It is essential to account for all potential subtleties in the operation of an autonomous heating system when designing it. The system should ideally function as a single, well-balanced "organism" that needs little outside intervention to do its job. There are no small details in this situation; every feature counts, from the boiler’s power to the pipe’s diameter and kind of installation to the kind and arrangement of the heating radiator circuit.
Heating system circulation pumps Technical attributes
It is also decided how the coolant circulation in the laid pipe circuit is organized. The majority of the time, circulation pumps for heating systems are given this task; their technical specs should align with the maximum limitations of the rest of the "organism." This publication will cover what pumps are, how to choose them properly, and how to install them according to the fundamental guidelines.
- The role of the circulation pump in the heating system
- Two main types of circulation pumps
- How to approach the choice of a circulation pump?
- How to correctly calculate the performance and the pressure created by the pump?
- The calculation of the performance of the pump
- Calculation of the required pressure
- Useful recommendations for installing a circulation pump
- Video: where it is better to install a circulation pump?
The role of the circulation pump in the heating system
Supporters of heating systems that allow the coolant to naturally circulate along the contour frequently contest the necessity of circulation pumps. Simultaneously, there are arguments made that the heating pump is an additional energy consumer, that it increases the system’s reliance on the stability of the power supply, and that it is yet another weak point that, should it fail, could render the heating system inoperable.
"Proponents" of heating systems that allow coolant to circulate naturally contend that operating without a pump altogether is more cost-effective. Is that correct?
At first look, everything seems to be fair. In actuality, wiring pipe circuits for heating in a small, compact home won’t differ in terms of special branching—that is, the ability to arrange for the coolant from the boiler to naturally circulate along the radiators that are installed there.
But when all the important benefits of this strategy are taken into account, only total power supply independence remains—and even then, only if the heating boiler is likewise entirely energy-dependent. In essence, the system that has natural circulation loses in every way.
- Such a system is very complicated in installation. The fact is that for the natural movement of the coolant, pipes of various diameters are required, including large, about 50 or more mm. Working with such material is much more difficult, and it costs incomparably more. A prerequisite is the location of the pipes along the entire length of the circuit in compliance with the slope towards the boiler, which happens, causes a number of difficulties not only of a technological, but also aesthetic nature – pipes, for example, will be difficult, or even impossible to hide from sight, and it is completely impossible. They will spoil the interior.
- Even with a perfectly planned and well -established system with natural circulation, the pressure difference due to the temperature difference in the feed pipe and the “return” is unlikely to exceed 0.6 bar. For a small house, this is quite enough. But if a branched system is planned, with heat supply over significant distances or with a large height difference, pressure may not be enough – hydraulic resistance will play a role, and the contour may “lock”. Even insignificant “abnormal situations” are especially dangerous – a small blockage, overgrowth of the body of the pipe in a narrow area with a sharp increase in resistance, etc.P. It happens that even an unforeseen short -term stop of the boiler is able to derive such a system from equilibrium, and this will require unnecessary worries and energy costs in order to reanimate its normal work.
In addition, the owners will not be using the natural circulation system at all if they intend to arrange water "warm floors" in any of the buildings.
- The system with natural circulation is terribly “does not like” any adjusting or shut-off valves-the number of such elements has to be reduced to a possible minimum. And this, in turn, means that it will be extremely difficult to conduct accurate adjustment in individual rooms and radiators – thermostats or automated balancing taps with natural circulation will not work.
- The fluid current in the circuit has a low speed, and this leads to completely unjustified heat losses, its uneven distributions in the premises. As a result, part of the energy expended for heating the coolant is consumed in vain – the total efficiency of the system is reduced.
Let’s now examine the benefits that the owner of the heating system enjoys following the straightforward installation of a circulation pump, a relatively cheap device.
Many issues are instantly resolved by installing a tiny, reasonably priced device.
- First of all, we dwell on the main drawback – energy dependence. Is it so important?
– To start, recall how frequently and consistently the electricity supply is interrupted in your village? If these are isolated incidents, you shouldn’t let your fears get the better of you. Installing an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) will suffice, and the problem will be resolved on its own.
An unbroken power supply will assist in mitigating the intermittent voltage outages in the network.
Since the circulation pump consumes very little power, even a few hours without light will be sufficient for a less powerful UPS’s capacitance. The application of a contemporary boiler with electronic "brains" will make this solution even more pertinent.
