Findal valve for heating – ensuring stable operation of the system

For any homeowner, making sure their house is warm and cozy during the winter months should be their top priority. The findal valve is an essential part of a well-functioning heating system because it keeps the system operating steadily. This post will discuss the importance of the findal valve for heating systems and how it affects the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the heating system in your house.

Let’s start by defining a findal valve and discussing how it works in a heating system. A findal valve, sometimes referred to as a thermostatic radiator valve (TRV), is essentially an appliance that is mounted on individual radiators and controls the amount of hot water that enters the radiator. It maintains a constant temperature in the room by measuring the ambient temperature and modifying the hot water flow accordingly.

The ability of a findal valve to control zone heating is one of its main advantages. Findal valves enable separate temperature control in various rooms or zones of the house, in contrast to conventional heating systems that heat the entire house to the same temperature. By enabling residents to customize the temperature to their liking, this not only improves comfort levels but also saves a substantial amount of energy by only heating occupied areas.

Furthermore, by preventing overheating and minimizing energy waste, findal valves improve the heating system’s overall efficiency. Findal valves guarantee that the heating system runs at peak efficiency, preventing needless energy consumption and related expenses by automatically modifying the flow of hot water based on the temperature of the room.

Furthermore, findal valves are essential for preserving a steady and even temperature throughout the house. Findal valves help reduce temperature swings and cold spots by individually regulating the heat output of each radiator, resulting in a more comfortable living space for residents.

To sum up, the findal valve is an essential part of any heating system that provides advantages like temperature stability, energy efficiency, and zone heating control. Homeowners can maximize the efficiency of their heating systems and ultimately experience increased comfort and cost savings by realizing the significance of findal valves and making sure they are installed and maintained correctly.

The heating and insulation system is essential to having a comfortable and effective home. The silent hero of the heating system’s critical components, the Findal valve, makes sure everything runs smoothly and steadily. This valve serves as a control mechanism, regulating the hot water flow to maintain ideal temperatures throughout the house. It is important because, in addition to increasing comfort, it maximizes energy efficiency, which in turn reduces costs. The Findal valve promotes a cozy and environmentally friendly living environment by carefully controlling the heat distribution, preventing overheating, uneven temperatures, and system failures.

Principle of operation

Varieties of check valves

Many variables, such as uneven fluid cooling, problems with pipeline installation and design, and technological advancements, can affect the direction of the coolant’s flow in the heating system. Both the heating boiler and the heating system as a whole can be turned off with this procedure.

Check valves that stop the coolant’s opposite outflow are used in only one direction to provide steady fluid movement. They are designed with locking components that automatically overlap the access when the water movement in the pipes changes.

Different mechanisms that differentiate between the characteristics and the principle of action are used to stop the flow. The extent of their application is determined by the unit device.

Types of valves

Although their functions are similar, finding valves can differ in terms of design and mode of operation.


A ball of a particular kind of metal (steel, aluminum, etc.) serves as the bolt element in these devices. A rubber coating extends the part’s useful life.

The ball enters the upper valve cavity through the direction in which the coolant flow is traveling.

The element is lowered to the initial position and covers the pipe’s path when modifying the fluid’s path of travel.

The benefits of these specifics

  • The possibility of repair – the cover on the upper compartment of the case gives access to the internal mechanism of the device;
  • reliability – the device is devoid of moving and forming the friction of parts, so it can work in different positions and undergo more breakdowns;
  • Small hydraulic resistance.


  • A significant diameter prevents the use of devices in household systems with a small section;
  • With a horizontal installation, the lid should be located at the top to the possibility of raising the shutter, the vertical installation involves the mandatory movement of the fluid stream upwards;
  • Small pressure in the system prevents the proper operation of the unit (a pressure of 25 bar is necessary to raise a ball).


Products of this kind come with a plastic or metal disk shutter. This element’s size is sufficient to entirely stop the flow that is going in the wrong direction.

The disk, which is in direct liquid flow and stays compressed, is attached to a steel spring. The element straightens and drives the damper that overlaps the pipe in response to the change in flow direction.

The density of the shutter landing is provided by a unique seal that prevents leaks.

These devices have several advantages and are utilized in home heating systems.

  • do not need periodic maintenance;
  • have a low cost;
  • have low weight and compact dimensions that expand the scope of their application.

