Coal: device, subtleties of choice, installation and operation of heating equipment

Selecting the appropriate heating equipment is essential for keeping our homes toasty and comfortable during the cold months. Coal-fired heaters have been a common option for home heating for many years, providing effective and efficient heat for many years. We’ll dive into the complexities of coal heating equipment in this guide, covering everything from installation and maintenance to device selection.

Each size and shape of coal heating appliance has its own advantages and features. There are many options available to meet various heating needs and preferences, ranging from stoves to furnaces. The size of your home, the desired heating capacity, and your budget should all be taken into consideration when deciding which device to buy.

To guarantee optimum performance and safety, installing coal heating equipment requires careful planning and execution. To install your device correctly, you must seek professional advice or refer to the manufacturer’s instructions. It is important to remember that installing a flue, storing fuel, and ventilating properly are all necessary steps in the installation process.

After your coal heating equipment is installed, maintaining it properly is essential to guaranteeing its durability and effectiveness. To get rid of ash buildup and identify any possible problems early on, routine cleaning and inspections are required. Additionally, you can help prevent accidents and guarantee the smooth operation of your heating system by adhering to safety protocols and proper usage guidelines.

You can rely on consistent warmth and comfort in your house throughout the winter with the correct coal heating equipment and maintenance. You can design a cosy and functional living space for you and your family by being informed about the device options, installation processes, and maintenance needs.

The principle of heating the house with a boiler on coal

For the past fifty years, boiler equipment and coal stoves have always been regarded as antiquated or even archaic. This is somewhat accurate. It was not profitable to heat water by burning coal in the boiler firebox. Furthermore, the coal cost a penny when used in a heating boiler. The paradox arises from the fact that coal cannot be completely burned in a typical steel or cast-iron furnace. Burning ranges from 10% to 40%.

Although most of the drawbacks have been eliminated in modern boilers, burning coal still requires skill and awareness of the boiler room’s design elements.

The coal boiler’s unique feature is its slow and effective coal burning:

  1. After ignition, the firebox gives some time to stand (5-7 minutes) so that hot air from the first portions of fuel creates traction inside the chimney.
  2. The main filling of coal is loaded, the chaber opens or the blow is turned on.
  3. After the formation of a stable combustion front, turn off the fan, cover the chaber.

When using firewood or briquett, fuel in a universal coal boiler smokes more than burns at high temperatures. These are the characteristics of universal boiler units, which can run on any type of fuel. Boilers made exclusively of coal have cast-iron fireboxes protected by chamotte boards. Because of the way it is designed, it can only operate at maximum efficiency when using coal and coal briquet.

One load will take seven to ten hours to burn. Boilers that use coal for heating can run for up to 30 hours on a single charge.

Design features

The mechanism of a coal-fuel heating boiler is essentially the same as that of a wood boiler. The only minor variations are in the size of the combustion chamber with the ash, the protective lining, and the firebox.

An order of magnitude more ash is produced when burning coal fuel than when burning firewood in bars. Furthermore, the rotating mass breaks up into big fragments that barely fit through the grates’ gaps. Consequently, two requirements are always taken into consideration when designing the coal boiler’s furnace:

  1. Gols are small in size, but with large cracks, so that the ash is easy to remove, and clean the grate from a hot underground.
  2. It is necessary to exclude air leaks through any gaps in the door. The air flow should fall exclusively through the grates.

If not, the boiler firebox’s coal charge will burn unevenly and foci. The economy will collapse. Additionally, sparks may fly out of the boiler room and carbon monoxide may enter the building.

Private home owners occasionally want to save money. The house is converted to water heating, and an old brick stove with a heat exchanger installed is left in place of a factory-manufactured carbon boiler. Consequently, nothing positive occurs.

There are significant differences between the boiler equipment and the converted coal furnace. Firstly, in terms of heat selection and coal burning scheme. Nearly all of the heat is transferred into the water by the best boiler for coal-fired heating. The brickwork and chimney receive the majority of the heat from the coal oven that was converted for water heating.

Radiation and convection from the hot furnace carry most of the heat. It turns out that while the temperature inside the other rooms of the house stays low, it is extremely hot in the boiler room or the room where the stove is located.

How to properly burn coal fuel

Industrial coal boilers and furnaces have high efficiency, between 80 and 90 percent. Household boiler equipment with an efficiency of barely more than 50% has a firebox. Much coal fuel seeps into the ash. The non-factory can be separated by crossing the ash, but the fuel burns poorly and the ash content reaches 30–40%.

