Dependent and independent heat supply scheme

One of the most important choices you’ll have to make regarding home heating is whether to go with an independent or dependent heat supply scheme. This choice essentially dictates the heating system you’ll use and the degree of control you’ll have over it for your house. To assist you in selecting the best option for your house, let’s examine these two options in greater detail.

Schemes for dependent heat supply are not uncommon, particularly in cities. In this configuration, a centralized system—such as a shared boiler or district heating network—is usually in charge of providing the heating for your house. Put another way, you rely on a third party to meet your heating needs. Although this can be economical and practical, it also implies that you have less control over your heating system and could be vulnerable to changes in service quality and cost.

However, you have more power and control over the heating of your house if you have an independent heat supply system. In this configuration, heat is delivered directly to your house via your own heating system, such as a heat pump or boiler. This gives you more freedom and may even enable you to save money over time because you won’t be dependent on outside suppliers. Nevertheless, the initial investment needed to set up and maintain an independent system might be greater.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both independent and dependent heat supply schemes, and the best option for you will rely on your personal preferences and unique situation. We’ll go into more detail about each choice in the sections that follow, going over the advantages, disadvantages, and important factors to help you decide which is best for your house.

What are dependent and independent heating systems?

Connection types

There are two kinds of connection schemes: independent and dependent. The most straightforward and popular option is to connect using the dependent method. Recently, independent heating systems have become more and more popular, and new housing developments frequently use them. Which method works better to make any space feel cozy, warm, and inviting?

Generally speaking, a connection plan like this allows for the installation of indoor heating units, which are frequently furnished with elevators. Superheated water from the main external network is combined with return water in the heating point’s mixing unit to reach a suitable temperature (roughly 100 ° C). As a result, the house’s internal heating system depends entirely on the outside heating source.


This scheme’s primary benefit is that it uses the heating mains to supply water directly to the water supply and heating systems, and it quickly pays for itself.

  • The equipment of the subscriber input is simple and inexpensive;
  • heating systems can withstand large temperature fluctuations;
  • the pipe size is smaller in diameter;
  • the scheme reduces the flow of coolant;
  • low operating costs.


Such a connection offers benefits as well as drawbacks.

  • uneconomical;
  • temperature regulation is much more difficult during weather fluctuations;
  • overconsumption of energy resources.

Ways of connection

Several methods can be used to establish a connection:

  • by direct connection;
  • with elevator;
  • with a pump on the jumper;
  • with a pump on the return or supply lines;
  • mixed method (pump and elevator).

Connection with elevator.

Independent systems

Making the switch to an independent heat supply system can reduce resource consumption by up to half. To maintain a standard heating temperature, the isolated circuit has heat exchange elements and is isolated from the heat source. The most popular method for building neighborhoods is the one that incorporates central heating stations.

One can emphasize the following benefits of an independent heat supply scheme:

  • regulation of the temperature of the heating medium by means of a circulation pump and a number of other means;
  • economical consumption of consumed resources;
  • using different substances (water, non-freezing liquids) as a heat transfer medium;
  • customization of the heating system to the specific needs of the house occupants.

An independent heating system uses a single heat exchanger to maintain the system’s temperature and heat water from the water supply.

End users and the heat supply company both benefit from the use of this kind of heat network device. While the second does not overpay for heating services when this operation is not required, the first does not use additional resources to maintain the required temperature. Sharp temperature variations in the street have no effect on the quality of services, and closed schemes contribute to the creation of comfortable living environments.

Dependent (open) heat supply system

The heat carrier enters the house directly through the main networks, which is the primary characteristic of the dependent system. The reason it is called open is that in order to supply hot water to the house, the heat carrier is removed from the supply pipeline. This scheme is most commonly used to connect apartment buildings, office buildings, and other public buildings to their heat networks. The figure illustrates how the dependent heating system’s scheme operates.

The coolant in the supply pipeline can be sent straight to the heating devices once it reaches a temperature of 95 oC. A mixing elevator unit is installed at the house’s input if the temperature rises to 105 oC or higher. Its job is to mix hot coolant—which is heated by the radiators—with water to bring it down in temperature.