It is true that such an approach may already prove to be ineffective in situations where power supply interruptions occur with sad regularity. Naturally, the type of natural circulation will need to be taken into consideration when planning the heating system.
But in this instance, the circulation pump insertion will only be advantageous. Not going to make it widely available. For these reasons, a bypass (jumper) and locking valve system are assembled as part of a special node for the pump. The illustration is displayed in the figure below:
Two illustrations of bypass pump units
Into the contour pipe (usually this is done at the “return”) for the pump (pos. 1) is welded or mounted on the threaded joints of the jumper, so that there is a shut -off crane on each side of the pump (pos. 2). At the entrance to the pump, it is recommended to install a oblique filter-gryazevik (pos. 3). Well, between the broken bouncers, another shut -off crane is installed (pos. 4). Thus, if there are no problems with energy, the lower valve is closed, both upper ones are in the open position, and the coolant current goes through the pump. The system works on a forced principle, with all its advantages.
The circulation will continue on its own if the power supply is cut off, but it will take a few seconds to open the lower crane. Additionally, the taps around the pump’s edges are practical in that they spare you from having to empty the system’s coolant if you need to disassemble the device for maintenance or replacement.
Such a pump node is typically equipped with a specially chosen check valve (pos. 5) rather than a tap on the main pipe. In the "automatic" mode, the check valve will effectively handle the task of blocking or opening the coolant duct through the pipe in response to the pump’s on and off commands.
-And lastly, the claim that the pump consumes electricity on its own, raising overall heating expenses, does not seem credible. Regardless of the type of boiler installed, modern devices are distinguished by the extremely low power consumption that is probably comparable to that of a small incandescent bulb. Additionally, the operating costs of these devices are completely invisible when compared to the overall costs of heating. On the other hand, the impact of savings can be enormous.
- The heating system with forced circulation is characterized by good handling – it becomes possible to subtly regulate both its overall work and in certain rooms or groups of radiators in particular. With a competent calculation, it functions perfectly with thermostatic devices – multi -way taps, electromechanical regulators, and t.P.
The circulation pump’s installation makes it possible to use thermosidic devices on radiator heaters.
If required, you can zone the heating system’s operation by adjusting the temperature or even shutting off specific rooms. This prevents unbalance from entering the system, which frequently occurs when heating with natural circulation.
- Owners have the opportunity to use any devices or heat transfer systems – radiators, convectors of any performance, the contours of warm floors.
It is just not possible to have "warm floors" with water without a circulation pump.
- A well -balanced system with forced circulation will have a high general efficiency of work, which will fully justify the installation of the pump and the electricity spent by it.
- The entire heating system is less costly and difficult to install – it is possible to use small diameter pipes, which, if desired, are easy to hide in walls or floor.
It is considerably simpler to blend in with the walls or floor when the contour pipe is forced to circulate.
- There are no restrictions on the branches of the contours, on the remoteness of certain rooms, on the number of storeys of the house. All this is decided by the installation of the pump of the required performance and the created pressure.
- And finally, such a system is less “capricious” when launch and is much easier to maintain and prevention.
Put simply, the aforementioned benefits greatly outweigh the apparent drawbacks, and installing the circulation pump is generally advised. It is never too late to make such an insert; positive outcomes won’t have to wait, even if the outdated heating system is used with natural circulation.
You might be curious to know more about what the wall convector is.
Costs associated with circulation pumps
circulation pumps
Two main types of circulation pumps
The centrifugal principle of fluid pumping is employed by nearly all circulation pumps, despite the wide range of models. Due to centrifugal forces, the working wheel rotating with the blades arranged in a unique configuration (referred to as the "Snail") creates a vacuum in the center at the flow’s input and an area of increased pressure along the chamber’s walls. In the end, this results in a constant coolant pumping flow.
The centrifugal work wheel’s operating concept
It is obvious that the pump’s electric component shouldn’t come into contact with a liquid being pumped. This issue was resolved by placing an electric drive and a working chamber separately and transferring rotation via a shaft, even in the early centuries before pumps were invented. After a while, additional advancements emerged in which the electrical stator is the only component that is isolated, and the rotating rotor of the electric engine is situated in a pumped liquid medium.
Pumps of the "dry" and "wet" types are accepted in this unit of models, which has been preserved to this day.