There are two methods for burning coal at home:

  1. The traditional option. Coal is covered in a horizontal furnace in small portions of 3-4 kg. As they burn out, the hot ash is discarded with a poker through the gaps of grates down into the ash. Only a small layer of incorrect coal is left, on which a new portion of coal fuel is thrown.
  2. Long burning scheme. In such a coal boiler, the firebox is located vertically, has the shape of a glass. The loading window with the door is made at the top of the combustion chamber along with the heat exchanger pipes. 10-15 kg is loaded at once, which burn without the participation of a person for a long time.

Conveniently, the first option uses a coal boiler that ignites in ten to fifteen minutes and produces heat. The fuel that is loaded is deep. Coal fuel can be mixed with firewood, lumber cuts, and briquets.

Given the high vault temperature inside the horizontal firebox, a cost-effective heat exchanger with a superheater can be installed there. However, burning registers is a possibility if there is insufficient water or if the wrong coal fuel is used that contains a lot of volatile material.

The coal furnace’s second iteration operates less efficiently. Even though cleaning should only be done once a day, having to use a homemade tool to remove the ash is inconvenient. Long-burning boilers also produce a lot of soot, which builds up on the heat exchanger’s registers. The carbon fiber can be easily removed, but caution is required.

Although there is another way to burn coal in a hot water furnace, it has not gained popularity because the fuel burns in a powdered form. It is served in a frying pipe with an oil or solar burner inside after being heated to a dusty state. It helps the chimney and the pipe work together to provide steady traction for the heated air.

Through a standard tray, the powder is dropped into the burner by gravity. The pipe is welded into a water-filled barrel. The boiler will operate on coal powder once the oil supply has warmed up.

These structures have an efficiency of 90–92%, and ash cleaning is not an issue. Dust coal boilers’ primary flaw is that they are not offered for free. Self-like enthusiasts build devices at their own risk and peril.

The advantages and disadvantages of equipment

When it comes to equipment upkeep, using coal as a boiler fuel is not the ideal choice. You have to load coal and clean up ash every day. By comparison, the work is dusty and dirty compared to maintaining furnaces using wood or gas fuel.

What is a good boiler of heating on coal

Coal furnaces are still quite popular, if not more so. With every increase in natural gas prices, there is an increasing demand for boiler equipment.

A straightforward and trustworthy furnace design. Large service life is provided by wall lining in addition to heat-resistant cast iron.

Modern heating boilers can be easily fixed by replacing the combustion chamber’s burned-out components. The only remaining service is the ash-cleaning of the furnace on a regular basis. Additionally, the chimney will need to be cleaned of the accumulated soot once a year.

Knowing the coal brand and the furnace’s specifications makes it simple to calculate the boiler’s power and the chimney’s section. Several contemporary models enable the burning of firewood, big chips, and various kinds of briquettes in addition to coal fuel. For instance, using pellets and reduced-ash, sulfur-free apartment coal briquettes can lower your heating expenses. It is true that in this situation, the fuel chamber needs to be loaded twice a day.

Cons of a coal boiler

Apart from labor-intensive services and ash removal, there aren’t many drawbacks:

  1. A characteristic smell of burned sulfur and volatile substances released during fuel heating.
  2. The sensitivity of the coal furnace to the characteristics of fuel, grace and ash. When switching to a new coal variety, you have to adjust and regulate the work in order to avoid the fall of the efficiency.
  3. Poster soot on the heat exchanger and inside the chimney.

The negative effect can be minimized if you equip a brick chimney correctly and use high-quality sizes for the "nut" or "fist." For instance, coal water boilers are used to heat apartments in several Northern European nations. The fuel is a coal briquette that has been cleaned of sulfur and its compounds. It is pressed from anthracite dust and has a liveness of up to 8–9%. Such a boiler operates very similarly to a wood-burning fireplace.

Knowing about coal as a heating option is essential when it comes to home insulation and heating. Coal heating equipment has special advantages and difficulties ranging from its design and intricate selection process to installation and operation. If homeowners want to maximize the performance of their heating systems, they must delve into its subtleties. The goal of this article is to give readers a clear understanding of coal heating by providing helpful advice on various device types, choosing the appropriate equipment, installation techniques, and efficient operation. This will ensure that anyone thinking about using coal for home heating has a thorough understanding of the subject.

Which coal is better to use and how to calculate the consumption

The ideal coal fuel is anthracite, which should be stored indoors and in pieces no larger than 20 to 30 mm. It should also be free of litter and pests. Coal fuel vendors usually try to mislead by combining high-calorie anthracite with lean, gas-based or "chicken" blacksmithing. The coal mass contains fragments of various sizes as well as lumps of clay and stones. Such fuel needs to be bred and small pieces (seed) separated using a grid. A nut completes the main load, while the seed is directed toward the ignition.