As a point of reference. A precise and realistic temperature schedule is in place for the centralized dependent heating system. The maximum water temperature in an open system can be either 95 / 70 ºC or 105 / 70 ºC, as shown in the calculation chart. The actual schedule, which is kept up to date in the central heating station, is subject to daily changes based on the weather. The heat carrier’s temperature is significantly lower than the predicted temperature when there aren’t any strong frosts outside.

During the Soviet era, when energy consumption was not a major concern for most people, the scheme was very popular. The fact is that installation work and material costs are fairly low, and the dependent connection with elevator mixing units is quite dependable and essentially unattended. Once more, hot water can be successfully obtained from the heating mains, negating the need to install additional pipes to supply homes.

However, this is the extent of the dependent scheme’s benefits. And there are a ton of additional bad ones:

  • dirt, scale and rust from the main pipelines safely gets into all the batteries of consumers. Old cast-iron radiators and steel convectors could not cope with such trifles, but modern aluminum and other heating devices are definitely in trouble;
  • Due to reduced water consumption, repair works and other reasons, there is often a pressure drop in the dependent heating system, and even water hammer. This can have consequences for modern batteries and polymer pipelines;
  • The quality of the heat carrier leaves much to be desired, and after all, it goes directly to the water supply. And, although in the boiler house water goes through all stages of treatment and desalination, kilometers of old rusty mains make themselves felt;
  • It is not easy to regulate the room temperature. Even full bore thermostatic valves fail quickly due to poor quality of the thermal fluid.

Which heating scheme is better?

The adoption of an energy-independent heating system is only warranted in cases where the power supply network experiences frequent failures. Naturally, it is necessary to equip an energy-dependent system if there is no such issue because it is far more practical. Ultimately, it is imperative to consider not only the heat generator’s ease of operation but also the coolant circulation type.

Only when coolant travels through pipes by convection can there be natural circulation in an energy-independent system.

A circulation pump drives the heat carrier through the pipes in the energy-dependent version, providing several benefits.

  • small pipe diameters can be used, and a small slope is also required;
  • the circuit can be as long as desired;
  • The entire circuit is heated evenly, whereas with natural circulation the radiators farther away from the boiler are relatively cold;
  • due to the high speed of movement of the coolant does not have time to cool down in the circuit, so there is no need to operate the boiler at maximum capacity (gentle mode);

It is possible to slightly heat the coolant when utilizing an energy-dependent system, which is required during the off-season (strong heating is necessary for natural circulation to occur).

Heating boilers

Boilers come in various varieties and are utilized in separate heating systems.

The initial category is. It operates in a multi-step procedure. Gas is formed by first heating the wood with oxygen, and then gas combustion occurs (second stage). To prevent gases from moving backward, an electric fan must be installed.

Phases of the pyrolysis boiler’s operation

Energy independent boiler

These kinds are the ones that follow. Usually, a piezo element is used. It acts as a fuel igniter. In these boilers, the combustion temperature can be independently adjusted after the fuel is ignited.

Electric boiler

Additionally, piezo ignition systems are integrated. Their peculiarity is that they will not turn on on their own when the gas access to the boiler is cut off.

When the fuel reaches the designated temperature, electricity-powered boilers start to operate. In this instance, electricity is required to turn on the fan that provides the air.

If your house is far from a power line or has an unstable electricity supply, independent heating systems are ideal.

Boilers that are energy independent run on gas and don’t require an electricity connection. When compared to the dependent system, this heating option for your home is the least expensive and can save you up to twenty percent annually. Additionally, the autonomous system allows for manual control of the building’s temperature and fuel usage.

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The implementation resulted in: – a 10–40% reduction in heat energy and a 10% decrease in water treatment costs; – an improvement in the quality and dependability of the municipality’s heat supply, a decrease in consumer heat tariffs, and a reduction in fuel consumption. Goals of the implementation: networks of heat, such as the network of the heat supply. ̇. Systems for DHW.

