

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