Soaking thin coal in a homemade boiler is illogical. It burns poorly, and not even the presence of a blowing or smoke exhaust can prevent it. 100% exaggeration is possible. Only in the furnace of an industrial boiler is such fuel capable of being burned normally.

For residential coal boilers, gas and long-flame coal can be hazardous. Heat exchangers burn simply because of the higher flame height. The only things that separate brown coal from anthracite are its higher ash content and calorie content.

The coal consumption can be computed using the following formula:

  1. When the anthracite is combined, up to 6.5 kW/h energy is released. Anthracite sold under the brand, a mixture from different varieties of coal stretches a maximum of 5 kW/h. Brown coal gives up to 3.8-4 kW/h. Therefore, it is important to know what coal to heal the winter.
  2. For heating apartments, a norm of 100 W/h per one kV is used.m. For private houses – 130 W/h for each square meter. In a modern coal boiler with efficiency = 90%, the norm will be 140 W/h.
  3. The hourly consumption of anthracite for a house with an area of 80 m 2 will be (80×0.14)/6.5 = 1.72 kg, for the mixture – 2.24 kg, for brown coal – 3.5 kg.

Given the assumption that 18–19 kg of coal fuel fits into a metal bucket, one anthracite bucket will be needed for each day that the bucket is used.

How to melt a coal boiler correctly

The conventional plan for a domestic coal boiler’s operation:

  1. The firebox is filled with wood or dry chips. This is necessary in order to disperse the air in the chimney, warm the walls of the pipe and get the primary burning front.
  2. A small amount of small coal, often moistened with water, is loaded so that the fuel warms up and is faster with the release of volatile substances.
  3. As soon as the boiler firebox warms up, a hot layer of ash appears, stable thrust in the chimney, the bulk of the coal is loaded into the furnace.

At a point slightly above the grates, where fresh air meets a heated carbon mass, fuel combustion takes place. The Shaber valve is covered to lower the air flow and lower the power after the boiler has flared up. Less heat enters the pipe as a result.

When the boiler is in the ignition stage, you must keep an eye on its operation and adjust the air flow until the water temperature at the heat exchanger’s exit reaches and remains at the necessary 90 °C. Boiling water ought to be prohibited.

One load can supply 15–20 kg of coal. The pile fills in the burned fuel as it burns out by sagging on the red, hot burning front. This keeps going until the flame’s passage becomes apparent. Put another way, until the air in the chimney acts as traction to fuel a hole in a coal pile and the combustion process doesn’t start to extinguish.

When cleaning, the coal fuel remnants that have been kept close to the furnace walls will be taken out, along with any ash and arrears, and a new portion will be loaded.

Coal Heating Device Subtleties of Choice, Installation, and Operation
Various types available, such as stoves and furnaces, using coal as fuel. Consider factors like heating capacity, efficiency, and compatibility with your home.
Installation requires proper venting and safety measures. Ensure proper ventilation and compliance with local regulations.
Regular maintenance crucial for optimal performance. Regularly clean and inspect equipment to prevent malfunctions and ensure safety.

Selecting the appropriate heating system for your house is essential for cost-effectiveness, comfort, and efficiency. For many homeowners, coal heating appliances are a good option because they consistently provide warmth during the winter. That being said, it’s critical to comprehend the nuances of choosing, setting up, and maintaining coal-based heating systems.

Considerations like size, efficiency, and environmental impact are important when selecting coal heating equipment. The right size and kind of coal heater can be chosen with the help of your home’s dimensions and your heating requirements. Additionally, choose models that minimize emissions and your carbon footprint by being environmentally friendly and energy-efficient.

Adherence to safety regulations and meticulous planning are imperative when installing coal heating equipment. To guarantee correct installation and adherence to regional building codes, it is advisable to obtain professional assistance. In order to extend the equipment’s lifespan and stop the accumulation of dangerous gases like carbon monoxide, proper ventilation and maintenance are also crucial.

Efficient operation of coal heating systems necessitates appropriate fuel management and routine maintenance. For best results, select premium coal and store it in a dry, well-ventilated location. To avoid malfunctions and guarantee safe operation, the heating equipment—including the chimney and flue—needs to be cleaned and inspected on a regular basis.

In conclusion, coal heating equipment provides a dependable and affordable way to heat a home. Through comprehension of the subtleties involved in choosing, setting up, and using devices, homeowners can experience economical warmth while reducing their ecological footprint. For those looking for an alternative heating option, coal heating systems can offer years of dependable service with the right upkeep and care.

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Sergey Ivanov

I like to help people create comfort and comfort in their homes. I share my experience and knowledge in articles so that you can make the right choice of a heating and insulation system for your home.

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