A. Pumps with a "dry" rotor are always identifiable, even from the outside. They have a sizable, massive electric motor block that protrudes significantly to the side or upward. Due to their size, they frequently need to be installed on specialized locations or brackets (consoles).
Pumps with a rotor that is "dry"
The illustration displays an approximate schematic of a pump of that type. Coolant flow is visible in areas that are clumped.
Diagram of the pump apparatus featuring a "dry" rotor
Flanges (poses. 2) or threaded pipes are available for the Metal Working Chamber-Snail (poses. 1) to be inserted into the system. It is possible to provide a drowned nest with a pressure gauge installed (pos. 3).
The electric motor is connected to the support flange (pos. 4) on top of the "Snails" (pos. 4) via a bolt connection and a flat sealing laying (pos. 5). The fan impeller is typically mounted on the rotor axis, which is closed on top of the casing, because the electric drive’s operation is linked to a significant heat release (pos. 7).
The rotor is supported by two blocks of ball bearings (upper and lower) (pos. 8), which are sealed with rings (poses. 9).
A block of contact sealing rings with a fairly intricate design is made possible by the insulating gap between the working chamber and the electric drive (pos. 10). The working wheel receives the rotation through the shaft (pos. eleven). For the purpose of releasing air from the "snail" when adding coolant to the system, a special valve is typically included (pos. 12).
The dry rotor pumps stand out for their exceptional performance, high efficiency, and built-in pressure indicator. However, such a plan also has a lot of drawbacks.
- First of all, a fairly high level of noise – such a pump can not be installed nearby from the residential area.
- Such equipment needs frequent preventive measures – contact sealing rings wear out quickly and require regular replacement.
Pumps with a "dry" rotor are typically used in large, powerful heating systems, such as boiler rooms in palatial homes or the heating rooms of apartment buildings, where the generated pressure and performance are crucial factors.
B. If the heating system is installed in an apartment in a city or a small- to medium-sized private home, there are plenty of circulation pumps with "wet" rotors. They vary in terms of compactness and simplicity of installation (they usually just crash into a pipe without the need for extra mounts).
Pumps with a "wet" rotor are most frequently utilized in autonomous heating systems.
The following figure depicts an approximate typical pump diagram with a "wet" rotor:
The circulation pump’s schematic diagram featuring a "wet" rotor
The working chamber’s (pos. 1) case is constructed of metal, usually brass or bronze. Flanges (poses. 2) or threaded couplings for insertion into the pipe are located on both sides.
A screw connection (pos. 4) is used to fasten the electric drive block to the chamber case (pos. 3). Ring gaskets ensure that the connection is tight.
There are two compartments within the motor block that are totally sealed off from one another. The stator winding (pos. 5) is located outside and is shielded from the damp atmosphere by a partition, which is typically composed of stainless steel (pos. 6).
The motor unit’s inner compartment (pos. 7) contains a rotor, the shaft of which is supported by sliding bearings (poses. 8). Channels are provided for the free flow of liquid medium between the internal compartment of the motor unit and the working camera (pos. 9). With your sealing ring (pos. eleven), there is a traffic jam (pos. 10). The working wheel of the "Snail" receives the rotation of the rotor shaft (pos. 12).
The rotor rotates in a liquid environment, which eliminates the need for a separate drive cooling system because heat exchange with the coolant keeps the temperature constant. Furthermore, the liquid "lubricates" the sliding bearings continuously. Under these two conditions, the operation of such a pump is nearly silent.
The key benefit of this design is that, unlike "dry" type pumps, it does not have rubbing, quickly wearing sealing nodes. Every gasket has fixed joints, and the only factor affecting how long it lasts is the material’s aging. Because of this, similar pumps can function for many years without needing any maintenance.
Low efficiency is a drawback of "wet" pumps, which is brought on by the rotor’s resistance to rotation from the liquid medium’s side. However, the low overall electricity consumption more than offsets this fact, so it shouldn’t be crucial.
The majority of these pumps have a modular design that makes it simple to understand and replace any nodes or components with new ones if needed.
Because of their block structure, these pumps are incredibly easy to disassemble and collect for parts replacement or prevention.
1. A functional camera.
2- A functional wheel. Since it bears the greatest weight, high-strength polymers with fiberglass reinforcement are typically used to make it.