The goods also have drawbacks:

  • the impossibility of repair (faulty parts are subject to replacement);
  • large hydraulic resistance;
  • deposition of mineral residues leading to the failure of the unit;

When closed, conventional disk devices create a hydraulic system that degrades the system’s overall condition. This disadvantage is offset in some models by the inclusion of a unique mechanism that guarantees the flow is blocked smoothly. However, these devices are more expensive.


These kinds of structures use a thin steel plate as the locking mechanism. The hinges that propel it forward are fixed.

Two varieties of petal units exist:

  • Single -leaf – equipped with a plate rotating around its own axis. The moving coolant lifts the sash, freeing the hole, when the liquid is returned, the shutter lowers, blocking the passage. This process takes place with the participation of the spring or without it.
  • Double -leaf – have a pair of plates attached to the rotating axis in the center of the pipe.

Benefits of using petal models:

  • the ability to work without springs, which allows them to install them in gravity pipelines;
  • Affordable cost.


  • increased pressure (especially in bivalve design options).


These devices have a spool that freely rotates around the vertical axis. Access to the pipe is made possible by the transfer of a shut-off element from the landing saddle by fluid pressure.

The water is blocked when the spool returns to its initial position due to a decrease in pressure or a change in direction.

Benefits of lifting devices

  • low susceptibility to the quality of the passing coolant;
  • reliability ensured by simplicity of design;
  • Raundancy – access to components through the top cover.


  • the possibility of only vertical installation.

Features of choice

The method of connecting a check valve to the pipeline system is the primary consideration when selecting one. It varies according to the device’s make and model:

  • Flippery Products have a thread node, which simplifies their connection to the highway. As a rule, this type of fastener is found on disc units, which are suitable for installation in independent heating systems of a country house or apartment. Their feature is a small diameter, which usually does not exceed 50.
  • Flange Devices contain special holes in their case, with which the mechanism is attached to the pipeline. This type of installation is stronger than threaded analogues.

You can utilize these products in systems with large pipe diameters due to the connection’s dependability. Balloons are most frequently used.

  • Interflant Units connect two ends of the pipes, have small weight and small size. This type of installation is characteristic of petal products.

Installing certain valves requires welding. This kind can be used for polypropylene tube laying.

The unit’s material, which comes in a variety of forms, is another crucial feature.

  • Stainless steel – The optimal choice for systems with a diameter of up to 0.04 m. Such designs are resistant to corrosion processes, steadfastly transfer the load up to 10 atm. Steel valves are quite expensive, but they are able to serve for a long time without breakdowns.
  • Brass – more affordable material, but susceptible to corrosion, although it manifests itself quite slowly. Such devices are also inferior to steel models in strength, but high loads are quite good.
  • Cast iron – The most reliable option for working with maximum coolant pressure. This species products are quite bulky and heavy. The specifics of manufacture allows only elements over 40 mm in diameter from cast iron. This factor limits the use of such devices in autonomous highways.

The size of the valve that is chosen must match the opening of the passage pipe. The system’s pressure shouldn’t exceed the warnings set by the unit’s manufacturer for a specific model.

There are several inexpensive devices that use a metal ball as a fluid shutter.

TIM JH-1014


  • body material and locking structure – brass;
  • maximum temperature – 130 ° C;
  • Connection type – coupling (BP/BP);
  • Price – 660 r.

The valve is used to install hot and cold water supplies, heat, and transfer gases, liquids, and compressed air that don’t react with the product’s material. The model has no rubbing surfaces, so attaching it in any orientation won’t affect its properties.

Compared to cylindrical analogs, the spherical camera contributes to an increase in throughput. Operating pressure of the valve starts at 0.05 bar.

1 ″ altstream


  • type of thread – 1 ″;
  • temperature interval -from -20 ° C to 150 ° C;
  • tightness of the locking element – class A;
  • material – brass;
  • Type of proprietary – full -pass;
  • Price – 400 r.

The compressed air, heating, hot water, and drinking pipelines are all locked using the ball structure. The product has a 30-year service life and is repairable. Twenty-five thousand cycles are the minimum production resource.

The best petal varieties

Units’ models that have one or two blocking plates.

TIM 1 VN, JH-1012C


  • type of product – straight;
  • threaded diameter – 1 inch;
  • body material – brass;
  • maximum temperature – 120 ° C;
  • working pressure – 40 bar;
  • type of thread – internal;
  • Price – 303 r.

A horizontal damper-equipped Lepel-style valve. installed in heating systems without a circulation pump. Unlike spring units, the device operates at low pressure and does not significantly impede the flow of water. A rubber seal adorns the shutter.