The housing stock of the nation still consists largely of structures with antiquated utilities. Under the dependent scheme, subscriber units in four to five story buildings are typically connected to heat networks.

Consumer installations are hydraulically isolated from the heat network. In dependent schemes of heat supply, the heat carrier from the heat network travels directly to the heating installations of consumers; in independent schemes, it travels to the intermediate heat exchanger installed in the heating station, where it heats the secondary heat carrier circulating in the house circuit.

Due to the removal of numerous structural components, the dependent connection scheme is easier to design and maintain (heat exchangers, circulation pumps, automatics).

The existence of "overheating" in buildings at the start and finish of the heating period, when the outside temperature does not drop below zero degrees Celsius, is a major drawback of the dependent heat supply scheme. What causes this to occur?

During the heating period the regulation of the heat load of consumers is performed by the heat supplying organization according to the qualitative principle (the lower the temperature of the outside air, the hotter the coolant (network water) is supplied to the heating system at a constant flow rate). At values of outdoor air temperature close to 0 °С, the temperature of direct network water should be lowered and maintained at 30-35 °С. This will be enough to ensure a comfortable temperature in heated buildings. However, in reality such a reduction cannot be achieved due to the need for constant water heating not only for heating, but also for hot water supply, for which the heat supplying organization has to maintain the temperature of network water at the level of 70-75 °С. In turn, maintaining such a temperature in the supply line of the heating network in the fall and spring periods of the year leads to excessive heat generation of heating radiators in buildings, causes discomfort for the population and, as a consequence, the loss of heat through open shutters and window transoms.

Statistics show that Russia’s winters are getting warmer, which increases the amount of time that is spent outside with positive temperatures. Consequently, there are more heat losses from "overheating."

It is feasible to adjust the temperature of the secondary coolant supplied to the heating radiators in accordance with the outside air temperature by transitioning to an independent heat supply scheme. Experts estimate that moving to an independent heat supply scheme can result in savings of between 10% and 40% on heat energy.

An additional benefit of autonomous systems is the elimination of the potential for contaminants, such as rust, deposits, and other sludge, to seep in.μ.) from the subscribers’ heating devices into the mains water. Boiler unit contamination and eventual failure are potential consequences of sludge entering the return network water.

To improve heat supply reliability, independent systems are mostly utilized in large cities with subscribers who have a variety of heat loads and a sizable heat network.

Regardless of the size, structure, or configuration of the district heating system, the use of independent schemes for connecting the heating systems of subscribers to the heat networks is required when the static pressure in the heat network surpasses the allowable level of pressure in the subscribers’ installations.

The distribution networks (intra-quarter and internal networks of heating systems) function in a mild temperature regime (not exceeding 95 ° C) and there is an opportunity to use flexible plastic distribution pipelines with an extended service life if the separation of heat carrier circuits under the independent scheme is completed at the central heating plant.

It is recommended to install house heat energy meters concurrently with the switch to an independent heat supply scheme. The elimination of "overheating" will result in lower household heat bills, which will lower the amount of budgetary subsidies provided to low-income people to pay for public utilities.

This measure is part of the programs for rebuilding heat supply systems in several regions. However, because it requires large capital outlays, this measure is not used widely.

The rules of technical operation of thermal installations, SNiP 41-02-2003 "Heat networks," and the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation from 28.08.2003 №1234-R "On the Energy Strategy of Russia for the period up to 2020"* govern the application of this method.

When switching to a stand-alone plan:

  • "overheating" of consumers in the fall and spring periods is reduced, the consumer receives the required amount of heat;
  • the quality of heat supply to consumers is improved, water treatment costs are reduced;
  • the cost of heat supply services is reduced;
  • the quality of the heating medium is improved;
  • emissions of gases and heat from boiler houses are reduced.

This technology can be put into practice through investment projects or commercial financing for the purpose of organizing the energy development of a city, region, or settlement.