Blocks with sliding bearings are 3 and 7. Graphite and ceramic components are used in modern models to provide rotation with low friction.
4-the working shaft’s stator. bears no relation to the electrical component.
5. Stainless steel "glass," which enables the electric drive compartments to be reliably hermetically separated.
6) Sealing pads.
Electric drive is number eight.
Terminal box number nine. intended to move the pump to the main power source. It frequently has switches and switches for operating modes installed on it.
The typical screw connection of two case parts completes the simple assembly of all the parts into a single design.
Never leaving the rotor dry is a crucial requirement for the "wet" pump to operate trouble-free; doing so will accelerate the wear of the bearing blocks and lead to the drive overheating. This establishes the installation requirement in advance because the pump’s rotor should always be oriented horizontally, regardless of the pipe segment it crashes into.
In addition, a filter-gryzevik is typically positioned in front of the pump to prevent small, hard suspensions from potentially damaging the sliding bearings in the coolant.
How to approach the choice of a circulation pump?
So, buying a pump with a "wet" rotor is preferable for typical residential settings, such as an apartment or private home. And what qualities ought to be considered when selecting a specific model:
- The vast majority of pumps are powered to a single -phase network 220 volts. The power consumption will depend on the operational characteristics of the device – many models provide for step switching of the operating modes. These data, as a rule, are taken to the pump nameplate – in a tabular form the maximum current and consumption at various speeds of rotation are shown. However, the power is difficult to attribute to the defining parameters-usually it is limited to 50 ÷ 100 watts, that is, the installation of the pump will not require any separate power lines-quite a conventional household network is quite enough.
- The most important parameters of any pumping equipment are productivity, that is, the number of fluids pumped per unit time, and the created pressure. These characteristics must correspond to a specific heating system, and it is advisable to consider them in more detail, which will be done below – in a separate section of the article.
- Permissible temperature of the pumped liquid. Usually for pumps of this class it is 110 ° C.
- The passport indicates the magnitude of the maximum pressure in the system – usually within 10 bar. You should not confuse it with the pressure of a water column created by the pump – this is a completely different parameter.
- The pump should have reliable protection against external dust and water spray. These parameters are included in the security class of the device. – IP. For a circulation pump, an acceptable class will be considered a class not lower than IP44. This index suggests that the device is protected from dust fragments up to 1 mm in size, and its electric part is not terrible to hit water drops from any angle.
- Important parameters are the connecting sizes and features of the pump. It has already been noted that devices may have a flange or coupling threaded connection. In this case, the pumps should be included in the package of the pump either the response flanges or the united nuts of the “Americans” of the corresponding diameter. The diameter of the conditional passage of the pipe is necessarily evaluated, on which the pump will be mounted – it can be indicated in the metric system (usually from 15 to 32 mm) or in inches. And another important value is the mounting length of the pump (the diagram below is indicated by the symbol L1), especially if it is planned to install a new device in return for the failed.
Pump’s linear dimensions for circulation
Other linear dimensions of the pump will be significant parameters in some cases when the location of the planned installation of the device is limited; in the diagram, these are indicated by designations ranging from L2 to L4.
Usually, the device has the majority of the model’s information. A illustration is depicted in the figure:
Usually, the pump panel has a wealth of helpful data.
A: The power supply’s voltage and frequency.
B: Power and current usage in different operating modes.
B: The liquid’s maximum temperature after being pumped.
G is the highest pressure that can be used in the heating system.
D – Device Case of the Device.
The model’s factory name, which highlights the yellow oval and provides a wealth of information, is highlighted.
The UPS 15-50 130 pump is seen in the image. What are these designations discussing? The table displays their decryption along with additional potential marking indicators:
Designation | Deciphering the designation |
Up | Circulation pump |
S | Number of operating modes: empty – one mode of operation; S – With speed switching. |
15 | Conditional diameter of the pipe passage in mm |
-50 | Maximum pressure created (in decimeters of water column) |
.. | System of insertion: empty – threaded coupling; F – Active flanges |
.. | Features of the execution of the case: empty – Gray cast iron; N – stainless steel; IN -bronze; TO – It is possible to pump liquids with negative temperatures; A – Automatic air venture is installed. |
130 | MM mounting length in mm |
How to correctly calculate the performance and the pressure created by the pump?