TIM 1 1/4 VH, JH-1013C


  • threaded diameter, inch – 1 1/4;
  • working pressure – 25 bar;
  • material – brass;
  • coating – no;
  • maximum temperature – 120 ° C;
  • Price – 399 r.

A petal model composed of improved plumbing brass for energy-dependent and moraine heating systems. It has a one-year guarantee, a threaded connection, and the ability to operate at low pressure.

Rowing rating

More costly items featuring a spool-shaped coolant lock.

Zetkama V277 DU-15


  • conditional diameter – 15 mm;
  • connection – threaded (p/p);
  • material – cast iron;
  • maximum temperature – 200 ° C;
  • working pressure – 16 bar;
  • Price – 2798 r.

The apparatus is mounted on pipelines intended to move steam, neutral media, and hot and cold water. Installation can be done vertically or horizontally.

Armafite 16kh9p – DU32 R25


  • working pressure – 1.6 MPa;
  • maximum temperature – 225 ° C;
  • joining – flange;
  • working mediums – steam, water;
  • temperature conditions of use -from -30 to 50 ° C;
  • Price – 3650 r.

Flange-connected unit designed to obstruct water and steam flows. Up to 50 °C can be reached by the version with a rubber seal around the spool, and up to 225 °C by the version with paronite or bronze. Steel makes up the spool, while cast iron makes up the cover and main design.

Installation rules

When installing a check valve, there are a few crucial considerations to make:

  • The product is put only in the direction of the fluid flow. To facilitate the choice of the correct side on the valve body, there is a special mark in the shape of an arrow.
  • For better fixation of the devices, it is permissible to use paronite seals, but only if they do not narrow the passing diameter of the pipe, otherwise the pressure on the system will be excessively increased.
  • The part is placed in such a way that other parts of the pipeline structures do not create an additional load on its case.
  • Before the locking device, it is advisable to install a special net for primary cleaning of the coolant. She will detain large particles that can weaken the tightness of the unit when it enters the mechanism.

Any kind of check valve can be used for highways with forced circulation, while only petal-type models without springs are suitable for gravitational schemes.

In multi-circuit systems with a circulation pump, the shut-off mechanism must be installed.

Installing the valve is required for heating schemes that use bypass. They are usually designed to transition from natural circulation to artificial circulation. On the bypass, the valve is fixed to a position parallel to the circulation pump.

Baypas system of heating

Installing cut reinforcement on the recharge system is also advised. This will shield the pipeline from destruction in a variety of scenarios. For instance, if the water supply is blocked at this point, opening a crane on a recharge pipe to increase pressure may result in the system being completely drained and the boiler being disconnected.

Selecting the appropriate valve is also important. In order to prevent undesired flows between adjacent contours, the disk or petal units should be positioned. It’s also crucial to take into account the fact that the first option will provide less resistance when installing.

It is preferable to use the ball model of the valve when assembling the bypass node. Its hydraulic resistance is minimal. It makes more sense to use disk devices with a good working pressure margin in a recharge system.

All kinds of heating equipment do not need the check valve. However, it is required for the creation of multi-circuit systems and bypass schemes. The traits and attributes of each model should be considered when making a decision, along with the possibilities for connecting them.

Valve Type Features
Thermostatic Radiator Valve (TRV) Regulates temperature in individual rooms, saving energy and improving comfort.
Pressure Independent Control Valve (PICV) Maintains consistent flow regardless of pressure fluctuations, enhancing system stability.

Maintaining comfort and efficiency all year long requires keeping your home heating system operating smoothly. One important part of this system is the Findal valve, which controls how much hot water flows through your house and keeps the temperature steady in different areas.

Findal valves help to distribute heat evenly by efficiently controlling the flow of hot water, guaranteeing that each room has the ideal amount of warmth. This results in a more sustainable home and lower utility bills by improving comfort and reducing energy waste.

The dependability and robustness of Findal valves are among their key benefits. These long-lasting, low-maintenance valves are made to withstand the demanding conditions of continuous use. For homeowners, this translates to fewer interruptions to their heating system and increased peace of mind.

Findal valves are appropriate for both residential and commercial applications due to their adaptability and compatibility with a variety of heating systems. Findal valves are simple to integrate to maximize performance in both contemporary underfloor heating systems and conventional radiator setups.

In conclusion, it is a wise decision to upgrade the longevity, dependability, and efficiency of your heating system by installing high-quality Findal valves. These valves help you and your family live in a more sustainable and comfortable home by guaranteeing steady operation and accurate temperature control.

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Anna Vasilieva
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