FUM tape for gas pipes – types and characteristics

Proper insulation and heating are essential for maintaining the efficiency and safety of our homes. The installation and upkeep of gas pipes is a vital component of this. These pipes are necessary to supply gas to different appliances in the house, but if they are not properly sealed and protected, they could be dangerous. Here’s where FUM tape can help, providing a dependable way to seal and insulate gas pipelines.

FUM tape, which stands for "Fused Undercut Method" tape, is made especially to seal and safeguard gas pipelines. Because of its strength and efficiency, this kind of tape is frequently used in the installation and upkeep of gas pipelines. There exist multiple varieties of FUM tape in the market, each possessing unique attributes and uses.

A typical kind of FUM tape is composed of a unique combination of materials that have insulating and sealing qualities. When pipes are exposed to inclement weather outdoors, this kind of tape is frequently used. It minimizes heat loss and creates a tight seal around the pipe to stop gas leaks.

Subterranean gas pipelines are the exclusive application for a different kind of FUM tape. These tapes are made to endure the environmental conditions and pressures that come with buried pipelines. They offer a dependable defense against soil and moisture, maintaining the gas pipe’s integrity over time.

It’s important to take the pipe diameter, operating pressure, and ambient conditions into account when selecting the appropriate FUM tape for your gas pipe. While some tapes work best in high-pressure situations, others perform best in chilly climates. Your gas piping system can be made safer and more efficient by choosing the right kind of FUM tape.

Type Characteristics
Butyl Rubber FUM Tape Flexible, durable, resistant to moisture and corrosion, suitable for underground applications.
PVC FUM Tape Strong adhesive, resistant to UV rays, suitable for above-ground installations.

Types of sealing tapes

The color of the tape makes it stand out. FUM tape is yellow for gas connections and white for all other connections. For use in a low-pressure gas supply system, the yellow tape is designed.

This material is made by winding it onto a spool that can be up to ten meters long. In pressurized systems, such as gas, water, and heating systems, it works well for winding on pipe threads.

It serves as a deformable filler in joints, lubricating the threads and promoting improved tightness. Three varieties of this sealant are available:

  1. Type 1 – for application in pipeline systems for transportation of aggressive liquids, it is applied using purified petroleum jelly;
  2. Type 2 – for pumping strong oxidizers, which prohibits the use of an additional sealant in the form of oils;
  3. Type 3 – used for transportation of relatively clean liquids and gases, the use of lubrication is excluded.

Tape used for gas pipe connections is not the same as FUM tape used for plumbing. The sanitary sealant has a width of 10 to 20 mm and a thickness of 0.075 to 0.2 mm for gas and 0.1 to 0.25 mm for thickness. In the gas version, it is wound on spools that are highlighted in yellow.

Sanitary tape can be used in gas networks with low pressure.

Main technical properties of sealing tape

Fluoroplastics maintain their properties over a wide temperature range and are resistant to chemicals.

  1. Reduced coefficient of friction. Fluoroplastic sealant, in addition to plasticity, is slippery, which simplifies screwing on fittings.
  2. Thermal stability, operating temperature from -70° to +260° without destruction and loss of sealing properties. In addition, fluoroplastics are very effective dielectrics.
  3. Strength and ductility. Seals made of this material work stably at pressure up to 10 MPa, can withstand short-term loads up to 42 MPa, for example – arising at hydro-impacts in pipeline systems. The service life of a seal made of FUM tape (fumka) is determined as 13 years. Destroys faster when exposed to light, but this is not for our case, you just need to take this factor into account when organizing the storage of the material.
  4. Chemical passivity. Not subject to destruction under the influence of acids and alkalis, which is determined by the uniform distribution of fluorine atoms on the surface of the product. Solvents capable of destroying this sealant, to date, has not yet been invented. Resistant to rotting processes.
  5. Density -1.2 g/cm³.

The material is universal, non-combustible, and decay-resistant. It can be used in drinking water tanks and pipelines due to its inertness.

Sanitary tape cannot be used in gas systems, but gas tape can be used in water pipelines.

The best applications for FUM tape for gas are thin-walled fittings and plastic and metal-plastic pipes. For this reason, a small portion of the pipeline in the apartment’s gas pipes uses it. Tape is used to seal the main pipelines, which are the home’s gas supply lines.

Gas in the home can be very dangerous. It is preferable to use an experienced craftsman when working with fum tape to ensure a dependable pipe connection. He will wind the fumka qualitatively and knows how to wind it correctly. Such a serious business should not be undertaken by a novice.

Let’s take a closer look at how FUM tape should be used for gas or plumbing pipes.