It is safe to say that the basic features of the pump determine its performance as well as the pressure of the coolant it creates.
Recognize that in order to provide heat transfer in radiators (convectors, "warm floor"), or the flow of thermal energy into all heated rooms, the device must be able to transfer the necessary amount of heated liquid to the hotel to the required temperature.
Furthermore, the pressure is significant from the standpoint of needing to overcome the hydraulic resistance of every pipe circuit segment and the shut-off-regulating reinforcement. That is, there should be a stagnation point in any space or heat-expanded device where the current stops and the system shuts down.
Using the table below will make choosing these parameters the simplest.
The proportion of the heated room area to the pump’s output and the pressure he generated
The area of heated premises (m²) | The required thermal power (kW) with differences in the temperature of the coolant at the supply and in the "Reveal" boiler (δt) | The required minimum pump parameters | |||
Δt = 20 ° | Δt = 15 ° | Δt = 10 ° | performance (m³/hour) | pressure (excluding the branching of the system and hydraulic resistance of shut -off valves) | |
up to 200 | 28.0 | 21.0 | 14.0 | 1.25 | 1.0 |
350 | 46.0 | 35.0 | 23.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
500 | 70.0 | 52.0 | 35.0 | 3.0 | 2.0 |
900 | 116.0 | 87.0 | 58.0 | 5.0 | 3.0 |
1100 | 140.0 | 105.0 | 70.0 | 7.0 | 3.0 |
It is likely immediately apparent how approximative these results are. It makes sense, given that they were built under the best possible circumstances, including highly efficient heating systems and the ideal coolant volume to power ratio (roughly 10 to 12 liters per kilowatt).
Furthermore, the table notes right away that the branching and saturation of shut-off-regulating reinforcement, which are characteristics of the system itself, are not taken into consideration. However, these losses can be substantial for each of the established elements, particularly when taken as a whole. For instance, the following table shows certain values:
Estimated pressure loss values in the heating system’s component parts
Elements and nodes of the heating system | Estimated pressure losses (KPA) |
The heating boiler is standard | up to 5 |
Wall -type heating boiler | from 5 to 15 |
Secondary heat exchanger (for a double -circuit system) | from 10 to 20 |
Calorimeter (meter of the flowed thermal energy) | from 15 to 20 |
The heat exchanger of an indirect heating boiler | from 2 to 10 |
Heat pump | from 10 to 20 |
Radiator | up to 1 |
Heating convector | from 2 to 15 |
Adjustment valve on the radiator | to 10 |
Three -way crane | from 10 to 20 |
Climbing valve on the pipe | from 5 to 10 |
"Spit " Filter (with a clean net) | from 15 to 20 |
Hydraulic resistance of polypropylene or metal -plastic pipes | up to 150 PA per 1 linear meter |
The temperature differential between the pipe at the boiler’s exit and the "return" at its entrance (Δt) is another detail that must be considered when performing any kind of calculation. This indicator is 20 °C if standard radiators are installed in the heating system; it is 15 °C if convectors are used; and it is 10 °C if the "warm floor" contours are used.
Therefore, it is likely that the tabular method of figuring out the required parameters should be applied only to the first outfit. Additionally, since selecting a pump is not difficult, it is preferable to perform independent calculations in order to ensure that no mistakes are made.
The calculation of the performance of the pump
The power of the heating system required to keep rooms at a comfortable temperature (W), the previously mentioned temperature differential (Δt), and the specific heat capacity of the coolant circulating along the contours (WITH) will be the first set of calculation parameters.
With the temperature difference, there is clarity. The next task is to determine the required power. This can be achieved by multiplying the total area of heated rooms by the specific power required to heat one m² (Wood.) Although 100 watts per 1 m² is the standard value for this, it is advisable to adjust for the region of residence as climate conditions can still vary greatly. The following values are acceptable with a fully allowable error:
Region of Russia in which construction is underway | The specific power of the heating system (W is 1 m ²) |
The southern regions of the country (North Caucasus, Caspian, Priazovsky, Black Sea regions | 70 ÷ 90 |
Central Black Earth Region, Southern Provider | 100 ÷ 120 |
Central regions of the European part, Primorye | 120 ÷ 150 |
Northern regions of the European part, Urals, Siberia | 160 ÷ 200 |
For instance, the computed power for a 120 m² home constructed in the Tver area would be 120 × 120 = 14400 W = 14.4 kW.