*SNiP 41-02-2003 September 1, 2003 was the adoption and implementation date of "heat networks." The Russian Federation’s Ministry of Energy approved the State Construction Committee of Russia’s Decree from 24.06.2003 γ. No. 110, which replaced SNiP 2.04.07-86 and outlined the "Rules of technical operation of thermal installations." According to orders from the Russian Federation’s Ministry of Energy dated March 24, 2003 (№115); the Russian Federation’s Government dated September 1, 2003 (08.2003 №1234-R), "On the energy strategy of Russia for the period up to 2020." Weather-dependent automatic heating controls

Heating boiler control devices, in their most basic design, keep the heat carrier at the predetermined temperature. You have to manually adjust the settings to keep the rooms from becoming too hot or cold when the weather turns colder or warmer. More sophisticated automation monitors one or more rooms’ temperatures and adjusts the heating mode as necessary. As a result, the house’s temperature is kept more or less constant. Yes, but a little later. For the system to increase heat output, the rooms must first get colder.

Avoid lags by installing weather-dependent automation. In this case, the sensor reads the temperature not in the house, but outside, transmitting the data to the control unit of the heating boiler. It gets colder outside – the data is fed to the boiler computer – it gives a command to increase the heat output – the heating appliances get warmer before the outside walls and windows cool down. And vice versa when it gets warmer. Weather-dependent automation is additionally adjusted to the peculiarities of a particular building in order to ensure a timely response to changes in outdoor air temperature.In addition to providing the best thermal comfort, weather-dependent automation helps to optimize fuel consumption and thus reduces operating costs.

The video explains how the weather-dependent automation works and how it saves money for its owners

In conclusion, we would like to point out that if you want to achieve quality, comfort, and economy in the design and installation of heating systems, you cannot do so without the help of capable and accountable professionals.

Comparison of the two types

The central heating source’s operation has a major impact on the dependent scheme’s heat supply quality. This is an easy, affordable, low-maintenance, and low-repair method. Nevertheless, despite the associated costs and operational complexity, the benefits of a contemporary independent connection scheme are clear.

Advantages and disadvantages of connections

Dependent circuit

Expensive radiators deteriorate due to a dirty heat carrier in the mains.

There are several benefits resulting from the supply of water to and from the heating system, including:

  • simplicity of design and inexpensive cost of subscriber devices;
  • The ability of the system to withstand temperature fluctuations;
  • smaller diameter of the reinforcement;
  • economical consumption of the heat transfer medium;
  • low operating costs.

Using a dependent heating system has the following drawbacks:

  • Formation of dirt, rust and scale in the pipelines. They enter aluminum and bimetallic devices, become the cause of pipe rupture.
  • Frequent pressure fluctuations, water hammer due to reduced water intake. Phenomena can lead to ruptures of polymer fittings.
  • Poor quality of the heat transfer medium, despite cleaning and desalting in the boiler room.
  • Difficulty of temperature regulation even with full bore valves.

The mixer also has a strainer installed in order to get rid of clogs.

Independent scheme

The ability to maintain clean radiators and add a filter to the coolant is provided by independent heating.

Water from the plate heat exchanger can be fed to any distribution system in the event of a closed circuit. The dependent heat supply scheme has a number of advantages.

  • The temperature of the heat carrier in the pipes is regulated by the user;
  • good energy saving performance;
  • compatibility with any heat carrier;
  • absence of impurities in the DHW mains;
  • possibility of cleaning and filtration of water in the circuits;
  • No risk of pressure surges and hydraulic shocks.

The following are some drawbacks of independent connection:

  • complex maintenance;
  • impossibility of independent repair;
  • high financial costs for organization.

Ten to forty percent less water is used when using independent type mains.

Boilers operating on solid fuel

The heat generator is an entirely energy-independent device that consists of a boiler (made of steel or cast iron) with a water jacket in the firebox and mechanical under-blower adjustment via a thermostat. However, the constant need for solid fuel refueling is a significant drawback of this design.