How to wind the FUM tape on the pipe threads

The external thread is always used for this operation. If the repair involves replacing the fitting, the pipe thread needs to be completely free of debris and rust, cleaned with acetone or white spirit, and allowed to air dry for ten to twelve minutes. The following is a comprehensive algorithm that explains how to use FUM tape to ensure optimal pipe threading efficiency:

To stop the sealing material from rotating when the fitting is screwed on, the threads are notched axially.

You should create these notches if there aren’t any already.

FUM tape is a common and contemporary method for sealing pipeline joints for a variety of applications. The more recent FUM cord products don’t provide any unique benefits in terms of efficiency or application technology.

You must consider the material’s properties and apply FUM tape for gas pipes in the proper manner in order to grasp its usage.

Checking connections

Sections of a lengthy gas pipeline should be inspected. The area of the house that connects the gas entry point to the taps used for household appliances should be isolated. A quarter of the working pressure is added to the pipes’ pressure. There is a leak somewhere if the pressure decreases.

In this position, use a soap solution or a gas leak indicator to individually inspect each joint.

In the first scenario, the gadget uses an audio, visual, or digital signal to alert users to the existence of a leak. Bubbles will form when a soap solution is applied to a joint that has not been properly sealed. The joint needs to be disassembled, and a new method of working should be used.

It is not permitted to use an open flame (a candle, match, etc.) to check for gas leaks as this could have disastrous results.

In the world of heating and insulating homes, one essential component often overlooked is the FUM tape for gas pipes. This tape plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of gas pipe installations. With various types and characteristics available, it"s vital to understand the options to make informed decisions. From its ability to withstand high temperatures and pressures to its resistance against corrosion and leaks, choosing the right FUM tape can make a significant difference in the longevity and reliability of gas pipe systems. Whether it"s for residential or commercial applications, knowing the ins and outs of FUM tape types and characteristics is essential for ensuring the smooth operation of gas heating systems and maintaining the safety of occupants.

Alternative materials – linseed loam

A variety of sealants are used, as well as bast fibers applied in the form of strands.

The packet is among the first sealing materials that are frequently used when installing pipelines. This term refers to the linen fibers that are still today twisted into strands on the pipe’s exterior thread.

In this instance, it’s crucial to fill the entire threading profile and wind it neatly in turns. The winding of the felt is covered with extra materials, such as thickly rubbed paint or specially made sealants, for a more dependable sealing.

As we have already mentioned, pipeline systems are nearly impossible to repair and joints treated with paint become nearly unbreakable with relatively high efficiency.

The following are some benefits of sealing sanitary paklei joints:

  • possibility of adjusting the joint by location – it is possible to unscrew the fitting in the opposite direction by an angle of up to 45 degrees without loss of insulating properties;
  • sufficiently reliable tightness and ability to absorb moisture;
  • The joint is resistant to mechanical influences;
  • easy dismantling of the joint.

One of the drawbacks is that, being an organic product, it has a propensity to rot and disintegrate.

The question of how to seal the threaded joint of gas pipes has no clear solution. Connecting cantilevered components like mixers or taps is unquestionably advantageous when utilizing tape; coupling pipelines is best done with sanitary wax.

Selecting the appropriate gas pipe insulation tape is essential to preserving the effectiveness and safety of your home’s heating system. With its many varieties and qualities, FUM tape provides an adaptable way to efficiently insulate and seal gas pipelines.

The type of material used to make FUM tape is an important factor to take into account. There are several varieties of FUM tape available, including polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC), each with special qualities and uses. For instance, PTFE tape is renowned for having a high level of chemical resistance and durability, which makes it appropriate for use in harsh environments.

The tape’s thickness and width are crucial considerations as well. To guarantee full coverage and a tight seal, the width should be selected in accordance with the diameter of the gas pipes that need to be insulated. It’s crucial to choose the right thickness of tape for the particular needs of your heating system because the tape’s thickness can also impact its insulating qualities.

For FUM tape to effectively insulate and seal gas pipes, proper installation techniques are necessary. It’s imperative that the pipes’ surface be completely cleaned before applying the tape evenly, without stretching or overlapping. This lowers the possibility of gas leaks and heat loss by ensuring a tight seal and preventing air leaks.

To sum up, FUM tape provides a dependable and affordable way to insulate the gas pipes in your house heating system. You can improve the safety and efficiency of your heating system while reducing energy waste and potential hazards by being aware of the various types and characteristics of FUM tape that are available and by using the right installation techniques.

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Sergey Ivanov

I like to help people create comfort and comfort in their homes. I share my experience and knowledge in articles so that you can make the right choice of a heating and insulation system for your home.

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