It is feasible to calculate the heating system’s power more precisely. If you would rather have more accurate calculations, we can recommend a more complex algorithm that takes into consideration many important factors when calculating the power of the heating system. It can be found in the area of our website dedicated to electric heating boilers. There is also a useful calculator that will greatly simplify the work.
The coolant’s specific heat capacity (WITH) – tabular value. It is 1.163 W × h / (kg × ° C) for water. The specific heat value is also easily found if a different liquid is used; it is typically listed on a packaging label or in technical documentation.
However, exercise caution as the heat capacity is frequently expressed in different units, such as KJ / (kg × ° C), and needs to be converted to watt hours for our computation. Nothing difficult: 1 kJ is equivalent to 0.28 W × h.
For instance, if the Antifris coolant "Warm House 30 Eco" package states that its heat capacity is 3.62 kJ / (kg × ° C), then this translates to:it translates to:
1.013 W × h / (kg × ° C) = 3.62 × 0.28
Consequently, the final performance calculation formula adopts the subsequent perspective:
G is equal to W / (Δt × s).
– The power is also required to be displayed in watts.
The value will, naturally, be expressed in kilograms per hour, which is inconvenient. It will need to be converted to m³/h and further divided by the liquid’s specific density, which for water at 80 °C is 972 kg/m³.
A handy calculator is provided below to facilitate the reader’s calculations:
Calculation calculator of circulation pump
Calculation of the required pressure
The following is the formula used to determine the pump’s necessary pressure:
H = (Pt × g) / (LSUM × ROD + ∑r)
N is the intended pressure level in meters of water column.
LSUM stands for "length of circuits overall," accounting for the feed and return pipes. The length of the laid contours is taken into consideration when utilizing the "warm floor," provided that they are connected to the pump and do not have their own forced circulation.
Rad: The pipes’ specific resistance. One can assume a margin of 150 Pa per linear meter.
The total resistance of the system’s components is represented by ∑r.
Coolant specific density is denoted by Pt.
G, the free fall acceleration, is a constant that has a value of 9.8 m/s².
Can make it challenging to calculate the system’s total resistance. However, you can somewhat simplify the general formula by substituting a correction factor (k) for this amount without significantly losing accuracy.
Features of the heating system | Correction factor |
A regular system, with standard fittings, cranes, without adjusting thermostatic elements | 1.3 |
The system has the thermostatic regulators (two or three -way cranes, needle valves, etc.P.) | 1.7 |
Highly branched system with a high saturation of shut-off-regulating reinforcing | 2.2 |
Consequently, the formula adopts this perspective:
H = (Pt × g) / (LSUM × Rad × K)
Once more, we recommend using the built-in calculator to avoid burdening the reader with calculations:
Calculator for calculating the required pressure of the circulation pump
You will be able to select a circulation pump for your system with accuracy based on the computations’ outcomes. It’s crucial to keep in mind that the calculations have already been adjusted to provide a certain reserve, so the indicators that come from using the modified model are completely unnecessary.
First of all, there’s no need for this, and investing in a more potent and effective model would be a waste of money. Furthermore, if the pump is mounted on the supply pipe, excessive pressure may even cause the system to become unbalanced and produce a strange zone of rarefaction in some places, which is extremely dangerous. For instance, if there is a drop in pressure in the vicinity of the pumps with this installation—that is, right before the boiler operates at its maximum capacity—it may boil the coolant, which could have very unpleasant effects.
Useful recommendations for installing a circulation pump
Install the circulation pump on the system’s power source. Most owners have likely already dealt with plumbing issues. In general, inserting pacing on the carvings or wiping into a plastic pipe of connecting couplings with pitching "Americans" or connecting flanges—both of which should be placed at a distance equal to the mounting length of the pump—will be the most challenging technological task. The easiest part of the process will then be to position the device, put the gaskets in place, tighten the nuts, and cover the flanges with bolts.
Generally speaking, installing a circulation pump doesn’t present any unique challenges.
There are several guidelines and recommendations that one should keep in mind when installing.
- By and large, in most heating systems operating from a gas or electric boiler, the pump installation site is not regulated in any way – it can be mounted at any point where it will be convenient to get to it for an audit and, if necessary, preventive work. The usual, most common installation site is the “return” section before entering the boiler. This is usually motivated by the fact that in this area the lowest temperature of the coolant, and the pump will not experience increased thermal loads.