Several technological solutions are helpful in making independent heating of a private home, that is, without involving people:

  1. Installation of the hopper and conveyor belt. As the fuel burns through, new portions of pellets or sawdust will be fed in. But for the operation of the conveyor requires the presence of electricity.
  2. Use of pyrolysis boiler, in which the combustion process is divided into two stages. The first of them consists in the pyrolysis of firewood with a limited supply of oxygen, and the second – in the combustion of the resulting gas. At the top there is a pyrolysis chamber, and under it there is a compartment where the gas is burned. At the same time, an electric fan is required to keep the combustion products moving against the direction of natural draught.
  3. A top burning boiler can function on a single load of coal for about five days, because only the top layer of coal smolders. Air is supplied to the fuel from the top downwards, and the ash is carried away by the hot stream of combustion products. But to ensure air circulation will require an electric fan.

Selecting an independent or dependent heat supply system for your house is an important choice that affects your comfort level and financial situation. You depend on a centralized heating system—typically run by a utility company—when you use a dependent scheme. Although this system is practical, it may expose you to price hikes and disruptions in service. Conversely, an independent system, such as a heat pump or boiler, provides greater control and may result in longer-term cost savings. On the other hand, the initial investment needed is greater. Making the best decision for your house requires an understanding of how these two options differ from one another.

Which system is justified in a private house

A combined boiler, such as an electricity/gas boiler, is appropriate for a private residence.

An independent gravity system is used for production halls and homes with more than 12 stories; this ensures the quality of heating because of the uniform distribution of heat. When a large area is present, equipment and installation measures pay off. Specialists perform the calculations and scheme selection. It is recommended to install multiple heat exchangers to heat the DHW mains, secondary coolant, and primary coolant.

The conditions of small businesses, summer homes, and settlements are taken into consideration when evaluating heat supply technology. In these types of locations, individual heating with a separate boiler house is frequently utilized; central heating is essentially nonexistent. An arrangement that prioritizes energy independence is required. This is why boilers are used:

  • Pellet. Special homogeneous pellets – pellets made of pressed chips or husks are put into them. The owner loads fuel for several days, electricity is used only for powering the screw motor.
  • Pyrolysis. They work on the principle of afterburning of gases in the secondary chamber. Electrically powered, by generators. Air is blown in by special valves.
  • With top combustion. The fuel is laid in a slide and ignited from above.
  • With forced air supply. The large single-chamber furnace can accommodate pellets or wood. In the under-blower there is a fan and a flap blocking the access of air.

A boiler is the best choice for a private home, but it will use 20% more fuel than a central heating system.

Details of the question

Reliance on electricity

Ordinary users typically only need information about independent and dependent heating systems for reference purposes. As a result, in cities where centralized heating systems are used, planners and public utility employees handle the problem of connecting buildings to the heat.

Centralized heating systems are nonexistent in settlements and other settlements that contain private residences.

The issue of the heating system’s reliance on energy becomes more important because, in the private sector, where every home has an independent heating system, electrical energy supply issues are frequent, particularly during inclement weather. Let’s examine how to produce personal heating that doesn’t rely on electricity.

Solid fuel boilers are, of course, regarded as truly independent. A centralized fuel and electricity supply is not required. If the building’s owner has enough coal or firewood, the unit in the house will remain warm even in complete isolation from the outside world (fuel).

It should be remembered, however, that the aforementioned information only applies to basic solid fuel boilers where fuel is manually laid every four hours. Any changes made with the intention of minimizing user involvement require the provision of electrical energy:

  1. Pellet boiler – in this case, a granulated fuel called pellet, which is represented as pressed chips, or cake, is used. The pellets are small and uniform in size, so they can be fed into the furnace compartment by means of a screw feeder. Simply put, it will be enough for the user to load a certain amount of fuel into the hopper, for example, for a couple of days and then the boiler will work in automatic mode all this time. In this case, electricity will only be required to power the screw motor.
  2. Pyrolysis boilers – the furnace in such a boiler is made in the form of two chambers, and in one of them wood is kept at high temperature and limited air supply (which is also called primary). Under these conditions, the wood will release a mixture of combustible gas (this process is called pyrolysis), and this in turn enters the second furnace chamber and is burned there. To burn gas in the chamber is injected with a large amount of air, and that is already called secondary air. In order to maintain an optimal operating mode, both the first and the second chamber must be supplied with a certain volume of air, and this is only possible with a fan. For the operation of such devices, of course, will require electricity.
  3. Boiler with the top type of combustion – this fits the definition of "independent heat supply scheme", but in this case, perhaps, you can find an exception, as certain models of boilers with combustion from above are considered energy-dependent. The duration of operation on a single charge is possible due to the fact that the fuel will be stacked in the form of a column or tower, and then ignited from above.
  4. Boilers with forced air addition – the furnace in such a boiler is usually single-chambered, but only slightly enlarged. The difference from a standard boiler here is that there is a fan and a gravity flap in the under-blower, which, when the fan is idle, will fall down under its own weight and block the access of air inside the firebox.

The forced air supply device operates in this manner:

  • While heating of the heat medium is required, the fan operates and holds the damper open, thereby forcing air inside the furnace.
  • When the thermal sensor signals to the controller that the thermal medium has reached a certain temperature, it will immediately switch off the fan. The damper falls down and the access of air into the furnace is blocked, causing the fire to die out.
  • After the thermal medium cools down, the controller on the signal from the thermal sensor will again turn on the fan, and it will fan the fire in the furnace.

Please be aware that a boiler of this type cannot operate without electricity because the fan and the automated system (thermal sensor + controller) depend on it.

Furthermore, a gas boiler may also require energy because this particular model operates on the following principle: once the user lights one burner, it will burn continuously for a while before periodically lighting the main burner. This automatic safety system is mechanical in that it operates by sensing changes in material volume brought on by temperature changes.

The drawback of the energy-dependent gas boiler is that, despite its diminutive size, the duty burner uses a significant quantity of gas. In this scenario, an energy-dependent boiler with electronic ignition will be far more cost-effective.

What is an elevator unit in a heating system?

Residential building heating systems typically run on a 95/70 temperature schedule. This means that on the coldest days of the heating season, the maximum temperature supplied for heating should not exceed 95 degrees, and the water returned from the system should not be warmer than 70 degrees. Safety concerns are the primary cause of this.

Outdoor heating networks operate on schedules higher than those of the house systems, 105/70, 130/70, and 150/70 degrees, depending on the source (boiler house, CHP). The elevator was created to connect the two temperature regimes in the residential building connection on the dependent scheme.

An elevator is a mixing unit that brings the return water from the home heating system and the direct water from the heating network to the proper temperature for the water that feeds the radiators.

Comparison in terms of reliability and durability

Operating multilevel and technically complex systems has demonstrated that they are less repairable and should undergo more regular preventive maintenance checks. It is untrue to say that an independent heating system connection lowers or even raises overall reliability and safety; rather, repair and recovery strategies ought to take a different and more responsible approach.

The heat exchanger and nearby pipes will need to be inspected with more effort and time, at the very least. This node may experience uncontrollable incidents that harm the pipeline. Installing multiple sensors with pressure, temperature, and tightness control is therefore advised by experts. Additionally, self-diagnostic complexes are available for use in the newest collector cabinets to enable continuous system state monitoring. Similar control and measurement fixtures won’t be unnecessary for the closed heating infrastructure either, but in this instance, their need isn’t as great.

Connection options

At the moment, there are two fundamental connection schemes:

  • dependent – is considered the simplest, so it is most often used;
  • independent – has gained popularity relatively recently, it is widely used in the construction of new residential areas.

We will examine each approach in detail below to determine which will work best for giving your property a cozy and comfortable atmosphere.

Diesel-fueled heater independent household OB1 0010

Dependent connection method

This connection option typically necessitates the construction of interior heating points, many of which have elevators. The return water is combined with the superheated water from the external main network in their mixing unit to bring the temperature down to the necessary level, which is typically less than 100 °C. As a result, the home’s heating system is entirely dependent on an outside heat source.