The pump is typically placed at the "return" in front of the boiler entrance.
This is by no means a dogma, though, as most pumps are made for temperatures of roughly 110 degrees, and a significant drop from 60 or 80 degrees won’t be noticeable.
Another item is solid fuel boilers, where the heating temperature occasionally reaches extremely high levels. They have a clear requirement: the pump needs to be mounted only on the return. Furthermore, the possibility of a boiling fluid is eliminated here at all pressure drops (the circulation pump cannot function in a gaseous environment with steam).
On the other hand, everything is precisely the opposite for warm floor systems. The "Achilles fifth" is the appearance of air traffic jams, but the contours are not kept at an excessively high temperature. The pump is only mounted on the feed pipe, ahead of the collector, to ensure a steady and even flow through the circuit.
You might be curious to know what a solid fuel boiler’s buffer container is.
Video: where it is better to install a circulation pump?
- Before the pump, it is advisable to install a mesh filter of rough cleaning – its importance in the publication has already been mentioned. But after the pump, the check valve is often useful – it will warn the reverse course of the liquid in case of equipment stopped for one reason or another. In addition, this is an effective measure to confront hydraulic units.
- Once again it should be emphasized – pumps with a “wet” rotor are placed only in a position in which the rotor axis will take a horizontal position. At the same time, free access to the terminal box and governing bodies should also be provided
Positions of the circulation pump with a "wet" rotor that are acceptable and unacceptable
- If the universality of the heating system is planned according to the type of circulation, then the pump is advisable to install in the node from bypasses – the device of such an assembly is already described above.
- The installation site of the pump, despite the fairly high degree of body protection, should still be provided for excluding an accidental ingress on the device of jets or spray of water.
- Near the installation site, it is necessary to place a power outlet. As a rule, pumps for safe operation require connecting to a network with a mandatory ground circuit circuit.
- It is strictly forbidden to include the pump until the system is completely filled with the coolant. Then the air output and filling the cavities with the liquid should be provided. To do this, a plug is removed through which a small amount of coolant is produced in the substituted container with a shortly turned on the pump.
Creating air and adding coolant to the pump
You might want to learn more about the operation of a pipe-crossbar or just skip over the description.
Even though some pumps meant for this use have a special air valve, you should manually check to make sure all the air has been released and the pump has been filled with liquid before starting.
To guarantee the efficient and cost-effective functioning of the heating system, the pump’s operating mode is determined through experimentation. Give the device excessive loads at the same time; this shouldn’t be done. Leading manufacturers’ contemporary models come with electronic control units that support the heating system’s pressure parameters in line with previously entered installations.
These days, pumps can have electronic control units installed.
And lastly, one final suggestion for selecting a circulation pump. Since this device is inexpensive when compared to other heating system components, it is rarely worthwhile to make irrational savings by purchasing a low-cost, questionably-quality model from an unidentified manufacturer. After paying for a branded product only once, you won’t need to worry about this part of the system—that is, assuming that all installation and operation requirements are met.
There is always something to choose from in the fairly large selection of pumps. The models from the Russian company "Jlex" and the goods from European manufacturers "Grundfos", "Wilo", "Pedrollo", "Hoffmann", "Dabra" – EBARA – are deserving of praise. However, you should exercise caution even if you purchase a company product because, regrettably, sly dealers are always looking to "dilute" the market by passing off cheap imitations for the real thing. Therefore, it is essential to buy equipment only from specialized retailers where the product’s authenticity can be verified. Fundamentals Pumps Pooppocrat Check it out by clicking the link.
You might be curious to know more about what a bimetallic radiator is.
Afanasyev Evgeny, Chief Editor
The publication’s author on January 16, 2016
Knowing circulation pumps is essential to effectively heating your house. Your heating system depends on these pumps to keep hot water flowing throughout your home and keep everyone warm. But these pumps do more than just move water; their operational efficiency is determined by their technical specifications. Understanding the ins and outs of circulation pumps can help you make informed decisions to keep your home warm while reducing energy costs, from flow rate to energy efficiency. Gaining an understanding of these technical aspects will enable you to design a more sustainable and comfortable living space, regardless of whether you’re installing a new system or upgrading an old one.
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