The dependent heating scheme’s appearance

The scheme’s primary feature is that water is supplied directly from the heating mains to the water supply system and heating, meaning that in this instance, costs are quickly recouped:

  • the equipment of the subscriber input is not complicated and its cost is inexpensive;
  • The dependent heating connection scheme is able to withstand large temperature fluctuations;
  • the diameter of the pipeline is smaller;
  • coolant consumption is reduced;
  • operating costs are low.
  • inefficiency;
  • it is considerably difficult to regulate the temperature regime during weather changes;
  • overconsumption of energy resources is observed.
  • direct connection;
  • with elevator;
  • with installation of the heating pump on the jumper;
  • with the installation of a pump on the supply or return;
  • combined variant – elevator and pump.

An apartment building’s independent heating system

Independent connection method

Experts state that resource costs can be lowered by nearly 40% with this type of heat supply.

With the way things are going these days, where prices are always going up, this will really help the family budget.

  1. The principle of operation is as follows:
  • connection of the subscribers" heating system is made with the help of an additional heat exchanger;
  • heating occurs thanks to two hydraulically isolated circuits – the main heat pipe heats the coolant of the closed internal heating network;
  • in this case there is no mixing of water.
  1. Circulation of the coolant occurs in the heating mechanism due to the circulation pump, which regularly feeds it through the heating elements. An independent connection scheme may include an expansion tank with water reserve for cases of leaks. In this case, it is possible to maintain the circulation of the coolant with a certain amount of heat even in case of accidents of the heating mains.
    In fact, this means that if the supply of hot water through the heating main stops, the temperature in the heated rooms will not drop sharply for a long time.
  2. The scope of application of this method of connection is quite wide.For example, it is used
  • For heating multi-storey buildings that require an increased level of reliability of the heating mechanism;
  • At objects where there are rooms with restricted entry of unauthorized service personnel.

One requirement needs to be met: the return pressure must be greater than 0.6 MPa.

  1. Advantages of the method:
  • the instructions allow for temperature adjustment;
  • great energy saving effect.
  1. Disadvantages:
  • high price;
  • complexity of repair and maintenance works.

Comparison of schemes

  1. The dependent variant has one but important plus – low cost of realization. Elevator unit in a small country house without much difficulty is assembled with their own hands from shut-off valves, which can be purchased in a store or on the market. The only expensive part is the nozzle, which determines the capacity of the elevator.
  2. Independent scheme makes it possible:
  • The only expensive part will be the nozzle, which determines the capacity of the elevator;
  • increase the economical use, bringing this level up to 40%;
  • the heating system does not get a large amount of impurities, such as scale, sand and mineral salts. The heat transfer medium can be purified water or non-freezing liquids.
  • Clean drinking water can be easily heated for hot water supply needs.

The photo’s independent scheme lets you control the coolant’s temperature.

Dependent Heat Supply Scheme Independent Heat Supply Scheme
Dependent on centralized heating system provided by utility company. Independent system not reliant on external utility companies.

Selecting an independent or dependent heat supply system for your house is a big choice that can have an impact on the environment, your wallet, and your level of comfort. Before selecting a system, take into account your unique needs and circumstances as both have benefits and drawbacks.

Centralized heating systems are examples of dependent heat supply schemes that are convenient and frequently have lower initial costs. You don’t need to worry about fuel supply or maintenance with these systems because the provider takes care of these things. That being said, price increases might be a possibility and you might have less control over your heating expenses.

However, independent heat supply systems, such as standalone heating systems, provide you greater control over your heating costs. To reduce your expenses, you can invest in energy-efficient solutions, modify your usage, and select your fuel source. Independent systems can save money in the long run and have positive environmental effects, even though they might need more upkeep and a larger initial cost.

The ideal heat supply plan for your house will ultimately depend on a number of variables, including your spending limit, lifestyle, and environmental concerns. To guarantee optimal performance and comfort for your home, energy efficiency, insulation, and regular maintenance are crucial factors to take into account, regardless of whether you opt for an independent or dependent system.

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Sergey Ivanov

I like to help people create comfort and comfort in their homes. I share my experience and knowledge in articles so that you can make the right choice of a heating and insulation system for your home.

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